Relic Raid - Blabbers.



Like I said ... its happened before and it will happen again. The only way to preclude it from happening is to stop using IRC. If people want to use that medium then be prepared for people spilling the beans on real time events and quit being high and mighty about it.


Maybe weve learnt from this and it wont happen again, Because if it does. Sooner or later Prydwen is going to turn into a 2 realm server and thats gonna be shit hot boring for alb & mid.


Originally posted by Turamber
Like I said ... its happened before and it will happen again. The only way to preclude it from happening is to stop using IRC. If people want to use that medium then be prepared for people spilling the beans on real time events and quit being high and mighty about it.

In my opinion, the only way to prevent this sort of thing happening is for GOA to confirm/deny it is a breach of the coc and to act on it appropriately. There is very little point quoting or adhering to a coc if it is not enforced.

The issue, regardless of to what extent, is did the announcement on IRC change any ingame activity. If so, it did negatively affect others gameplay and is a breach of the coc. Obviously the extent of interferrence is a very grey area, but the issue of is it a breach of the the coc is not.

Our discussion of it all is pretty mute too, if you feel hard done by someones actions, report it with as much information and evidence as possible. We can only hope GOA act appropriately to maintain their coc and hence some integrity in the game.


It's probably a moot point, but will this not happen even more when windowed mode comes in ?



You can't say that the defenders showed up purely because it was announced on irc, I don't even use the irc channel but I was still there pretty quick to defend.

Strangely enough, after that post in the wrong forum about Alb taking relics on another server (it's been edited now), I got confused as to what had actually happened and logged in to see if anything had changed. The first thing I see when I log in is the relic raid being announced over alliance chat, and plenty of people running for Sauvage who'd known nothing about it until it was said in-game.

I think announcing it on irc is lame, I'd rather just play the game and if I lose then well played to whoever beats me.

It's not a case of 'being pwned' or whatever, it just spoils the game a bit cos everyone puts a successful defense down to cheating.


I don't get it though - the whole point is noone should mention ingame events on a channel where people are playing the game. Photon should have just kept his blabbing mouth shut until the relic raid was over.

Asking anything or giving information in any way is in essense crossrealm spying and is not to be accepted by anybody.

Photon should not have mentioned a live relic raid[inserting full stop] This is what I believe and how I play the game.

If it had been other circumstances it could be argued hibs ought to get their own relic at least by default because our side did not play fair.

p.s. Turamber wth has happened to you?


It sucks, no way to really avoid this.. As someone said, someone could have just picked up their mobile phone and woken people up to come defend.. So complaining about using outside sources to get albs in game (err can i get banned for phoning someone to tell them to come in game?) cant really be controlled..

But yes, what did suck (for hibs, not us albs), by saying it in a public channel, there were mids running around at 8am in the morning in our frontier.. Didnt think mids got up that early ever... But the more havoc the merrier :)

But saying it on irc maybe got another 3-4 albs to stop looking at porn and get in game :) wasnt much of us on irc at the time anyways... But yes i get the principle of the thing, just dont think there is much that can be done except tell the person who blabs publically that they suck (*points at this thread*)


Sorry but I need to disagree with the op. Telling people that the hibs or mids are going to do a rr at set time and saying oh hibs at excal are 2 different things.

Once they reach Excal (or your relic keep of choice) people in the realm are bound to know something is up. TBH I don't think her announcement really changed much. I have my guid's personal irc channel running on my other computer all the time (but not the daoc.prydwen... only use it on occassion) and those who do run both channels didn't say anything about the rr in our channel.

Instead we used common sense. Eras fell and then Surs at an ungodly hour (hell even Albs don't raid at 6 am!) I logged in my alt and ran to Excal to see what was going on. I got there to find (among others) Pbuck (working on the dented door) and Yussef at Excal. I asked if they knew anything, they never said anything about an announcement on irc. I did a quick /who all and were not that many people on (don't remember number but it was the usual people on at that time of nite). So I asked them to let me know if Excal gets attacked since we don't have a keep right now. I go back to farming the families with my group and then we get the announcement from sends.

We rush and valiantly defend our relics and you know what... there wasn't a big flood of Albs like some would like you to believe. Only the same amount of people that are always online at that time.

So yes, blabbing an event before it happens is a big no-no. (including seeing a big zerg of whoever on their way). But once they get to their destination, its public knowledge.

Oh and one other thing, the mids didn't come and try to take advantage of the situation like they usually do (at least not at the relic keep, but there is always a few of them wandering around our woods, so that's nothing new). So you see, maybe you don't like what she did but it really did not affect the outcome.

You came, we fought back. ALL DAY AND NIGHT LONG. In the end, we have our relics still and you guys had to go back to your golf course. Even with the hibs abusing the los bug and sending their pets inside the keep to attack us, we still have our relics.

