POLL: What is the most stupidly overpowered class in daoc

In terms of easy moderness, overpoweredness, bad design which leads for frustating fi

  • Bonedancer

    Votes: 190 20.1%
  • Spirit Master

    Votes: 39 4.1%
  • Warlock

    Votes: 345 36.5%
  • Bainshee

    Votes: 114 12.1%
  • Enchanter

    Votes: 13 1.4%
  • Vampire

    Votes: 55 5.8%
  • Sorceror

    Votes: 116 12.3%
  • Theurgs

    Votes: 16 1.7%
  • Cabbys

    Votes: 11 1.2%
  • Necromancers

    Votes: 45 4.8%

  • Total voters
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Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
atos said:
Its obvious that sorc is way better than warlock in all possible ways.

People just dont read patchnotes do they? Wheres the sorc nerf? When is the sorc nerf arriving I wonder?

Yes you silly people, didn't you know that at RR1 every sorc has uninterruptable PBAE, lifetaps, chambered matter damage bombs, nearsight and spread heals - you guys obviously don't know anything!

Warlocks should always beat sorcs 1on1 unless they have a stun pet, or the warlock isn't prepared for battle...or has slow reactions/isn't looking.

There's no point mezzing a warlock, only gives them more opportunity to start spamming <release chamber> or UI.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Moaning Myrtle said:
Because ganking soloers with your PM trio gives so much more satisfaction right?

its only allright to add an zerg when your a stealther from PM you should know that by now ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
eggy said:
Yes you silly people, didn't you know that at RR1 every sorc has uninterruptable PBAE, lifetaps, chambered matter damage bombs, nearsight and spread heals - you guys obviously don't know anything!

Warlocks should always beat sorcs 1on1 unless they have a stun pet, or the warlock isn't prepared for battle...or has slow reactions/isn't looking.

There's no point mezzing a warlock, only gives them more opportunity to start spamming <release chamber> or UI.
1.summon ML9 pet
2.command pet to attack warlock
3.let the pet do the job and kill the lock

-Or you could moc, but dont wanna waste that on a single target? wanna save that for when meeting 3+? :p

A warlock with 20% power bonus, and 50hex 20witch spec can let loose 2 chambers and 3 UI before oop. After that, if it got no tart nor any raging power he's out things to do and can only wait to die (no, not every1 is high rr and got all the arties)

Yes I agreed, warlocks are op, but so are most casters; especially Lifetap ones like: cabby, sorc, sm and bd. (or stunning hib vs a none det tank) - Nerf them all! :clap:

You complain about sorc tools, even tho you have: ML9 pet (able to summon stunning pet), speedwarp, 1.0-2.0 sec anytime LT, bolt range mezz, soi, moc, brittle guards, +++ :p

You finnaly meet an enemy that is able to beat you overpowerly 1vs1, congratz :D And yea u sorcerers have had ur moments of insane overpowerdness, soi+moc3 any1? Try rolling a class that have more that 1 enemy its impossible to beat 1vs1?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Rolv said:
-Or you could moc, but dont wanna waste that on a single target? wanna save that for when meeting 3+? :p
if you read he says rr1 an doubt moc 1 will do much good tbh..
Rolv said:
You complain about sorc tools, even tho you have: ML9 pet (able to summon stunning pet), speedwarp, 1.0-2.0 sec anytime LT, bolt range mezz, soi, moc, brittle guards, +++ :p


the differnt is the sorc have to spent hours in toa to do this!! what does the wl need to do? go moderna an in less then 24 hours 50 an ready to pwn with the rogs he got while being powerlvlt


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Yes WL are OP, dont take me wrong, but so are sorc.. No matter if it takes hours in TOA. Other classes wont even be close to the uttility that a sorc got no matter how many years camping TOA :p


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 15, 2004
Moaning Myrtle said:
Because ganking soloers with your PM trio gives so much more satisfaction right?

