Pre-made whine thread for the hibs at Legion tonight


old.Gombur Glodson

Originally posted by Generic Poster

Personally, I would have waited until you killed Legion and charged the moment he fell. Thus, preventing you from picking up the loot. This imo, would have been the honourable approach.

I do hope you're kidding here Sir. So you would rather let the hibs do the hard work of getting Legion killed, and then you would kill them before they could get any drops? Yes I can see! Surely you are most galant and noble Albion.
No seriusly the only difference from what we did and what you would do is that we just killed the hibs to get the drops for ourselves. Loot whores you say? Well why the hell would you kill Legion if not for drops?


Gombur not to come of as a mommas boy here, but yeah i would not have engaged an enemy realm if they where fighting legion, in hib it takes alot of planning due to our low numbers, its not something we just do, therefor alot of hibs where disapointed when albs zerged in and fifnished legion.

Allso my highest char is 45 (46 tomorrrow hopefully :) ) so i didnt expect to get any drops in the first place, some of us do this for pure fun, yeah i see your point, and if things continue like this then i will be forced to do the same(please note that this is no rant becuase its something i can live with ), but dont assume that everyone do this for loot, some of us take great joy in working toghter to do something big even in PvE.


In the end we did what anyone would have done


Originally posted by hrodelbert
In the end we did what anyone would have done

Unfortunately I'm inclined to agree that we would have probably done the same thing. After our typical 3hrs+ ( :rolleyes: ) of preparations for a legion raid, I doubt we'd just sit back as albs kill legion so that we have a nice 24 hours respawn time to wait to complete our raid. However that said, I do think hibbies would be most closest of all realms to not doing it lol :D


Originally posted by hrodelbert
In the end we did what anyone would have done

Agree, very true. I mean who would not laugh at a chance of doing that? I do not think that Hibbies that got in the same situation would sit down take a rest and say..."Ahh let the guys finsh it they are so cute with their swords and staffs"....

But on the other hand who would not be upset if being on the side being beaten? Never seen Hibbies rally so fast to go to Alb and bash keeps.....

Still think a pre made thread is a bit childish.....


nah, read the posts. exactly hits the spot.



thou this thread saved us from alot of crying and flameing.
It's not as fun to cry and flame when your supposed to do it ;)


Originally posted by old.Atrox
thou this thread saved us from alot of crying and flameing.
It's not as fun to cry and flame when your supposed to do it ;)

Yes, so instead we hibs have bottled up our feelings to bursting point and are ready to explode into a barrage of flames and crying at the slightest provocation!! Don't push us, who knows what horrid flames shall be spawned from our anguish!!!


Originally posted by old.Bubble

Anyone got a chat log for IRC during the legion raid :)

Danyan has the IRC log, in it Teador lives up to the reputation he left Albion with :)


Originally posted by 0pin
Gombur not to come of as a mommas boy here, but yeah i would not have engaged an enemy realm if they where fighting legion, in hib it takes alot of planning due to our low numbers, its not something we just do, therefor alot of hibs where disapointed when albs zerged in and fifnished legion.
So how is that different from if Albion had showed up 20 minutes earlier, wiped legion and then the hibs had arrived to find nothing but an empty platform? Yes you'd be dissapointed and rightly so - we've arranged a legion raid before only to find the mids had done him earlier that day. But that doesn't mean the Albs should have left you to it. Or perhaps you think we should arrange before hand on irc or here so that the hibs aren't dissapointed when they raid in future... :p

IRC log will be posted tonight if I remember. ;)


it wouldve been different cos while one is a coincidence the other is killing and stealing our kill and sorry if i was off about the exact life of legion and he was at 40% instead of 30% or whatever

Generic Poster

Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson

I do hope you're kidding here Sir. So you would rather let the hibs do the hard work of getting Legion killed, and then you would kill them before they could get any drops? Yes I can see! Surely you are most galant and noble Albion.
No seriusly the only difference from what we did and what you would do is that we just killed the hibs to get the drops for ourselves.

Loot whores you say? Well why the hell would you kill Legion if not for drops?

As Opin explained above, Hibernia taking on Legion means more then it does for Albs. Thus, they would have the satisfaction of killing legion, which as players they deserve. But they should not be allowed to collect the loot, which will be used against us.

In practice, a Lurikeen would probably slip through the battle and retrieve the loot, possibly displaying his naked hide as he does so(they have so many ways to distract me :/ ).

The general idea of poking fun at the Hibs like this is unsporting, and planning to humiliate them further by posting chat-logs and so on goes into 'butt-fucked-gamer' territory.

Ah, remember the old days when Midgard was pissing over Albion. I'm sure chat-logs of Albion's daily whining would surpass Hibernia's best effort.

People are defeated, people release anger through verbal expression. Nothing unusual at all. This thread amuses only to see people act as though they have never done the same.


Commander, please. On the issue of galactic peace, I am long past innocence and fast approaching apathy. It's all a game -- a paper fantasy of names and borders. Only one thing matters, Commander. Blood calls out for blood.
Londo Mollari

ph33r JMS, he has a quote for everything :)

old.Gombur Glodson

Ok it has been said that the hibs have killed legion before, so why would they want to do it again? Because of the loot! Same reason we all want to kill Legion these days, he drops some powerfull things. So why on earth should we let our enemies get stronger by aquireing new items when we could get them instead? Because hibernia is such a little realm? Beause they have been the underdogs for oh so long?
Dont kid yourself, it would be extremely dumb to let your enemies grow stronger, and before you start, we ARE at war with these people, who gives a damn about their numbers when they have shown what they can do on the battlefield, when we could get stronger instead.


