omfg unban?



Originally posted by Gumbo

Clown got banned earlier in the week for saying 'Fuck Off' to the pirate obsessed mob, a move which was slightly out of the blue frankly, and he was given no warning whatsoever before the ban was imposed.

I think you'll find that Clown had been close to getting banned in the past.


Originally posted by Gumbo

What of all the threads that end up degenerating into anal sex between 3 or 4 members. This has been going on for years I understand, with nothing being apparently done to stop it.

I totally agree.


Originally posted by Embattle
I think you'll find that Clown had been close to getting banned in the past.

Not to his knowledge.


Originally posted by Cdr
'old' 'farts' 'mute' 'button'?

Or so YOU say!

I was having fun with the 'Yaaarrrs', and teh krypt locked his topic(s) out. Wazzer was having fun with the 'Yaaaarrrs' he got banned.

Again I reckon it was a final straw in Wazzers case, he like clown had been close to getting banned in the past.


Might of been better to post a warning regarding certain things but then again they can do what they want, its their board and they are trying to capture a market of people who just wouldn't understand certain peoples attitudes on these forums.


Originally posted by ]SK[
This forum does really need a swear filter in place imo

I hope not but I reckon its just around the next corner.


Originally posted by Embattle
Might of been better to post a warning regarding certain things but then again they can do what they want, its their board and they are trying to capture a market of people who just wouldn't understand certain peoples attitudes on these forums.

Their board?


I find your location offensive Embattle, I think you should be banned immediatly without any pm's, requests to change it or warnings from an official of the company.

I mean every post you make has an offensive word in it, this can't be allowed to continue!

Wouldn't that happening make you feel a little mistreated?


Originally posted by Gumbo
I find your location offensive Embattle, I think you should be banned immediatly without any pm's, requests to change it or warnings from an official of the company.

Omg ban Gumbo, he lies and has double standards ;)

I mean every post you make has an offensive word in it, this can't be allowed to continue!

Fing lies I tell you.

Wouldn't that happening make you feel a little mistreated?

I've nearly been banned, although I wasn't actually told I'm fairly sure about it, and while I wouldn't exactly be happy about it I also can't actually say I would be upset with it considering the current condition of the forum.


Personally I think a moderator from within the community should be appointed. Bigfoot is the only one who really ever does any moderating, and if the responsibility was shared out a better job could be done of it.

A warn system for example, I've used forums with software that gives users a warn bar by their name which fills up whenever a moderator gives a warning and it logs the reason, time and date. Three strikes and you're out. This would kill off the need for threads like this and remove a lot of the confusion regarding why people were banned and where the line was etc.

But it's much easier to just ban the undesirables and ignore the protests.


I'll give you a clue, look about 40 pixels under your name :rolleyes:


Originally posted by mank!

A warn system for example, I've used forums with software that gives users a warn bar by their name which fills up whenever a moderator gives a warning and it logs the reason, time and date. Three strikes and you're out. This would kill off the need for threads like this and remove a lot of the confusion regarding why people were banned and where the line was etc.

I'm sure this was said before and the reply was that some people would then use a 3 strike rule as a buffer of 2 strikes and then stop.


Originally posted by Embattle
I'm sure this was said before and the reply was that some people would then use a 3 strike rule as a buffer of 2 strikes and then stop.

So? They fuck up again, they're gone. At least they're not left completely bewildered as to what they've been banned for and threads like this don't appear.

Teh Krypt

A daoc forum for a realm has warning points, they are utterly pointless imo. If someone breaks the rules they will know they are approching the line. If they can't moderate themselfs and stop or calm down, banned.


What about a yellow card red card system? Depending on the severity of the offense, you get a straight red and if it's not so serious you get a yellow card that's permenant.


Nice swift change there Emb, but you see my point. Saying the F word or it's derivatives is perfectly acceptable, unless you are Clown. Maybe the answer is to make it unnacceptable for everybody, I don't know. As it is, it just makes it incomprehensible, when one person gets a ban for it and no-one else does.

I'm getting bored now. (You'll be pleased to hear.)

Teh Krypt

Well the exact same thing happened to me. Im not going to go into things but it was a bad experience with a normal mod (Not bigfoot or anyone) we exchanged words but mine were more public his private, I was banned for 5 months :)

So.. they run the show not us, we just use the service (which most of us don't even pay for). Their desision gos no matter how fair or unfair it may be..


I see your point to a certain degree but then again I don't believe it was just this that got him banned, either way he will be back.


I think in clowns case saying Fuck wan't the problem alone. It was saying Fuck TO someone, if you get my point :(


Originally posted by Deadmanwalking.
I think in clowns case saying Fuck wan't the problem alone. It was saying Fuck TO someone, if you get my point :(

Everyone on this forum has probably told someone to 'fuck off', said 'fuck you', or 'shut the fuck up' at some point. I don't that's a vast over generalisation either.



to one and all there is no point. They are trying to run a profitable company here goddamit not an anarchists meeting hall

oh and mank you forgot" "Fuck off cunt"

Teh Krypt

You are live on the BW forums,
please dont
say fuck or


bugger :(


Sorry, you know I don't get involved in this general forum stuff, but on this occasion Im gunna bug me 3 p in.
Clowneh appears to have done fuck all , unban him for gods sake .


Typically slow, I think you may find he has been already ;)


Well, this is some major thread.

OK, as a few of you know, I have a low paid job in customer service. Nothing gets my back up more than people shouting and screaming at me, or makes me less likely to change my mind.

Bigfoot made a decsion. The forums were getting out of control, far too much of the usual flaming going on. So he stepped in, found a post, and made an example. I can't say I blame him, though I can also see why Clown might feel hard done by.

However, the reaction to this has been a bit over the top. People have the right to complain, and Gumbo does put together a good arguement. But the thing about moderating is that, if you go back on your decsion, then it opens the floodgates. Every time you do something, people will shout loudly at you until you do what they want. Hence you get the usual response, where the mod seems like he is ignoring the reaction.

I read an article recently on Firing Squad which reminded me of this. It was about how hardcore games really do give game developers hell when they don't do what they want. IT pointed out that game developers are games as well, and so shouting and screaming at them to make the changes you want isn't helping. You are just one voice, and just because you make more noise doesn't mean you are more right.

Bigfoot, while an employee of Game and overseer of the ban button, is a person at the end of the day. Backing him into a corner while shouting and screaming isn't going to change anything, especially when you do it in public. As I said in the Planetside forums when I was modding there, these disputes should be handled privately.

I do like the idea of red cards and yellow cards. You could enable it as a forum icon. I'm sure a yellow card might become a badge of pride for some people when its on public display, but I'm sure they'll attract a red card fairly quickly. However, mods should still have the right to ban instantly if the situation warrants it.


Bigfoot should ban himself just for suggesting that liverpool will win the Premiership this season.

/me rubs his hands in glee over the virtual £10 bet that was made pre-season

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