Ganking whinging noobs is always fun!:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Rolv said:
Yes WL are OP, dont take me wrong, but so are sorc.. No matter if it takes hours in TOA. Other classes wont even be close to the uttility that a sorc got no matter how many years camping TOA :p

sorc dont come any close to wl's.. a low rr sorc played by a noob cant do shit tbh .. a low rr wl played by a noob can kill pretty much anything (most ppl that plays the class proves my point)

sm is op with bg pet an lifetap, bonedancer class is stupidily overpowert.. those 2 classes you can compare to sorc maybe but not wl.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Eeben said:
sorc dont come any close to wl's.. a low rr sorc played by a noob cant do shit tbh .. a low rr wl played by a noob can kill pretty much anything (most ppl that plays the class proves my point)

sm is op with bg pet an lifetap, bonedancer class is stupidily overpowert.. those 2 classes you can compare to sorc maybe but not wl.
what about a rr1 sorc meeting for instance a rr1 zerk? If i was that zerk, I would beg to rather meet a wl, atleast then I got a tiny chance me resisting some of the wl bombs and survive; and then sprint and kill wl (or zerk could be lucky finding a wl with chambers down *note rr1 wl)

The sorc at other hand: qcast mezz +LT + LT +LT. Or he could be funny and just play with him and let pet do the job while kiting. But yea cabbies are worse.. - and I'll bet sm aswell. :)

My point is: Nerf them all;)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Rolv said:
what about a rr1 sorc meeting for instance a rr1 zerk? If i was that zerk, I would beg to rather meet a wl, atleast then I got a tiny chance me resisting some of the wl bombs and survive; and then sprint and kill wl (or zerk could be lucky finding a wl with chambers down *note rr1 wl)

The sorc at other hand: qcast mezz +LT + LT +LT. Or he could be funny and just play with him and let pet do the job while kiting. But yea cabbies are worse.. - and I'll bet sm aswell. :)

My point is: Nerf them all;)

a sorc would not do much casting vs a ml 10 zerker:)
guessing a rm could not nuke down a rr1 tank?
an only sorc can do the ml 9 pet? sm can also lt an ml 9 pet only different is sm pet intercept..
resist 1 champer? then he just lt you an you cant do shit about it :eek6:


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Rolv said:
Yes WL are OP, dont take me wrong, but so are sorc.. No matter if it takes hours in TOA. Other classes wont even be close to the uttility that a sorc got no matter how many years camping TOA :p

hehe, no rolv your right, a sorc has alot of utility, most are split spec and are overpowered. You statement with regards to Wl chamber and LT dumping and being OOP is ofc also correct and i have nps with that or any of the utility a WL has. The problem is that most Wl's are specced to be FPS machines, kill 1/2 reload chambers /repeat, the dmg output can only be stopped by mezz/stun - it is uninteruptable. Moc3 has the possibility of being interupted and u only hit for 75%. thats after spending RR4 worth of points on it. On top of that Wl's have the ability to spec banelord so can most of the time pop an insta interupt stopping mezz/stun from landing if within range.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Ging said:
hehe, no rolv your right, a sorc has alot of utility, most are split spec and are overpowered. You statement with regards to Wl chamber and LT dumping and being OOP is ofc also correct and i have nps with that or any of the utility a WL has. The problem is that most Wl's are specced to be FPS machines, kill 1/2 reload chambers /repeat, the dmg output can only be stopped by mezz/stun - it is uninteruptable. Moc3 has the possibility of being interupted and u only hit for 75%. thats after spending RR4 worth of points on it. On top of that Wl's have the ability to spec banelord so can most of the time pop an insta interupt stopping mezz/stun from landing if within range.

again your reading my mind!!!!! :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
Rolv said:
1.summon ML9 pet
2.command pet to attack warlock
3.let the pet do the job and kill the lock

Warlock kills pet, you're next on the list. I use this tactic on warlocks like Arumi, seems to 2-shot pet even if fully buffed. Besides, pets move slow.

Rolv said:
-Or you could moc, but dont wanna waste that on a single target? wanna save that for when meeting 3+? :p

MOC tapping isn't as powerful as the UI taps of a warlock, they normally win in this case.

