

FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
You go 4 it Chronic ................ Hibs be right behind you when you do :)

pft edited it for a slightly less flamy version
either way a AC raid is no fun for anyone, so id rather fail primetime than get it in the middle of the night


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
pft edited it for a slightly less flamy version
either way a AC raid is no fun for anyone, so id rather fail primetime than get it in the middle of the night

yeah,suxx when relics are taken when evryone is sleeping... but dont think its a prob for albs.. they up on those hours enyways... or used to eb


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
This is were you are wrong Last Relic retake during Primetime was by Aran Who took Berks then Beno and then Erasleigh before getting Held up at Bold where in mean time MIDS so what was happening Took Surs then Bold was taken opening up Relic gates only for Mids to come in and take it This all happened during Primetime on a weekend.

Was a nice job done by Aran to get Hibbies on the offensive and Gripes that Mids got Relic that Hibs were after this btw Also Peed a lot of Hibs off and since then Hib Reaction to RvR has been minimal.

The only NIGHT time Relic raiding going on is by ALBS it seems a lot of they players only play during night time periods when rest of the realms sleep.It pees me off they do it with numbers they got but it a 24/7 game nothing else you can do about it.EVEN if Mids/Hibs do get Relics these ALBS will only retake during early mornings so a lot of People think Why Fck Bother with them.

Instead of a Shrine to the Relic of that realm maybe Mythic should put another Keep like old Relic keeps we had uber guards that are there which are determined by how many keeps that realm has.


ok, i was mistaken there. i can't remember that relic raid so i don't think i was online at the time. but the general idea of my post still stands, the real atempts on capturing an enemy relic is very few and far between (unless you've noticed you have a really big zerg) because of the extreme hassle it means to take a relic. and yes, the frontiers would be a funnier place with the old relic keeps


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
pjuppe said:
ok, i was mistaken there. i can't remember that relic raid so i don't think i was online at the time. but the general idea of my post still stands, the real atempts on capturing an enemy relic is very few and far between (unless you've noticed you have a really big zerg) because of the extreme hassle it means to take a relic. and yes, the frontiers would be a funnier place with the old relic keeps

If this will Jog you memory before Cluster the Hib Relic Raid (Gears Posting) Where Gear Posted on FH That he was going to do a Relic Raid and Times and Also he succesfully completed it THIS WAS PRIMETIME as well so I think what you trying to remember is WHEN DID ALBS really do a primetime Relic raid with they numbers that they have.(Very Few)

Most of Alb Relic Raids have taken place during early morning and mostly by the spanish guild which over the time have really peed a lot of us off Mids/Hibs included and I know Some albs as well by they tactics of taking them so early morning this has I believed put a lot of people off taking Relics as they will only disappear when you go asleep but as 90% of Albs when they do this is say:- IT A 24/7 Game but to rest of the realms it is Lame but who am I to judge but as I can observe it just puts most people off Relic Taking

I loved OF Relic Raids but NF situation of Relic Raiding is totally different as I posted maybe a Relic Keep and not a Shrine is needed as it seems everytime a Relic goes it is by Low numbers and by Zergs so High end guards at a relic keep be much better to stop the Pve Relic Raiders.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
If this will Jog you memory before Cluster the Hib Relic Raid (Gears Posting) Where Gear Posted on FH That he was going to do a Relic Raid and Times and Also he succesfully completed it THIS WAS PRIMETIME as well so I think what you trying to remember is WHEN DID ALBS really do a primetime Relic raid with they numbers that they have.(Very Few)

Most of Alb Relic Raids have taken place during early morning and mostly by the spanish guild which over the time have really peed a lot of us off Mids/Hibs included and I know Some albs as well by they tactics of taking them so early morning this has I believed put a lot of people off taking Relics as they will only disappear when you go asleep but as 90% of Albs when they do this is say:- IT A 24/7 Game but to rest of the realms it is Lame but who am I to judge but as I can observe it just puts most people off Relic Taking

