PS3 needs a proper price cut NOW


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Delket, the thing about your post is that you're excluding pretty much the entire world outside of America. A lot of people get sucked in like this, since all the major VG sites are also American, you really only get the American point of view.

The 360 is rocking in the USA, but don't think that they're dominating in Europe, and they have zero chance in Asia.

I see more wii's and 360's selling than ps3's, and it purely is about the price point for the average punter. So I guess we are quite similar to the US.


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
Its not an American POV, its mine and thus doesnt really count for crap beyond myself and anyone who asks me for my advice but i do get the feeling that what i see mirrors what other Europeans like myself think and that is that currently the PS3 isnt up to scratch with the 360 as an overall gaming experience.

I know a lot more people with 360's than ps3s. Dont get me wrong I'd happily buy a Ps3 with a good reason to (IE A nice lineup of decent games and an attractive price point) but currently i dont have one. I cant be the only one, Sony should see people want to buy a ps3 but that they need to entice us in the process :).


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
The UK is similar to US. We share a lot of their culture nowadays, so that's no surprise.

The PS3 is doing alright in France. The 360 isn't doing well in Germany (all of the good games are banned :D). Spain has been a complete Sonyland in the past, and it'll be VERY interesting to see what happens when PES 2008 comes out. Sony definitely has better penetration in the eastern europe countries too.

PS3 also has games coming that commonly do VERY well in PAL countries, such as Singstar and Buzz.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Will singstar and buzz be enough to convince the public to shell out £400 for a party game though? The popularity of the original singstar and buzz games was in a large part due to the £100 price point of the ps2. If the new titles are also on ps2, then I do not see anyone spending to buy a ps3. Why do you need 1080p for those games anyway?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well 2 games aren't enough to sell a console, that goes for every console. I'm just pointing out that Sony has much more variety in games that will appeal to the mainland Euros and the Japanese (not limited to these two games btw :p)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
But they do not have that variety exclusively now. Guitar hero for example, is on 360, and also on DS.

More developers are making their games cross platform now, and that will only benefit microsoft and nintendo, as they got their foot in the door first.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
£299 for the elite 360, only my wife stopped me buying one today, curse the clothes shop next door not having what she wanted :(

I was well and truly sat on the fence before but with the recent games on 360 (and titles on the horizon) I will be getting one (just need to work on the wife) there is not one game on the ps3 that I want, I cant see it taking off properly either which will mean HD DVD will win over Blueray so its not even worth getting one for that format.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I dont get it.

360 outsells PS3, so 360 is gonna win.
Blu-ray outsells HD-DVD, so HD-DVD is gonna win.

ummmmmmmmmmmmm :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Combo drives are already out, I expect both BluRay and HDDVD will be around for some time.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Mass Effect is reason enough to own a 360 when that comes out.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
will mean HD DVD will win over Blueray so its not even worth getting one for that format.

360 sales have no correlation with the success of HD-DVD though, MS were too fearful to put their foot firmly in the camp by including the drive as standard.

Blu-ray is leading the race for the same reason 360 is selling better than the ps3 - a wider range of titles.

I would get a combi-drive if you are intrested in either format. Lots of manufacturers other than LG releasing them soon.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
I know several people with 360's, I know no one with a PS3.

As far as I know, a fair part of Blu-Ray player sales are down to PS3 units shipping with the drive included as standard.. so it might not be as clear cut as the figures seem as I don't think all the PS3ers are buying Blu-Ray.

Then again, I read this somewhere a few months back and it may have changed now.

Combi players are the way to go \o/


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Blu Ray HD DVD war has nothing to do with the machines its the fact Blu Ray has 8 Major Film studios Exclusive HD DVD has 1. With 3 of the biggest releasing on both.

It all came down to HD DVD being completly hacked very early where Blu Ray is still to be hacked or something like that. It was ages ago i last looked.

Like i have said before if you like the sony machines £425 is nothing to get the PS3. It is kids that are priced out of the PS3 any one who has a job and wanted one could have one people need to get over the price even if Sony dropped it to £300 people would still say the 360 is £179. I think f you hate Sony and don't want one the price means nothing. If you like it and want one you will find the money.

And also if Sony anounce a price cut this christmas how long will it take for people to slag Sony off for being cheaper in the states while ignoring the fact the new 360 eliet is much cheaper in the states too ;)


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 2, 2004
What sony needs is say 4-5 titles which are well into the 90% range in peoples eyes. They're the flagship products which make people who havn't got the console go zoooomg i need to play that and thus buy a ps3. Thats the main reason really that 360 is doing so well this gen. Aside from Tech lovers and fanboys people buy the system for the games not the console itself and thats where the problem lies.

