SPAM random annoying things


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Accidently buying gluten free porridge. I feel like I am role-playing the Matrix like that cunt Tate, except the fast cars and the people trafficking, I am eating the gruel they eat.
Oats are gluten free. It's whether they've come into contact with wheat or barley or rye during processing that's the issue.

When not on some mad keto diet I get organic porridge oats. Best made in a pan with a load of whole milk. Put a bit too much milk in, let the fucker boil (needs a stir or you end up burning the oats) and reduce the milk a bit - then you get nice thick concentrated oats. Or go full retard and dump some cream in there. :)

Don't be tempted with any of the packets that come with flavourings like maple syrup or the shizzle. They're akin to drinking a can of coke every day for breakfast and pretty bad for you. Get the plain shit, then add your own honey or whatever.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So. Just been rung up by our friendly farmer (we let him keep his rams on our fields most of the year). He's informed me that there's a fox hunt in the area today and it might be coming past our place.

All our birds are out - and when they're out, they're out - there ain't no herding them back in. They'll go back inside just before dark and put themselves to bed.

Worried that some rich idiot driving a pack of dogs will go past our fields, the dogs might jump the wall and wipe out all my birds. All I can do is put a pair of walking shoes by the door so if I see a problem I can run outside and try to stop them.

Fucking rich people and their idiot hobbies. It's fucking Wales - the place is rammed with sheep that are just starting to lamb. :eek:

We saved a dog that was part of a hunt a few years ago on Snowdon of all places. It had tried to jump a barbed wire fence and got one of it's hind legs wrapped in barbed wire. The rest of the dogs and horses had run off down the mountain and this thing was hanging trapped, upside down, and frothing at the mouth in great pain. Took me to hold the dog up so it's weight wasn't on it's leg (which was dicey, didn't know whether it'd maul me out of fear) and a mate to un-wrap the barbed wire (which was really tight) from it's leg.

It sat there shivering for a few minutes until I poured water on it's head - at which point it "woke up" and darted off in the direction of the rest of the hunt.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Oats are gluten free. It's whether they've come into contact with wheat or barley or rye during processing that's the issue.

When not on some mad keto diet I get organic porridge oats. Best made in a pan with a load of whole milk. Put a bit too much milk in, let the fucker boil (needs a stir or you end up burning the oats) and reduce the milk a bit - then you get nice thick concentrated oats. Or go full retard and dump some cream in there. :)

Don't be tempted with any of the packets that come with flavourings like maple syrup or the shizzle. They're akin to drinking a can of coke every day for breakfast and pretty bad for you. Get the plain shit, then add your own honey or whatever.

Aye drinking a can of Coke every morning would be a horrible way to start the day.

That's why I have Pepsi for breakfast :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Oats are gluten free. It's whether they've come into contact with wheat or barley or rye during processing that's the issue.

When not on some mad keto diet I get organic porridge oats. Best made in a pan with a load of whole milk. Put a bit too much milk in, let the fucker boil (needs a stir or you end up burning the oats) and reduce the milk a bit - then you get nice thick concentrated oats. Or go full retard and dump some cream in there. :)

Don't be tempted with any of the packets that come with flavourings like maple syrup or the shizzle. They're akin to drinking a can of coke every day for breakfast and pretty bad for you. Get the plain shit, then add your own honey or whatever.
Yeah I know, but I started work at 4am this morning and been living off greggs all week. Grabbed them from mini tesco, either way it was wallpaper paste. I usually get it from the hippy place near town.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Just before COVID we were planning to get a load of insulation, window and energy efficiency work done on the house and we were quoted about €40k after the various grants were applied. That all went on the back burner, and I've just kicked off the process again. Same company, pretty much same work (I got an extra upgrade quote for a heat pump for comparison purposes); €91K! (and 111K including a heat pump). Literally no point in doing the work from an energy saving perspective (or house value) even with energy price increases.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
So. Just been rung up by our friendly farmer (we let him keep his rams on our fields most of the year). He's informed me that there's a fox hunt in the area today and it might be coming past our place.