I loved OF Relic Raids but NF situation of Relic Raiding is totally different as I posted maybe a Relic Keep and not a Shrine is needed as it seems everytime a Relic goes it is by Low numbers and by Zergs so High end guards at a relic keep be much better to stop the Pve Relic Raiders.

you have to forgive me but i've now spent 15 minutes reading my post over and over and i just can't get a grip what you are on about. why are you prosecuteing (ok, harsh word) when we clearly agree. i don't bad mouth any hib raids, mid raid or alb raids. and no, i don't remember anything about gear (don't even know who that is) posting about a relic raid since i don't usually read the hib section.

all i'm saying that there isn't that much of preplanned relic raids cause it's a bitch to take 3 keeps just to get to them. i said that it would be better with the old relic keeps, just as you, so i'm afraid that i don't quite get your posts.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
pjuppe said:
i don't remember anything about gear (don't even know who that is) posting about a relic raid since i don't usually read the hib section.

I think that happened on Excal, Nata. =) So us prydwenites shouldn´t really remember it. :p



Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
There have been a few attempts on renaris/hurbury during the night time this week. Just because they were unsuccessful, it doesn't make them any more right.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Wholdar said:
I think that happened on Excal, Nata. =) So us prydwenites shouldn´t really remember it. :p


oh, that just makes me more confused over the first post :)

kirennia said:
There have been a few attempts on renaris/hurbury during the night time this week. Just because they were unsuccessful, it doesn't make them any more right.

i don't know if you're refering to my posts but if you are then i just like to clearify that i mean relic raids to capture an enemy relic, not raids to bring back one of your own relics, which was the case with renaris and hurbury if i'm not mistaken. and it feels abit silly to post the same stuff over and over so i'll just stop now :)


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
nice one tard.... spread it all over FH ffs.
It does`nt matter how many know.Under Chrons expert leadership and superior tactics Midgard will be reborn!:)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
pjuppe said:
you have to forgive me but i've now spent 15 minutes reading my post over and over and i just can't get a grip what you are on about. why are you prosecuteing (ok, harsh word) when we clearly agree. i don't bad mouth any hib raids, mid raid or alb raids. and no, i don't remember anything about gear (don't even know who that is) posting about a relic raid since i don't usually read the hib section.

all i'm saying that there isn't that much of preplanned relic raids cause it's a bitch to take 3 keeps just to get to them. i said that it would be better with the old relic keeps, just as you, so i'm afraid that i don't quite get your posts.

Seems we were at X information you never said Pryd was assuming you meant Excal lol

Well Cleared up a few things there mis-communication wonderful thing to confuse Fck outta peeps hee hee.



Loyal Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
the spanish guild which over the time have really peed a lot of us off Mids/Hibs

Sorry had to laugh at that, just pictured mid/hib early mornin defence force, stood on a keep wall, seeing the Albs arrive and just screaming "OMFG ITS THE SPANISH GUILD!" ;) .

Good luck all round to you hibs and mids tryna take relics back, as an Alb that has enjoyed defending relics in the early wee hours and seen it come very close to changing hands before the Eggy ML Rush raid, really gets intense, really enjoyable RvR.

Not gonna bring up deh agree/disagree with Alarm Clocks cos i think that topic has been done to death.
Whats more interesting, is think about it, maybe the folk who monitor the server pops over at blizzard are organising these Alb alarm clocks ;)

Would be nice to have it like OF, but from an Alb standpoint, half the reason we didnt have bloody relics for what 1 year plus, was because the server simply couldnt hack it in primetime....Sad that now it can theres no point because their getting alarm clocked, but I think any of the other realms would do it depending on the amount of their pop willing to alarm clock back...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 23, 2004
I, like most people IRL, work. I work odd shifts patterns and so sometimes I don't start playing DAoC until midnight or so. If I then happen to be involved or initiate a relic raid is it lame? If so I apologise and I will inform my employer that I need "Primetime DAoC" off everyday of the week. :eek7:


