PS3 has lost to Wii and Xbox360 (discuss)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Agreed on the PC side. Unless the developer makes an epic fuck up, PC versions will look and play better.

Sure nobody disagrees but there is always a risk with a multiplatform game if you buy on the PC because of crashes etc.

Fallout 3 a perfect example it wasn't that my PC didn't meet the requirements my PC thrashed that game but for some reason until they released the patch it crashed randomly.

This never really happened on the consoles, if it did there would be a mass uproar and people would be quickly demanding a refund.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
You're kidding? There have been tons of buggy, crashing console games this gen. Castle Crashers anyone? Fallout 3 had crash bugs on consoles too, which were fixed by a patch, same as PC.

It never used to happen on consoles because there wasn't a way to patch 'em. QC isn't what it used to be.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Interesting article on the IBM designers of both the CELL and X360 CPU, Microsoft did definately benefit indirectly from some of the work IBM was doing on CELL. The most interesting bit is at the end though where he compares the systems and says...

But can Shippy's insight on both console's processors finally answer the age-old debate about which console is actually more powerful?

"I'm going to have to answer with an 'it depends,'" laughs Shippy, after a pause. "Again, they're completely different models. So in the PS3, you've got this Cell chip which has massive parallel processing power, the PowerPC core, multiple SPU cores… it's got a GPU that is, in the model here, processing more in the Cell chip and less in the GPU. So that's one processing paradigm -- a heterogeneous paradigm."

"With the Xbox 360, you've got more of a traditional multi-core system, and you've got three PowerPC cores, each of them having dual threads -- so you've got six threads running there, at least in the CPU. Six threads in Xbox 360, and eight or nine threads in the PS3 -- but then you've got to factor in the GPU," Shippy explains. "The GPU is highly sophisticated in the Xbox 360."

He concludes: "At the end of the day, when you put them all together, depending on the software, I think they're pretty equal, even though they're completely different processing models."

What about the familiar refrain that the PS3's architecture is overcomplicated, challenging developers to program effectively? "The Cell architecture, from a software programming standpoint, is definitely a new paradigm," Shippy concedes.

"And I think what the game community would argue is that, since it is different, initially it is harder to program the Cell chip -- it's not a traditional multiprocessor environment," he says.

"The real hardcore coders would argue that, once you do understand it and can program to it, you absolutely get the most out of the hardware, and really write some fairly low-level code that's really high performance," he adds.

"I think some of the bigger game houses that will write more high-level code would really prefer an Xbox 360 -- right out of the chute, it's easier to write code for. I think you can really leverage the Cell hardware technology -- but it is harder to get your head around."

The entire article can be found here...

Gamasutra - Processing The Truth: An Interview With David Shippy


Part of the furniture
Dec 27, 2003
Nintendo - cos wii fit selling more tham generic-co-op-third-person-shooter makes fanbois mad :D..........really mad....


Has a sexy sister. I am also a Bodhi wannabee.
Dec 22, 2003
Bruce Lee's choice.



I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
n64 and goldeneye and 4 controllers and 3 mates. You will never need any of these next gen consoles then.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Seconded. And just to ruffle some feathers, the N64 shit all over the Ps1.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 22, 2004
As a "true" sony fan i have decided that this generation is non important. From now on i would like everyone to use xbox1 vs ps2 sales and game figures so Sony can win please?


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Thats what we need that wasn't really carried over from the N64 days. 4 player offline co-op granted you have the few party games and the occasional shooter like the great Ghost Recon series but we need more. I regurly play with 4 mates and we play GRAW 1 and 2 and thats pretty much it, we don't like party games and 2 of my mates can't really play DM (they are terrible) I would love to see more 4 player co-op games if developers did that I am sure the console with the best ones would outsell everyone else.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Seconded. And just to ruffle some feathers, the N64 shit all over the Ps1.

In terms of what?

Ripping people off for the price of games?

£70 for Turok?
£60 for Mario 64?

I remember paying those prices for games and i can tell you now i will never pay £60 for ANY game ever again.

The reason splitscreen is shunned these days is because game devs/console devs spent years trying to get the online part of a console to take off Microsoft have done it and they have no reason to go back.

