News Pistorius goes Psycho


FH is my second home
Feb 14, 2009
Things that make me think wtf are when they say "He didnt mean to kill anyone" etc, ok he's not a muderer as in planned it out; but if I ever had a gun and wanted to use it for example being robbed/family in danger I'd shoot to kill. If I wanted to injure someone I'd grab my 2nd hand piece of shit carbon shaft driver which I thought looked good but is actually shit :p

I hope he gets the manslaughter charge just because of his previous incidents which letting off fireams in public and then shooting at a bathroom when he doesn't know who's inside but his girlfriend isn't in bed next to him:

Culpable homicide (manslaughter)

No intention to kill. Takes into account disability, but actions negligent and not in keeping with a reasonable person.

Maximum of 15 years, possibly between seven and 10 years


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Things that make me think wtf are when they say "He didnt mean to kill anyone" etc, ok he's not a muderer as in planned it out; but if I ever had a gun and wanted to use it for example being robbed/family in danger I'd shoot to kill. If I wanted to injure someone I'd grab my 2nd hand piece of shit carbon shaft driver which I thought looked good but is actually shit :p

I hope he gets the manslaughter charge just because of his previous incidents which letting off fireams in public and then shooting at a bathroom when he doesn't know who's inside but his girlfriend isn't in bed next to him:

Culpable homicide (manslaughter)

No intention to kill. Takes into account disability, but actions negligent and not in keeping with a reasonable person.

Maximum of 15 years, possibly between seven and 10 years

It's a difficult case, because there's no motive for it to malicious (that know of)

I know when I wake up, I can do things for like 10 minutes, and then stop think, how the fuck did I get here, like in a complete daze, sometimes I'm walking before I'm even awake, crazy shit, so for that reason I can sort of see why he didn't check to see if she was in bed, but I suppose picking the gun up, and pulling the trigger would have to be a conscious decision, but yeah, I don't think it was intentional, I think it was a complete accident, but should still get punished for it, of course.


Trem's hunky sex love muffin
Dec 20, 2003
I'm a bit vague on punishing someone for an unintentional, provable accident Gwadlington (not this case, speaking generally).


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003
i still get the feeling if he had been black it would of come out differently


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well, i'm stumped how he got away with it tbh, I was pretty sure he didn't have a leg to stand on given the evidence, still, at least he didn't walk from all the charges.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Obviously not premeditated, culpable homicide is the one, but public opinion will crush him, from golden boy to murderous cunt.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
Yeah I'm not sure how firing 4 shots at someone at close range doesn't count as "intent to kill". Through a door or not.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Yes it's good to see SA getting back to classic divisions based on your wealth


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
I'm not saying it's good or even better for that sake. I'm just pointing out that the idea of a white guy getting off due to his skin colour, in a post apartheid nation is dumb at best - Best case scenario in S.A. today is that him being white dosnt work directly against him. Especially concidering that he's a celeb.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
A whole trial with an expert judge watching and listening to everything, and you know better?
I was listening to the judge read out the verdicts this morning. She seemed anything but competent in the way she kept making mistakes and read the pages that were pre prepared. I have great distrust over the single person making the judgements as well.


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
It's a difficult case, because there's no motive for it to malicious (that know of).

Apart from the neighbours testifying to a huge row that very evening, at least that what Sky News reported.

Moriath said:
I was listening to the judge read out the verdicts this morning. She seemed anything but competent in the way she kept making mistakes and read the pages that were pre prepared. I have great distrust over the single person making the judgements as well.

Under-qualified people put into jobs they should not be in is the new South Africa. Quite regularly visit SAA in Joburg and the guys there tell me how their training school now has two sets of criteria for new engineers. Whites have to score >75% overall to pass, the others >50%. Massive discrimination going on now. With companies having to meet targets of employing blacks in key positions, even knowing that there are not enough well qualified ones to do it. Those that are are naming their own terms and companies have no choice but to accept.

I know its a case of reaping what they sow to a certain extent but replacing one form of systematic discrimination with the same thing is idiotic.

