Relic Raid - Blabbers.



Originally posted by Teador
I'll let you albs remind you of some..... history :p

And I wonder why suddenly the Albs are positive about giving out info in this thread :p

I remember a lot of whine when the hibs knew about your relicraid and it was said on IRC... and now you suddenly think different? :wall:

(Remember... when you arrived at Dagda and 70 Hibs there?)

Busted and owned :)


How does a thread about a realm knowing about a raid BEFORE it happened compare to this one?


Great thread, very funny how people can see this is a breach of CoC, maybe GOA should confiscate my mobile phone next time I text a mate about a raid etc :)

Talking about external programs giving an unfair advantage didn't/don't NP use voicecoms? Wouldn't that class as a breach of CoC according to this thread?

If they don't then I apologise in advance . . . hang on, what do I care :)

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Shivian
How does a thread about a realm knowing about a raid BEFORE it happened compare to this one?

It does, because if it's gonna be announced in IRC >WHILE< the raid is on, there's a few things you could think about:

1) The 3rd realm will know about the raid too.

2) Announcements BEFORE the raids start will happen more often. If it's normal to say there's a raid, then saying there IS GOING TO BE a raid will just be regarded as "normal" too.


Originally posted by vayasen
Im not getting into this arguements...BUT

Clearly this is using an out of game mechanic to draw people into the game that would otherwise be watching the footy or drinking in the park (wels ;p).

wtf?1!1 :p


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Tbh I think the one person who ruined a whole realms game is an idiot.
thats mskin right? :p


Been a few posts since I last replied ... but ... my stance hasn't changed. I can't see the problem in using a 3rd party medium while something is happening. Spying is wrong, completely, but I do defend Photon Girl (and I don't know him/her) for what s/he did.

I've seen posts on Barrysworld telling Albs/Mids/Hibs that a raid was in progress in the past and the person hasn't been censured.

Take your chill pills and relax.


I like the way Krypt shuts up now :clap:

Teador > you.


There is a solution to the problem, when playing Daoc don't use IRC and Daox at the same time. The more people that adhere to this rule, the more chance of playing the game as intended.

Alternatively educate people more within IRC and kickban anyone breaking any form of GOA's CoC (duels, relic raids, playing ingame whilst chatting on IRC and so on).

And as GP said, go for the Power Relics, they are of far more use to you :p

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by old.Psi
I like the way Krypt shuts up now :clap:

Teador > you.

Did you even read Teadors post? Im pritty sure Teadors on the hibs side about this one...

Or did I read it all wrong? :p


Some people must have shit for brains, or none at all.

Hibs are relic rading albs. Say there are 20 defenders... hibs can deal with those.

Someone blags on irc that hibs are at excal.
All those iderls suddenly snap to attention, and within 2 mins theres now 100 defenders?

how the fuck can anyone justify this as acceptable behavior?

I know I'd be gutted if I planned a relic raid and some moron ruined it all on irc.


Saying it on irc doesn't instantly port 150+ alb zerg up to Castle Excalibur. Fact, Albion already knew about the raid. Fact, word was spreading fast.

Other than that the rest is hersey.


i never said anything about instantly

i said about people who wouldn't otherwise have been defending

read my post


Hmm in that case, you're probably refering to 1 or 2 people at most. People on irc will all tend to be guilded and involved in the game. Believe it or not, Albion is pretty good at getting the word out when there's a raid going down.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by old.Shivian
Hmm in that case, you're probably refering to 1 or 2 people at most. People on irc will all tend to be guilded and involved in the game. Believe it or not, Albion is pretty good at getting the word out when there's a raid going down.

Then /send all the alliences?

Why does someone need to mention it in irc if albion if already ingame?


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
Well, we were on the rk for some time, killed some guards on way too. Not manys albs, twat blabs on irc and wee more and more fg's turn up.

You may see nothing wrong with it, but as hibs we do. It affected us in a bad way, it gave you an advantage of more people.

Photon had nothing to do with people coming to defend.After the first attack at rk(not sure if it was mids or hibs who attacked then) we started repairing the doors and left someone outside the relic door as a watch while me solarflare dioz kklas went to get more gold and wood to repair the first door.As soon as u killed the bait we knew what was happening and alerted every 50 lvl logged at that hour.Photon had nothing to do with alerting albs, we already knew u were at rk.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by pbuck
Photon had nothing to do with people coming to defend.After the first attack at rk(not sure if it was mids or hibs who attacked then) we started repairing the doors and left someone outside the relic door as a watch while me solarflare dioz kklas went to get more gold and wood to repair the first door.As soon as u killed the bait we knew what was happening and alerted every 50 lvl logged at that hour.Photon had nothing to do with alerting albs, we already knew u were at rk.

Fyi all the people ingame would know yes because you told them.

How about all those that loged in after Photon said that in irc?



and he is right, all your blabbering now is just pathetic.

Sarum TheBlack

How many Albs would be in IRC (and actually paying attention not just idling) and not also logged into DAoC/in the process of doing so at that time? I can't see that it was that many... an even smaller number were probably in a position to quickly log in and rush to defend excal.

Spilling on a relic raid before it happens/in the very early stages is indefensible, and GOA does ban people who spy/cross realm to get this kind of information. Blabbing about a raid when RK guards have already died and alerted any guild with a keep to what's going on is less serious imo. It wouldn't take very long at all before all the major alliances were heading to excal anyway after the RK guards died.

I'm not defending Photon's actions... but I think attributing the entire failure of the raid to him/her is over reacting.


To try and argue that your entire raid failed because it was mentioned in irc is a joke. As has already been pointed out to you several times the chances of there being even more than 5 people that logged on to defend because of photon are incredibly small. Incidentally any hib that considers 'quitting' over this probably should because your taking the game far too seriously!


