News Paris Attack


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
There is no chance of concilliation, simply because they are right to despise the west, the simmering anger of 100's of millions of Muslims is well founded in the barbarism we have shown them, we treat them like dogs, bomb them with impunity and gloss it all over like we are culling rats.
Too late to say sorry, the time is approaching to grab the victory and the highground before history writes it for us.
JC vs Mohammed.

Forgot you were a devout Christian.

I find this amazing, people that say stuff like 'JC vs Mohammed' are worse than ISIS.

Britain First for instance, love the idea of crusading.


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Oh why didn't GIGN storm The Bataclan straight away? They left it 3hrs! We knew on Twitter they were killing the hostages. It was too late when they went in.

I'd imagine it's because the standard thought process for someone taking hostages is because they want to survive the ordeal, and probably have some demands, if I'm not mistaken, France DO negotiate with terrorists?

The logic to take hostages just to kill them anyway is a bit bizzare tbh.

Frankly, we already have safety procedures for fires and for bomb threats, if we start to have safety procedures separately for the event of a terrorist attack.. :/


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
Ahh @fettoken yes I think a lot of people just jump om the band wagon but for me France is my 2nd home. House and car full of French flags and stickers.
I'm not sure standing up personally is a good idea. After last night I'd say run like hell. Those kids all lay on the floor because they were told to and they were slaughtered. The band saw/heard what was happening and helled out the back of the stage and survived. They should have all panicked and stampeded. More would have survived.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
I'd imagine it's because the standard thought process for someone taking hostages is because they want to survive the ordeal, and probably have some demands, if I'm not mistaken, France DO negotiate with terrorists?

The logic to take hostages just to kill them anyway is a bit bizzare tbh.

Frankly, we already have safety procedures for fires and for bomb threats, if we start to have safety procedures separately for the event of a terrorist attack.. :/
But everyone knew they were killing the hostages one by one as they lay there as soon as they went in. And they were not wearing any masks.......


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Alright, I've actually got a few serious things to say here. First of all, i want to go out on a limb and say, France brought this on themselves. Their foreign policies and what not (MIND YOU, with the current state of affairs in mind).

Puking in my mouth a little bit over these people changing their Facebook picture to a France flag thingy, same as the Je suis Charlie thing, same with the initial happenings in Egypt, Syria and Libya. It doesn't make things better, it makes you feel better. Also, Je Suis Charlie saying "I am Charlie", and 99,9% of the people that tweeted and posted that shit wont stand up to crazy extremists knowing your life is on the line.

It's just 100 peeps. It's nothing if you compare it with the bigger scheme of things.

The Islam governments doesn't condone this kind of stuff, but, I'm betting a lot of their religious leaders does, and they are the ones that need to make this shit stop.

I BET, if the whole EU would just stop sucking Americas balls and just condemn them and all their genocidal and warmongering shit. Look at these drone-attacks where classified papers has been leaked showing more than 75%? killed in these bombings are civilians, and these papers passed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

So, going out with a sweeping declaration and apology to the Arab/Islam world that we won't send any more troops and not work together with the US in such matters, they would just leave us alone. Hopefully.

Day before France in Lebanon;


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
But everyone knew they were killing the hostages one by one as they lay there as soon as they went in. And they were not wearing any masks.......

They have procedures to follow, but I agree with you.

Unfortunately, things like this happen, and there's little you can do to repair it for the future, some times hostage takers do kill a couple of hostages to create fear so people obey.


Resident Freddy
Nov 17, 2004
I'm trying to understand why we all think it's so different. Is it because we class Europe as civilized and everywhere else as 3rd world?


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
I'm trying to understand why we all think it's so different. Is it because we class Europe as civilized and everywhere else as 3rd world?


Our lives are more important than theirs.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Ahh @fettoken yes I think a lot of people just jump om the band wagon but for me France is my 2nd home. House and car full of French flags and stickers.
I'm not sure standing up personally is a good idea. After last night I'd say run like hell. Those kids all lay on the floor because they were told to and they were slaughtered. The band saw/heard what was happening and helled out the back of the stage and survived. They should have all panicked and stampeded. More would have survived.

And i sympathize with people that live there and that were killed, i really do. Their loved ones that just disappears. But on the same level as anyone innocent that gets killed. Are you hesitant now with going back to France with everything that has happened?


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
Sorry Fett but I disagree with you re flags and the solidarity shown on social media..... I am so completely anti violence of any nature what_so_ever... I like most of my Facebook friends work and are friends with people I Paris (I have worked for my current French company for 15 years and the prior to that another French company for 3). Currently 3 of my oldest friends in France are missing.... They could be dealing with grief, they could be injured or dead... I texted one this morning and have heard nothing.... If people want to express their solidarity during times like these then good share the love, it is better than pages full of Britain first / anti Muslim and blatant racist bullshit. All I care about at the moment is that my friends and colleagues are home safe with their families and my thoughts go out to all those who are mourning a loss today.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Sorry Fett but I disagree with you re flags and the solidarity shown on social media..... I am so completely anti violence of any nature what_so_ever... I like most of my Facebook friends work and are friends with people I Paris (I have worked for my current French company for 15 years and the prior to that another French company for 3). Currently 3 of my oldest friends in France are missing.... They could be dealing with grief, they could be injured or dead... I texted one this morning and have heard nothing.... If people want to express their solidarity during times like these then good share the love, it is better than pages full of Britain first / anti Muslim and blatant racist bullshit. All I care about at the moment is that my friends and colleagues are home safe with their families and my thoughts go out to all those who are mourning a loss today.