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
i dont have a problem whit enemy realm haveing all relics.... but what pisses me of about albs atm is that they STILL stealth zerg... like +20% dmg isnt enough. im sad that there are allmost none mid stealthers around to fight

Sorry to say this Elizee. But since cluster all i see from my Blademaster's point of view is Hibs' stealthzerg. Mids and Albs Duo.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
BlackrazoR said:
I, like most people IRL, work. I work odd shifts patterns and so sometimes I don't start playing DAoC until midnight or so. If I then happen to be involved or initiate a relic raid is it lame? If so I apologise and I will inform my employer that I need "Primetime DAoC" off everyday of the week. :eek7:

You see there is where the problem is, you think your playing the same game. Your clearly not. There is no consensus that this is the right way to play it and yet you guys continue to insist on forcing it on everyone else.

Just because there is an RvR engine does not mean your doing RvR.

Its not a case of you only getting to play because of a weird shift pattern its a case of you maybe thinking that the game is not the same when there is an empty shell of a frontier and perhaps that all your doing is gimping it for a few hundred others?

Now I am not saying that relic raids cannot go on to 5-6am if they start at 10pm and run to that fair enough thats what they can be like and it is always good to be on those. But to go out there starting at 12-1am and reshape the frontier all because you have a different lifestyle is affecting everyone else's game and what I don't get is that you don't see how lame it really is.

You could still go and look for fights you know you could. Instead you insist on going for relics and generally gimping the server because you expect us all to fit to what you have admitted is a weirdo shift pattern. So yeah you have a bad shift pattern please don't force everyone else to have to conform to it.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Sharkith said:
You see there is where the problem is, you think your playing the same game. Your clearly not. There is no consensus that this is the right way to play it and yet you guys continue to insist on forcing it on everyone else.

he pays his money - he is entitled to play in whatever way he wants


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
rampant said:
he pays his money - he is entitled to play in whatever way he wants

that arguement has to be the lamest I have ever read.

We all pay our money are we not entitled to request that people try to play with a certain respect for others? You can and others can pretend to ignore everyone else who also pay the same money as you but then that will make you a kind of person.

Being selfish with your time and playing style means that people will call you selfish and if you cannot handle the label do not come to a forum and try to dress it up as something else entirely.


Resident Freddy
Jan 16, 2004
rampant said:
he pays his money - he is entitled to play in whatever way he wants

When the fuck ppl like u gonna realize that this is a Community? There isn't Albs Hibs and Mids, only players who wanna have fun in a game.
If your counterparts don't have fun, in the long term, u gonna lose your fun too; unless u don't like pve mobs.


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Gahn said:
When the fuck ppl like u gonna realize that this is a Community? There isn't Albs Hibs and Mids, only players who wanna have fun in a game.
If your counterparts don't have fun, in the long term, u gonna lose your fun too; unless u don't like pve mobs.

I agree it is a community, many players on the same game having fun together, but the fact is, the game is played how the individual wants to play. If they play during the night by choice or not its up to them what they do during their game time. If they decide to take a relic, so be it. Its not because they dont respect anyone else in the game.

I think its wrong to tell people how to play this game, and where and when they gotta do things. The night players dont come on here telling us days players how to play, as they and us have no right to.

I dont pay my subs on Midgard to respect the other 2 realms, i pay to have fun with them. If an enemy realm takes relics at any time of the day/night then so be it, i will get on with it and help take them back. I find it more fun attacking than defending.

No one can tell how people have to play this game, except Mythic themselves. Mythic allow players to take relics during the night with just a few fg's so it is part of the game and we have to endure it.

On another note, people have got to stop living in the past, and keep mentioning how good Old Frontiers was, and comparing it to New Frontiers. OF is not gonna come back, so how about concentrating on the present game?

Maybe Albs never had all the relics inOF but i distinctly remember before cluster (on exc) Albs having all the relics for a period. So what has OF got to do with it?


