

Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Sharkith said:
BTW are you the eggy that used to be/still is in the Marsh Horde. Wave to Adalyn the next time you see him I ain't seen him in months ;)

Adalyn is busy loling irl at kilsimbas outbursts on ts afaik. And Eggy still in CareBearsRus?....I must give him a slap :D
Dec 31, 2003
Brite said:
yeh its quite funny how many albs have actually grown a pair of bollocks with relics, well actually no they still zerg like shit

That would actually count for somthing if it wasnt for the fact, it came from you :p


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
elbeek said:
Adalyn is busy loling irl at kilsimbas outbursts on ts afaik. And Eggy still in CareBearsRus?....I must give him a slap :D

lol tell Ada when he is finished with his holiday snaps of Alb that he really ought to come home ;p


Part of the furniture
Jan 9, 2004
Sharkith said:
lol tell Ada when he is finished with his holiday snaps of Alb that he really ought to come home ;p

haha. He won't atm because he finds Kils so funny to kill :D


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
elbeek said:
haha. He won't atm because he finds Kils so funny to kill :D

LOL I can imagine the language on TS - Kil has told me about it. Hope he reads this - Ada your just another Alb tourist.

I would have thought you would be trying out your uber templates against easy mode Alb with all their bonuses and zerglings :)

Manisch Depressiv

Part of the furniture
Mar 6, 2005
If you come one by one to a keep to get farmed, ungrouped and unhealed and run towards people being grouped and try to PBAoE them while you are a RR10 chanter it's time to come to here and QQ.

But you could also delete or get a grip and make a proper group and try something instead of whining about relics.

Btw., Brite, all those SMs stuck to you, they look like your pets. Tell them to spread out more, one AoE spell screws them, not everyone is a BD :). Strong monkey leader!


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
Manisch Depressiv said:
If you come one by one to a keep to get farmed, ungrouped and unhealed and run towards people being grouped and try to PBAoE them while you are a RR10 chanter it's time to come to here and QQ.

But you could also delete or get a grip and make a proper group and try something instead of whining about relics.

crikey I missed some comedy tonight then? :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
lpep said:
have seen several attempts by mids in past week on twrs near hurbury.. the response from albs is always fast and always the same result... 2 fg's high rr albs appear and the few dead mids thats have dragged themselves out to assist go back to pve/bled......

To be honest, thats utter bollocks.

When mids had our relic in Fensalir, it took weeks before albs could successfully hold a fensalir tower for more then 30 minutes before getting wiped out, and many times we got wiped out before even reaching the tower ! And that was with organised alliance raids.

It was long after that before we could try any serious attempts on the keep itself.

Yet look at it now, for most of the day theres usually at least 2 blue towers in albions frontier, and often 4 or 5, its not until mids get bored that the towers all get cleared back again by albs. Even hurbury tower stays blue for a very long time before anyone gets organised to take it back if at all, its not till mids get near the keep itself that a 'serious' response is launched. And its usually the same old long term albs doing the defending and retaking every time. Myself included.

The only time you get a 'fast' response from Albs is when we are fully expecting the same groups of mids to come back and can predict which tower they will go to, last night is a prime example of this. Its not because we're organised, its just because the enemy was predictable and we were already on the way in advance.


Part of the furniture
Jan 21, 2004
Void959 said:
As much as albs outnumber either of the other two realms, we certainly don't outnumber both together. We don't have any uber keep-defence chars (bainshee, anismist, WL) either so can't withstand more than a slightly larger force.
Well for a start there's v few active animists, even just to log on for keepstuff. Although Few more bainshees.

What albs do have, and I saw this within a couple of days after cluster, is legions and legions of high rr casters - whose main interest in RvR is tower/keepfights. No other realm has remotely close to that amout of high rr nukage, certainly since classic. Stacks of rr8+ nukers with MoC >>>> rr4 bainshees.

imo albbie dominance of relics etc will carry on at least till 1.81 and prolly alot longer (bet alot on glast now have no interest coming back no their toons are farming rps). Just have to rough it out - look what happened to 6-relics mid/pryd once they lost a couple of GGs and take heart!