Originally posted by SilverHood
1 or 100 the principle of it is still wrong

Absolutely agreed, this is not acceptable behaviour at all.
Ashamed to see albion stoop so low as to defend Photon for what was a totally unsporting act. CoC or no CoC I extend my condolences to the hibernians, some albs at least don't want to win this way.


Pronunciation: 'kOd
Function: noun
1 : a systematic statement of a body of law; especially : one given statutory force
2 : a system of principles or rules <moral code>

Pronunciation: 'kän-(")d&kt
Function: noun
1 obsolete : ESCORT, GUIDE
2 : the act, manner, or process of carrying on : MANAGEMENT
3 : a mode or standard of personal behavior especially as based on moral principles

The CoC is set down as a list of "rules" which are there to point out areas of the game which can be used and abused by people, to deliberately ruin the fun for other players.

External programs allow that group of Albs/Mids/Hibs to see where you are, even if you're in the middle of nowhere. They also allow certain Alb/Mid/Hib players to dodge death by being "out of range" or "out of sight". They also allow people to report relic raids in a matter of seconds. Relic raids that take people weeks/months to plan.

I don't think that is very fair. It is an intentional action, used to ruin fun for a large group of people. Waking up with no relics is a pain, but having plans that you worked on for weeks be ruined by one person who can't think beyond their own realm is just unfair.


well what can I say ? - imo that guy should be banned forever etc, everyone nagging 'bout CoC but no1 even thinks about something called fair play :)

hmz hibbies.. dunno imo we dont deserve the relics after getting farmed by 2 groups of albs - even though we got 2nd door down & we just had to sweep, im ashamed :p


So nice seeing Albs do the old "it's ok for us to do it, but anyone tried it and we'll run crying to our mommys."

Now, few things:

The Relic Raid was organised by Hib over a week ago, time set, rams organised, etc.

Arriving at the RK and taking down the outer doors resulted in the Albs who were logged on at the time to run to the defence, passing on word ingame by /as and /send.

However, using another form of communication OUTSIDE of the game to alert realm members of this is pretty lame. Not only does it give an unfair advantage, but it is completely against any form of balanced gameplay.

Ok, so who is still arguing about this?

So let's look at it from an entirely differnet point of view.


Now, what has a Hibernian relic raid got to do with Midgard, apart from being in the same game? It's not a Mid RK that is under attack, no Mid keep guards are being killed, and the only chance INGAME that Midgard have of knowing about it is if a lonely SB going to get some early Sauvage camping notices it.

So, enter the line from IRC:

<photon^_^> relic raid ffs hibs at excal

Next thing you know (without even bringing any Alb reaction into it) the word has passed round Midgard, with alliances and guilds forming groups to go and farm some RP's and cause confusion, therefore making the Hibs job of taking the relics harder, due to the inevitable 2fg Mids camping HMG HW and the familiar 2fg dorf casters biting at the Hib rear positions.

So, take a look at it from that PoV and then try saying that it had no effect.

Cause you can't, it was lame, should be punished, and should NEVER happen again.

Keep whatever happens ingame INGAME, especially something as big as a relic raid.


Well hate to say tis but i agree with those hibbies,
can't understand some ppl even think of it as normal, and then i wonder, how would u feels if it happend to ur realm.
Sure, maybe photon didn't alert alot of ppl, but then again, does that matter? even if 1-2 ppl came helping, it still would be unfair play.
-to photon, bad boy/girl!! /slap, don't let it happen again ;)
-to all the hibbies who were attending the relic raid: srry to hear, feel awfull u didn't kick those albs in the n*ts
-to all the albs that disagree with krypt: try to view it from his/hibs side for a change
-to all the albs/mids/hibs that agree with krypt: Feels strange huh? he actually HAs a point :p


No, I don't agree at all. If anyone was in the DAOC IRC channel then it is 99.99% likely they were playing the game at the time. So its not ideal that Midgard was alerted to this state of affairs - but that had just as negative an impact on Albion as it did on Hibernia.

The fact is that this is not the first time it's happened, and it won't be the last. The only way to solve the problem is to stop using IRC and any other real time means of communication.

Is that going to happen? Of course not ... so just accept that your using that medium of communication will mean that others will use it in a way you disapprove of from time-to-time.

And Truth ... nice to see that you don't just keep your gormless posts for /as :rolleyes:


Originally posted by Turamber
So its not ideal that Midgard was alerted to this state of affairs - but that had just as negative an impact on Albion as it did on Hibernia.

So should hibs have been succesful and taken the relics and got all the way back to the milegate in hadrians wall only to find 3-4 fg mids, get wiped and lose the relic to them it would 'not be ideal'? come on give us a break man, it would be totally fucked up as mids would ordinarily have no idea of the raid and have nothing to do with it. The fact someone announced to the world ruins the whole games idea of no inter-realm communication. Hell they may aswell just let us understand each other in the game and be able to /send players in other realms.

It doesn't matter how many were in the channel, it doesn't justify the fact someone mentioned the relic raid. Is it ok to drop a nuclear bomb on one country just because it has less people than another? nope, the amount of people on the receiving end isn't the issue, it's the pure fact that it is wrong and against the CoC and spoils the game for the vast majority of people involved in the incident.

I myself wasn't involved, and anyone who knows me will know that my hib account is inactive and I play alb mostly now (although soon moving mid). I knew about this raid but I didn't announce to anyone or even want to announce to anyone prior to the raid as I feel relic raids/defences are the true meaning of rvr and would much rather see more relic takes be succesful than fail as it would make for a far more interesting game. When they fail due to idiots doing stupid mindless things like this it just means that less relic/keep takes will happen and rvr just becomes the usual boring run from mg to mg in emain/odins/hadrians crap.

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