Pre-made whine thread for the hibs at Legion tonight



Originally posted by - Pathfinder -
As opposed to the daily, honourable Hib zergs :m00:

Warrior - "They try to contact us, but we do not understand their language. As is custom, we are approaching with our gun ports open."

Dukhat - "On whose order?"

Warrior - "It is tradition of the Warrior Caste. It is a sign of power and respect. We approach them with gun ports open, they see we
approach them open-handed."

We bring a large force to Emain to show respect for you guys. Not our fault if we completely slaughter you :)


Re: Slightly off topic re: Mouthing off about Teador

Originally posted by Turamber
Always found Teador a very pleasant and helpful person in game. He organised lots of multi-guild raids, was always fair with the loot in my experience.

Have nothing but respect for him. It was our loss when he jumped ship.
Were you playing with the same Teador? :p


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
htf did this turn into a flame teador thread? stop being mean to him :p ya big bullies!!

Its early afternoon :)
and i'm at work :)

Nuff said :)


Hmm, Vidx, you like Babylon 5 eh? :)

And about Legion raid, i'm not wondering why were Hibs so pissed. Such big bosses allways take a lot of time to plan and organize and then you are killed by bunch of peasants :)

Let's see if this will happen to albs too, how they will whine here :) Though many hibs are saying that they would wait till you killed it, then gank you (wonder if we are trying to behave honestly or if we have strenght and discipline to do that :))

Anyway as hib i should whine right?? Hmm.. let's see..

"It looks like Legion was so afraid of hib force that it summoned its albs minions to help. Another proof that Albion is source of evil and should be destroyed (oh well, Midgard too :)))

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Bubble

Its early afternoon :)
and i'm at work :)

Nuff said :)

So you start flaming people if you got nothing to do? Sad.

And Mal's mah sweetie :p


i was flaming you because you make comments like that
i just thought putting this was a more kind answer

flame on :)


yea those torcs hit damn hard :p lol and yea i spam laugh sometmes and use /y .. ud be suprised how often a loan caster or any other class stays behind looking for me after the others get bored :p but yea but sad ill stop i pwomise :( lol also funny watching people run round in circles when im bored but respect the torcs fear the torcs they will take over emain mwahahhahaha! :flame:


to the hibby who said u got legion to 1/3 hp . well u didnt
u got the hp to just OVER half way , if u had it to 1/3 , alb wud not have got the drops.... so :p


Originally posted by bonna
to the hibby who said u got legion to 1/3 hp . well u didnt
u got the hp to just OVER half way , if u had it to 1/3 , alb wud not have got the drops.... so :p

Not true. The drop go's to the *group* who did the most damage to Legion.. not the realm who did the most damage. So it just means that out of all the individual alb groups and all the individual hib group, it was an alb group that had the highest damage output.

Theoretically albs may only do 20% damage to legion... but if that was all by one group, and hibernia spread out their damage over 10-11 groups... then the loot would still drop for albs.

so there, smartass



well it is fitting that a good whine thread should be sponsored by Albion :D.


Originally posted by SlaynFintaine

Not true. The drop go's to the *group* who did the most damage to Legion.. not the realm who did the most damage. So it just means that out of all the individual alb groups and all the individual hib group, it was an alb group that had the highest damage output.

Theoretically albs may only do 20% damage to legion... but if that was all by one group, and hibernia spread out their damage over 10-11 groups... then the loot would still drop for albs.

so there, smartass

He's right ya know bonna :)


ok a bit off topic, but can those stunning corpses be killed in behemoth room?

I never tried i SoS through :p


They can be i think.. but by the time you do behemoth will have killed you first :p

Personnally I've not ever been grabbed by one, not like they're *that* hard to avoid :p

SoulFly Amarok

Originally posted by old.Teador

So you start flaming people if you got nothing to do? Sad.

Isn't that your job?


Originally posted by &lt;Wels&gt;
ok a bit off topic, but can those stunning corpses be killed in behemoth room?

I never tried i SoS through :p

Yes they can be killed, they conned blue to me last time I went down there, still they died in 2 Lifedrains, so they are very low on hp.


go teador :)
please say a few more stupid things :)
almost to 500 posts!


B5 was cool

i liked the new series called Crusader but they stopped it :(

j000 d000d

Originally posted by old.Bubble
go teador :)
please say a few more stupid things :)
almost to 500 posts!

What tag do i get with another comment?

Bubble-Clone? or Bubble Volsung?


the insults are dropping in Wit teador :(

Ask your IT teacher for a drink or something


Originally posted by the_smurflord

B5 being released as DVD boxed sets next month. YAY!!! :)
Next Monday for Season 1 actually, 14th October :)


Originally posted by old.willowywicca
They can be i think.. but by the time you do behemoth will have killed you first :p

Personnally I've not ever been grabbed by one, not like they're *that* hard to avoid :p

I never seen behemoth :p and I have been in that room, oh what 3-4 times... where does he hide, right behind you as you get ported in?

- Pathfinder -

Originally posted by &lt;Wels&gt;

where does he hide, right behind you as you get ported in?

Yes; turn around next time if you dare :m00:


I think I just turn camera while I run like hell :p

Generic Poster

Originally posted by 0pin
A premade whine guys think to high of your selves, sure in the heat of the battle stuff was said on irc when we found out that the realm who is supposed to be the honurable realm infact is nothing more than scared little chickens who fight like girls !
Albion has allways been the realm for wankers and schoolkids, nothing we can do about that, and we will certainly not whine about it.

now now kids....go on and tell me how wrong i am :)

I would agree that almost 90% of Albion is filled with fools. But at least have some respect for those who are not ;)

I only visit these forums every so often. The mindless flamefests become tedious, very quickly. It was indeed lame of Albion to jump in like that, but that's what you'd expect from them, so repay the complement on the battlefield.

Personally, I would have waited until you killed Legion and charged the moment he fell. Thus, preventing you from picking up the loot. This imo, would have been the honourable approach.

Don't despair, it's always good to see Hibernia doing the business in RvR. Lurikeen are quite entertaining also. Getting smashed around by Malevolencia is more fun then it should be... or maybe I haven't fully understood the idea behind RvR?! :/


Originally posted by Generic Poster

I would agree that almost 90% of Albion is filled with fools. But at least have some respect for those who are not ;)

I only visit these forums every so often. The mindless flamefests become tedious, very quickly. It was indeed lame of Albion to jump in like that, but that's what you'd expect from them, so repay the complement on the battlefield.

Personally, I would have waited until you killed Legion and charged the moment he fell. Thus, preventing you from picking up the loot. This imo, would have been the honourable approach.

Don't despair, it's always good to see Hibernia doing the business in RvR. Lurikeen are quite entertaining also. Getting smashed around by Malevolencia is more fun then it should be... or maybe I haven't fully understood the idea behind RvR?! :/

You are tottaly correct ;) and i only started my little thread to taunt those albs who continuesly try to make this community go sour....I mean a premade whine thread, wtf is up with that ? :)
I know alot of good albs, and i was allmost about to mention that in my first thread but then i wouldnt come of as annoying as i wanted to be at that time :)

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