Or as MrCoffee would say: Cry more noob!

That said, perhaps a word should be said to Photon Girl to limit her info to personal sends.


Ok, you who dont think this is wrong, what about if hibs do a rr now, and some alb blabs it over irc. Albs rush to defend but find their bk camped by several fg's of mids. So that the hibs get away with the relics. I know this will never happen since we dont like the hibs have the relics as much as we would like you to have them. But think about it announcing on irc or on public forums that a rr is on the way alerts the 3rd realm. So it does affect the games.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Fafnir
Ok, you who dont think this is wrong, what about if hibs do a rr now, and some alb blabs it over irc. Albs rush to defend but find their bk camped by several fg's of mids. So that the hibs get away with the relics. I know this will never happen since we dont like the hibs have the relics as much as we would like you to have them. But think about it announcing on irc or on public forums that a rr is on the way alerts the 3rd realm. So it does affect the games.

This happened to us, mids attacked our power relics (Now the bind is miles away at druin ligen as people cba to bind at our iddul ghost town near cain) we all died on first attempt to get there, by time we were back SotL were camping collory :p

Its happened vice-verca too.. sometimes with no keeps taken so it has been said on irc.

Was pritty fun when albs attacked rk tho.. was LOADS of mids, our zerg met theirs :D

Krypt yells: CHARGE!
<Iddul krypt runs in and farms the rp with moc \o/>



Originally posted by Fafnir
Ok, you who dont think this is wrong, what about if hibs do a rr now, and some alb blabs it over irc. Albs rush to defend but find their bk camped by several fg's of mids. So that the hibs get away with the relics. I know this will never happen since we dont like the hibs have the relics as much as we would like you to have them. But think about it announcing on irc or on public forums that a rr is on the way alerts the 3rd realm. So it does affect the games.

Yes that is true - so announcing it on IRC to Mids wouldn't just have worked against the Hibs, but against Alb as well ... cos they would have joined in the mayhem of taking keeps and attacking Albion.

Albion didn't win the day there because of what one person posted on IRC.

If you genuinely think that Photon has broken the CoC and ruined your gaming experience then by all means contact GOA. But I'm telling you now that the injury is all in your mind.


Originally posted by datruth
p.s. Turamber wth has happened to you?

... A little tired of the hypocrisy we see on these boards day after day. We've all heard of relic raids being discussed on IRC in the past - why is this one any different?

And I'm afraid, old chap, that I am also rather tired of all the sarcastic/rude remarks you put on /as day-after-day and night-after-night. If you dislike the other Alb players as much as is demonstrated from /as and your posts in this thread then be my guest and exchange your account with a Mid/Hib.

Oh wait, didn't you already do that? :eek:


Originally posted by Teh Krypt
This happened to us, mids attacked our power relics (Now the bind is miles away at druin ligen as people cba to bind at our iddul ghost town near cain) we all died on first attempt to get there, by time we were back SotL were camping collory :p

wouldnt put 1 guild camping collory at the time of a rr down to IRC blabbing.

the outcome of yesterdays attempts were clearly not altered by the mention of the raid in #daoc.prydwen but that does not make it ok. clearly on another occasion mentioning relic raids in #daoc.prydwen could have adverse effects, and is why its looked down upon.

mention it in /gu in /as in your private IRC channel, dont do anything else apart from whinge in #daoc.prydwen mmk?

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Jenkz
wouldnt put 1 guild camping collory at the time of a rr down to IRC blabbing.

the outcome of yesterdays attempts were clearly not altered by the mention of the raid in #daoc.prydwen but that does not make it ok. clearly on another occasion mentioning relic raids in #daoc.prydwen could have adverse effects, and is why its looked down upon.

mention it in /gu in /as in your private IRC channel, dont do anything else apart from whinge in #daoc.prydwen mmk?
Quite a number of mids came to camp various spots after the rr was announced. So it DID change the course, plus more albs loged on from irc.. dont care if it was just 1 alb, its 1 too many.


Originally posted by Teador
I'll let you albs remind you of some..... history :p

And I wonder why suddenly the Albs are positive about giving out info in this thread :p

I remember a lot of whine when the hibs knew about your relicraid and it was said on IRC... and now you suddenly think different? :wall:

(Remember... when you arrived at Dagda and 70 Hibs there?)

Taedor nice post and makes a very pertenant point. However, regardless of the lameness of that comment on mirc it did not stop us mids from reclaiming the power relics. Ok, the original raid organisor called it off. A fact I wasn't amused about, so when i turned up in emain with nemesis to find 130 frustrated mids hanging about, I did something about, we did it old style no point in hiding we knew you knew we were coming, and we succeeded.

