Film Prometheus


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Wish you'd have said last night you were going tonight, i'd have come with you
I didn't know until around 4.30pm today when Francesco booked the tickets. Sorry :(

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Saw this tonight. Its ok. Some good performances, especially Michael Fassbender.

Some of the twists were fairly easy to spot a mile off. The Prometheus itself is probably one of the best sci-fi spaceships I've ever seen.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
Saw this tonight. Its ok. Some good performances, especially Michael Fassbender.

Some of the twists were fairly easy to spot a mile off. The Prometheus itself is probably one of the best sci-fi spaceships I've ever seen.
It reminded me of FireFly.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
saw this tonight, was good but i expected more :( felt a bit vague in places.

also wtf was the engineer guy at the beginning doing? Didnt understand the relevance of that at all


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
saw this tonight, was good but i expected more :( felt a bit vague in places.

also wtf was the engineer guy at the beginning doing? Didnt understand the relevance of that at all
I thought he was seeding life on Earth

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I thought he was seeding life on Earth

My take is that he was seeding and he wasn't supposed to, for whatever reason. Hence why the Engineers want humankind dead, though the deeper reason is left for the next 2 movies to explain. Maybe he wanted to create a race that could stand up to and challenge the Engineers eventually and thats what they're worried about.

The other thing I thought about was maybe he was unleashing the bioweapons on an Engineer planet and thats how the Engineers started dying.

Oh one thing I forgot that I really didn't like - the music. There were clearly tense moments and you had this happy cheerful shit playing underneath. Like really... wtf, zero dramatic appropriateness. Sweeping epic at times and it was ok but stuff like this is noob mistake.
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Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
My take is that he was seeding and he wasn't supposed to, for whatever reason. Hence why the Engineers want humankind dead, though the deeper reason is left for the next 2 movies to explain. Maybe he wanted to create a race that could stand up to and challenge the Engineers eventually and thats what they're worried about.

The other thing I thought about was maybe he was unleashing the bioweapons on an Engineer planet and thats how the Engineers started dying.

Oh one thing I forgot that I really didn't like - the music. There were clearly tense moments and you had this happy cheerful shit playing underneath. Like really... wtf, zero dramatic appropriateness. Sweeping epic at times and it was ok but stuff like this is noob mistake.
That is an interesting take on it, I too think we will find out more about the opening scene in later films

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know if its because its the Jubilee weekend, but the 6pm showing I went to was nearly empty. Maybe 10 people in the cinema, if that.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Went to a midnight showing of it the day it came out, thought it was great. It did open up more question than it answered mind, I quite like the ambiguity of it all though, lots of different theories floating around regarding specific scenes etc :)


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
Loved it, visually stunning, looked amazing


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I loved it. There were a few things that made me go "hmmm" though. What I liked MOST about it was that RS didn't go ffing OTT with the ffing 3D like every other ffing director does. Very subtle. Well done

