Realm alliance... pathetic demonstration of weakness.



Originally posted by Ailelun
Ailelun <Nolby Pride> Lvl 34 Thane
LMFAO you must be one helluva crap player to be 34 in Midguard

Nicly Said Vendetta, but you musnt remember me being in CBH Then? And TBH I dont see lvl 34 in 5 days playing time as that bad? Or is it? So maybe you should know the facts before saying things.... :rolleyes:

Who were you in CBH, obviously you were just a part of the total recruit any jerk drive and were not noticeable.

Comments still stand about your guild, mid dual account alliance makers stink as bad as hib ones.

Oh btw still 34 what what ya been doing bouncing your nuts the last few days ?


Oh for any Albs watching in, all the denying here about the mid/hib alliance is bollox the two largest alliances in Hibernia knew it was to happen several days before last sunday. They deny it here, my old guilds officers deny it on their forum, they do it to save face but a bit late i guess :)


Originally posted by Vendetta

Now you have really pissed me you dual account rp farming jerk
Uh when have I gained extra rp's for playing a level 28 or so SB on midgard that has never been even close to enemy frontier zones? I havent played the character for almost 3 weeks or so now too..

Originally posted by Vendetta

You may want the whole realm kissing you ass but it aint gonna happen get used to it !
Eh, I do? My guild is only for RP farmers? You gain RP's if you're in Emain, which only proves my guild has killed more invaders than yours (ex guild) which helps Hibernia ... and I only said DDi/CBH because you both are obviously thinking you are better than you are, or better than the people who actually try doing something. And personally I didnt know of any alliance beforehand, actually I got whined at cause I "ruined" the alliance/plan by making a grp and taking a few forts before we were supposed to... and Hatchet doesnt annoy me, I really think DDi will *SOME DAY* be big and high level enough to be a powerfull force, but before that they should stop flaming those who try to do something for the good of hibernia. [EDIT: NOT SAYING THE ALLIANCE WAS A GOOD THING]



Well exactly my point Vendetta, we heard a lot of big talk from you since beta even and failed to see anything.

Talking about PKing rp queens u make me laugh, as a ranger u certainly have more rps than most of us, and do even less teamwork.

So now this is it, do something to support the arrogant talking that always has been yours, or shut up and disappear where u shouldn't have come out from in the first place?

Maybe u genuinely want to help hibernia? Consider rerolliong on albion then it would be real dirty thing to do to them but in war all is fair...


Originally posted by darkelf

btw NO REALM CAN FIGHT 2 REALMS AT SAME TIME . Who try to do it is not brave,it's stupid,he has no brain.
I'm not try to ally with mids(and it's impossible to ally with other realm in this game)

well ive seen mids/hibs fighting side by side like the fags they are because they cant defend themselves without help . so it seems albs are fighting 2 realms that are allied together .... and its not impossible ,,as the fact is hibs/mids have allied and fought albs side by side many times .. when was last time hibs tried middys keep raid ? have they ever attempted a middy relic raid ? when was last time hibs attacked a large mid army . "please dont use the keep confusion as you put it" as a example . cos as u seem to of clearly stated u were fighting the guards and the middys ran past you to knock down the 2nd door .. thus meaning u let them past with no aggression . meaning u were not intending on attacking them ... it was prolly one of the honourable hibs/mids who think your shamefull allience is bullshit that attacked a hib/mid and then it snowballed and got out of control .. thus leading to you defeating the mids .
dont say mids sneaked past cos if u were on the guards and the middys came u would of taken off guards and started killing middys and then once middys defeated gone back to the guards .cos if middysdefeated u they would only have guards and a door to bust down .,


Originally posted by Eleasias
Or if you were referring to the realm alliance, I didnt organize it and didnt take any big part in keeping it together, actually I had no idea of any planned alliances, we just had a go at Alb forts that afternoon with some people who were online. After we took the forts I get msg'd by one *cough* respectable lvl 50 hib that I've ruined the alliance? ;>

:) bit of a coincidence you play hib and mid and have a char in the NP guild yet u state u didnt organise the lame allience :) also u said it wasnt your account on hib .. but above u said the char is yours and you couldnt care less if it got deleted ... does that mean u are a guy that has no respect for his friends cos u dont care if his account got deleted ? cos if one char got deleted on that account no doubt all the mid chars would . or you admit its your acc now ? not that it makes much difference coswe all know how incapable Gao are at stuff like that :m00:


I said the character could be deleted as far I as I care. The difference is quite huge between deleting/banning an account than deleting one character on it.



Had one conversation with you in game where you rambled on not listening to anything told you, hmm I thought 'this guy is a bit of a dick', well your pomposity here has not changed that opinion.

So I am a Ranger and must have uber rp's well does that not depend on play style ? You do not know me at all so do not presume anything.

One thing I could teach so many here is guild loyalty and putting the guilds first.

I started my MMRPG carear many years ago un US servers in a REAL guild, a top 10 all UO guild, (Now before the flames I know this aint UO, but guilds are guilds wherever.) This guild had a very strong leader and firm rules and firstly believed in itself and it's members above all others, but even with this attitude managed to bring through and train more new players than any other on it's server by far. You knew the guy or gal alongside you wearing blood red would be there for you come what may and at whatever ingame cost.

