That cartoon hasn't applied to us for a long time.
I've *never* said that.What some of you don't seem to realise you are saying, Scouse in particular, is in effect, we attacked them so they are allowed to attack us back.
Poppycock m8. We're currently redefining what the Koran says. War is part of most religions as their respective gospels are written in a way that people at the top can use them to take people to war. It's part of the reason for existence of organised religion.
We do not have free speech in this country
The crusades are so far removed they don't have a bearing. The current crisis started in earnest with the first gulf war. Even then - there was no need to go in again to remove Saddam - he'd been defeated and was no terrorist threat. That was purely a war of greed.
The 18y old apparently gave himself up. Weird thing is that his classmates say it can't be him since he was at school when the shootings took place...
Poppycock m8. We're currently redefining what the Koran says. War is part of most religions as their respective gospels are written in a way that people at the top can use them to take people to war. It's part of the reason for existence of organised religion.
Gunmen now in the area of our head office in France.... Sorry but I will not accept this kind of bloodshed is the fault of religion and tbh I am quite sick of hearing this as a reason to kill people. Again I have many close Muslim friends who are outraged by this crap. Have you any idea what their lives become after wankers like this decide to go on a rampage?? Unlike Catholics during the crap IRA years peaceful Muslims can be easily identified and harassed / bullied / hurt and god forbid killed as a backlash to this nonsense... I have no other words for these extremists except fucking retards as this level of violence does absolutely fuck all to help their 'cause'
Tell that to those who shout "God is great" while killing people.
He loves it he doesScouse vs Freddyshouse
If someone was yelling "Tolo anin naur!" while bombing a pizzahut, would that make it Tolkiens fault?
And the backlash people generalising muslims are just as bad of an influence as the extremists on the whole west vs muslim issue. "We" bomb them, "they" get angry and extremists do stuff back, we use brush on everyone of same beardcolor, more people angry, more extremists, more retaliation, more brushes, moronum repeatum infinitum.
No..but if 20% of your country was a 'race' of people who followed a middle Earth religion you would be right to be suspicious.
I love those little arguments between you and yourself.