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
lpep said:
How would people feel if the relics where reset monthly ?.. with the lack of number in mid/hib to retake at prime time would this be a reasonable solution to keeping people happy ?

just because alb have an advantage right now is to reason to change the relics. they should bring back the old relic keeps and with that the times where relic raiding/defending was actually fun. when you can see someone on /as yellying 100 albs on... damn i forgot the names of the relic keeps :(... and not thinking, ''damn, we're going to loose the relics in 10 hours''. it's just to much of a zergfest taking relics in NF. now you have to take the relic keep like 3 times just to open the gates to the relics where you have to wait some time for the relic to drop... to much hassle really.

Zagg said:
Relics are the only reason to attack/defend keeps (okay, there is DF, but who really goes there still...)

i go there! or... well, at least i want to...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Brite said:
other casters that can play hell ae interupting and just a few monster resses can cause problems

Since when did a room full of warcocks ever worry about being interrupted?

And did you ever listen to yourself whining about albs? It's really pretty funny ;)


Dec 24, 2003
lpep said:
How would people feel if the relics where reset monthly ?.. with the lack of number in mid/hib to retake at prime time would this be a reasonable solution to keeping people happy ?

tbh its not numbers.

The problem is noone bothers to attend relic raids, when lame whimps retake them at 0400, all the work all the plats spent on rams all the planning... dont matter. when 20-40ppl can take em during the night.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
because server choice at the start of the game makes you such a different person.

Consider us at Pryd hardly had those problems when a realm took relics it sure seems like it´s an excal phenomenon.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Maeloch said:
imo albbie dominance of relics etc will carry on at least till 1.81 and prolly alot longer (bet alot on glast now have no interest coming back no their toons are farming rps). Just have to rough it out - look what happened to 6-relics mid/pryd once they lost a couple of GGs and take heart!

I think albs will hold relics till someone in mid or hib gets people organised enough to take one. Then at least some of the relic-followers will go back to the other side and the numbers will change enough for the rest will go.

The situations people describe about trying to take albion keeps and not getting the numbers to take anything sound just like it was for albion before christmas when mids had the alb relic in fensalir. Noone to take/retake keeps, very strong defence around fensalir, fast response on any sort of keep take in mid.

Morale is the key - if your realm is winning people don't hide in pve, people take pride in how they're doing and the glory hunters flock to your realm (more so now with cluster).

Give hibs all 6 relics and I imagine their active RvR numbers would soar.


Fledgling Freddie
May 31, 2004
Herjulf said:
tbh its not numbers.

The problem is noone bothers to attend relic raids, when lame whimps retake them at 0400, all the work all the plats spent on rams all the planning... dont matter. when 20-40ppl can take em during the night.

the reason it works that way (imo, and all that) is that it's to much of a hassle to take a enemy relic (not to get one of your own back). the fact that captureing an enemy relic includes the capture of 3 potential 10 lvl keeps. there must be a reason that the last real relic raid atempt to capture a enemy relic i can remember took place in the old frontiers (i'm talking as a prydwenite here). the ''real'' relic raids in NF have always been aimed at retaking a relic, i.e. focusing on a single keep.

all the other relic raids that i can recall have either been preformed during the night, or ''it just started as a towerfarming and when we didn't get any opposition we just thought ''hey, let's go for the relics'' '', and one realm noticing that they are just way more ppl than the opposing realm and running them over.

the last option is what we have now. after sieging mid and getting the relics the albs couldn't help to noticed that there where a few and could probably run over the realm of hiberina as well. which they have.

the bottom line, there is nothing wrong with the relics, it's just the way that they are captured that's flawed and way out of proportin. remove the relic gates and put a big relic keep instead of the temples that you can siege directly and things would be better.

then you might have the scouting days back as well, you know the days when you heard about a relic raid from a huntress just passing dodens gruva and not by the guild saying that it's keep is getting attacked by 100 enemies. it can be fun with keep siegeing but during a relic raid it just get's to much. isn't there a already a bonus for owning enemy keeps? that should be enough i feel.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
pjuppe said:
all the other relic raids that i can recall have either been preformed during the night, or ''it just started as a towerfarming and when we didn't get any opposition we just thought ''hey, let's go for the relics'' '', and one realm noticing that they are just way more ppl than the opposing realm and running them over. .

