

Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Instead of giving the realm with relics a bonus to dmg output how about changing the bonus completely. I think someone mentioned it in a previous post, but they could introduce and relic dungeon. So when you posses a relic it will open a certain level of the dungeon. The more relics you have to deeper the dungeon you can venture.

To make this attractive it would need special item drops, epic mobs, and maybe unique items only available in this dungeon. For example - An item can have some special stat that only becomes active when you have the required amount of relics.

Owning 1 relic = lvl 1 of the Dungeon
Owning 2 relics = lvl 2 of the Dungeon
Owning 3 relics = lvl 3 of the Dungeon
Owning 4 relics = lvl 4 of the Dungeon
Owning 5 relics = lvl 5 of the Dungeon
Owning 6 relics = lvl 6 of the Dungeon

Ofc lvl 6 of the Dungeon dropping the most desired items etc

The dungeon being located on Agramon Island


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
Flimgoblin said:
because noone in midgard ever quits because there's no relics...

oh wait!

And if you choose the cup when you started playing someone from Mythic flies over and surgically removes your bits.

Sorry to say but most mids "quit" before albs got the relics.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 16, 2004
@ Sye - Nice idea, but... makes no sense to give PvE rewards for RvR achievements. Most ppl in RvR are sick and tired of PvE.

... giving away special items only available for realms in possesion of 6 relics would swing the odds to much towers the strongest realm and do so permanently.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 13, 2004
xxManiacxx said:
Sorry to say but most mids "quit" before albs got the relics.

he is speaking form old times, before clustering 90% of mids went inactive when they lost relics, then they all came back to RvR when they had 3-6 relics zzZzZz and it was like that every time :m00:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 25, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
he is speaking form old times, before clustering 90% of mids went inactive when they lost relics, then they all came back to RvR when they had 3-6 relics zzZzZz and it was like that every time :m00:

Excal gimps maybe


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
@ Sye - Nice idea, but... makes no sense to give PvE rewards for RvR achievements. Most ppl in RvR are sick and tired of PvE.

... giving away special items only available for realms in possesion of 6 relics would swing the odds to much towers the strongest realm and do so permanently.

Actually I think it would make relic retakes easier as the players from the controlling realm would all head off to the dungeon to farm the uber items rather than defending their keeps. I don't like the idea either tbh, but it would be an interesting effect.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 29, 2003
Brite said:
But i suppose you dont have too much experience in dealing with being outnumbered?

lol another "Synergy zergs" whine. Tell me, how can so many Synergy members have such a large rps/lw ratio when we zerg all the time and only get 100 rps?

Get your facts straight tit

Aran Thule

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Wholdar said:
I have personal experience with the excellent relic-raiding skills of Aran Thule.

Nice to have fans... i think <grin>

I like the idea of having differant effects from the relics, which would change randomly every few days.
Each relic you got would give an effect, so if you had 3 str relics you would have 3 effects.
Str Relic:
5% melee damage bonus (inc arrows)
5% melee speed bonus
5% melee resists
Realm guards stronger
10% siege damage
10% siege range
10% Siege speed
10% Building strength
5% melee speed/damage
5% melee damage/resist
5% melee speed/resist
10% siege speed/damage
10% siege damage/resist
10% siege speed/resist

Power relic:
5% magic damage
5% magic speed (inc arrows)
5% magic range (inc arrows)
10% mob experiance
10% artifact experiance
10% ML/CL experiance
10% more gold
5% bonus chance of drops
10% healing
Bonus power Regen
Bonus health Regen
bonus end regen
5% magic resist
10% CC reduced
5% magic speed/range
5% magic speed/damage
5% magic range/damage


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 9, 2004
For me when i fight albs with 20% melle dmg bonuse just makes me feel using malice /use2 in a fight is that much more neccessary, Although ofc i will always win, i don't have the guilty feeling that i could have if i had a 1v1 fight without charges.

But while albs got relics think ill carry on using these overpowered charges imo, to win fights. Still nice hitting RR10 infils for or high RR infils for like 900 dmg 2h with malice charge.:)

for me, before albs got relics i would be reluctant to use charges unless it was like 2v1 etc, but now i think, well they got our relics they don't deserve to have a fair fight in otherwords 1v1 fight.

I just look forward to when hibs finany take back Crim, and mids/hibs start pve'ing in alb realm. Just looking forward for the tower camping sessions, when 40 mids will take hurb T4, claim it, and stay inside tower allday :)
Makes me feel that this aint the end of the world.

I sure no albs will get tired of it just like mids did when they would camp fens t4. But this time it will be Renaris T4, Hurbery T4 and probably Beno T4.

Look forward to having your port permanently screwed over everyday.:cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
May 13, 2005
Zagg said:
@ Sye - Nice idea, but... makes no sense to give PvE rewards for RvR achievements. Most ppl in RvR are sick and tired of PvE.

... giving away special items only available for realms in possesion of 6 relics would swing the odds to much towers the strongest realm and do so permanently.

