Nyd's Last Stand



For Nyd's last stand
we cross the Albion land
With Krill of Thor leading the way
in his hand our faith we lay
To victory or valhalla in this forsaken land
beware foes, this is Nyd's last stand


I wish Nyd all the best, you are a great bunch :)

I remember my days as Glibbin the skald, when Esola and Roo helped me farm for leggings deep inside of Raumarik.

Been great to have you around this long!


All I can say is what a night! The spirit of Midgard it seems is far from dead.

I had heard of Nyd before I even walked in these not so fair lands. Then as a young norsewoman, lost in dangerous places I ran into Ayam, who was kind enough to offer help and a little chat to pass the time. <blushes> So handsome is he. Casia gave me kind words, some advice and a the offer of a little equipment. The young norsewoman has grown up a little since then, but remebers fondly these two people who convinced me in with a few simple words the Midgard was the place to be. Krill I met for the first time this evening <grins> Trolls really need to wash more, but what a magnificent site he was, leading those hungry for blood to do battle in the lands of the most hated enemy.

<hands out mugs of brew> A toast to the original members of Nyd, you may be gone, but certainly never forgotten.



Thanks to all who came and made it such an enjoyable night. The notion of Nydgard was almost true for one night, made an old thane very proud.

So many joined Nyd (78 at one count) and changed colours, it was truly an honour. And the fighting was very enjoyable too.

A shame we didn't quite manage a one-guild relic raid but Nyd, friends and the Green Knight did some good damage.

Nyd is dead, long live Nyd.


They're nice people, you wouldn't know them.

And ghoul, I'm sure they helped you out of.... well, can't think of a good reason, other than insanity :wub:


It was a honour to fight alongside Krill and the rest of Nyd last night... the skirmishes, attacking and retreating on the Excalibur road, and the Albions pulling their own Green Knight! :clap: ... and even the probing attack on Renaris at the very end of the night made the whole evening most enjoyable! (although i joined the fray quite late on). It is great when Midgard is brought together like that! I hope we did Nyd proud.

Hope the albs enjoyed it too! :D


After a weary night Dozigden returns to his cave and hangs up the "Nydgard" cloak. The big troll looks weary, but with an inner glow to his eyes, hinting at how he felt.

"Dozi miss Nyd already" He thinks out loud, "but there allways be Nydgard!"

Roo Stercogburn

It was a fun night, was sorry to have to leave early and some lunacy was cut short.

Was more of an adventure trying to actually get online and trust me, its VERY hard to roleplay when the lonely security guard decides he's going to have a chat in the server room where you're hiding just as your winding up to a lip-curling, sneering bit of roleplay (Krill, for info, it was just before the duel and he was straight back 2 minutes later driving me crackers as I was trying to follow up). It was funny in way, but very frustrating :eek: but hey, it was the only way I was going to get online last night.

Quite a huge number of Midgard's best and brightest there and lots of roleplaying stupidity. Work interfered a bit with many sneers but on the whole I managed to have good fun bombarding Nyd GU with complete tosh.

/who Nyd produced over 70 members online, most of them level 50, and many of them long standing players from various guilds on Mid/Pryd.

One nice thing as a side effect of last night was even though it was temporary, to be guilded with so many people I've known for ages in Mid/Pryd. Even that blasted Nicodemus was there, I thought I was safe for once ;)

Kharok Svark

Sorry illness prevented me from joining the fun Krill, sounds like I missed quite an adventure.

I was able to log on briefly to say fare thee well, I and hope to see you in another world soon.

Until then <bow>

Rendon says he will miss you too, in fact rarely seen the grumpy little dwarf look so grumpy.


Casia sends her thanks to all that attended to make Nyds last night so memorable, and thanks even more those that made Nyd memorable.Krill, Esola, Ayam, Nicomidies, and Trigali made my time in Nyd one of the most wonderful experiences I have ever had. Good luck to you all and I look forward to still adventuring with you all in other worlds.


Slowly wakes the son and hero,
Rises from the depths of slumber,
Speaks again in magic accents,
These the first words of the singer:
"Long, indeed, have I been sleeping,
Long unconscious of existence,
But my sleep was full of sweetness,
Sweet the sleep in Tuonela,
Knowing neither joy nor sorrow!"
This the answer of his mother:
"Longer still thou wouldst have slumbered,
Were it not for me, thy, mother;
Tell me now, my son beloved,
Tell me that I well may hear thee,
Who enticed thee to Manala,
To the river of Tuoni,
To the fatal stream and whirlpool?"