I'm not saying it's 'wrong', I'm saying it's 99,9% hypocritical.


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
I'm not saying it's 'wrong', I'm saying it's 99,9% hypocritical.
How is it? We are closer to this situation than the incident in the Lebanon, naturally people will feel for that situation but France is 'next door' it reminds us of our own terrorist experiences IRA, the attacks on the tube I'm London, even the nail bombs in old Compton street.... The reaction is 'human' and should be embraced....


Once agreed with Scouse and a LibDem at same time
Dec 22, 2003
Alright, I've actually got a few serious things to say here. First of all, i want to go out on a limb and say, France brought this on themselves. Their foreign policies and what not (MIND YOU, with the current state of affairs in mind).

Puking in my mouth a little bit over these people changing their Facebook picture to a France flag thingy, same as the Je suis Charlie thing, same with the initial happenings in Egypt, Syria and Libya. It doesn't make things better, it makes you feel better. Also, Je Suis Charlie saying "I am Charlie", and 99,9% of the people that tweeted and posted that shit wont stand up to crazy extremists knowing your life is on the line.

It's just 100 peeps. It's nothing if you compare it with the bigger scheme of things.

The Islam governments doesn't condone this kind of stuff, but, I'm betting a lot of their religious leaders does, and they are the ones that need to make this shit stop.

I BET, if the whole EU would just stop sucking Americas balls and just condemn them and all their genocidal and warmongering shit. Look at these drone-attacks where classified papers has been leaked showing more than 75%? killed in these bombings are civilians, and these papers passed Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

So, going out with a sweeping declaration and apology to the Arab/Islam world that we won't send any more troops and not work together with the US in such matters, they would just leave us alone. Hopefully.

Your first point is the political equivalent of "she was asking for it". As a result I didn't bother reading the rest of your drivel.

Out of interest what the fuck did the 128 innocent people who died have to do with France's foreign policy?

As an aside, Greece have confirmed one of the gunmen was registered at one of the Refugee camps in October.....


Uneducated Northern Cretin
Jul 15, 2006
Out of interest what the fuck did the 128 innocent people who died have to do with France's foreign policy?

They're bombing ISIS, so therefore they're technically at war with ISIS, so therefore ISIS fought back?


Cockb@dger / Klotehommel
Dec 11, 2003
@fettoken are you aware that one of those confirmed dead is Swedish?


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
How is it? We are closer to this situation than the incident in the Lebanon, naturally people will feel for that situation but France is 'next door' it reminds us of our own terrorist experiences IRA, the attacks on the tube I'm London, even the nail bombs in old Compton street.... The reaction is 'human' and should be embraced....

It's not about being close to it, it's about what media portrays it to be. If we would get bombed with news about what happens in a small village in Congo where you follow a family and see their suffering due to them losing their kids to some warlord and lack of food etc, one would feel for it exactly the same, it's what we are fed with that makes us react. And that 'human' reaction is what is hypocritical. It stays in our minds for a couple of days and then we forget. Back to normal.

I think instead of making pointless tweets and changing your profile picture, we should never forget what is happening in the world, use it as perspective in our everyday life. If everyone had that mindset, i think the world would be a slightly better place.

Edit: Yes i read that one Swede is dead. It could have been a hundred Swedes, I'm not patriotic in that sense. IT's still innocent lives.
Last edited:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
frankly i think its a great show of sympathy and support for the french, i for one have never had much love for the french however my heart goes out to all those poor families who have done NOTHING to deserve this. when innocents get killed its terrible no one is arguing that, in any country, nationality, race, religion, but lets get one thing very clear going out of your way to kill innocents which is exactly what IS is doing is UN-defendable. and guess what id say the exact same thing for our own armed forces over seas if they were attacking innocents deliberately.

one of my close friends lost her brother a few years ago in afghanistan and all he was doing was trying to forge a bond with the locals never fired a shot. so please dont make out we are over there trying to wipe every last muslim out.

see the unfortunate thing is these cowards like to hide among civilians, over here and in their native lands what do you do?. our armies dont hide behind civilians like these evil bastards do. they dont want peace they dont want to be left alone they just want bloodshed.


FH is my second home
Dec 22, 2003
This is what a modern world war is looking like, they won't necessarily be nation states attacking each other directly or groups of nations attacking each other but will be small groups that terrorize people.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
I kind of get what Fettoken means to some degree, majority of people will change their Facebook picture and that will be the extent of their effort to view the world in a different way, then in a few days change it back and carry on as if it never happened. Many wont even do it because they care, they will do it simply because others are doing it. But this is a deep issue and one that cannot be resolved or changed unless we start changing how we educate our children.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
Your first point is the political equivalent of "she was asking for it". As a result I didn't bother reading the rest of your drivel.

Out of interest what the fuck did the 128 innocent people who died have to do with France's foreign policy?

As an aside, Greece have confirmed one of the gunmen was registered at one of the Refugee camps in October.....

Since you didn't read the rest I'll just go ahead and not comment on your reply.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Oh why didn't GIGN storm The Bataclan straight away? They left it 3hrs! We knew on Twitter they were killing the hostages. It was too late when they went in.

You don't rush into a situation you have no understanding of.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 18, 2004
You don't rush into a situation you have no understanding of.

When dealing with Islamist terrorists, my uneducated guess is they just want media attention, draw it out and make it as painful as possible, so with these situations perhaps better to go in right away guns blazing, give them as little time to plan as possible. Police/military are expendable compared to civilians as they are there to protect everyone. Being completely objective of course.

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