Realm alliance... pathetic demonstration of weakness.



Originally posted by Eblessair
Hatchet: nothing needs to be explained to you, or anyone else
this is not YOUR game.
people can, and will do what THEY want to.

Poor Elbe, you sound ashamed. You should be, since you cannot even win when you DO ally.


I love trolls, I just can't finish a whole one...


Ashamed? hardly
i had fun yesterday, wasnt expecting to get any relics, since the albs had woken up :)
im proud that so many hibs turned up.
not ashamed


"people can, and will do what THEY want to"

exacty, that also means that noone should be bitched at for killing mids. "allied" or not


Proud hehe

You seemed to be whining on the other thread about how many hibs didint accept the allaince and attacked the middies?

Then after whinging about how assholes didnt play the way you told um to, you go onto say Its not my game, peeps can do what they like?

Then you offer no real excuse for allying in the first place so simply retort i dont deserve an expalation (tho i doubt u were much of an organiser, you are more of the mouthy passenger type)

I can assure you that the 30 or so hibbies with us didn't turn up to partake in the alliance *Grins* we were there to hunt troll ;p

Allying with middies and pulling wraith drakes into emain to xp kill albs, aye, i can see how proud you must be. :puke:


like i said, i dont need to explain to you why it happened


wtf is your problem hatchet ?
lol this is a computer game, i really doubt Eble or someone else (except u and finster mebe) is playing this game for honor or whatever.

I dont have fun when sitting in a keep with 200 albs knocking on the door, I do have fun when seeing those albs getting owned by a drake and kicking their arses with the help of mids.


Originally posted by Wuren
and kicking their arses with the help of mids.

Lol when did that happen ?

Definately not last night :p


Harry is right on one point. For me, it isn't that much about numbers. I just hate Albs more than Mids ever and trust me, I hated them when they were camping the Gorge two months. After that I've talked to a lot of em on IRC and so on and turned out they're not that bad persons. Sure, they ganked us hard when they had the chance. I'm sure I would've done the same in their position.

Likewise, there's a few cool Albs I've now come to know. But there's still a ton more arrogant feckers in the lands of Alb and frankly, I just loathe them. And I can assure you, I'm not alone with my feelings.

And then the point with the numbers... MAYBE it's just me... Being lvl 48 now, I wouldn't mind a horde of grey cons rushing. A couple of blues, I could probably survive. But at every run-in with the zerk rush, I seem to target a lot of blue and above cons. Sure, they may need three to bring me down, but the fact it, they sure as hell GOT those three reserved for each and EVERY of our party members.

Then again, I like challenges. Had some fun fights in the bowl a few days back, Albs outnumbered our 10-12 people there. Finster was right, guerilla tactics sure are fun and effective. Still wondering why the whole horde didn't rush us on the middle hill, they came in small party-size patrols and got promptly slaughtered.


pls tell me what the hounor in zerg attacks is? you have twice our numbers or more, thats the reason for alliance. We cant beat u when u bring 156 ppl to take a fort, so what do we do? Sit on our arse waiting for u to get inside and "own" us? Think not, rather have fun pulling Drakes on you and spanking u along with some Trolls.

zerg? ah so u mean all the lvl 20s that charge the wall and get wasted? and then u look a little further and u see maybe 20 albs that con yellow to u? when i look arround practically everybody is green and grey....admitidly theres no red or purple any more but theres no way the ammounts of yellow and orange compared to mids and even hibs.... Wuren if u can't take 2 blues and a green yourself u must have a seriously fucked up char m8....from what i remember you use a polearm type weapon....and i know for a fact u can nearly kill a blue in one hit and kill a green instantly...


Hatchet would be perfect match for an alb imo


actually i rarely see DDi people defending our keeps, against anyone, or in "normal" rvr. i could probaly say i got more RP's than the whole DDi put together, as i "defend" daily, and so far DDi has done nothing but gotten a lame name among a lot of people, not me since i havent seen many of them, we'll see about your raids and how you lead them. the thing started with me and a few hibbies porting to mid after the second relic went neutral, and we thought wth lets take a few keeps since we hate albs more than mids =) there's a lot of shit talking in here how this realm did this and that and how they are so great but i rarely see them in rvr etc, like organ and karam ... sofar midgard is the only realm who i respect, albion i hate but not as much as hib =)


that's rubbish...

