Sad Times


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Remember the fallacy of humans in death; there doesn't always need to be a reason.

Most the time the reasons aren't there, it just happens. I'm saying that so you don't start dwelling on it as that can lead to some deep depressive places.


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
aw so sorry, I was talking about this at work yesterday, a 16 year old killing two people for no's just mind boggling and I am sorry for all their friends and families.

I think they were maybe just pissed and lost, tbh it's easily done, I got lost on st paddys day...I was in a bar that is just down the road from HQ, I thought I was on the left of my street but was to the right so what should of been a 1 minute drunken stumble home turned into a 15 minute wtf where am i?? drunken stumble ...imagine how confusing it'd be when you don't know the area, poor sods :(


Cheeky Fucknugget
Sep 30, 2005
A few places are now saying they were ambushed possibly a fake cab taking them there on purpose, which is what i said yesterday i thought might of happened


FH is my second home
Dec 28, 2003
Just read this in the paper. Sorry to hear about your loss mate. Ive lost a total of 5 mates over the years, none as tragic as this though.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
I really don't want to derail the thread, but Krazeh, I disagree:

I'm sorry but that's just bollocks. Women need to take personal responsibility for their own safety and getting drunk and wearing short skirts and low-cut tops is not taking personal responsibility

Bad luck is getting hit by a bus or caught in a crossfire in a crowded shopping centre, not getting raped in a deprived area of florida at 3am in the morning.

And before anyone thinks i'm blaming them for what happened i'm not, the blame rest solely with the rapist. That doesn't mean however that the dumb bitch can dress like that and think she can get away with it


Perhaps this:

I think they were maybe just pissed and lost, tbh it's easily done, I got lost on st paddys day...I was in a bar that is just down the road from HQ, I thought I was on the left of my street but was to the right so what should of been a 1 minute drunken stumble home turned into a 15 minute wtf where am i?? drunken stumble ...imagine how confusing it'd be when you don't know the area, poor sods :(

Or something else. Either way, you don't live your life looking to "avoid murder"...


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Or something else. Either way, you don't live your life looking to "avoid murder"...

I never said you should live your life looking to "avoid murder". I said you should live your life by taking personal responsibility for your own safety.

Getting pissed enough that you can't tell which side of the road you're on and end up spending fifteen minutes drunkenly stumbling around in the wrong direction is imo not taking personal responsibility for your safety.

In an area you're familiar with you'll probably be ok if you end up on a bit of a drunken stumble but in an unfamiliar city you have no idea what could happen. And you're certainly not taking responsibility for your safety if you're going out in such a place and getting too pissed to navigate safely. Being pissed is not an excuse for needlessly putting yourself in danger.

Oh and as for your edit of my post apart from the last sentence the rest is pretty much correct. Women dressing in a provocative manner and then getting so pissed they have no idea what's going on around them are not taking personal responsibility for their own safety. It doesn't mean they're to blame if they get raped but they sure as hell could have taken steps to increase their own safety.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Can't you take your bitching to a more suitable place?

Condolences Sparx


Queen of OT
Jan 4, 2004
one thing that really helps me when bad things happen is to not try and understand them, to not over analyse, things happen, understanding them don't make them unhappen (sadly). I know it sound slike a load of bollocks but it really helped me to just accept and deal with my grief/confusion and get better, when i try to understand things it just makes me more upset because some things really have no reason :(

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