I gotta say i loved the splitscreen days my bro and 2 other mates duking it out on Duke Nukem 64/Goldeneye, but those days are gone and online is the way to go coz i like my tv screen all to myself :(


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
In terms of what?

Ripping people off for the price of games?

£70 for Turok?
£60 for Mario 64?

Where did you buy your games? Though the most I paid for a N64 was £40 (Lylat Wars) and I only paid that cause it came with the rumle pack. I don't even pay £40 for a game now. I had Mario 64 with my N64 and I think I only paid £15 for Turok granted it was second hand, but it still was in the orginal box with manual.

I know they are concentrating on Online and Live is very well done (get what you pay for) I am moaning mainly cause my mates won't fork out the cash for a console and games to play online with, either that or they use a PC and don't see the need for a console (even though he comes round mine and plays 2 player games)


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
Where did you buy your games? Though the most I paid for a N64 was £40 (Lylat Wars) and I only paid that cause it came with the rumle pack. I don't even pay £40 for a game now. I had Mario 64 with my N64 and I think I only paid £15 for Turok granted it was second hand, but it still was in the orginal box with manual.

I know they are concentrating on Online and Live is very well done (get what you pay for) I am moaning mainly cause my mates won't fork out the cash for a console and games to play online with, either that or they use a PC and don't see the need for a console (even though he comes round mine and plays 2 player games)

Well you must have bought your N64 a year after it was released ask ANYONE who bought their N64 on release and they were the prices for the games.

Turok was the most expensive game for the N64 for a long time it was £70 quid in most places.

15 for Turok second hand? what a total lie unless it was 2 years after it was released i might agree but your saying you got it for that price at release time?

Never EVER saw a N64 game below £50 when it was in it's 1-2 years infancy.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
I the N64 was out around 6 months before I got one.
£15 second was off my cousin he didn't like it for some reason.
Bought Zelda for £20 off my mate who had enough of it (that was 8 months after release, my mum couldn't get it for my xmas prezzie everywhere was sold out)
and I am telling the truth about the price of the games. There was a little shop in my town called 'The Games Room' got to know the guy running it and spent most of my free time there as a kid and when I had money from a Bday, Xmas or my paper round. I would head down and get a new game for whatever Console I had at the time. His prices were very good and the only place I ever saw that sold VCD's lol
I never had much money as a kid so I did a lot of shopping around and trading in and haggling with the guy who owned the shop. (went out of buisness after a few years, shame really)


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Anyone who buys at release price is a twat.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
In terms of what?

Ripping people off for the price of games?

£70 for Turok?
£60 for Mario 64?

I remember paying those prices for games and i can tell you now i will never pay £60 for ANY game ever again.

The reason splitscreen is shunned these days is because game devs/console devs spent years trying to get the online part of a console to take off Microsoft have done it and they have no reason to go back.

I gotta say i loved the splitscreen days my bro and 2 other mates duking it out on Duke Nukem 64/Goldeneye, but those days are gone and online is the way to go coz i like my tv screen all to myself :(
In terms of I prefered it and my personal opinion is definately a fact.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Seconded. And just to ruffle some feathers, the N64 shit all over the Ps1.

And this is why I am ignoring anything you say re: the current generation. In fact I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and agree with Aada on the console forum - the N64 was a bag of wank. Too expensive, not enough games and the controller was filled with AIDS. Playing Goldeneye after playing Doom/Quake was like driving with your penis. OK it may be more comfortable, but it's just going to end in death.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Did the "And to ruffle some feathers" not give away I said it just for reactions? Anything I say regarding the current generation is, as I've stated plenty of times, my opinion, unlike you and Aada who seem to regard personal opinions as fact.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
Aada is actually right here, N64 games were very expensive. Turok was £70 at release and the majority of 64 games were £55, and they stayed this price for at least 2 years after launch of the console. Second hand 64 games were around the £30 mark in most trade in places. I remember they justified the cost over your average £35-£40 ps1 games by pointing out the manufacture cost of catridges over cd's.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Will just have to disagree with you there Bodhi I'm afraid as I think N64 controller was epic. Personally for me:
  1. MegaDrive 6 Button (proper D-Pad)
  2. N64 (could hold solidly with left hand and button mash with right hand, which was good for the fighting games I played)
  3. Revised X-Box Controller/360 Controller (original one was absolute epic fail)
  4. PS2 Controller
Each to their own though.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
The n64 pad hurt like buggery after a while, but my god it was intuitive.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
only probh with the n64 pad was the cricle thingies on the humb stick. i ended sanding mine down as it got anoyying for long play and no stingy/burning thumb after that.