Rolv said:
You complain about sorc tools, even tho you have: ML9 pet (able to summon stunning pet), speedwarp, 1.0-2.0 sec anytime LT, bolt range mezz, soi, moc, brittle guards, +++ :p

Hang on wtf? When did I complain? Sorcs are one of the most over-powered classes in the game, I was simply stating that vs warlocks, warlocks will usually win. Vs most other classes, groups etc - sure, sorcs will often win (especially when you have MOC3, SOI, Purge2+ etc).

Rolv said:
You finnaly meet an enemy that is able to beat you overpowerly 1vs1, congratz :D And yea u sorcerers have had ur moments of insane overpowerdness, soi+moc3 any1? Try rolling a class that have more that 1 enemy its impossible to beat 1vs1?

Again, not my point. MOC3 + SOI was stupidly overpowered, I agree. I would often kill 5+ stealthers that are too stupid to run out of LOS of lifetaps while moc is active. I have plenty of other classes thanks.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 27, 2003
so... remake the whole poll now that the 1.82 has arrived ? :eek:


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
Eeben said:
a sorc would not do much casting vs a ml 10 zerker:)
Ok, we talking Mls? then send ML9 pet and kite..one button and zerk dead.
Eeben said:
guessing a rm could not nuke down a rr1 tank?
yes.. ur missing my point: Nerf all casters: ALb, Mid, and Hib. Make them less appealing: more a support class, than a damage class (or god-mode class). Maybe then there will be less casters and more tanks, there's sickening amounts of casters atm.
Eeben said:
an only sorc can do the ml 9 pet? sm can also lt an ml 9 pet only different is sm pet intercept..
And cab pet can take more of a beating.. imo remove ML9 pets from rvr, isent it a bit over the limit to be able to let loose a lvl 70+ pet? - And this is an abbility classes that would even be op without a pet get.. Atleast do something about the timer, make it so that it can only be used in rvr zones every 1 hour or so..
Eeben said:
resist 1 champer? then he just lt you an you cant do shit about it :eek6:
A zerk may actually survive 2 chambers and 3 UI from a rr1 wl. Then wl cant do nothing.. there's no way he'll be able to cast a 4sec cast without being interupted/or killed.. neither will he be able to cast his powerless cast.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 17, 2004
eggy said:
Hang on wtf? When did I complain? Sorcs are one of the most over-powered classes in the game, I was simply stating that vs warlocks, warlocks will usually win. Vs most other classes, groups etc - sure, sorcs will often win (especially when you have MOC3, SOI, Purge2+ e
Sry, maybe 'complain' wasent the right word :) - just commented that you made an statement that wl's got high uttility, when sorc got very high uttility aswell. Anyway im not trying to 'attack' u, just the class.. and got nothing against people that plays the class (or other casters) :) - but would love it if mythic made some changes


One of Freddy's beloved
Feb 25, 2006
rure said:
Yeah, why play a fairly balanced class when you can play a warlock?

why do the majorityof albs play sorcs/cabas/winstrels, why do 75% of mids play sm/bd/wl and why do 75% of hibs play vamps/bainshees/baseline stun classes?:)

just random %'s above but im pretty sure the reason is people prefer to gank over getting ganked no?


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Most irl girls (and Rod) play healing classes!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
I don't play cleric much any more :(

I am normally plucking Beeks' banjo strings.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2006
tbh.. warlock dont really have that much grp utility imo.. they can bomb, then have some downtime to remake chambers etc.. they can insta kill 1 solo.. then maybe UI another 1 to death (not talking about high rr warlocks with rp, purge, high mom, etc..)
sorcs has alot of grp utility, and they are insane solo aswell.. if a sorc survives a warlocks chambers (if the warlock has 2 chambers) and the sorc has moc3.. theres no way the warlock (UI is like moc5 or something) can survive, but insta killing one, then be pretty useless.. yeah, thats insanely OP, why not just delete all the OP classes? then there will be like 2 classes left.. and ppl will whine about them, then 1 will be left.. no one to kill anymore.. so stupid to whine about something that the creators of the game made, thats like saying they are really stupid and you can make better classes.. if you think that way, quit playing imo


