Because they need something to put in the next version they try to sell to youWord trying to think for itself. Please Mr Word, if I want tabs, I will press that button myself. If I want lists, I will make lists. if I want to paste something, I certainly don't fucking want you to fucking keep the original formatting. Why can I not turn this off permanently?
Because you're useless with Word?Word trying to think for itself. Please Mr Word, if I want tabs, I will press that button myself. If I want lists, I will make lists. if I want to paste something, I certainly don't fucking want you to fucking keep the original formatting. Why can I not turn this off permanently?
Remove the joy that Meg has ripping the piss out of you being useless at Microsoft Word
Because you're useless with Word?
Word Options
Turn off what you don't want
Remove the joy that Meg has ripping the piss out of you being useless at Microsoft Word
just completed my research paper. time to send it off and have several people tell me what a giant pile of arse it is.
just completed my research paper. time to send it off and have several people tell me what a giant pile of arse it is.
Well if you won't bother to learn how to use Word then what do you expect?just completed my research paper. time to send it off and have several people tell me what a giant pile of arse it is.
Fixed.People who don't know what they want.
Not being able to feel you arse or coxor after having injection in your spin.
Theres something between my legs but its totall disconnected from my body at the moment.
I know you've probably answered this before (probably answered me) - but are they gonna operate or is it inoperable?I have degenerated spine disks. And they injected steroids and anesthetic in to it to help the pain.