Agreed you cant reward the PvE people with an RvR raid, so on the items that drop, you could have a considerable rps buff per kill that would increase with each relic you have or something there abouts


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I like both the dungeon option and the relic effect change.
Like why not give defence bonusses to the realm holding the relics like instead of +20% more damage give +20% more hp/AF/resists.
Then you wont be flattened by the realm holding the relics in like 1 sec but it does make them harder to kill.
Also the Dungeon sounds good as that's kinda like Guild Wars where if you won HoH enough times you got the favor of the Gods which provided that you could enter a special area where you could get special drops this meant that people worked hard to get it and hold it.

You can't possible remove relics as that would make RvR stale, who would take keeps or feel part of a realm when the only thing that happends day in and out is camping some bridges or running around killing some soloers/duoers?
It's fun to have some relic raids on either side of the fence(both to defend them and attack them) and if you would remove them who would ever want to take a keep besides to make iRvR?
Also with NF and the relic change I've never had the feeling like in OF relic raids which was (imo) alot more fun and challaging as all relics were just in 2 relic keeps as with NF a relic from the enemy realm is just in a normal keep and thus easy to take for a planned raid and it doesn't really give you the satishfaction of actually accomplishing a big thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
All I've seen from Albs since relics is opted fgs run up and bomb Dc doors every 1 minute behind a morass of a zerg closeby. Just complete zergs, be much better if they had both relics then we could fucking ignore them and let them rot and just Hibs fight vs Mids.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 10, 2004
-Freezingwiz- said:
he is speaking form old times, before clustering 90% of mids went inactive when they lost relics, then they all came back to RvR when they had 3-6 relics zzZzZz and it was like that every time :m00:
Where do they go to? and how do they findout the relics are back>?:)


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
Brite said:
I wouldnt mind actually doing an alarm clock raid, you deserve it 110% we need some communication between mids and this can happen easily, hope it does, so i can laugh at albs that will actually whine

What are you talking? Mids have been doing these graveyard hour raids all this week. Just last night, 6 seperate attempts with 14-18 mids were made when they tried to cut our port to renaris/hurbury. The thing was, they were beaten by less numbers every time because numbers don't = win.

Just because something wasn't successful, it doesn't mean it was any more 'right'.


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
kirennia said:
What are you talking? Mids have been doing these graveyard hour raids all this week. Just last night, 6 seperate attempts with 14-18 mids were made when they tried to cut our port to renaris/hurbury. The thing was, they were beaten by less numbers every time because numbers don't = win.

Just because something wasn't successful, it doesn't mean it was any more 'right'.

Well unfortunately it is 14-18 mids vs. "less numbers of albs (who probably all happen to be RR10+)" at midnight+ or its 30-40 mids vs. 500000000000000 albs primetime (and another 50000000 albs that are in hibland and another 500000000 albs that are a rapid response unit to any flames in albland) :>

I think in the end mids will do an organised late night-ish raid to get a relic back, and maybe hibs will cash in on this too. Saying that, I believe Albs have the numbers to defend 3 keeps at once at any time of the day or night.

I like the rotating rewards idea, that would be better I think than the 20% bonus. If they are trying to make the game level in gameplaying terms for realm against realm - why put in a factor that imbalances this? Rewards make more sense. Faster crafting times / More XP / More ML XP / More RP perhaps. More damage is kinda going the wrong way I think.
Also rewarding realms for having 6 relics with unique (OP?) items in a dungeon is dangerous as the realm that have 6 relics are already OP or have some sort of advantage already. So the stronger get stronger.

In the end, people just get pissed off with the relentless Alb onslaught, and what I think the issue is here is that Alb truely IS a 24/7 realm, whereby Middies is more 20/7, and not sure on hibs, probably similar hours, 20h/7.

Not much that can be done about it really. Except roll a bainshee/warlock alt :>

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 19, 2004
illu said:
Well unfortunately it is 14-18 mids vs. "less numbers of albs (who probably all happen to be RR10+)" at midnight+ or its 30-40 mids vs. 500000000000000 albs primetime (and another 50000000 albs that are in hibland and another 500000000 albs that are a rapid response unit to any flames in albland) :>

I think in the end mids will do an organised late night-ish raid to get a relic back, and maybe hibs will cash in on this too. Saying that, I believe Albs have the numbers to defend 3 keeps at once at any time of the day or night.

I like the rotating rewards idea, that would be better I think than the 20% bonus. If they are trying to make the game level in gameplaying terms for realm against realm - why put in a factor that imbalances this? Rewards make more sense. Faster crafting times / More XP / More ML XP / More RP perhaps. More damage is kinda going the wrong way I think.
Also rewarding realms for having 6 relics with unique (OP?) items in a dungeon is dangerous as the realm that have 6 relics are already OP or have some sort of advantage already. So the stronger get stronger.

In the end, people just get pissed off with the relentless Alb onslaught, and what I think the issue is here is that Alb truely IS a 24/7 realm, whereby Middies is more 20/7, and not sure on hibs, probably similar hours, 20h/7.