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Sharkith said:
You see there is where the problem is, you think your playing the same game. Your clearly not. There is no consensus that this is the right way to play it and yet you guys continue to insist on forcing it on everyone else.

Reality check...1...2...Are you reading?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Sye said:
I agree it is a community, many players on the same game having fun together, but the fact is, the game is played how the individual wants to play. If they play during the night by choice or not its up to them what they do during their game time. If they decide to take a relic, so be it. Its not because they dont respect anyone else in the game.

I think its wrong to tell people how to play this game, and where and when they gotta do things. The night players dont come on here telling us days players how to play, as they and us have no right to.

I dont pay my subs on Midgard to respect the other 2 realms, i pay to have fun with them. If an enemy realm takes relics at any time of the day/night then so be it, i will get on with it and help take them back. I find it more fun attacking than defending.

No one can tell how people have to play this game, except Mythic themselves. Mythic allow players to take relics during the night with just a few fg's so it is part of the game and we have to endure it.


I honestly cannot agree with you because you are contradicting yourself.

On the one hand you say the game is played by how the individual wants to play it. On the other you then say if 'they' want to play at night its up to 'them'. Your mixing the individual style and wish to enjoy a game with the organised efforts of a group. The argument you made falls apart because essentially this is not about individuals enjoying a game.

Its about a community comprised of people playing on different realms on the same cluster being told by a small minority that this is how we would like you all to play. They are the ones dictating because they are the ones taking a large part in shaping the game at this current moment in time. Its not their fault either and thats the irony its because we have such low numbers.

Just now I feel as though I am being told that this is how you should play it and tough shit if you don't like it. Of course, I will log in like you and try to make a game of it I will do what I can to get the relics back. Its just I ge tthe feeling that inevitably this group will come back and they will keep doing it unless we can get it through to them constructively that perhaps from time to time they should pause to think a little about the others whom they share the game with?

Normally I am easy going and if peeps want to play all hours let them play. Maybe we could even get them to form a self help group for shift workers and insomniacs? ;) Seriously guys please don't continually insist that we should all just accept you and your style for the way it is. You can of course keep doing this but you will not get any respect from me or the large majority of people whom you play against.

kind regards



Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
Sharkith said:
not anymore your on my ignore list.

Won't put you on mine, because your posts are too funny to miss.

But I still think you should go outside and take a breath or two. Helps...


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
And btw... just to add something to the discussion:

This game, to a large part, is all about spoiling the other realms fun.

I kill you... I spoil your fun.
I take your relics... I spoil your fun.
I defend my relics... I spoil your fun.

Ofc some ppl manage to have fun, even when they loose. Some ppl know it is a game and playing it is the fun, not winning it. Because some are self asured enough they don't need to win, because they know they did the best they could and still lost.

Other need to find reasons for their failure, and it's always easy pointing at someone from abroad and say: You suck, because...


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
I don´t care if I loose or win as long as it´s a good fight tbh.

Got alittle frustrated yesterday though when I landed whole PA chain with 2-h and not only got one of the worst PAs in a long time but didnt get a single crit either with MoP5 (whole chain did aprox 1300dmg). Ended with him coming out of stun and wtfpwning me.


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Sharkith said:

I honestly cannot agree with you because you are contradicting yourself.

On the one hand you say the game is played by how the individual wants to play it. On the other you then say if 'they' want to play at night its up to 'them'. Your mixing the individual style and wish to enjoy a game with the organised efforts of a group. The argument you made falls apart because essentially this is not about individuals enjoying a game.

Its about a community comprised of people playing on different realms on the same cluster being told by a small minority that this is how we would like you all to play. They are the ones dictating because they are the ones taking a large part in shaping the game at this current moment in time. Its not their fault either and thats the irony its because we have such low numbers.

Just now I feel as though I am being told that this is how you should play it and tough shit if you don't like it. Of course, I will log in like you and try to make a game of it I will do what I can to get the relics back. Its just I ge tthe feeling that inevitably this group will come back and they will keep doing it unless we can get it through to them constructively that perhaps from time to time they should pause to think a little about the others whom they share the game with?