If Sony can whip their devs into pushing out 5 awesome games then people would happily pay 400+ quid.(Hell if gears, halo3, etc were on ps3 and not 360 id of got one by now). Get 10 solid flagship games out and they could push the prices UP :p. Games are the reason you buy the machines (for most people) and hence what sells them!

Conversely with a real dearth of decent games they need to push the price down to spark interest. That in turn leads to more developer interest and better games. Win Win!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
What sony needs is say 4-5 titles which are well into the 90% range in peoples eyes. They're the flagship products which make people who havn't got the console go zoooomg i need to play that and thus buy a ps3. Thats the main reason really that 360 is doing so well this gen. Aside from Tech lovers and fanboys people buy the system for the games not the console itself and thats where the problem lies.

If Sony can whip their devs into pushing out 5 awesome games then people would happily pay 400+ quid.(Hell if gears, halo3, etc were on ps3 and not 360 id of got one by now). Get 10 solid flagship games out and they could push the prices UP :p. Games are the reason you buy the machines (for most people) and hence what sells them!

Conversely with a real dearth of decent games they need to push the price down to spark interest. That in turn leads to more developer interest and better games. Win Win!

A couple of these 90%+ games are out this year (Ratchet & Clank, Uncharted). More are out next year (MGS4, GT5, FF13 we hope :D, LittleBigPlanet, perhaps Killzone 2).

That's why I say it's all about '08. Not only is the exclusive stuff really really good, but multi-platform is looking better with COD4 having the same 60fps as 360, EA promising all PS3 games the same FPS as 360, etc.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Blu Ray HD DVD war has nothing to do with the machines its the fact Blu Ray has 8 Major Film studios Exclusive HD DVD has 1. With 3 of the biggest releasing on both.

It all came down to HD DVD being completly hacked very early where Blu Ray is still to be hacked or something like that. It was ages ago i last looked.

Like i have said before if you like the sony machines £425 is nothing to get the PS3. It is kids that are priced out of the PS3 any one who has a job and wanted one could have one people need to get over the price even if Sony dropped it to £300 people would still say the 360 is £179. I think f you hate Sony and don't want one the price means nothing. If you like it and want one you will find the money.

And also if Sony anounce a price cut this christmas how long will it take for people to slag Sony off for being cheaper in the states while ignoring the fact the new 360 eliet is much cheaper in the states too ;)

I do not think even bodhi could have made a more fanboi post about the ps3.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Well it seems the rumours of a 40GB PS3 are true. $399 in USA and €399 in Europe, placing the UK one at around £300 maybe.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Well it seems the rumours of a 40GB PS3 are true. $399 in USA and €399 in Europe, placing the UK one at around £300 maybe.

Get real £350 maybe :)


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I do not think even bodhi could have made a more fanboi post about the ps3.

Yeah that was the point. If you want one (fan boi) the price dose not matter. And its true the XBox fan bois will find a reason to slag the machine off no matter what Sony do.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Yeah that was the point. If you want one (fan boi) the price dose not matter. And its true the XBox fan bois will find a reason to slag the machine off no matter what Sony do.

Or maybe people just don't want to shell out £500+ on a console with 360 ports?

Hmmm yeah sounds about right.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Or maybe people just don't want to shell out £500+ on a console with 360 ports?

Hmmm yeah sounds about right.

Where do you keep getting £500 plus from you can just spend under £400 online and get 2 exclusive games free.

But your right im sure people would rather spend there money blindly buying a 360 and Halo 3 just to find out they have been mugged off with a tarted up Halo 2 thats a much better idea :)


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah that was the point. If you want one (fan boi) the price dose not matter. And its true the XBox fan bois will find a reason to slag the machine off no matter what Sony do.

Live in the real world, £425 is a LOT of money for the majority of people. You have to consider the fact that you still have to pay extra for games etc.

What exactly are you basing your opinion on soze? Mine is based on listening to people when they are shopping for consoles, and trying to sell consoles to them.

The exclusive games things is poor soze, most people would have preferred a price cut than being forced to get two very poor titles. Again that opinion is based on listening to epople who have actually been looking to buy / have bought the bundle.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
Live in the real world, £425 is a LOT of money for the majority of people. You have to consider the fact that you still have to pay extra for games etc.

What exactly are you basing your opinion on soze? Mine is based on listening to people when they are shopping for consoles, and trying to sell consoles to them.

