Half the reason why I come on this forum is to see reactions to trolling.
Unfortunately Toht, your reputation as a proven "black is white, white is black" type of person somewhat removes the credence of this.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. You just say and do the opposite (go against the grain if you will) purely to get a reaction; and you know it.
I watch you in the shower aswell.You need a hobby.
I agree with Toht really, as soon as you disagree with someone you are called a troll and an idiot on here.. it's ridiculous..
tbh you mentioned as much in recent posts, but whatever floats your boat really. I don't mind. also I didn't think you were disagreeing, or that I was. imo I was stating my opinion. I'm not sure that having a different opinion is the same as disagreeing, but some linguist will no doubt set me straight. I mean, it's only a week ago that I learned the distinction between this and that 0oI'm not though. Here's another random annoying thing;
People who think disagreeing must be trolling, going against the grain or somehow a lark, instead of someone elses opinion that differs from yours.
It happens on like a majority of threads, for the first two pages, its usually the usual crowd agreeing on a certain topic, someone posts 'I don't agree, my point of view is *this*' then for another 4-5 pages its a onslaught of that individual, and all different matters are pulled into it from different threads.I don't get it, people disagree and debate on here on a constant basis. It's what this forum is about; I don't see accusations of trolling. Perhaps you could cite some references to back that woeful generalisation?
Not only do you freely admit that in the your post, but you freely admit to it in day to day activities.
2 people liked with my above post
2 people disliked my above post
The 2 people that liked it were people that rarely post.
The 2 people that disliked it are the people that regularly post, and do what I said.
So jsut to clarify, you want everyone to agree with you. Maybe you should re-read your own post, you seem quite confused about what a forum is.
No, not at all, I understand that there are discussions, but I'm making a point that so much hate goes on in the forum, where people just pre-judge peoples posts on other threads and such, I don't want everyone to agree with me, the point I was making, the people that 'disliked' what I had said were the people that had done what I had said.
I like people to air their own opinions, that's what a forum is about, but when it's 'My opinion is x' the same crowd usually dives onto that person whining and insulting them. No-wonder we have so many people on the forum who don't post, probably because if they do, they know they'll get the KGB knocking on their door at 3 in the morning.
It is very annoying when I go for a shit and realise there is no toilet paper in the house. I had to jump in the shower
It is very annoying when I go for a shit and realise there is no toilet paper in the house. I had to jump in the shower
I've been single for a while so I joined an online dating site. After filling in the personality test it came back with the girl they thought I'd be most compatible with. She was a prostitute.
"Hey Fweddy, after getting to know you better we've decided you'd be better off giving up on dating and just paying for sex"