I have seen loads of DDi people defending keeps - 90% of the high levels out there have been rezzed and teamed with Jhessail. Myself and harry turned out to be the only 2 people defending crauch one night, whilest most of Hibernia wandered aimlessly about at the wall, prolly pulling PK gaurds.

You may not agree with or like what he has to say, but don't make out as though DDi do nothing, that is trash.

If you haven't teamed with Jhessail, I suggest yu try, she is the best healer I have ever teamed with, insanely good.


summing it all up

Mids: cry about albs work when a /who shows around 60 players online

albs: cry like hell atm coz they are pissed off of dirty tricks in their eyes

hibs: I donno? they are just there I guess ;P I wonder how strong/weak they really are? I hope we will find out soon

So albs are pissed off right now, I am so happy. Coz now they know the bitter taste of realizing that something was done towards then that they could not do anything about.

In my eyes you have the right to whine as much as we do/did about u always striking at night even tho we didnt start out with those moves.
Imo u had it all comming ur way for a long time.
hah, the blood of mids will taste sweeter in emain for ye now, just like we enjoy a dead alb.

Hate lightens up the flame of war.


Let's face it all the guilds and Alliances in Hibernia are shite run on the whims of a few with no thought, no forward planning.

ie uber dood X fom Guild Y, alliance 1, gets up feels good say hey lets go kick some Alb ass, chats are spammed guilds that can't make it with 30 mins notice are accused of being cowards, hibs gather the tactical plan is um charge, and unless it's a undefended keep all die with half spread left where they fall all over the Alb frontier. Now uber dood X fom Guild Y, alliance 1, has had his kicks and decides to play tetris for 2 weeks so nothing happens. Hell if that is playing a strategic wargame which this is, then as a realm we are intellectually challenged.

I for one hope Hatchet can achieve something with DDI as he is one of the few people not afraid to express an opinion and without his tongue up uber dood X 's arse.

As for leading raids and taking undefended keeps hell my 5 year old could do that as everyone taking part knows what to and it runs on auto pilot so don't over inflate your egos with that one.

The only time Hibernia does well is when attacked and we flock to defend our keeps, but that is done by the determination of individuals not guilds or alliances.

I am sick to death of the whinnning we aint got the levels, we are out numbered, bollox fact is we are a disorganised rabble operating for a few peoples ego's, leaders who when we get a kicking piss of to xp in CF or play an alt while the grunts fight on that is Hibernia today, this applies to all including my own guild in RvR.




:clap: :clap: VENDETTA!!! :clap: :clap:



:clap: :clap: VENDETTA!!! :clap: :clap:

Ninari Juztiirn
Dark Order
Lowbie Warden

Ps. :clap: DDi Dark Ages just gained 10points!!! :clap:

PPs. Dark Order is currently in the CF alliance, will have a talk to my GM bout this... I will for one not be joining any "joint strikes"!!!


we albs aint pissed at you becoming allies . we laugh at your obvious lack of strategic fighting and will power to beat us .

when on raids and ic hibs/mids fighting together vs us our guild chat seems to spam . "LOL MID N HIBSLAMERS ARE FIGHTING TOGETHER AGAI LMAO" thats what i c spam guild chat when we c you together .... what albs are trying to get across to you lamers is .... why allie ? have you not got the confidence in your realm to be able to overcome us and fight us with tactics . lots of battles have been won by inferior armys . vietnam for example no fucker thought they had a chance vs the united states but usa got fuked up big time by the vietnamese . sure some will say above comment is silly . but im just pointing to the fact that inferior armys can beat a larger force ...

have some pride in yourselves andstop calling for the eemy to allie everytime u need them . try fighting your own battles . hibs calling mids makes you look like lil babys who go crying to momy when they cant get there ownway ..

we albs went through the same thing as u did when midgard was dominant and owning everybody in emain . but we got organised lvl'd up and came n conquered . so put up or shut up is whatim saying basicly . no point flaming albs for being lame when u cant even fight us 1 realm vs another without calling for help .