Fledgling Freddie
May 17, 2004
andeh said:
why do the majorityof albs play sorcs/cabas/winstrels, why do 75% of mids play sm/bd/wl and why do 75% of hibs play vamps/bainshees/baseline stun classes?:)

just random %'s above but im pretty sure the reason is people prefer to gank over getting ganked no?
noE? are you stupid or? people prefer to wajn over playing!

new (op or not) classes keeps this game interesting and alive, without them every realm would be the same and would have killed daoc hell of alot faster then introducing new op classes does!!!


Fledgling Freddie
May 14, 2005
Horner said:
gratz raven on 'most retarded statement of the year'.

1) plenty of classes with ml9 pets not just sorcs. :m00:

2) If warlocks were easy to kill , they wouldnt be top of the poll. :m00: :m00:

True Horner, but sorcs are overpowered anyways (so they are in the poll). And ye, even a warlock played by an idiot is quite a threat, especially in small-scale rvr.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
new (op or not) classes keeps this game interesting and alive, without them every realm would be the same and would have killed daoc hell of alot faster then introducing new op classes does!!!

not really tbh. thing i dont get is how far off the mark they get with classes they put in. I mean it cant be rocket fucking science to make something thats fun and competative without being ridiculously OP.

I mean when they finished designing the WL class, as it was first implemented, you dont think its a little bit worrying that no one thought. "Hold on a minute guys.... run this by me again, u like press those 3 chamber buttons and your opponent dies right", "yes, cool innit", "yer man!"



Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
eggy said:
Yes you silly people, didn't you know that at RR1 every sorc has uninterruptable PBAE, lifetaps, chambered matter damage bombs, nearsight and spread heals - you guys obviously don't know anything!

Warlocks should always beat sorcs 1on1 unless they have a stun pet, or the warlock isn't prepared for battle...or has slow reactions/isn't looking.

There's no point mezzing a warlock, only gives them more opportunity to start spamming <release chamber> or UI.

And I bet a rr1 warlock wont kill a sorc that knows what hes doing. The nerf will nerf low and some mid range warlocks. Chambers from a 50hex warlock @ rr1 will hit for 6-700 roughly I think. And then you add in UI LT's for 150-250 or so. That damage should be quite easy to counter as a sorc.

The higher ranked warlocks have enough passives +purge to 1-2 shot people with chambers since they dont nerf those.

Instead of nerfing the warlock they should rebalance it. And I'm not even going to suggest a good way to do it. Thats up to Mythic.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
atos said:
And I bet a rr1 warlock wont kill a sorc that knows what hes doing. The nerf will nerf low and some mid range warlocks. Chambers from a 50hex warlock @ rr1 will hit for 6-700 roughly I think. And then you add in UI LT's for 150-250 or so. That damage should be quite easy to counter as a sorc.

The higher ranked warlocks have enough passives +purge to 1-2 shot people with chambers since they dont nerf those.

Instead of nerfing the warlock they should rebalance it. And I'm not even going to suggest a good way to do it. Thats up to Mythic.

I'm not talking about RR1 warlocks necessarily.

I believe that UI taps are 100% damage (til this patch!), whereas, of course, moc3 decreases your damage to 75% on sorc.

It's rare to win against a warlock, that's all I'm saying - it's certainly possible.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
funny to think warlocks already had a huge nerf in damage, now they're getting one again and still they will be able to beat most fights against most classes. /ponder


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 3, 2004
It's a class flaw. But no class should be completly ruined like the warlock. just redesign it.

I got the impression you ment rr1 warlocks as well, not sure why.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 25, 2006
Cogan said:
True Horner, but sorcs are overpowered anyways (so they are in the poll). And ye, even a warlock played by an idiot is quite a threat, especially in small-scale rvr.

a idiot can play sorc too, just hit mezz button (quite same as chamber button) then take one out at the time

just look at horner
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