Pre-made whine thread for the hibs at Legion tonight



As for the whole event of Hibs vs Legion, then Albs showing up, killing Hibs, then Legion...

Yes, I would have done the same, RvR is, at the end of things, the point of this game. Using Legion as a distraction only made it easier.

What I dont like is this thread and the extent and type of taunting that the thread starters have shown.

Respect your enemy, and they will respect you. Laugh in their face, and they'll park a nuke up your ass and laugh back.


Originally posted by 0pin
If your gonna qoute me please try and understand what im saying first.
The discussion was on wheter or not to attck legion when anohter realm has engaged him.
As Maedhros said theres a difference...
I think you're missing my point. My point was the opposite of Maedhros' - there is no difference between the albs killing him before you arrive and while you were killing him except that they get RPs in the latter case.
Just because I disagree doesn't mean I didn't understand your point...


What i don't understand is why we actually rose to the taunts and posted here in the first place, seems to me like another pointless arrogant thread from albion. My opinion of you guys has dropped so much over the last few months that i can only name a few albions that i have any feelings for apart from complete saddness for.

We in hibernia probably wouldn't have even posted on this matter as this is part of the game. but as it is you felt as if u had to make us feel small <which incedently we are in no.s> some of us decided to try and defend ourselves, just to be abused and taunted by you. Hope you enjoyed yourselves, albions. somehow i think you just showed yourselves to be prats


Originally posted by vidx

It goes to show you the mentality of Albion. Both Hibernia and Midgard would have posted a /salute or respect thread, but nope, some eejits in Albion had to post a /laugh, look at the silly Hibs who managed to gether a force together that was capable of killing an Epic mob which out 733t players can do practically solo, so we decided to kill the Hibs and then the mob, and /laugh in the Hibs faces.

Typical Albion attitude, sucks really.

Once again, I say that there are a few good, respectful players in Albion/Prydwen, but they are overshadowed by complete twats :)

Really easy to say that you would have done a /salute post now to look good isn't it? Isn't you that post that you are so great and all mighty and able to defend keep by camping the Lord and run around Emain in a big zerg? What I seen from most of your post you think very much of your self so don't try and look better and more noble then anyone else.

Don't really see the problem with the first post but maybe just me not takeing everything serious about this game.



Originally posted by Artemls

Really easy to say that you would have done a /salute post now to look good isn't it? Isn't you that post that you are so great and all mighty and able to defend keep by camping the Lord and run around Emain in a big zerg? What I seen from most of your post you think very much of your self so don't try and look better and more noble then anyone else.

Don't really see the problem with the first post but maybe just me not takeing everything serious about this game.


Try reading some of my posts Artemis, then you can edit yours to what you should have actually said :)

Point 1. I hate Zergs. It's more fun in an 8v8 fight, and even more fun going solo away from the zerg.

Point 2. Example: 14 post down, read it. Or to save you the effort: I'm basically trying to come up with ideas for attackers to get past the pbaoe defence.


yeh usp, go camp a lord

leave Legion to the albs :p

or hunt the dragon. no albs there (yet)

just kiddin,

point is

albs went for legion
see hibs
kill hibs
think: o no not a whine thread of 190 posts on BW again, lets make it for them
hibs whine back
we have flame war going on


Well can't edit my post that would be saying I was wrong. ;)



Originally posted by old.windforce
yeh usp, go camp a lord

leave Legion to the albs :p

or hunt the dragon. no albs there (yet)

just kiddin,

point is

albs went for legion
see hibs
kill hibs
think: o no not a whine thread of 190 posts on BW again, lets make it for them
hibs whine back
we have flame war going on



Originally posted by vidx
Cause it's exactly the sort of thread people expect from selfish immature people who think far too highly of themselves and their abilities and hold no thought of others.

It goes to show you the mentality of Albion.


Typical Albion attitude, sucks really.

Thats a huge conclusion from just a few facts. It was only 2 of Albion's many guilds that were involved in that Legion raid ... and its only a handful of those people who have posted anything unpleasant on this thread.

Must agree though, having a 'pre-made whine thread' is just taking the piss and not funny at all. Well, not if you are over 15 anyway.

j000 d000d

Very well said Usp.

Especially the "Laugh in their face, and they'll park a nuke up your ass and laugh back." thing is very true. For me, at least :)

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
And if you didnt like this thread then why reply to it?

Excuse me for playing in Albion, but when the first page of a thread specifically created to humiliate Hibernians is further enhanced by Albion's immature, I felt the need to reassure other posters that Albions do not spend their time typing: roflolee hibbiezrr girlychampionloleee dieeeOr to OoBer Albieee.

Regardless of what you witness on these forums, I can truly say that does not happen! Why then, these players choose to degrade themselves on a public forum is beyond me.

Mocking your opponents will earn you no honour. Apparently some of you couldn't care less about such things, but little separates you from the masses of counter-strike players who have the highest population of incomprehensibly idiotic players.

Obviously the game isn't about sending flowers to each other, but resorting to such childish tactics is at the other end of the extreme and equally absurd. It's like watching children after a fight saying: he started it! ... no sir! he started it!

Except here the reason given is: They would have done the same.
By saying so, you admit you've done wrong and accept that you have lowered yourselves. Surely, if you were above them you would have refrained from posting such nonsense.


how mature is your sig :p?

you have a point though
just happens that i like flame war every now and then

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