things that made me go hmmmm:
me being me in more or less chronological order:
  • if Engineers have been coming to Earth for so long to check on the results of their seeding work, if it is in fact "seeding work" that occurred in the first scene, that peoples up to the Mayan age knew about it...why didn't any other civilizations know about them after the Mayans?
  • why the ACTUAL FUCK did a bunch of so called scientists take their ffing helmets off without any kind of check on the atmosphere at all. some loony takes his off so they all do it? WTF WTF WTF!!!! AND!!! AND!!! AND!!! when someone gets "ill" then the bunch of fuckers suddenly go to ZOMG MEGA HIGH CONTAMINATIONBACON ALERT !!!! come on man, pull the other one eh?
  • why did the retrad geologist with the mohawk Fifield, and his equally retrad bum boy friend (I'm not here to be your friend because I am a bad-ass loon) Millburn go play with the snakey proto-facehuggers? why didn't they get the fuck out of dodge like a sane person?
  • could the champagne-tap infection by David be any less subtle? I mean, he's totally awesome, and fucks that up a bit imo :-/
  • who else saw the old man Wayland being on board coming a mile off? hooooooo!!!! too bad the old bastard didn't get dissolved or face hugged :(
  • why did mutated-zombie-Fifield crab-walk all the way from the juggernaut to the Prometheus and then stand up to create mayhem? (nb that's assumption, because he's sitting at the main ramp/hatch thing all folded over like a Chinese state circus bendy-lady.
  • why did Shaw's squid-baby thing grow to Engineer-beating size so quickly?
  • what is an AX doing on board a space ship?
  • why didn't Charlize get her kit off and lez up with Noomi?
  • why bang on so much about Shaw's crucifix? is he going to have a go at baby Jeebus being an Engineer or something? or Mary being egged by a facehugger? come on...I mean COME ON!
technical me:
  • loved the subtle 3D. thank you Ridley, thankyouthankyouthankyou!!!
  • the rendering in the cinema was soooooo smooth that me 'n the fella's had a discussion about it being a sneaky 48FPS release. There are some BTS releases where you can see "48fps" on the clapper slates. I don't recall any jarringly noticeable flicker, which I absolutely can see in 24.
  • while I love chars perishing horribly, or even rooting for them to survive before the inevitable happens I must say I felt no connection at all to any of them. Shaw's not bad-ass per sé, more very resolved if you will. She just does what she believes she must, even though you can see that she's not very keen on doing what she decides to do. That aside...nothing. Even the pain from her abdominal wound causing her to double over every 5 minutes seems super contrived. Only bit my heart kind of went out to her was when she took the ax from the life support module and went to see what the noise was.
alternate universe me:
  • actually, I found it a bit of a shame that RS went straight to the macro-sized alien beings (other than the Engineers, obv). I would have loved this film to be about purely the hypervirus/molecular machine black ooze stuff, and it's effect on the humans that come in to contact with it. They could have all freaked out and started to kill each other á la Solaris or Event Horizon or some such without a smidgen of acid-for-blood in sight and all would have been awesome.
  • wtf is the pointy headed alien thing? ok, so guy gets "infected" with black ooze hypervirus, proceeds to impregnate girl, who attempts to perform an auto-abortion on herself but the squidlet/facehugger ends up not being dead and seems to enjoy growing with out any apparent means to do so I must say...and which goes on to face rapes the Engineer producing a very large and rather pointy headed proto-alien.....hmmmmkay! Remember this is LV223 and *not* LV426, so one can only speculate as to what happened to the Engineer/Space Jockey piloting that juggernaut which crashed on that planet. I mean...that ship had a cargo hold full of eggs held under a containment field, as you can see in Alien. So, the aliens we know and love from LV426 are most certainly not from the same line as the the ones on LV223 unless this gets cleared up in a movie still to come.
right...that's all I can come up with atm...


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Is it a bad time to admit I've never seen Bladerunner?
I did watch the first 15mins, but it seemed really boring.


Part of the furniture
May 15, 2004
Is it a bad time to admit I've never seen Bladerunner?
I did watch the first 15mins, but it seemed really boring.

It's fair to say that if you've not seen the film then you've not stood on the back deck of a blinker bound for the Plutition Camps, never ridden test boats off the black galaxies or seen an attack fleet burn like a match and disappear.

And yes, that is a bad thing. Not that you didn't see those things, but to call it really boring.


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
I really liked the film, but I agree with all Tdc says..

Some bits didn't quite ring true and seemed a bit contrived to me. And I'm partly bitter because the concepts are so awesome I just wanted more.. discovery? I don't know.. I wanted more awesome stuff :) More aliens, more alien action as well as more tension and fear without quite knowing what was out there. The aliens appear too obviously at first I think.. though that scene was brutal.

I didn't really like the old man. I would have preferred something a little different.. maybe a younger actor with disease ? I don't know.. he just seemed like a douche.

Wikipedia says the first scene is the seeding of Earth, though it doesn't quite make sense.. I guess those are the unanswered questions of it all.. A lot of unanswered questions really.

Then again, there's the line.. Why create life.. "Because they could".. But why was the Engineer that woke up 2000 years late so desperate to destroy it ? What happened to all the other Engineers ? And where is Noomi going if they're all dead ? And if they're not, why did they care so much about Earth and then forget about it ?


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 8, 2010
Seems fairly positive on this thread which is nice,
what I've said to all the people irl that I know that have seen it and slated the film - is rewatch alien, I did on the friday and further enforced how much I liked Prometheus - 9/10 for me :)

Fassbender truly stole the show though.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
Yeah I watched Alien the other week to refresh before this. Going tomorrow night.


FH is my second home
Feb 17, 2006
Saw it last night, absolutely brilliant. Alien is my favourite film of all time and this was a worthy addition to the series for me. Really hope they do more. Some stunning visuals.


Part of the furniture
Jan 20, 2004
Saw it this morning - thought it was pretty shit.

Roo Stercogburn

Resident Freddy
Dec 22, 2003
Regarding seeding:

As I mentioned earlier and the more I think about the seeding at the start was a rogue engineer and that Earth wasn't meant to get seeded. Hence they're trying to kill off Humans. Or perhaps humans are becoming too much of a threat due to advancing technology or some such.

We see 2 Space Jockey spacships and the ship at the start of the film is like neither of them. So the engineer there is possibly a different faction or some such. Not completely bulletproof logic but there is enough thats different to maybe be significant.

Or that engineer is giving the rest of his species a big Fuck-You because he's pissed at them and wants to see them taken down. Helping spawn a species that might possibly do that would be a way to do it.

