NF & Buffbots


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Gear said:
Mates, buffbots are to help us compete. Do you really have the need to compete on a freaking test server?!?! Next thing we'll know is that people will be camping SoM and GoV!!!

Im waiting to see someone running with som/battler etc soon


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 30, 2004
Dorin said:
bla bla bla , if i played lets say 1 hour with 2 accounts then logged off (not that i did, but can do if i want) why i'm worse then somebody playing 1 account for 5 hours or more, blocking some ppl more hours from trying NF. yea yea thats different for you but not for the ppl that cant log on due to your selfish "playing on gorre whole day" shit. :touch:

Erm wtf are u talking about?

Is 'due to your selfish "playing on gorre whole day" shit' aimed at me? I logged on 1 char, looked about for a few mins then logged off so don't claim to read my mind. In fact I work 9 to 5 so playing all day isn't an option.

Try not to be so insulting to people when you don't know your facts.



Fledgling Freddie
Jul 1, 2004
Someone on gorre pm'd me and asked me where they got artifacts from, i replied "toa", they said they couldnt be arsed to farm them.

Sad really


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Mybuddies said:
Erm wtf are u talking about?

Mybuddies said:
I wonder if the saddos who had to roll a bb on Gorre are the same who camp the artis just to sell

Mybuddies said:
Try not to be so insulting to people when you don't know your facts.

ok m8, i just tried to reply in the same manner as you,,, guess i overreacted it... but your lines arent exactly "friendly" imo.

Dimse Dut

Fledgling Freddie
Jun 27, 2004
Max range on Buffs! that would kill the BB's standing and cluttering up it all looking like even dumber reflections of their owners.

MY cleric is 40 rejuv 34 enhance and after having people whine about the "sad" lvl of my buffs I have come to the conclusion that people are basicly total morons.

People who play clerics know how often you have to rebuff because people die. people with bb's have to run Alll the waaay back to where their bb is parked to get rebuffed where those with a ACTIVE cleric in the group can be up and running in no time. Also resist buffs are on a 10 min recast timer and they DO MAKE a difference. So not only do you have to run back to get buffs when you die you also have to run back every 10 min to recast resists.

Maybe its worth it in Rp/per hour but as to the fun aspect of the game its a 100% loss, not just for yourself but for everyone.

UN-l33t the game leave your bb home and try having fun instead of being so horribly depressed everytime you die =D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Heath said: if getting an auto lvl 50..RR6 and all the dosh you could wish for....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..they need a BB. How damn lame is that...those who roll BB on the test server really dont give a rats ass about other players at all. They just have to be the best at a game. While, others cant even log in because of it. Sad sad people in my opinion. They just have to win, no matter what. I thought the test server was about finding out about NF, bugs..spec etc..should have guessed that some people have to get as far as possible in the shortest time possible to feed their e-penis. )o:

They seem to have had a bit fat twat with the selfish stick.

Buffbot players are actually the worst at playing the game, they have a bb because the do NOT know how to play the game. Buffbot players are and always will be the biggest noob's in the game, "Dark age of Camelot." having no clue what so ever how to play their class/ classes in their original form,
they are noob's above all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I almost did my own naming and shaming last night. Was gonna take the names of all the BBs and post them on here. But, i thought "why bother". The people using them dont give a rats ass anyway. Plus, they must know it will piss people off. If not, why name your BB something like GHJKLKJHGHJK

Scared incase we find out who you really are ??...should just look for the SAD SELFISH BASTARD tag above your names.

And as for the guy who said..if i play 2 accounts for 1 that not the same as 1 guy for 4 hours...what frigging planet are you on?? play 2 accounts..its stops one person from coming on. And..for 1 get a BB, lvl 50..RR6 and would play for 1 hour !!...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH<deep breath>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

Bullshit, you would be one of the sad people who would not stop til you reached RR10L10 and came to FH to bask in the glory of being the leetest test server killah. Twats like you make this game stupid. The sooner they nerf the BBs the better. Same as radar users...would be a lot of "time to move on" and "stupid GOA nerfing assholes" posts on here.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 10, 2004
Best thing that could happen to DAOC is if they got rid of all those buffs all together, except chants/self buffs. Then we are back to the base of the game and that is character building. It won't change a thing in rvr except casual players have more chance. Gank group against gankgroup will be same cause they where first buffed to the teeth and now they all don't have buffs.
Imo the stats you have from your equipment and char are the stats you have to play with.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Hear Hear Pooh , put a maxrange on buffs and problem will be solved


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Heath said:
I almost did my own naming and shaming last night. Was gonna take the names of all the BBs and post them on here. But, i thought "why bother". The people using them dont give a rats ass anyway. Plus, they must know it will piss people off. If not, why name your BB something like GHJKLKJHGHJK

Scared incase we find out who you really are ??...should just look for the SAD SELFISH BASTARD tag above your names.