This is were you are wrong Last Relic retake during Primetime was by Aran Who took Berks then Beno and then Erasleigh before getting Held up at Bold where in mean time MIDS so what was happening Took Surs then Bold was taken opening up Relic gates only for Mids to come in and take it This all happened during Primetime on a weekend.

Was a nice job done by Aran to get Hibbies on the offensive and Gripes that Mids got Relic that Hibs were after this btw Also Peed a lot of Hibs off and since then Hib Reaction to RvR has been minimal.

The only NIGHT time Relic raiding going on is by ALBS it seems a lot of they players only play during night time periods when rest of the realms sleep.It pees me off they do it with numbers they got but it a 24/7 game nothing else you can do about it.EVEN if Mids/Hibs do get Relics these ALBS will only retake during early mornings so a lot of People think Why Fck Bother with them.

Instead of a Shrine to the Relic of that realm maybe Mythic should put another Keep like old Relic keeps we had uber guards that are there which are determined by how many keeps that realm has.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2005
ok Ipep lets try this for excample.
mids got all relics and i'm answering you : Ipep do you want relics to be reset every month???


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Brite said:
yeh its quite funny how many albs have actually grown a pair of bollocks with relics, well actually no they still zerg like shit



Fucking asshole. your zerging swine for what I know so stfu for once about the alb zerg bullshit.
its not news that relics brings out double amount of peeps either.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
mentioned this in various threads but imo Relic Guards should scale according to server population %, i.e if mid only have 20 people on and albs have 80 people on the the relic guards should be a very high level. If there are 100 mids and 100 albs on then they should be of relevant level.
just my 2 cents


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 21, 2004
Chronictank said:
mentioned this in various threads but imo Relic Guards should scale according to server population %, i.e if mid only have 20 people on and albs have 80 people on the the relic guards should be a very high level. If there are 100 mids and 100 albs on then they should be of relevant level.
just my 2 cents

I rather have relics give bonus to something else than damage. those bonuses are just lol in hands of somewhat decent/rr/toaed players.

I cant wait to try my merc dmg :flame:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
i dont have a problem whit enemy realm haveing all relics.... but what pisses me of about albs atm is that they STILL stealth zerg... like +20% dmg isnt enough. im sad that there are allmost none mid stealthers around to fight


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Chronictank said:
mentioned this in various threads but imo Relic Guards should scale according to server population %, i.e if mid only have 20 people on and albs have 80 people on the the relic guards should be a very high level. If there are 100 mids and 100 albs on then they should be of relevant level.
just my 2 cents

Aye I've always thought something like that would be good.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
nice one tard.... spread it all over FH ffs.

Why not ? lol

Gear did and Boy were the Albs surprised when he pulled it off.

If they got the Balls to do it then DO IT :)



Fledgling Freddie
Oct 7, 2004
Soulja_IA_ said:
Why not ? lol

Gear did and Boy were the Albs surprised when he pulled it off.

If they got the Balls to do it then DO IT :)


well those albs that didnt know (likly 80% or so...) now know and zerg shit out of evrything.... + mids need a suprise to try and take... couse they dont have the nr really to stand up to the zerg... like us


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Kaun_IA said:
well those albs that didnt know (likly 80% or so...) now know and zerg shit out of evrything.... + mids need a suprise to try and take... couse they dont have the nr really to stand up to the zerg... like us
doesnt say anywhere in the thread when the raid is going to be , just people who are interested contact me


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 23, 2004
Chronictank said:
show me somewhere in that thread where times/days are mentioned ;)

You go 4 it Chronic ................ Hibs be right behind you when you do :)


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