Goes to show what you can achieve if you try, this however does not excuse Photon's action, announcing a relic raid in actin or in the making on mirc should not be tolerated. It wasn't to long ago a majority of people applauded me for my actions in reporting someone who was interfering with relic raids via improper channels.

To this end I would expect the gm of LoE to take the same stance. Though GOA have done nothing about the offender I reported, which in itself is appaulling, the best that can be done is for the guilds and leaders of each realm to deal with these people themselves. I for one as a commander of a great many relic raids will not invite anyone who has committed such actions nor the guilds they belong too.

Durgi Shadowstalker,
GM of Nemesis.


Have to agree with both Krypt and Durgi - what has the world come to :p

Turamber the hypocrisy you talk about come as much from yourself, no point in even trying to make an excuse blabbing a RR on mirc, or in any way share information with parties not directly involved in the events - ie. a mid friend telling me they are about to RR Albion, or the like, is inacceptable and I suggest LOE call their leaders and have them share their view on the points stated here and the situation as a whole, would like to think they - having led a big guild for a very long time - would consider the points here made, and take the correct action towards the offender.

Oh and Photon, you earned /rude /point /laugh /slit next twothousand times I see you biting the grass in emain. Oh, and will urge every other hib with me to do this as well, so now might be a good time to turn off emotes in yur chat window, at least every time you think of porting to Hibernia.

This goes for mids and albs as well, until action has been made from LOE leaders, I urge you to name and shame Photon, kill him and make him pay. We play the game to be fun, and we don't want this sort of cheats. (much like we don't want LoS abuse (from ANY realm) Radar hacks or whatever stupid ppl might come up with out there, to ruin the game experience for those on the recieving side.)

<remembers Diabolo at Hurbury saturday afternoon> omg how stupid are some necros? /slit /rude!!!



Cross realm spying in advance of a relic raid is UTTERLY different to reporting a relic raid that is in progress. People will mention in IRC whatever is on their mind or important at a particular time - it's unfortunate that yesterday's announcement was made, of course, but it is a real and present danger of using a real time communication tool while you are playing the game.

All realms have done this in the past, beats me why people are up in arms about Photon Girl's innocuous comments.

The solution to the problem is not to ban Photon Girl but to stop using IRC while you are playing DAOC.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Turamber
Cross realm spying in advance of a relic raid is UTTERLY different to reporting a relic raid that is in progress. People will mention in IRC whatever is on their mind or important at a particular time - it's unfortunate that yesterday's announcement was made, of course, but it is a real and present danger of using a real time communication tool while you are playing the game.

All realms have done this in the past, beats me why people are up in arms about Photon Girl's innocuous comments.

The solution to the problem is not to ban Photon Girl but to stop using IRC while you are playing DAOC.

How is telling people theres going to be a relic raid different from telling people there is a relic raid in progress?


Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
**Sorry but I need to disagree with the op. Telling people that the hibs or mids are going to do a rr at set time and saying oh hibs at excal are 2 different things**

**Once they reach Excal (or your relic keep of choice) people in the realm are bound to know something is up. TBH I don't think her announcement really changed much**

**Instead we used common sense. Eras fell and then Surs at an ungodly hour (hell even Albs don't raid at 6 am!)**

**But once they get to their destination, its public knowledge**

**So you see, maybe you don't like what she did but it really did not affect the outcome**

**Even with the hibs abusing the los bug and sending their pets inside the keep to attack us**

Or as MrCoffee would say: Cry more noob!

he he heh heheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

for someone who I thought was moderately respected within ablion you suuuuuuuuure do talk a WHOLE LOAD OF SHIT! Been watching the Iraqi minister of information a wee bit too much have we?

My favourite one was the 'albs don't raid at 6am' comment, really brought a smile to my face.
Nice touch with the line of sight bug also, no-one had even mentioned it yet but yes Necros do suck, thanks for the reminder.

Once people get to Excalibur people will know? so midgard get some psychic warning when albs relic keep is attacked? how cool! maybe I'll get to see that first hand soon.

hm could add something nice, polite and sensible to finish it off but really no need as you've done all the damage yourself. I'll just end with.... stfu

Sarum TheBlack

Originally posted by Teh Krypt
How is telling people theres going to be a relic raid different from telling people there is a relic raid in progress?

Well that's a stupid comment Krypt. I'm not sure anyone (except you) is arguing they are the same.. prior notice is very much worse... it means people can be ready and waiting, it means people who wouldn't usually be about can be.. it means almost certain failure.

Blabbing when the RR is already killing RK guards is different.. people in game already know, people not online won't know in time, the chances are the people on IRC and not in game won't know in time to make a huge difference, and are probably in the minority anyway. Sure it probably worsens your odds.. but it's not the disaster that prior notice is.