All our birds are out - and when they're out, they're out - there ain't no herding them back in. They'll go back inside just before dark and put themselves to bed.

Worried that some rich idiot driving a pack of dogs will go past our fields, the dogs might jump the wall and wipe out all my birds. All I can do is put a pair of walking shoes by the door so if I see a problem I can run outside and try to stop them.

Fucking rich people and their idiot hobbies. It's fucking Wales - the place is rammed with sheep that are just starting to lamb. :eek:

We saved a dog that was part of a hunt a few years ago on Snowdon of all places. It had tried to jump a barbed wire fence and got one of it's hind legs wrapped in barbed wire. The rest of the dogs and horses had run off down the mountain and this thing was hanging trapped, upside down, and frothing at the mouth in great pain. Took me to hold the dog up so it's weight wasn't on it's leg (which was dicey, didn't know whether it'd maul me out of fear) and a mate to un-wrap the barbed wire (which was really tight) from it's leg.

It sat there shivering for a few minutes until I poured water on it's head - at which point it "woke up" and darted off in the direction of the rest of the hunt.

Contact your local saboteur organisation and let them know they're free to do what they want on your land. I used to be ambivalent about fox hunting but these days I can see it for what it is - a load of wankers rampaging across the land, killing foxes for the lols. Pointless and evil. Exactly the types who kill birds of prey over their grouse estates, or dig badgers out of holes. Cunts.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Just before COVID we were planning to get a load of insulation, window and energy efficiency work done on the house and we were quoted about €40k after the various grants were applied. That all went on the back burner, and I've just kicked off the process again. Same company, pretty much same work (I got an extra upgrade quote for a heat pump for comparison purposes); €91K! (and 111K including a heat pump). Literally no point in doing the work from an energy saving perspective (or house value) even with energy price increases.
I'm shitting myself with house renovations. :(


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
So. On the fox-hunting side - turns out it was a very different type of "fox hunt".

It was all the local farmers getting together with their pitchforks (not literally, their guns). It's lambing season very soon and they all get lambs torn to shreds by foxes, especially in the spring when foxes start to breed. So every few years it seems that they get together before the breeding season, try to flush foxes with dogs and shoot them.

They go into the wooded areas and try to reduce the population - which means that they should normally have plenty of food in the woods so they don't have to come onto the fields to feed their cubs.

I'm a little bit torn about this. Killing foxes (and yep, I bet out of sight they send dogs into fox holes) vs foxes tearing lambs apart. 100% you can see this as a "cost of the lamb industry that they should bear" - but it doesn't take away from the fact that quite often farmers go into fields and find lambs, stomachs open after being got at by a fox, crows feeding on it's arsehole, lamb still alive - and having to deal with that.

If it was rich arseholes on horseback for the lulz, then I'd do what @Tom suggested. As it is - I see this more like what we need to do with African populations - we need to provide them with alternative incentives/income streams so they don't see the natural world as a real-life on-the-ground enemy and preseve nature, rather than fuck it.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I'm shitting myself with house renovations. :(

We've actually been pleasantly surprised with how easy it's been to keep this draughty old 30's semi we bought warm. It had a lot of work in the late 90's/early 00's, with new windows (yay), conservatory (yay for the 6 months a year you can use it) and a loft conversion, during which they laid loads of insulation. We've had a couple of properly draughty windows but we got some of that cheap Chinese insulating tape off eBay, and they're loads better.

Gas is running around 120 - 130 a month in winter, which considering it's also used to power our boiler, hob (oh noes) and oven isn't too bad at all. CH has been left on at 18 degrees for most of it.

We'll ignore the wood costs for the log burner :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Wait, fox hunting is back? I have been away a long time.

They all ignore the law and go about their business as usual. The local police forces don't care. If you watch the sabbing videos on social media you see it every week, foxes ripped apart, saboteurs being run over by men on 4 wheeled machines, twats on horses charging into protestors. They're just evil cunts who enjoy pain and suffering.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
M&S boxers and socks. Quality has definitely gone down the toilet in the last couple of years.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
M&S boxers and socks. Quality has definitely gone down the toilet in the last couple of years.
M&S clothes in general. Got some t-shirts from there last year that all shrunk after a single wash.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Made in the same sweatshops as everything else, but with an extra M&S tax.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Next for boxers/socks, Primark for T-Shirts.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dumb fucking auditors making me work 12+ hours a day because they have zero common sense or knowledge of financial systems.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Dumb fucking auditors making me work 12+ hours a day because they have zero common sense or knowledge of financial systems.