/salutes and apologises to those who think the lamers who do want to allie with enemy is a lame thing to do . least hatchet has some pride in his realm . and ive read numerous other mids/hibs stating the same thing . that those who want to allie are lame . as for eb lol you must think you are some sort of daoc hib god or summin . but the truth is you just the same as everybody else .no better no worse . its people like u i imagine look down your nose at people who are lower lvl and think you are better than them , im sure you stick to chatting to the same people in chat grps .rarely ackowledging other peoples efforts . everybody is entitled to there own opinion so dont flame the guy for stating his ,which imo is the thing to do . im sure also that there are plenty of other mids/hibs who know u well and think this allie sux but wont say anything cos they done to much brown nosing you to let you think they disagree with your lame actions :p :clap: :clap: :clap:


lol Honor and pride

Same old guy who always took Towns in ultima at the crack of dawn Lame old Hatchett (and his girly DDI)


NO REALM CAN FIGHT 2 REALMS, so whats the point?
Cross Realm Alliance is for the weak, created by the WEAK!



Psychologically, the alliance Mid/Hib is about the best thing that could have happenen for Albion. They got back relics, they took keeps, they were spanking our butts. But despite all this, they can´t really celebrate their victory or get a moral boost out of it, because their victory is always spoiled by the blemish of "we might not have been able to do this on our own". All they got from this is the cognition, that their forces, combined, are strong enough to compete with Albion.
So, Albion, I´d recomment to stop complaining about this because when we complain, we´re creating the imagination, that they really beat us and that their victory might NOT have been utterly redundant.


Actually my friends we can quite happily be pleased with ourselves the Realm of Midgard took back the relics without help. 90% of the army didn't know of an alliance till after the relics had been taken, simply because Hibs were not active at that time. Yes an alliance was active, the key word is active, later on but even then there were several misunderstandings on both sides and fights took place.

It was obvious both realms were attacking Albs later, so well done for Albs in resisiting. This takes nothing away from a well organised and run Mid raid earlier.

I think Sunday was the most interesting day of RvR yet seen, constant attack and counter attack. This is I am sure what it is all about. It finished with a small band of 20 Mid defenders holding of the Alb tactic of attacking at 3am. Hey, that your tactic Albs I won't complain about it, you seem to enjoy it I am happy for you.



Can't take 2 blues and a green? wtf I was with 4 friends earlier to kill you (at the drake attack) and you slaughtered us all.. (I hate berserk mode with extra hp suddenly, and don't know why I missed 2 times and all your attack where hits, had ofcourse - damage on you and you + on me). I don't care anymore about the alliance.. RvR sucks anyway for me..


Aye i still have pride in my realm, its just some of its members who have lost the plot.

I dont give a flying fuck what x uber dood x thinks of me, and as for x uber dood x being level 50?? So what? A bunch of hibs make 50, then suddenly realise they still cant organise a piss up in a brewery so run to the middies crying about numbers.

Blaming success failure on numbers is the excuse of the moronic commander too stupid to organise anything beyond a ram team and a rabble.

To those that spoke out in support, I appologise that supportin harry on the boards will prolly have a negative effect on ur PoPuLaRiTy, /salute those that have the balls to do so.

Sure levelling has restricted DDi badly... other guilds are a lot better at it than us, esp the power leveller guilds out there, yet now they reach 50th... levels alone is not enough to bring success is it?

So to all you whiners and troll kissers who hate harry, the time of DDi-Alliance being too low level to accomplish stuff on our own is running out, sure you have excluded us from many XP parties, out-power-leveled us very well, kept us in the dark on many raids, yet with all that, where is that relic your uber levels have captured for hibernia?

Achive somthing, be something other than a mouthy moron who flames us.... the clock is ticking, and when we do start leading stuff, dont expect an invite if u spent the last 6 months bitching DDi out on the boards, dont come to me whining about fogivness or a united hibernia if are one of the assholes that refused to group us just because its harry or DDi.