The judge in this case has looked totally out of her depth throughout every time she opens her mouth, its painful to watch. Kind of reminds me of the signing translator at Mandela's do.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
the idea of a white guy getting off due to his skin colour, in a post apartheid nation is dumb at best

The idea that you think SA is "post apartheid" in anything other than "official" terms is dumb at best.


FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
The idea that you think SA is "post apartheid" in anything other than "official" terms is dumb at best.

Your joking?


no, really...


Do you have any, as in even a shread of evidence to back up your claim? anything? at all?
Any example, that might not just as easily be expalined by wealth, corruption or influence.

By all means, present to me an argument f.exp. in the O.P verdict that cannot be explained by corruption, influence or incompetance....

Have you ever been to S.A for more than a day or two or a Safari of some sort?
Do you follow S.A politics, at all?
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FH is my second home
Jan 9, 2004
Please enlighten me, as to how the coloured people of S.A are restricted? what are they denied or obstructed in doing or achiving? how are they segregated?

How do the colored people of S.A Suffer at the hands of the white minority today?
Who holds the political power in S.A today? Are they publicly elected? How are they facilitating thier power and influence? what have they done to improve life and conditions for the poor black


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
It's more the other way around. With as hawk wind said more depiscri inaction against whites. However the population is so unbalanced that there are bound to be more black people in town ships and poor settings than white even after all this time of anti apartheid


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
It's more the other way around. With as hawk wind said more depiscri inaction against whites. However the population is so unbalanced that there are bound to be more black people in town ships and poor settings than white even after all this time of anti apartheid

It is more than this. In the apartheid South Africa, whites got jobs purely based on their skin colour. In a post apartheid world, they were pushed out of cushy government jobs and into private enterprise. It meant that pencil pushing management in Government was no longer a carer option. They had to be study harder, work smarter and generally be superior to their black peers, because the system was now rigged against them. For the native blacks, the route to a cushy job got easier. And people wonder why the social dynamics of the country hasn't changed?? The Economist recently had an article that showed that right after apartheid was abolished, white ownership of private business in Africa was a relatively small part of the whole economy. 15 years on, it was suddenly a major part of it.

Anyway, Roses are red, violets are glorious, never sneak up on Oscar Pistorious!


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Don't know how it works around on "Ze Island", but around here murder is something you have a motive for, you actually plan to go out today and kill John.

Manslaughter(and other such variants) cover these kind of situations. This seems like a regular old trial, though why all the hoopla over a legless runner is beyond me. Did this guy cure the cancer or something?


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
May be, but still.

And even then the only part which comes close is the brutality, which this does not fall under(it's a regular shooting).
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Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
He went to his Gun, He loaded his gun, he went into his bathroom and then shot multiple times into a small confined area with nowhere to hide at what could have been anyone. He was a proficient marksman or at least gun user so he knew the damage a bullet could do, he knew his home, he knew it was a confined space with nowhere to hide. Taking all that into account i do not see how it cant be murder. Purely on fact he PRESUMED a noise he heard late at night was an intruder?. If that's all you need then i am petty sure we will see many more "accidents" in SA soon


FH is my second home
Jul 5, 2004
He went to his Gun, He loaded his gun, he went into his bathroom and then shot multiple times into a small confined area with nowhere to hide at what could have been anyone. He was a proficient marksman or at least gun user so he knew the damage a bullet could do, he knew his home, he knew it was a confined space with nowhere to hide. Taking all that into account i do not see how it cant be murder. Purely on fact he PRESUMED a noise he heard late at night was an intruder?. If that's all you need then i am petty sure we will see many more "accidents" in SA soon

Dont forget he walked around the bed that she would have been in.'You would think that on hearing suspicious noises and waking the first thing you'd do is reach over to make sure it's not the mrs. Not grab a gun walk around the bed and then shoot through the closed door of a bathroom. WTF would a thief want in a bathroom anyway. Hardly the first port of call for any robbers. Or maybe there has been a spate of loo roll thefts and towels in that area. No logic to this other than he's guilty as fuck and knew she was in there.

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