Maybe humans are the bioweapon.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Regarding seeding:

As I mentioned earlier and the more I think about the seeding at the start was a rogue engineer and that Earth wasn't meant to get seeded. Hence they're trying to kill off Humans. Or perhaps humans are becoming too much of a threat due to advancing technology or some such.

We see 2 Space Jockey spacships and the ship at the start of the film is like neither of them. So the engineer there is possibly a different faction or some such. Not completely bulletproof logic but there is enough thats different to maybe be significant.

Or that engineer is giving the rest of his species a big Fuck-You because he's pissed at them and wants to see them taken down. Helping spawn a species that might possibly do that would be a way to do it.

Maybe humans are the bioweapon.

yeah im starting to consider the idea that we were possibly a "long term" bio weapon in a war between 2 (or more) factions. Can't really think of many other reasons for what happened at the beginning if what they discovered on that planet was a weapon factory and part of their goal was to cleanse Earth, why seed life here and then develop an uncontrollable solution to it that wipes out your tech division????


Part of the furniture
Sep 14, 2011
yeah im starting to consider the idea that we were possibly a "long term" bio weapon in a war between 2 (or more) factions. Can't really think of many other reasons for what happened at the beginning if what they discovered on that planet was a weapon factory and part of their goal was to cleanse Earth, why seed life here and then develop an uncontrollable solution to it that wipes out your tech division????

That would make us a pretty shit bioweapon compared to the ones they already had :X

And why not just nuke us circa ~100 AD when we had sweet FA technology when they started making the weapons (carbon dating magic put the dead alien at 2000 years old) instead of making the crazy bioweapons in the first place ?

And how and why did the star pattern get on 35000 year old cave paintings and others across the globe if the seeder alien was the only one that had contact ? Genetic memory ? And why was it a map to their weapons depot ??


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
Regarding seeding:

We see 2 Space Jockey spacships and the ship at the start of the film is like neither of them. So the engineer there is possibly a different faction or some such. Not completely bulletproof logic but there is enough thats different to maybe be significant.

True, but on the other hand the Engineer was seeding an empty Earth, if in fact he actually was doing that. So, that means a long enough time ago for us to *evolve* which means they presumably could design different ships. Also, the Juggernaut ship is a freighter or transport because it has massive cargo bays...that round disk thingy could be something else?

Maybe humans are the bioweapon.

ooh very interesting thought indeed!!! however...ino we're too weak, and the other bioweaps are UBER. on the other hand...the other bioweaps can take out Engineers, and we never could. A controllable weapon perhaps?


Dumpster Fire of The South
Jan 23, 2004
Saw it, went in without any pre-conceptions (Even though I actually had tonnes, I ignored them) . Loved the way it was filmed (Actual cinematography and colour-grading of the whole film) and I generally thought it was really good.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Loved it but two friends I went with came out lost and confused, they just couldn't see beyond new questions and missed so much detail that I was having to explain alot when we went for a pint after.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 7, 2004
Regarding seeding and related matters...

A fair few people might missing the point, the engineers seeded our planet millions of years ago and they were not setting out to destroy us at all. When watching the holograms did you not notice David select Earth as the destination? He said he wanted to destroy his creators and he knew that the ship was a science vessel carrying some form of DNA/RNA catalyst so he decided to target earth and then let Weyland fly it back to Earth to wipe us out. What he didn't forsee was the Engineers reaction to him being a robot in the form of man, it was an insult to the creation of mankind and he reacted as such plus we have no idea what David actually said to the Engineer. It may well have been 'your momma is a cumsucking bitch and we are going to wipe you out!' :D What happens next is that Weyland orders the security dude to attack, after that the Engineer sees us as a pure threat and he works to remove that threat.

Everyone is assuming that the Engineers want to wipe us out but I am not sure that is the case at all.

As for the aliens, I think we can assume that thier creation is an accident of some sort just as when those worms are covered in the catalyst when the atmosphere in the chamber changes and the vases start to release the catalyst. The worms turn do not turn into facehuggers as many people think but are most likely where the original dna came from to create the species. My thougts are that the facehugger comes from Holloway impregnating Shaw after he becomes infected and the result of that conception is a first generation facehugger which is in effect a not fully developed alien because she aborted it before full gestation occured. When the facehugger attaches to the Engineer what results is a first generation alien gestating inside the Engineer, that would explain the look of the alien that emerges.

Now here is my theory for what happens next. Shaw escapes the planet by taking the command chair, she goes in search of the engineers but unknown to her she is infact still infected and another facehugger is growing inside of her. The ship in the original Alien film is infact the ship she escaped on and the marines found, it is Shaw inside the suit and she was killed when the alien emerged. Shaw is in effect the mother of the Alien species, her offspring then lays facehugger eggs all over the ship and when the marines comes looking 29 years later it all starts to go tits up...

Feel free to contribute or rip my ideas apart! :D

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