I came to this game with Clan Bearhawk my second guild, a far more laid back guild but with many friends in it, I really hoped for great things from guilds within this game but have been sadly disappointed. Bearhawk was never a military type guild, but I believed and still believe guilds in this game need to be run on those lines to win.

I see Hibernia here as this in the main, a realm were the selfish uber player gets on and gets the most respect no matter how dumb they are. Where new players come in and whine on and on for gold and equipment as they wish to be like Mr Uber as quickly as possible, but do not really think about or care for the guild they are in as it is only a way of getting a name over their heads and a pretty cloak.

Now maybe I am a square peg in a round hole do i give up ?
No I get myself a saw to try change the hole.

And geezer think you can tell me what to do where to go, bollox m8 who are you :)

I will fight at the side of all Hibernians does not mean I have to like ya though.



Well I never assumed to tell you what to do, but your constant lecturing us and making assumption about our ego and such declaration forced me out of silence. To be honest I'd never have bothered to talk to you much considering your attitude if it had not coem to personnal attacks.

Don't tell me what you played and did and everything before DaoC, makes u only sound as a bitter old geezer.

As I said, since beta you've been lecturing everyone in hibernia about how to play and what we should do. I won't reply to your inept insults by even more inept ones.

I'll just tell you as politely as I can be bothered to be with you: Now enough talk and please show us all with deeds why you were so right and we were wrong.

So far, forum posting is only secondary to time spent playing for me, I don't even bother reading them so often usually. Well maybe you enjoy posting more than playing cause we certainly hear you a lot.

Just check your own ego before talking about other's, I'm not very inclined to take lessons from people who spend so much of their life whining and complaining about a game.

I won't bother posting answers to you unless it's praises. So until you've actually doen something we hibernians shoudl praise don't expect more answers.




Originally posted by Vendetta
I came to this game with Clan Bearhawk my second guild, a far more laid back guild but with many friends in it, I really hoped for great things from guilds within this game but have been sadly disappointed. Bearhawk was never a military type guild, but I believed and still believe guilds in this game need to be run on those lines to win.

What is this crap with "military" thinking?

You want military, join the Military. You get paid, you get fed, you get clothed, you get housed, you get trained. You also get other people to do your thinking for you, and spill your blood for you.

Online games are things people pay for, for their fun.

Where for instance is West Point in this game, or any other game for that matter?

Too many people are spending their gaming time focused on "domination" of other people's gaming time. I saw much too much of that selfish, self destuctive self interest in Albion, which was why I left. So, you have some of it in Hibernia too? What a surprise! Midgard as well? What a surprise!

As far as I am concerned now, until a lot of game issues addressed, the whole RvR scene can get stuffed. I play my new character for fun, and to pass some time while waiting for American version to come in the post. Idiots now go onto my ignore list instantly, and they are more than welcome to carry on badmouthing each other. At least in game I don't have to put up with being distracted by their constant crap.

These forums seem to have more than their share of it as well, so stuff these forums too.

The game will mature, the game will develop, things will change (maybe not on the GOA shambles though). People will come, people will go. People who want to make other people play this game their way, will be disappointed, and serve them right.

Not my problem.

My problem is how fast my American version arrives, so I can leave this nonsense well behind me.


Re: Pfffffffff

Originally posted by Whut

Online games are things people pay for, for their fun.

Hmm it is a war game, do you understand that you wanna play flower arranging or somin go do it. Your fun may be pratting around killing repetitive mosters having a better club than your m8 & clothes dyed with the most expensive colour fine, but the whole game is geared towards RvR.

Originally posted by Whut

Where for instance is West Point in this game, or any other game for that matter?

Sorry m8 as I would like to be on the winning side I would much prefer Sandhurst

As it happens military sims, strat games etc have been around since the beggining of computer games and war gaming in general is documented as far back as ancient Greece.

Originally posted by Whut

The game will mature, the game will develop, things will change (maybe not on the GOA shambles though). People will come, people will go. People who want to make other people play this game their way, will be disappointed, and serve them right.

The first guild I was in was near 300 players all happy to be in a strong guild wich in game had rules, history and it's place, so someone like you saying hey you 300 that is wrong stop that play alone bah you are a hypocrite, no one is imposing anything, that is impossible it all comes down to choice and preference :)

Originally posted by Cuthervaen

I won't bother posting answers to you unless it's praises. So until you've actually doen something we hibernians shoudl praise don't expect more answers.

Same goes for me pal you aint impressed me either :)

BTW the talking in game thing glad you were not doing it to often, as when I passed on your blabbering's to an officer of my ex guild, I did warn them it was pretty much like talking to an answering machine. Try pausing ocassionally, try reading things fully, try thinking maybe you might wake up.


Myrianda, long post... so <ahem> if Mid & alb are fighting... Midgard is empty, it has relics, its potential defenders are all in albion fighting the albs entire army.

Why were we not attacking midgard?

Your own argument (ill not quote since its verbose) support this. No need to worry about arrangements, no complications. Why did this not happen?



