Once again GoA, what are the plans for Dyvet?


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Ok peeps, I just gonna say this one more time. Hang in there, I know it must be hard - and I know you must be saying that's easy for you to say, you don't even play any more, but trust the CM's. If they said they are gonna deliver something then it's gonna happen. Just hang in there :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
what when theres 20 left playing on mid ?..... too late for many and too little action/info.... kay is the way forward :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Imgormiel: You think the people who look for answers now, didn't trust the CMs? Didn't trust them, in hopes the population won't reach this level? Didn't trust them, hoping, there will be a solution long before this happens?

And trust is a delicate thing, once it is lost, it is hard to restore it.

People who seen how the population level droped this low, and what the CMs done will trust the CMs again, once that trust is rebuilt, but the CMs should earn that trust again. At least if they want to keep people on the server and want to get more back.


Part of the furniture
Sep 5, 2004
what when theres 20 left playing on mid ?..... too late for many and too little action/info.... kay is the way forward :p

Kay/Avalon/US Classics/ Mordred are th way forward ;)


Mar 19, 2007
I can't belive there is still no news on this

what the hell are they doing?

stringing customers along for as long as possible until telling them its not going to happen.... must have been taking lessons from mythic


Jan 15, 2007
well, they are working together with mythic to try and find a solution, and mythic doesnt even know how to code their own game, so no wonder it takes time :]


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Is this turning out to be another dooms days thread? Stop building up the panic and paranoia.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Imgormiel: You think the people who look for answers now, didn't trust the CMs? Didn't trust them, in hopes the population won't reach this level? Didn't trust them, hoping, there will be a solution long before this happens?

And trust is a delicate thing, once it is lost, it is hard to restore it.

People who seen how the population level droped this low, and what the CMs done will trust the CMs again, once that trust is rebuilt, but the CMs should earn that trust again. At least if they want to keep people on the server and want to get more back.

I am quite certain they are doing something about this, if it was free information and I actually knew something that I could tell ya, I would. But I don't, but I can trust Req & co to deliver what they say they will and for that you are going to have to wait and see. Never had a problem with Req or Xalin for that matter, despite having in particular a couple of heated discussions with Req on another forum but in the end I always realised he was delivering. Sit tight and all will be well :)

Teh FnoRd

Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rhana> There was nothing to answer. It was a statement. But beeing ignortant as usuall you just did the oposite of what you claim to be doing by quoting me and replying to my post. ^^
I'm still not bored. How can I be with you around? :D
And I know where you stand. Kneedeep in bullshit. ^^ (Now there's baiting for ya. ;p you make it so easy.... :rolleyes: )


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
What are the bets the "answer" from mythic/goa is gonna be something like

"Bring a friend to DaoC and earn a months free subs ! "


"Re-subscribe to DaoC and get a free clockwork dog ! "

If the community is actually " surprised " and the feeling is something on the lines of " hey thats a good idea, im going to play dyvet again ! " I will be truly truly amazed.

With this lenghty procrastination , one would hope the "answer" involves some re-coding of the game. But come on, a bunch of people get round a table, talk about the problem, I assume put ideas forward and some concensus is reached, how hard can it fucking be ?


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
What are the bets the "answer" from mythic/goa is gonna be something like

"Bring a friend to DaoC and earn a months free subs ! "
This has been done before, only the GOA team would be able to tell you how successful it was in the past. But from what I saw, it made little impact

"Re-subscribe to DaoC and get a free clockwork dog ! "

Original carrot and stick material. I'll buy that for a dollar!

If the community is actually " surprised " and the feeling is something on the lines of " hey thats a good idea, im going to play dyvet again ! " I will be truly truly amazed.

With this lenghty procrastination , one would hope the "answer" involves some re-coding of the game. But come on, a bunch of people get round a table, talk about the problem, I assume put ideas forward and some concensus is reached, how hard can it fucking be ?

Dunno wait n see I guess.... :p


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
With this lenghty procrastination , one would hope the "answer" involves some re-coding of the game. But come on, a bunch of people get round a table, talk about the problem, I assume put ideas forward and some concensus is reached, how hard can it fucking be ?

Because some of the people at that table have to go away to talk about what happened at the table with people at a different set of tables and then the consensus reached at those tables has to be discussed back at the original table. Also even when a consensus is reached, other people who weren't at the original table have to decide whether the results can actually be made to happen or if we need to go back and find a different consensus.

