North Korea


J Peasemould Gruntfuttock
Dec 22, 2003


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Man he's really really pushing it isn't he...

Not entirely sure NK wants to fire the first shot though. They are most likely trying to provoke USA to do a preemptive strike to try and justify what they have been doing and saying.

Not entirely sure what China is up to at the border to NK though. Considering that they were one of the nations that signed the new sanctions that fueled this mess it seems odd that they would then turn around and help NK in an eventual war... I know NK and China have a treaty to help defend one another but still....

But either way, that point of no return is getting closer and closer. And i'm kinda scared Kim Jong Un has already passed it on his end. I can't see him backing down now without (from his point of view) making himself look like an idiot and a weakling... He's painting himself into a corner and will almost be forced to do something soon....

I'd be lying if i said i wasn't getting at least a little concerned now...

And USA needs to be fucking careful as well with how they are reacting to this... They might very well be the one that pulls him over the edge...


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Couldn't say I give a shit tbh, NK are taking a washing up cloth to a gun fight. China are actually going the other way, they really don't want to get dragged into a pointless war because some moron in North Korea has delusions of grandeur, they would have him bumped off before doing that.

In fact, I wouldn't be terribly surprised if either Kim Jong Un has a little accident involving a flight of stairs fairly soon, or someone else within NK is pulling the strings and wants and end to the regime by taking a good hard reeming from America.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
China are actually going the other way,

Yes that's what i thought to, but if China won't come to NK's help why have they put the PLA on high alert, and why are they sending troops and tanks to the border? And why the hell aren't NK reacting on it?

Kim Jong Un should logically be more worried about China then USA at this point considering how frosty their relationship has become lately, but he has yet as far as i know reacted to or even mentioned that Chinese buildup (which has been going on for quite a few days now).

It just doesn't make sense (to me at least).


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Yes that's what i thought to, but if China won't come to NK's help why have they put the PLA on high alert, and why are they sending troops and tanks to the border? And why the hell aren't NK reacting on it?

Kim Jong Un should logically be more worried about China then USA at this point considering how frosty their relationship has become lately, but he has yet as far as i know reacted to or even mentioned that Chinese buildup (which has been going on for quite a few days now).

It just doesn't make sense (to me at least).

1. You put your troops on alert when fucknuts in the next country over are getting out of hand, even if its not aimed at you. I assume the Japanese and even the Russians have raised their readiness as well.
2. NK aren't reacting because China is their one "friend" in the world. Plus, NK genuinely think they can play the brinkmanship game to extract aid and concessions from the outside world (and on previous form, they can), so all of their belligerence is pointed south for maximum effect; they have no intention of actually doing anything.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
North Korea is doing the rabid dog act, it's nothing new.


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
Its an interesting thing to watch. You know things are getting a bit crazy when both Russia and China are calling on NK and USA to calm down and not do anything stupid. USA didn't help matters by flying stealth bombers over the country. Hopefully its all postering and it will die down in a month or so.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Well China's forces are already massed at NK's borders, I don't think its to protect them either, if push comes to shove China will probably annihilate NK itself - end of the day South Korea, USA etc are some of China's targets for exports not to mention how much the USA still owes China, do you really think China will let NK piss all over its income? I think not, China will fucking sack NK and probably claim the land as its own.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
Well China's forces are already massed at NK's borders, I don't think its to protect them either, if push comes to shove China will probably annihilate NK itself - end of the day South Korea, USA etc are some of China's targets for exports not to mention how much the USA still owes China, do you really think China will let NK piss all over its income? I think not, China will fucking sack NK and probably claim the land as its own.

That doesn't really work, as SK is America's ally and reunification is a stated constitutional goal (it is for NK as well). China turning the whole place into another province wouldn't be an acceptable solution even if it did get rid of a loopy regime.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
That mad women who does the NK governments news reports is hilarious but she needs to wave her arms more.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
North Korea is doing the rabid dog act, it's nothing new.

No this IS new.

There is two quite fundamental differences this time. And those differences are Kim Jong Un and possibly nukes.

There's a new, unproven and inexperienced leader in NK. And he's got potential nukes to lean on that gives him a false sense of security to push further then his dad could.