and mem carts, offical ninty ones cost alot and cheapos ones would lose game saves if you left it unplugged fir a bit.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Did the "And to ruffle some feathers" not give away I said it just for reactions? Anything I say regarding the current generation is, as I've stated plenty of times, my opinion, unlike you and Aada who seem to regard personal opinions as fact.

Well if you don't like my posts you are more than welcome to

a) ignore them
b) suck my balls
c) tell someone who gives a shit
d) all of the above


And funnily enough the only company that's got me to splash some cash on a console is Sony, so my top 4 would be

1) DualShock 3
2) DualShock 2
3) DualShock 1
4) Logitech Formula Force

Bottom 3

3) Xbox 360 - just feels wrong
2) Wii - Great if you like gimmicks, toss otherwise
1) Original Xbox


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
For me the PS3 won the next generation round for the following reasons:

  1. Some good games on it that I love, LBP, Resistance (1/2), Motorstorm, Ratchet and Clank, WipeoutHD.
  2. Blu-ray. Simple. I invested in a format which in my opinion was far superior to HD-DUD. Couldn't be happer, not interested in DRM as 80% of the film houses release region unlocked.
  3. Reliability. PS3s do break down but the failure rate is of a magnitude smaller than the XBOX360.
  4. Openess. Having the ability to install Linux, any harddrive whether internal or USB, keyboards or mouse is a big plus in my book. I am not a hostage to price if I want to increase capacity of my system.
  5. Media capabilities and future expansion.
  6. It is an all in one box, I don't need to buy addon after addon and have another 10 cables to add to my already growing collection.
Don't get me wrong, I prefer the XBOX 360 controller by a long shot and some of the games on the 360 are great as is XBOXLive. PSN has a long way to go but then its 6 or 7 years behind.

For some the WII package is better than either the PS3 or the 360, each to their own though I am looking forward to see how MS steps into the 3rd round given the losses they have incurred so far in the console market IN comparison to Sony and Nintendo. Shareholders will want a return at some point and the other side of MS cannot keep supporting the gaming division.

To me it is not about the games but the overall package.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
And this is why I am ignoring anything you say re: the current generation. In fact I'm going to break the habit of a lifetime and agree with Aada on the console forum - the N64 was a bag of wank. Too expensive, not enough games and the controller was filled with AIDS. Playing Goldeneye after playing Doom/Quake was like driving with your penis. OK it may be more comfortable, but it's just going to end in death.

Oh shit, hell froze over twice. I agree with Bodhi, that only ever happened once before when we agreed on how great God of War is. Seriously, the N64 was a load of old toss and the only good thing about Goldeneye was the 4 player split screen. The game itself was a complete donkey, just like the console with it's overpriced cartriges which should have been left in the 1980's where the fuckers belong.


Part of the furniture
Dec 26, 2003
idd, although it was always fun to play mario kart every one n awhile round my mates. But i much prefered the ps1. I'd say the sega mega drive greatest console ever ;) hehe.


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
To me it is not about the games but the overall package.
Which is why, as I've said before, I didn't get a PS3. It delivered less than originally promised at a price point that was far higher than expected.

As I've also said before if I do get a PS3, I'm waiting for the "PS3.x" slimline redesigned version because that always fucked me off about my PS2.

Who won/lost the war is always subjective but Sony's actions have boxed me into the "not spending" corner which if amplified going forward is BAD.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
List of best ever pads?

1) Snes - classic and unbeaten for non-analogue control.
2) 360 pad - Great analogue controls and ok-ish Dpad.
3) PS2 pad. Great D-Pad and ok-ish analogue controls.


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Great analog controls? THEY'RE IN THE WRONG FUCKING PLACE!!!


Official Licensed Lump of Coal™ Distributor
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
Actually I prefer the 360 arrangement for Analogue as well, I just didn't wanna set Bodhi off :p

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