Neither is in the spirit of the game, and really DAoC would be a better place if neither happened.. infact, if nobody used IRC at all. But I don't see you or anyone else boycotting IRC (also phones, talking to room mates, and reading forums like this too, since all allow out-of-game communication about in-game stuff... by reasoning other people have posted, all are therefore against the CoC) over this, and unless people do, nothing will change.


Originally posted by Omniscieous

My favourite one was the 'albs don't raid at 6am' comment, really brought a smile to my face.

Well this is NOT true so I don't see what you are trying to start. Most of the early moring raids started at about 9am. 9 isn't 6 am. At least at 9 there is more of a chance to run into defenders. But as I seem to remember, the last couple of relic raids we had were later.

Nice touch with the line of sight bug also, no-one had even mentioned it yet but yes Necros do suck, thanks for the reminder.

From what I understand, they are working on the los bug for necros but Mythic WON'T do anything about Chanters. Hmm kinda sucks to have it happen to you doesn't it? We have been dealing with this for over a year now, but its funny to hear you complain when you have to deal with it.

Once people get to Excalibur people will know? so midgard get some psychic warning when albs relic keep is attacked? how cool! maybe I'll get to see that first hand soon.

Actually yes, once ANY keep is attacked Midgard will know. They always have people roaming thru our woods and Hadrians Wall. So as soon as they see death spam and see that its hibs, they know something is up. Add to that, we are all aware that the Hibs don't have any relics so after 2 keeps fall within 20 mins of each other, well its only common sense. They have to be thinking hmm something's going on....ohh RP!! Lets get everyone here. It happens all the time and has nothing to do with IRC. I have seen 4fg of hib in mid's frontier after Unity takes a keep. Its just a matter of going where the rp are. Do we like it, of course not. Extra people just get in the way, but we deal with it. But the difference is, us Albs just assume that someone knows we are in your frontier and its only a matter of time before defenders show up. The only time I have ever seen a relic raid go off and absolutely no one noticed was before the patch when we were notified when the guards went down. Mids were on the 3rd door before we got there and subsequently lost our relics.

Anyway, the point the op is trying to make is that Photon Girl changed the way the rr turned out by her comment on irc. I don't think she did but I hope Vayasen has a word with her. (even though we already knew you were there)


lol, krypt and political beliefs?

think he was referring to mr iraqi information minister, who's every word was untrue (they are not at the airport, when we just saw americans at the airport), (they are not in the streets of bagdadh, when we just saw us soldiers running through the streets), etc

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Well that's a stupid comment Krypt. I'm not sure anyone (except you) is arguing they are the same.. prior notice is very much worse... it means people can be ready and waiting, it means people who wouldn't usually be about can be.. it means almost certain failure.

Blabbing when the RR is already killing RK guards is different.. people in game already know, people not online won't know in time, the chances are the people on IRC and not in game won't know in time to make a huge difference, and are probably in the minority anyway. Sure it probably worsens your odds.. but it's not the disaster that prior notice is.

Neither is in the spirit of the game, and really DAoC would be a better place if neither happened.. infact, if nobody used IRC at all. But I don't see you or anyone else boycotting IRC (also phones, talking to room mates, and reading forums like this too, since all allow out-of-game communication about in-game stuff... by reasoning other people have posted, all are therefore against the CoC) over this, and unless people do, nothing will change.

I im an alb bound in savage.. hi I loged in, hi I got to rk within 2 mins.



Originally posted by minstrel_kyra
And this thread has nothing to do with your political beliefs. If you want to support Saddam Hussein fine, but no need to bring it here. Save it for off topic where you can post to your heart's delight about how evil anyone not in Europe is.


understood and corrected, i misread his comment.

i just woke up :(

nerf earlly morning and before coffee postings!

Sarum TheBlack

Wasn't Krypts post.

And I didn't mean those in IRC couldn't be at excal quickly.. I meant the vast majority of those in IRC and not in game would probably not be looking at their screen at the time, and therefore wouldn't find out all that quickly.


I don't support Saddam Hussein at all. Don't like it being said that I do either :eek:

I can't quote you on it because you just edited it. But I'm not talking anything political here at all.

And btw check my sig, I'm an alb, I know what has gone on in the past and I know both sides of the LOS argument. I touched on the subject because it has nothing to do with this argument.

Teh Krypt

Originally posted by Sarum TheBlack
Wasn't Krypts post.

And I didn't mean those in IRC couldn't be at excal quickly.. I meant the vast majority of those in IRC and not in game would probably not be looking at their screen at the time, and therefore wouldn't find out all that quickly.

Well, tbh if just 1 alb/mid logs in because they heard it.. then Photon has done wrong. Because that one extra should not have been ingame and would have know way of knowing without loging in to start with.

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