If he wants a war or not is irrelevant, if he's unable to or doesn't know when to back down he might get one anyway.

He wants USA to back down first so he can save face, they have no reason to do that.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
If this was happeneing 20yrs ago i would be a nervous wreck. I remember when it all kicked off in '91 with Iraq, i had visions of being called up to go and fight and i was shitting myself

That with the prospect of a world war too, i used to turn the radio/TV off when there was any news reports on, i would just bury my head in the sand to avoid it

But i realised that the more informed you are about things the easier it is to deal with regardless of how bad things become

It just worries me that people like Kim Jong Un are allowed to be in charge of things and being surrounded by yes men just makes it worse. The US keeps saying they don't have the capabilities to do anythig major, but we know very little about NK.

Whats to say they are not drip feeding information that makes them look very behind in terms of progress, they are very secretive after all


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
If they tried to call me up to fight in some pisspot foreign country, I would tell them to go fuck themselves.


Is now wearing thermals.....Brrrrr
Apr 21, 2008
I was young and naive, and made the mistake of telling the older guys i worked with about my fears, which just made them make up stories about the govenment bringing back conscription, Cunts


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
NK is totally broke and insignificant on the world stage, the nukes have raised his profile and he wants some lots of cash to shut up...he's playing it well.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
NK is totally broke and insignificant on the world stage, the nukes have raised his profile and he wants some lots of cash to shut up...he's playing it well.

I just hope he knows when to stop trying. Because things aren't going the way he wants it to.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Hopefully he doesn't and they shit all over him.


Part of the furniture
Mar 12, 2004
NK have no idea how far advanced the USA is in terms of hardware, that's the negative side of shutting your country off from the rest of the world for decades.

NK hardware is based off Soviet 60s-80s era equipment and how much of that is still working is anyones guess.


I am a FH squatter
Jan 27, 2004
Hopefully he doesn't and they shit all over him.

He won't tho will he? he's been raised by someone that's basically claimed to be "The great leader" all his life and fuck knows what else he's brain washed him with.. I doubt even his advisers will DARE tell him that he'll get shit all over because he'll likely shoot them on the spot.


Giant Thundercunt
FH Subscriber
Dec 22, 2003
NK have no idea how far advanced the USA is in terms of hardware, that's the negative side of shutting your country off from the rest of the world for decades.

NK hardware is based off Soviet 60s-80s era equipment and how much of that is still working is anyones guess.

So, you're saying that:

1) Because NK have shut themselves off from the world they have no idea how advanced the US military is.
2) Despite them being shut off from the world YOU know about the NK hardware.

Or, basically, NK is a state with no information gathering techniques whereas you are clairvoyant.




Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
I think he means the NK public, rather than the government. The government (you would hope) know exactly how out-gunned they are and know they would last a matter of days against America. All he is doing is trying to raise his profile internally. The public know nothing except what that crazy news reader tells them.

What the US should do is just tell him to go fuck himself, no more aid and more restrictions. The only way things can change for the better for the people of NK is by public uprising or by total annihilation of government by an external military force. I would sooner see the former to be honest.


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
Welp, NK just told all foreigners to evacuate the country.....


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
The key in all this is China.
What they're doing, will do and won't do.

They can likely not tolerate a united democratic Korea but I doubt China is willing to back a nuclear war against the USA (which will pull Europe in as well).

But when push comes to shove - it's very likely something will happen soon. Kim Jong Un has to assert himself as the new strong leader, and well - looking like a school boy amongst the military men - it's likely he'll ignite a powder keg and blame the US / South Korea regardless. He's a kid with a magnifying glass trying to burn ants which can shoot back.


Down With That Sorta Thing
Dec 22, 2003
They can likely not tolerate a united democratic Korea

I don't think that particularly matters; there's obviously still an ideological element to China's thinking, but probably not as much as you'd think (their relationship with the other nominally communist country in the area, Vietnam, is fractious to say the least, common ideology or not), but the economic argument trumps it; a united Korea would be a much bigger market for Chinese goods. Plus, North Korea is diplomatically useless to the Chinese in regional politics, whereas the one thing the Koreans and Chinese have in common is that they both loathe the Japanese, and a united Korea would be useful in that regard.

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