and you're the living proof doriSome kids never learn.
and you're the living proof doriSome kids never learn.
See, i can do it too.
But you actually said that, I did not say what you have listed in your quote.
I see your mistake manisch i corrected it for you tho.
Ok then, I'll ask you a few simple questions.
Who was the one who hit Master Soldier first?
On Prydwen before cluster it was Evita, followed by me. So don't claim any credits for ya.
We zerged the most obviously.
I'm talking about who got Master Soldier first out of the two of us.
Just for the record, my Cabalist was the first ever Thidranki Master Soldier toon on Prydwen. xD
I'll try to answer all your hate mail as best as I can but I cannot guarentee it will be the reaction you are looking for.
Ok that's fantastic, you killed 11 Albs. I've killed 20+ Albs in a duo before. I played 50 RvR this morning and I play it reguarly on freeshards. All these freeshards I have been on have installed all of the recent patches so please don't pester me with 'freeshards are different mates', because they are not. I think 'overpowered' is an understatement for buffbots in 50 RvR, it is either you have a buffbot and you can kill something, or you don't have one and you can't kill anything. It's as simple as that. I've seen it all before, been there, done that etc, don't try to proove me wrong because I have considerably more experience than you. Whilst I do agree that buffbots in Thidranki play a big part, I don't have a buffbot and I still have over 30k kills combined on my Thidranki toons. Regarding the reactions, well I think it makes it better. In 50 RvR you just spam nuke, everything happens so fast that it's so easy to better your opponents. In Thidranki, you need to be tactical and actually think about what you are doing (unlike a certain RR12 RP-PLed Chanter who just spams nuke all day).
Says the ns that lost to a sb with no resist rr4Stay off the Big Boy boards Dori , you just come across as an idiot
Says the ns that lost to a sb with no resist rr4
There was duel going on yes? i come out of stealth to bow to you show you respec? you cain my ass np? i don't mind that 1 bit best man won? seen you fight lots more yes? you won? then i go on bridge to find a solo fight you come up do backstab? yes that did upset me? cause you have to do that to me rr5 you rr9? next time i'm going to pa you in your face ,no bow jack nothing? and then if you try to, antagonize me i log hunter and kill you 24/7 end of, you had 40k rpees but after that i had 80k when i loged on my wl,and your duels was a thing of the pass yes?Did i come here and whine about losing a fair fight (- timers and after getting perfed in the face) ?
No ...
Did i pa you in the face next time i saw you even tho you were engaged in combat already ?
No ...
Did i chainkill your Shadowblade on an alt every time i saw you theirafter ?
No ...
I see a pattern developing here , Sore loser maybe ? :touch:
Ye cause you can kill my wl? you did try that day you die? you last like 5 secs? but any time i can kill you on a rr5 sb, what can i do on a rr8 hunter? ask your self thatI wasn't duelling , /bowing to heavy tanks isnt my cup of tea ... i actually PMed a GM asking him to break it up so i could get on with the business of making solo kills but he refused to ...
Also i didn't backstab you i sidestunned you and i didnt have stealthlore up either so you got beat fair and square so tough shit pip ... you may see losing a 1v1 fairly as a reason to get on someone's case ... as many others did when i jumped a certain rr10 Warrior and had it on 10% only for its m8 to put BG on it ... and also a Certain rr11 zerker who was shitless of being jumped by a shade with sidestun and got other high ranking dueller's of both other realms to fucking jump me ...
Not to mention the shit i got for farming every mid who tried to get to duel area for a good 30 mins
All i will say is fine Pip do as you please , doesnt bother me as i can kill your WL and Hunter now in 1v1 ... But nothing is ever 1v1 with you now is it Pip ?
Talk big if you want but you play smalltime
ok time for you too /cry some now.Haha Backstab2+Dotmine will kill you dont worry
Your logic though still remains very flawed ... you are just another crybaby who cant take getting beat fairly ... when i rolled an assasin aka a leather wearing class it wasnt to unstealth+bow to fight , then again because of my rl morality and mindset i also wont add on a solo person fighting as everyone deserves a chance ... you however Pip are a known addtard on your Warlock/Hunter and ignoring this i have always been fair to you and even joined your guild and found you a nice guy ... but yesterday on your warlock you showed me what a crybaby kid you really are
Their are far too many people out there atm who think getting killed quickly/skillfully solo or in a duo by a high rr player as reason to add them theirafter
You wanted to pick a fight ... you have one
ok time for you too /cry some now.
your crap end of your a wannbeI never came here once and cried in all the times you have added me for no reason apart from the fact i was within nuking range ...
End of story is ... you died fairly on a class that requires a basic amount of skill rather than bashing 1 button to win , So dont ever fucking come near my shade on your Shitblade or Hunter 1v1 as i'll give what i have been getting for god know's how long now
Ye just hope is crappy dial up can handle ittbh if deception can beat u on 28.8kps net then who is the shit 1?
What I dont understand is how Dorimor farmed Septinas sorc with his bd, in Thidranki, seeing Septinas sorc is on Prydwen, Dorimors bd is on Excalibur, and Septina was rr11 or close to rr11 when they clustered? I want whatever Dorimor is using to farm people across servers, so I can fight germans with my sm.