Then the hero, Lemminkainen,
Gave this answer to his mother:
"Nasshut, the decrepit shepherd
Of the flocks of Sariola,
Blind, and halt, and poor, and wretched,
And to whom I did a favor;
From the slumber-land of envy
Nasshut sent me to Manala,
To the river of Tuoni;
Sent a serpent from the waters,
Sent an adder from the death-stream,
Through the heart of Lemminkainen;
Did not recognize the serpent,
Could not speak the serpent-language,
Did not know the sting of adders."
Spake again the ancient mother:
"O thou son of little insight,
Senseless hero, fool-magician,
Thou didst boast betimes thy magic
To enchant the wise enchanters,
On the dismal shores of Lapland,
Thou didst think to banish heroes,
From the borders of Pohyola;
Didst not know the sting of serpents,
Didst not know the reed of waters,
Nor the magic word-protector!
Learn the origin of serpents,
Whence the poison of the adder.

"In the floods was born the serpent,
From the marrow of the gray-duck,
From the brain of ocean-swallows;
Suoyatar had made saliva,
Cast it on the waves of ocean,
Currents drove it ******d, onward,
Softly shone the sun upon it,
By the winds 'twas gently cradled,
Gently nursed by winds and waters,
By the waves was driven shoreward,
Landed by the surging billows.
Thus the serpent, thing of evil,
Filling all the world with trouble,
Was created in the waters
Born from Suoyatar, its maker."

Then the mother of the hero
Rocked her son to rest and comfort,
Rocked him to his former being,
To his former life and spirit,
Into greater magic powers;
Wiser, handsomer than ever
Grew the hero of the islands;
But his heart was full of trouble,
And his mother, ever watchful,
Asked the cause of his dejection.
This is Lemminkainen's answer:
"This the cause of all my sorrow;
Far away my heart is roaming,
All my thoughts forever wander
To the Northland's blooming virgins,
To the maids of braided tresses.
Northland's ugly hostess, Louhi,
Will not give to me her daughter,
Fairest maiden of Pohyola,
Till I kill the swan of Mana,
With my bow and but one arrow,
In the river of Tuoni.
Lemminkainen's mother answers,
In the sacred stream and whirlpool.
"Let the swan swim on in safety,
Give the water-bird his freedom,
In the river of Manala,
In the whirlpool of Tuoni;
Leave the maiden in the Northland.,
With her charms and fading beauty;
With thy fond and faithful mother,
Go at once to Kalevala,
To thy native fields and fallows.
Praise thy fortune, all sufficient,
Praise, above all else, thy Maker.
Ukko gave thee aid when needed,
Thou wert saved by thy Creator,
From thy long and hopeless slumber,
In the waters of Tuoni,
In the chambers of Manala.
I unaided could not save thee,
Could not give the least assistance;
God alone, omniscient Ukko,
First and last of the creators,
Can revive the dead and dying,
Can protect his worthy people
From the waters of Manala, .
From the fatal stream and whirlpool,
In the kingdom of Tuoni."

Lemminkainen, filled with wisdom,
With his fond and faithful mother,
Hastened straightway on his journey
To his distant home and kindred,
To the Wainola fields and meadows,
To the plains of Kalevala.

* * * * *

Here I leave my Kaukomieli,
Leave my hero Lemminkainen,
Long I leave him from my singing,
Turn my song to other heroes,
Send it forth on other pathways,
Sing some other golden legend

link to full poet.


Gotta say though, I felt sorry for Roo... being slammed isnt a good way to start a duel.


How do you follow that?

"Alb's fahsands of dem!"

"Whars dat 'ockin 'orpse summonor???"


"well I'm not leading!"

and of course:

"Say cheese!"

(ps get those screenies up asap pls!)

Old Nicodemus

Originally posted by old.Spug
Gotta say though, I felt sorry for Roo... being slammed isnt a good way to start a duel.


Roo dropped faster than sack of potatoes. Best moment of the night for me... :flame:

Wub joo weally Roo! :p


Me thinks Roo forget the most important lesson Casters get taught, (although I'm told he's self taught whilst learning tailoring, so thats ok) and thats that "running like a girl is allowed, let y our pet wear down the enemy while they chase you"

Roo Stercogburn

It was just nice to be able to get online when events of the seven days leading up to it had conspired to make it near impossible :)

SM has one chance against a Thane: mez and run. Krill resisted mez, the rest was assured. Fun though. That particular duel and the reasons for it have been about a year coming.

I got peace long enough for the actual fight, it was just either side of it I had people at work annoying me. Pesky peeps ;)

Had to log earlier than wanted because still hadn't checked into hotel and needed to get a move on :(


Str debuff and Str/Con debuff :) and hope he's carrying a ram :D

oh, hang on, you're dark specced...

old.Ayam Ganbatte

It looked amazing, what a force. Much respect to Krill for initiating this, and as many best wishes extended to those that joined in the mayhem.

The funeral boat for Nyd burns from the flaming arrows that were struck into it that night. Magnificent flaming arrows, each one like a phoenix.

From Valhalla I watched.

From Valhalla I wept.

old.Trine Aquavit

Never mind the quantity, what about the quality! It was great to be guilded with so many of the very best people in Midgard.

/salutes Nyd

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