Not much that can be done about it really. Except roll a bainshee/warlock alt :>

Oli - Illu

As much as albs outnumber either of the other two realms, we certainly don't outnumber both together. We don't have any uber keep-defence chars (bainshee, anismist, WL) either so can't withstand more than a slightly larger force. I'm fairly sure that if the full mid force attacked one keep and the full hib force attacked another, albs would have to choose which to defend and one would be taken. And I don't think of this as lame let alone crossreaming, just tactical as its in both mids and hibs interests to take the relics away from albion.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Also rewarding realms for having 6 relics with unique (OP?) items in a dungeon is dangerous as the realm that have 6 relics are already OP or have some sort of advantage already. So the stronger get stronger.

If it´s purely "own 6 relics -> get godlike items", then I´d agree. But I still think that there´s room for adding more game mechanics that would make it worth playing. Out of the blue and without any details: what if you´d need to put all relics into the coastal keeps in order to open the dungeon (and the other realms will get a message)? Kinda like a no risk, no fun situation.
It´s my opinion, that the relic element should have much more dynamics. As it is now, it´s just a dead item, resting in a special place, which is a pity. There are so many things one could do with them, since it´s about the only inter-realm "trophy" we got. Why not use it? The key idea is, that relics should encourage people from all three realms to go and attack keeps or do large scale RvR because that´s what the game is all about. If people are too fg vs. fg focused to participate, fine! Ther´s plenty of room and nobody forces them.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
eggy said:
Completely untrue. The advantage you get from walls alone, plus let's not forget bainshee coning, capped animist shrooms and insta-damage warlocks means you need nowhere near a 1:1 ratio on attackers:defenders.

eggy your dreaming I was in Crim and a few other keeps when people like you could happily camp windows. All windows were covered and people we dying throughout the keep from angles they could not keep an eye on. There were so many Albs it was impossible to get down to the second floor even to rezz them because some freely standing Sorc could see you through windows all around the central keep. So no 2fg could not stop that zerg - your perspective is seriously impaired by your experience of sitting happily in a massive zerg.

Put the ball in the other foot Hibs got inside Bold and all we could do was try and stop the 2fgs high rr albs get inside let alone man the seige. Just try playing like that and then come back and make suggestions on how to conduct a seige. The ofc a Mid farming group appears in the middle just when things had got bad :/

BTW are you the eggy that used to be/still is in the Marsh Horde. Wave to Adalyn the next time you see him I ain't seen him in months ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 11, 2005
The relics need to stay no matter how much things have been hard recently they are a good aspect of the game.

The bonus is a bit OP'ed although it would not be so bad if it was likely to be more temporary. Perhaps they should make the keep holding the 5th and 6th relic something like x5-10 BP's to up keep?


Part of the furniture
Jun 27, 2004
brad said:
But while albs got relics think ill carry on using these overpowered charges imo, to win fights. Still nice hitting RR10 infils for or high RR infils for like 900 dmg 2h with malice charge.:)

using malice charge means you will hit lower with styled hits m8 :(

why? because malice charge ups your quickness with some.. more quicker --> lesser damage.. :)

also from what I have read you should not be talking about fair / unfair 1vs1 fights


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
illu said:
Well unfortunately it is 14-18 mids vs. "less numbers of albs (who probably all happen to be RR10+)" at midnight+ or its 30-40 mids vs. 500000000000000 albs primetime (and another 50000000 albs that are in hibland and another 500000000 albs that are a rapid response unit to any flames in albland) :>

I agree there are too many albs about at the moment but it's only because mids and to a degree hibs have gone into pve mode. As for the nighttime thing, the group only had one rr10 in it, the rest were scaled down to rr4 I beleive :p

And try do /who 50 at primetime, mids have a LOT more then 30-40 level 50's on at that time.


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
i cant remember this much whine when hibs and mids had all of our relics?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
In OF mids often held the relics for 6months+. It's about time albion benefited from NF, it's still alot easier to get relics now than in NF the mids/hibs just need to arrange raids better.

strategy > numbers :)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 19, 2004
I've seen many comments in my BGs along the lines of "Blindguardians Bitches will just take it back at 4am, so what's the point me turning up?", to some extent I agree.


Jan 22, 2005
Honestly stop the whine and take the relics back. Mids and Hibs have the potential to take back whats theirs but they seem to be happy whining about it on a forum. Get your forces together - work as a team, team up with Hibbies if you have to just don't complain to us about it. It seems pathetic that some of you have to resort to imsults, like 'albs have no balls', 'albs are are 12 or under', 'albs zerg', albs this, albs that, who cares. Just stop crying pools of tears and get your realm together to work as a team and use your brains. Then maybe you won't have anything to whine about.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 4, 2004
Dorimor1 said:
Just stop crying pools of tears and get your realm together to work as a team and use your brains. Then maybe you won't have anything to whine about.

Can the whining about the imaginary whining just stop please? I actually thought this was quite a creative thread before all the whining about whining popped up!

Go defend your bloody relics! :p



Part of the furniture
Jan 26, 2004
Ballistixxx said:
Rvr is pretty crap as a ranger when enemies hitting you for +20% ;/

oh realy?

most of us Albs/Hibs played 2 years against 20%melee bonus Mids.

shouldnt we be used on it? :)

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