As I said before... I was one of the main players involved in the "alliance" with mids. But I assure you I tried to pull it off to satisfy my ego by trying something else in this game. Plz dont involve CF in this as most of CFers wasnt aware of any alliance. I just hate ppl are trying to create rules that arent there. When ever was there honour involved in war? Plz tell me cuz I have to know. War is ugly , and I for one want to b on the winning side.
Cheers :D


so called alliance

Well lews when we see on our screen "the forces of Midguard took ... " or the forces of Albion took ... and think well it's perfect time to go for another keep, some people though wed were on ICQ, IRC or whatever maybe cause the thinking here is so elaborate they don't know how we'd coem by with it?

Next time let's just all run where both albs and mids are, run around, pull guards, PK uards if possible then die and release as it seems to be what some peeps find most fun.

After all DaoC is just a sort of diablo in 3D ain't it?

Well of course u want to win, I want ti too (though not always or would get bored as well).

Don't give excuses here, soem might agree or not agree with what you did but it doesn't give them the right to blurb all over and be overly rude as are. Anyway they're not seeking anything liek victory or goals, they're mainly seeking attention.


gah I cant decide if u agree with me or teaching me good manners gah! U st00pid frenchman. =)


and who is hatchet... never heard of him... but he seems to have a lot of hatred inside him. And u know that hate leads to the darkside dont u? =) And suffering too.... and and......

/em hugs hatchet


To lews

Well I'm supportive actually, I think it would be silly not to take advantage of timing.

Like when we see we have a good opening because albs fighting mids ( or because everyone went to bed, no just joking I don't want to restart the thread), mids just took a keep or something it's a nice time to launch a raid if we happen to be ready then.

I think using icq or irc to do it should be left out of the question, cause we're not supposed to communicate between realms, and it shoudl be left that way. But we receive messages indicating of keeps being taken and we'd be stupid not to take them in account.

Besides when 2 groups meet and avoid each other or happen not to fight cause they know a third one is near that is more than a match for both of them, I find the funny thing is that this temporary truce is very frail cause no one can actually talk and it can blow up any time.

Last thing even if people don't agree, there are other way to say it than all the trash talking some seem used to. But anyway they're not using strong language to support a stance, they're adopting a stance to justify insulting people around. Commonly called forum trolling.


You're a funny guy Lews. You deliberately remove ur signiture out of the "dont blame CF" post, then forget to remove it in later posts hehe. "Proud member of" v funny :D

You organised the alliance but never told anyone on /gc or /as, those rumors about an alliance passing around your chat and the bearhawk chat must just have been coincidence.

All those Middys complaining that they got attacked when then ran up and helped hibs beat on the fort doors... the CF members posting about how "some people seem to think DONT KILL THE MIDS means KILL THEM ALL"... ya, obviously there was no alliance, you were the only one allied with anyone, and your guild didnt know about it.

Oki im convinced.


ugh hachet... I didnt have a signature before... I dont post here very often. So I took some time to look around and make a signature. Damn why are u so accusive all the time? U dont get much attention in real life dont u? =) thats ok .. not all can b loved. Those turn to the dark side :D


Hehe so now you turn to Real Life insults, shows somthing about the poster when they have to resort to that.


yupp Im a looser ... but then again... so are y00 :D


Personally I think it is very immature and dumb to make real life assumptions, but guess a lot are both :)


Mong!!!!! Just play the game ffs and stop being prepubescent :)


Originally posted by Wuren
omg is he still whining?

rofl, sadly he does

thought this discussion was dead and ended at page 2 or so...but its STILL GOING ON on the 6th page

most of you guys in this thread need some serious serious serious help VERY fast, stfu and play the game, ur wasting yours and everyone else's time while you could have been in game and exp'ed or "proudly defended hibernia"

and to hatchet: why do u think ur fellow hibs say they never see you in emain?, well....maybe because you spend 90% of you onlinetime on this forum whinging? while they are in emain "proudly defending hibernia" ?

like i said above, stfu and play the game


Originally posted by Lanceloc
Mong!!!!! Just play the game ffs and stop being prepubescent :)

Hmm twopenneth short of a pound me thinketh :)

(But then the Milton Keynes road system does that.)

Originally posted by Riddler

stfu and play the game, ur wasting yours and everyone else's time

Like people make you come here and read this drivel bah


Originally posted by Vendetta

Hmm twopenneth short of a pound me thinketh :)

(But then the Milton Keynes road system does that.)

Like people make you come here and read this drivel bah

yup, when i cant log in i tend to end up here reading this drivel bah


Originally posted by Vendetta

Hmm twopenneth short of a pound me thinketh :)

(But then the Milton Keynes road system does that.)

Where in Northamptonshire are you then? Only psychos live in Northamptonshire ;)


Well this topic seems to be useless.. just wasting of time to reply.
Hatchet who the hell r u ? Why do u think there is any alliance between Mids + Hibs ? U r sick man .... Mids hate Hibs , so as ALbs, believe me

And if u see any Mids + Alb co-operating with one another it's just real life friends making some duels / or whatevre else , so close ur fucking TOPIC here .. there is no any alliance!

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