- Thread starter
- #211
uh oh another ban?
Originally posted by Tom.
uh oh another ban?
Originally posted by Ono
I miss something?
Originally posted by Ch3tan
and missed DB's in Croydon, thus missing my custom title.
Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
Drama queens reading what you want out of nothing.
Ono - hello, correct - I was drunk as usual on a Friday
Cpt. Doom - ok mate this is what you do.
1. Get a mortar and pestle (or something suitable).
2. Mash and bash the bag of Turkish Pepper to fk. Really grind it up, so its all powder.
3. Grab a large jug or suitable container that can hold at least a 70cl bottle of vodka.
4. Pour powdered Turkish Pepper in.
5. Pour bottle of vodka in.
6. Stir it right up, leave in fridge or failing that somewhere coolish for 24 hours. Make sure you stir it every few hours for the first 12 hours.
7. 24 hours later, all remaining powder/bits should have dissolved into the vodka.
da da - drink your Hot and Sweet while every other English person tries it and thinks ffs wtf is this foul shite.
Originally posted by Xtro 2.0
Thanks a lot
Its not an upgrade, more of a rush job.