By level 5 I hated it.
By level 10 I utterly despised it.
By level 15 I would have happily murdered baby Jesus for an hour with Warhammer.
By level 20, hmm it is actually getting better and I understand my class now.
By level 25, oh man, that is actually quite cool and you can see the effort the developers put into designing the zones.
By level 30, time for a respec into something imba.
By level 35, fuck me I can KILL THE WORLD ON HALF A BAR OF MANA!![]()
By level 40. This is the best mmo since DAoC, quite possibly ever, if they sorted RvR out instead of the current mish-mash.
Had my mage at 50 a while now but levelling my rogue as its my gatherer. To avoid most of the rep grind, decided to put 3 crafting skills on main and not bother with any gathering skills.
Playing the rogue as bard in PvP. Its very funny, not trying to kill anything but running around CC'ing and healing. Since most players seem to go for zomg pew pewz0r they don't see to recognise the value of an undermining, CC'ing little shit![]()
Playing the rogue as bard in PvP. Its very funny, not trying to kill anything but running around CC'ing and healing. Since most players seem to go for zomg pew pewz0r they don't see to recognise the value of an undermining, CC'ing little shit![]()
So you can actually be rogue and bard together?
i quit and sent all my money to chodax, he never even thanked me!
Having to join a raid with a load of elitist snobs keeps putting me off this game, I want to relax and play, not have some american rage at me because I healed 1 second too early...
There are some cocks, sadly, but then there are in all MMOG's. I got flamed to hell for rolling on a cleric tanking item as I was in a raid and playing ranged DPS. I pointed out that I have a tank build but apparently it was still ninja'ing.
I left the raid with a few choice words about where they could stick their loot.