Originally posted by Dannyn

So how is that different from if Albion had showed up 20 minutes earlier, wiped legion and then the hibs had arrived to find nothing but an empty platform? Yes you'd be dissapointed and rightly so - we've arranged a legion raid before only to find the mids had done him earlier that day. But that doesn't mean the Albs should have left you to it. Or perhaps you think we should arrange before hand on irc or here so that the hibs aren't dissapointed when they raid in future... :p

IRC log will be posted tonight if I remember. ;)

If your gonna qoute me please try and understand what im saying first.
The discussion was on wheter or not to attck legion when anohter realm has engaged him.
As Maedhros said theres a difference...


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
Ok it has been said that the hibs have killed legion before, so why would they want to do it again? Because of the loot! Same reason we all want to kill Legion these days, he drops some powerfull things. So why on earth should we let our enemies get stronger by aquireing new items when we could get them instead? Because hibernia is such a little realm? Beause they have been the underdogs for oh so long?
Dont kid yourself, it would be extremely dumb to let your enemies grow stronger, and before you start, we ARE at war with these people, who gives a damn about their numbers when they have shown what they can do on the battlefield, when we could get stronger instead.

Now you are doing it again, dont make assumptions on us doing this for the loot when infact we all knew from the beginning that onyl 16 out of a few houndred would get a hold of that drop.
As for your ohter points, i follow you 100% and i have had my own fun with the greys in yggdra, to umm...prevent them from getting stronger :)
But what some of us are trying to say is that if hib had slayed legion that would have been satisfaction enough for the majority of us on the raid, as you said so yourself hibs being the underdogs since the beginning we have learned how to beat you anyway :) uber drops or not :)
Only times we have a problem with albs is when they ambush us 3 to 1 like on legion raid...HA ! :)

old.Gombur Glodson

I dont doubt one bit that if had been the albs at legion, hibs would have zerged us to pieces and we would have been whining.
All this about letting the force finish Legion is BS, its called an RvR dungeon for a reason.
And you can in no way blame albs for doing what we did its part of the game whether it sucks or not.


Originally posted by old.Gombur Glodson
I dont doubt one bit that if had been the albs at legion, hibs would have zerged us to pieces and we would have been whining.
All this about letting the force finish Legion is BS, its called an RvR dungeon for a reason.
And you can in no way blame albs for doing what we did its part of the game whether it sucks or not.

Arggh why do you keep twisting my words?
I dont blame you ffs, infact im saying i understand you very well, what i want you to realise is that not all people think like you do.
Yes its a RvR dungeon and people should expect to be killed, but i know that guy leading last raid (abbadon) is not that big a fan of RvR he likes fighting big mobs instead, so im pretty sure if we would have seen the mids beating on legion when we arrived Abbadon would have told people to let them be.
Not in any post have i flamed alb for what they did(taunted you yes :) but thats another matter), becuase i knew that was to expect, i just want you to see that not all would have done what you did.

Generic Poster

There isn't any hostility towards Albion for what happend. But purposefully creating a thread and having a number of people coming here to provoke a reaction is the type of attitude which reflects badly on the whole raid.

It comes off as you only killed leagion to piss off the hibs, as opposed to a strategic reaction to prevent them from gaining items.

old.Gombur Glodson

We had the legion raid planned one week in advance, we wanted to kill him for the loot, getting rp whilst doing it was just a nifty bonus.
And if you didnt like this thread then why reply to it?


Cause it's exactly the sort of thread people expect from selfish immature people who think far too highly of themselves and their abilities and hold no thought of others.

It goes to show you the mentality of Albion. Both Hibernia and Midgard would have posted a /salute or respect thread, but nope, some eejits in Albion had to post a /laugh, look at the silly Hibs who managed to gether a force together that was capable of killing an Epic mob which out 733t players can do practically solo, so we decided to kill the Hibs and then the mob, and /laugh in the Hibs faces.

Typical Albion attitude, sucks really.

Once again, I say that there are a few good, respectful players in Albion/Prydwen, but they are overshadowed by complete twats :)

old.Gombur Glodson

What do you gain by judgin people personalities from their posts?

old.Gombur Glodson

who said you're meant to judge them?


It is my personal opinion that they are like that, going by what they post. Only experience most of us on these boards have had with players in other realms is here and ingame.

Ingame is pointless as it's impossible to communicate other than emotes. Here it is easier, and over the course of reading these boards for 5 months, you can get a pretty clear picture of what people are like, their moods, their attitudes, and how much they respect other people.

The average (note, average, does not mean all) Albion tends to have a lower respect of other players compared to people in the other 2 realms.

Opinion, gathered through observation, no other way is possible.

old.Gombur Glodson

Well who say person arent making up things?
I for an example is the dark gloomy person now, doesnt mean I am a goth in real life.


You want to roleplay, there's a tavern for it.

I am all for roleplaying, and if you insist on roleplaying an immature, seflish, adolescent, then that's how I will think of you :p

[edit: not saying that that's my opinion of you Gom, just answering your point]

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