The exclusive games things is poor soze, most people would have preferred a price cut than being forced to get two very poor titles. Again that opinion is based on listening to epople who have actually been looking to buy / have bought the bundle.

My posts in this thread have mainly been a piss take. I have said countless times Sony would have done better to release a sub £200 version with no Blu Ray but they did not.

And again i have said giving away 2 games instead of a price cut was another mistake. People should have the choice. That was a comment aimed at a 360 fanboi saying it will cost £500 plus when that will get you 4 or 5 games plus a machine :)

My person opinon is the Sony is good value I had a HD TV a year before it came out so for my £425 i got a blu ray player and a games machine. Since it came out i also use it to stram media from my laptop to my TV. Not something every one wants i know but all things that i find handy and ease the pain of spending £425.

My comment about £400 not being alot if you want one comes from friends and people i know who were not going to buy one but then decided they wanted it and put it on the credit card or saved some cash to purchase it. So if you want one you find a way.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I really do not understand what the hell you are on about? First you are taking the piss, but with no apparent humour, then you disagree with what you have written in this thread. Then you contradict all that again.

Maybe form an opinion and stick to it? Or get some medical help for the bipolar condition you seem to have.

Well it seems the rumours of a 40GB PS3 are true. $399 in USA and €399 in Europe, placing the UK one at around £300 maybe.

Hmm... They obivously want a clear difference between the 80gb version and this new one, lets face it not many people would buy the 80gb version is the 60gb was available and a £100 cheaper. harddrives are not expensive, I still feel £300 will be to much. They will be pitching their "low end" ps3 against the high end 360.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
I really do not understand what the hell you are on about? First you are taking the piss, but with no apparent humour, then you disagree with what you have written in this thread. Then you contradict all that again.

Maybe form an opinion and stick to it? Or get some medical help for the bipolar condition you seem to have.

Taking the piss is not always funny see you tried and its as funny as gut rot

One last time. For what i use the PS3 for and the fact i have always been a playstation gamer I do not think at £425 the machine is expensive.

But I can see where the it would have been best IF they had released a core type version of the machine. Sold more machine more games ect. Im not contradicting myself im just saying no matter what i feel i can see the other side where a basic machine (no blu ray) and price cuts would have been best


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Woah. A lot of "experts" in here. You'd think you all were consultants reporting to Sony or something.

Anyway I'm sure PS3 will be fine. I'm fairly certain Sony are still doing fine off their PS2 cash cow not to be too concerned. It's all just a little bit of history repeating. Remember how long PS2 took to completely take over from PS0ne? iirc it wasn't til GT3 hit, which was at least a year after the console launched over here.

Oh yeah and I played PES on a 360 on Saturday night. What a load of toss that was. Too slow gameplay and the worst controller known to main. I know sixxaxis is a bit light, but I'd take that over the 360's monstrosity any day. I don't know who's got hands the right shape to hold one, but they're clearly a freak hence their opinion counts for nought. I mean it might work on those second rate PC games y'all get on 360, but for a decent game like PES or GT they'd be absolutely useless.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Meh Bods. I can play pro fine on both the 360 controller and the ps2 pad, they both feel the same to me. The original xbox pad was shite for it, and I imagine the six axis will be as well. Sony needs to just release the ps2 pad for the ps3, I do not care if it has a lead or not. I plan to get pro on both ps3 and 360 though, some of my friends will not play the 360 version and some will not play the ps3. Gamers are a snobbish lot.


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2005
some of my friends will not play the 360 version and some will not play the ps3. Gamers are a snobbish lot.


I just like gaming and good games, I couldn't give a toss what system it's on. I can only afford one console and I went for the 360 for all the obvious reasons and I'm happy with it :)

360 controller feels great to me, PS2 ones feel quite rubbish in comparison, even though I used to use them loads. Everyone's different mind, though its a shame my opinion is invalid due to the shape of my hands :p I've not used a sixxaxis so I can't comment.

PS3 and Sony will be fine eventually I'm sure, they just need the good games to start coming out, which they will eventually, probably around the time of the price drop.

Tbh, I couldn't care less which is better, so long as I'm having fun..


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Anyway I'm sure PS3 will be fine. I'm fairly certain Sony are still doing fine off their PS2 cash cow not to be too concerned. It's all just a little bit of history repeating. Remember how long PS2 took to completely take over from PS0ne? iirc it wasn't til GT3 hit, which was at least a year after the console launched over here.

Both PS1 and PS2 had no real competition, not only has the PS3's competition been out longer and have more good games out, it is also £100 cheaper.

Not to mention the proper online system that has actual content.

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