If there was a simple solution we'd have implemented it already.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Because some of the people at that table have to go away to talk about what happened at the table with people at a different set of tables and then the consensus reached at those tables has to be discussed back at the original table. Also even when a consensus is reached, other people who weren't at the original table have to decide whether the results can actually be made to happen or if we need to go back and find a different consensus.

If there was a simple solution we'd have implemented it already.


same ole' same ole'

I'll buy my own plane ticket and come over to Paris or where ever it is. Or some other people who play the game who know far more about the game than I do.. The "people" at these meetings you mention im sorry it would appear couldnt organise a piss up in a brewery.

Give 10 mature experienced players, pay for a hotel room in ghey Paris for 2 weeks, and I GUARANTEE you they could thrash out an answer, and put an end to all this shit.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Because some of the people at that table have to go away to talk about what happened at the table with people at a different set of tables and then the consensus reached at those tables has to be discussed back at the original table. Also even when a consensus is reached, other people who weren't at the original table have to decide whether the results can actually be made to happen or if we need to go back and find a different consensus.

If there was a simple solution we'd have implemented it already.

the simply solution is to get everyone responsible for making a decision round the table, then make a decision..

i am sure if its important people would turn up, or be on the end of a phone...

sounds to me that no body in GOA is willing to make a decision...



Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2004
Not from what I see in Req's post tbh. Makes good sense to me, and it does illustrate they are taking the matter very seriously.

it illustrates that GOA have an ineffctive managemnt team that keeps passing information back and forth, back and forth, unwilling to make a decison



English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Sounds to me that no body in GOA is willing to make a decision...

Not at all. We know what we want - that was decided very early on - we just need to wait to find out whether what we want is possible and what our alternatives are if it isn't.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
it illustrates that GOA have an ineffctive managemnt team that keeps passing information back and forth, back and forth, unwilling to make a decison


Red tape isn't everyone's best friend, but it's there for a reason and not inaction.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 9, 2004
Not at all. We know what we want - that was decided very early on - we just need to wait to find out whether what we want is possible and what our alternatives are if it isn't.

how about listening to what the players want.. it is after all them who pay goa's wages................the downhill trend of the server has been going on for months now not just a few weeks... to be honest goa will have to come up with something stirling to tempt people who have left back... when u look at some of the US servers and see 250 + mids online before prime time on a underpopulated realm and look at excal at the same time and see 55 poeple it kinda looks bad to be honest.. I truely wish goa had a magic wand and could bring those numbers back to excal as i have enjoyed playing there for 4 + years.. if goa could come even close to that i would cancel my Us accounts and come straight back to excal.. cant see it happening though tbh...


Loyal Freddie
May 8, 2004
So maybe if GOA do finally come to a workable decision and start to implement it, who will be around to still play DAOC when WAR comes out?

Another mass exit of players wanting something new and fresh with just about kill off the english server. Its going to take a miracle and a life support machine to bring Dyvet back in a few months time.

But i guess the answer is larger than just one server, its DAOC as a whole.

Get your fun in while you can...the end is nigh!:england:

<although having said that from what little research there is available the germans and some other countries are real fans of certain sword and spell type games so maybe it wont be too bad. But for the surviving english players, i wouldnt hold your breath for a cure>


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
how about listening to what the players want.. it is after all them who pay goa's wages................the downhill trend of the server has been going on for months now not just a few weeks... to be honest goa will have to come up with something stirling to tempt people who have left back... when u look at some of the US servers and see 250 + mids online before prime time on a underpopulated realm and look at excal at the same time and see 55 poeple it kinda looks bad to be honest.. I truely wish goa had a magic wand and could bring those numbers back to excal as i have enjoyed playing there for 4 + years.. if goa could come even close to that i would cancel my Us accounts and come straight back to excal.. cant see it happening though tbh...

We do know what the players want, how do you think we reached a decision on what we wanted? We didn't just pull ideas out of a hat. My job isn't just to tell you about Goa, it's also to tell Goa about you.

As I said in one of my first posts in this thread, the solutions that we're looking into involve more people than just us and so we can't give you ETAs on their behalf. As soon as we know when they can deliver to us we'll know when we can deliver to you and we'll pass that on through the news.

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