Normally I am easy going and if peeps want to play all hours let them play. Maybe we could even get them to form a self help group for shift workers and insomniacs? ;) Seriously guys please don't continually insist that we should all just accept you and your style for the way it is. You can of course keep doing this but you will not get any respect from me or the large majority of people whom you play against.

kind regards


As much as i agree with you, we cannot persuade people how to play the game, just so it suits our gameplay. Yes, some people will play the game to respect others so they can enjoy the game, but others will see it as they have paid to play this game, so they have every right to play how they see fit where they can get enjoyment out of the game.

The problem in today's DAOC is people are always concentrating on what the other realm is doing. If everyone casts their mind back to when they first started DAOC and were 'newbie' status, and think of the first time you entered the RvR scene. Were you thinking about what the other realm was doing? I seriously doubt it, you just wanted to kill any chars with a red name. Today its more like, you cant take that keep because ... you cant take that relic ... its unfair you have a port in our realm ... These are all features of the game and people need to realise and accept it.

If the majority feel relic taking (or keep) is unfair during the night, then we need to be suggesting idea's to Mythic, not telling others how to play the game


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Sye said:
As much as i agree with you, we cannot persuade people how to play the game, just so it suits our gameplay. Yes, some people will play the game to respect others so they can enjoy the game, but others will see it as they have paid to play this game, so they have every right to play how they see fit where they can get enjoyment out of the game.

The problem in today's DAOC is people are always concentrating on what the other realm is doing. If everyone casts their mind back to when they first started DAOC and were 'newbie' status, and think of the first time you entered the RvR scene. Were you thinking about what the other realm was doing? I seriously doubt it, you just wanted to kill any chars with a red name. Today its more like, you cant take that keep because ... you cant take that relic ... its unfair you have a port in our realm ... These are all features of the game and people need to realise and accept it.

If the majority feel relic taking (or keep) is unfair during the night, then we need to be suggesting idea's to Mythic, not telling others how to play the game

all excellent points. If i had my way id rather make sure all grps i come across give a good fight but we win and i dont die and i make 30krph and ding rr10 so i can be elite! hmmm maybe i should reroll mid/hib :)


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
xxManiacxx said:
Do like Lineage 2. Only have keep sieges at certain times :)

Would lose people in the game if that was introduced as certain people who cant play during the siege times are not able to enjoy that part of the game


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
tbh Sye I can't agree more we ought to also be speaking to Mythic. It would be different if the ethos of the server was multinational, all this English server this and that results in us assuming that things have to be 9-1am and some such and so I have sympathy for the people who have a different lifestyle.

In this instance all I wanted to do was point out to that group of people was to please enjoy the game but try to think of others especially since we all acknowledge that there are problems of game design. You say I am telling them how to play I am sorry if it sounds like that. What I am saying is that if you want to be respected and for us to enjoy what is happening try to do it in an inclusive way thats all. Ofc that argument might be on a hiding to nothing but I am entitled to hope that maybe they will listen.

Ok I will leave it at that and I hope this weekend the game is better.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Sharkith said:
You say I am telling them how to play I am sorry if it sounds like that.

Well essentially you are. At best, you are saying that relics can only be taken between certain hours. But why is this? Even if all the relics were taken at 8pm at night, the end result is the same. I get the impression that it's ultimately about a realm having all the relics, which in turn gives an advantage in rvr and results in you losing more fights that you are really bothered about. Personally, I've only ever been involved in one relic raid that went past 1am - and that was over 3 years ago - so my personal preference is for relics to be taken primetime. But constantly complaining about it is a waste of time...much better to focus on getting them back and enjoying the game. I mean, what's more likely to change people's behaviour? Bitching at them and telling them how to play the game (which is what you ARE doing), or engaging them in primetime fights which they discover are a lot more fun?

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