Originally posted by Ninster
:clap: :clap: VENDETTA!!! :clap: :clap:



:clap: :clap: VENDETTA!!! :clap: :clap:

Hell no thanks Ninari but that is not what I am trying to do either here or on my own guilds forums, merely trying to wake people up to the possibilities of this game.

If the grunts start thinking and realise we are being lead nowhere maybe when uber guy from any guild has their next whim, many people will say 'soz m8 not convenient I am washing my hair tonight but if this had been planned properly i would be there'.

What I want to see is better organised aggressive guilds that unite to make Hibernia strong, as for the 1 realm thing maybe 40% of Hibernia can be left to drown in it's own piss then as they will never put team before personal RP's and ego.

Loosing you Ninari was a bad thing for the guild a healer that put's healing/rezzing before chasing rp's is a valuable thing.
On the same night a guy joins our guild begs for 10 gold to emblem his shield and cloak does not get it and leaves all within 30 minutes that's the type I catagorise in the 40% along with the gimped healer wanna be tanks who charge over 25 dead hibs after RP's and the Wardens who stand alongside Rangers firing their pathetic bows to get yet more RP's rather than heal those that can do damage.


about rezzing...

Something you people need to realise - we cannot rez if we have no mana, and many times we cannot rez because the level is too high. If a healer runs in waving a weapon, it's probably because they have been disbanded and left to fend for themselves, for RP scraps.

You want to know what frustration is, I am good enough for people to beg for lifts from ligen, but soon as we hit emain, they then disband, piss off and claim realm points. Until they need a rezz, it's amazing. You people should be praising healers and helping us, instead you act as though we are your personal gimps and have nothing better to do then after you jumping for joy over the occasional RP. You have no idea how many times I leave Ligen with a packed ride and soon as I hit emain I am solo'ing.

To all the people that have stuck in my group, a big thank you. To those that I offered lifts too, this is not aimed at you.


Re: about rezzing...

Originally posted by Nol
You want to know what frustration is, I am good enough for people to beg for lifts from ligen, but soon as we hit emain, they then disband, piss off and claim realm points.

I agree that is disgusting and shows the attitude of too large a section of Hibs player.

But my issue was not with the good commited healers and was not a mana issue and was directed at very high level, healers who's play styles and selfishness in RvR i know oh so well.

Look at this scenario you reach the end of Crimm valley 20 dead hibs and you are low on manna, you have a choice sit and wait to at least rez a dead healer or charge to the wall, I think I can guess your choice the ones I have issue with would charge die along with their group only making the situation worse.



everyday I regret spending those those fruitless points in as a n00b :/ gagging for a respec...

Zag Barr

Decent Hibs

Finally some Hibs speak up, that are not adicted to the drugs you take over there. It gives me some hope for the future.

This game is supposed to be fun for all people, in all realms on this server. Yeah sure, we are enemy realms. Yeah sure on the battle field we hate and kill us, but when we release home, we should be saying to ourselfs: That was a fun fight, even at times we lost.

I dont understand the person who posted here earlier, saying being inside a keep with lots of Albs banging on the door is no fun. I was in that situation lots of times, with Hibs or Mids banging on the door and it was fun - always, even if we lost the keep.

I understand, that loads of enemys in Emain every evening, makes yo feel like you have to defend 24/7. Most of the times, however, people just go there to get some RvR action - and not to invade your frontier. The way Emain is layed out, you tend to meet albs, before you meet Mids. So most fights you do are with Albs, maybe that's why you hate us so much. For a long time we hated Mids more, since we met more of them in Emain and they outleveld us and beat us left and right and back to Albion lots of times.

I understand very well, that Hibernia had to go through some bad times. I know how hard it is, to level a Hib char, since I have done it myself. I am certain, that being outleveled for such a long time, must have built a lot of aggression. But these times are over and now it's time for some kind of Geneva convention.

Bug abuse, uber mob pulling, cross teaming and XP killing is no fun really. On a fairly well balanced server it should be considered a war crime.

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