That being said, Just read that I now have a 12% pay rise, for doing the same shit as last year. I should hand in my notice more often.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Wow they are robbing you blind
You can get them cheaper than their site. However, if you want to be outside all day in the cold, damp and wet - and have warm comfy feet then there's absolutely no substitute for proper walking socks.

The heavyweight are used for arctic expeditions - or for me when I'm walking up the mountains in winter or riding my bike in sub-zero temperatures. The midweight I use most of the year (or all year round indoors or just walking to the pub or something) The lightweight on really hot days in the hills.

Because they're merino they're also warm when wet - people go to great lengths to keep their feet dry - and it's dumb, because they end up getting sweaty feet instead. Much better to have socks that keep you warm and comfortable even if you've just waded knee-deep through a river crossing.

Also, because merino, they don't smell if you wear a single pair for a week-long hike. And they take about 18 months of every day wear to develop holes IME.

You get what you pay for tbpfh. I won't ever wear cotton socks again. They can fuck off. They're robbing everyone else blind with that shit :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
I've been replacing my socks with bamboo fiber socks. They are super comfortable. $23 for an 8 pack.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
I have day of the week socks which I'm very proud of - as in black socks with the day of the week on the sole.

You can tell when I've got my shit together on a particular day - both feet have the same day on them :)


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
You can get them cheaper than their site. However, if you want to be outside all day in the cold, damp and wet - and have warm comfy feet then there's absolutely no substitute for proper walking socks.

The heavyweight are used for arctic expeditions - or for me when I'm walking up the mountains in winter or riding my bike in sub-zero temperatures. The midweight I use most of the year (or all year round indoors or just walking to the pub or something) The lightweight on really hot days in the hills.

Because they're merino they're also warm when wet - people go to great lengths to keep their feet dry - and it's dumb, because they end up getting sweaty feet instead. Much better to have socks that keep you warm and comfortable even if you've just waded knee-deep through a river crossing.

Also, because merino, they don't smell if you wear a single pair for a week-long hike. And they take about 18 months of every day wear to develop holes IME.

You get what you pay for tbpfh. I won't ever wear cotton socks again. They can fuck off. They're robbing everyone else blind with that shit :)

I guess if they work for you in all the ways you describe then that's fine.
For me having a pair of cotton socks and waterproof shoes is fine for me. No cold wet feet for me and they last at least a year. And at £15 for a 5 pack you can't go wrong really.


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
You can get them cheaper than their site. However, if you want to be outside all day in the cold, damp and wet - and have warm comfy feet then there's absolutely no substitute for proper walking socks.

The heavyweight are used for arctic expeditions - or for me when I'm walking up the mountains in winter or riding my bike in sub-zero temperatures. The midweight I use most of the year (or all year round indoors or just walking to the pub or something) The lightweight on really hot days in the hills.

Because they're merino they're also warm when wet - people go to great lengths to keep their feet dry - and it's dumb, because they end up getting sweaty feet instead. Much better to have socks that keep you warm and comfortable even if you've just waded knee-deep through a river crossing.

Also, because merino, they don't smell if you wear a single pair for a week-long hike. And they take about 18 months of every day wear to develop holes IME.

You get what you pay for tbpfh. I won't ever wear cotton socks again. They can fuck off. They're robbing everyone else blind with that shit :)

Please visit the link in the description for 20% off your first order and worldwide shipping,



Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Please visit the link in the description for 20% off your first order and worldwide shipping,
Not advertising. Not affiliated. Response to a post about poor quality socks.

I can talk in length and with detail about layering systems for walking and hiking too if you like, with actual recommendations for products and brands so people don't have to waste their hard-earned on dogshit if you like?

This guy does it with paid promotion, I can do the same without :)


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