And as for the guy who said..if i play 2 accounts for 1 that not the same as 1 guy for 4 hours...what frigging planet are you on?? play 2 accounts..its stops one person from coming on. And..for 1 get a BB, lvl 50..RR6 and would play for 1 hour !!...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH<deep breath>HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAH

Bullshit, you would be one of the sad people who would not stop til you reached RR10L10 and came to FH to bask in the glory of being the leetest test server killah. Twats like you make this game stupid. The sooner they nerf the BBs the better. Same as radar users...would be a lot of "time to move on" and "stupid GOA nerfing assholes" posts on here.

well arent you cute :> retards like you shouldnt name anyone, just fuck off to a dark corner and stfu forever :> oh and dunno how cant you see the logical connection between blocking 2 places for 1 hour than blocking one place for 5+ hours. As i already mentioned, i didnt log on a bb at all, just sad to see some "smart" ppl like you coming to the boards and whining cuz couldnt access the beta test at launch (if its not the case, then you got some mental problems which are beyond me:() Dunno whats your problem pal, but you are seriously a dumbass :<

:flame: :flame:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Dorin said:
bla bla bla , if i played lets say 1 hour with 2 accounts then logged off (not that i did, but can do if i want) why i'm worse then somebody playing 1 account for 5 hours or more
Pathetic attitude from someone I thought was worthy of respect. It does not take a rocket scientist to realize that you playing two accounts (one being a BB) for one hour is worse than someone playing one account for two hours, simply because the hour you spent on your BB is simply wasted and could have been better used by someone actively playing the game in that slot.



Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dorin said:
well arent you cute :> retards like you shouldnt name anyone, just fuck off to a dark corner and stfu forever :> oh and dunno how cant you see the logical connection between blocking 2 places for 1 hour than blocking one place for 5+ hours. As i already mentioned, i didnt log on a bb at all, just sad to see some "smart" ppl like you coming to the boards and whining cuz couldnt access the beta test at launch (if its not the case, then you got some mental problems which are beyond me:() Dunno whats your problem pal, but you are seriously a dumbass :<

:flame: :flame:
are you genuinely stupid ?

bb for 1 hour + playr for 1 hour still = 1 hour of active testing on a uhm........ TEST server.
1 person playing 2hours = 2 hours of active testing on a test server ....

poiont is logging abuffbot to sit at tk is blocking an ACTIVE person testing no matter if it 1 hour or 10

and somone playing for 5+ hours isnt exactly "blocking" as you word it its more someone actualy testing on the test server a productive 5 hours. 1 hour on a bb is about as productive as a window cleaner with no water. GEDDIT yet retard ?


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 1, 2004
I'll personally come over and steal his/her brains of the next person who says that the buffbot system needs to be tested too :-/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Gorrion said:
Buffbot players are actually the worst at playing the game, they have a bb because the do NOT know how to play the game. Buffbot players are and always will be the biggest noob's in the game, "Dark age of Camelot." having no clue what so ever how to play their class/ classes in their original form, they are noob's above all.

I have a buffbot, or rather an enhance specced cleric that is sometimes afk^^ (not the same). I use her to buff guild groups when we only have one/no clerics in the group, and very rarely to solo/duo. I also play her as an active cleric (kinda obvious by the fact that she got 10 times more RPs last week than I did on my main).

Why does this make me a noob player? I got well over a million RPs without using a BB and this was often when fighting BB'd opponents.

BBs are a part of the game now, the time has come and gone for whining about inequality. You just have to get on with it, and this is from someone who was vehemently anti-BB.

On-topic a little more, I haven't created a BB on Gorre, but I might when it quietens down a little - as I said, they're a part of the game, so it would seem a little silly to only half-try a beta test. Having said that though, I would keep it on to a minimum, and it would be only to test, not so I could wtfpwn. I'd hope that others with BBs that want to try them out would also do the same.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
What some people seem to be forgetting is that it's called a TEST server for a reason. Testing to see if your still as omguberroxxorlolwtf with your buffs in Gorre is hardly valid.
And people wonder why they don't have a test server up all the time.:twak:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Dorin said:
well arent you cute :> retards like you shouldnt name anyone, just fuck off to a dark corner and stfu forever :> oh and dunno how cant you see the logical connection between blocking 2 places for 1 hour than blocking one place for 5+ hours. As i already mentioned, i didnt log on a bb at all, just sad to see some "smart" ppl like you coming to the boards and whining cuz couldnt access the beta test at launch (if its not the case, then you got some mental problems which are beyond me:() Dunno whats your problem pal, but you are seriously a dumbass :<

:flame: :flame:

Sounds like i touched a nerve there !!. As you can see though, people think that the dumbass on here is you..not me. What makes me "smart" ??. I never said i was smart did i ??. I didnt want to access the server at launch either...i had other things to do. I did get on...and seeing the BBs there made me mad, because of all the others who could not get on. And as for fucking off to a dark corner, pc is in a corner..not dark though. Stfu forever...why would i do that when i have soooooooo much to say. I dont give a rats ass if you did or didnt log a BB. Making it sound ok is stupid. And, stupid is as stupid does. Or, in your case..If the cap fits !!!.

Also, if my mental problems are beyond you, how do you know i have mental problems??. Sounds like you are clutching at straws for a decent answer and just spouting insults to me. I don't think my wife or 3 kids think i have mental problems. Do your fellow inmates feel the same way about you??. for the flame call that a flame !!!....lmao, i have been flamed better by my 10 year old son. Which, on a side note..he thinks your comments are stupid and selfish too (o: .

P.S, thank you for calling me cute....didn't know you cared :wub:

P.P.S...if you can't see the selfishness of blocking 2 connections over 1 connection for a few hours .......who is the retard??


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Belomar said:
Heath vs Dorin 1 - 0. Actually, I'd say Heath won the match.
I'd say Heath vs Dorin 2 - 0, as Dorin didn't even reach mid field, but turned and hit his own goal instead.
Agree on Heath winning the match though


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
what exactly are you going to learn from testing stuff fully buffed vs non buffed people? at least on the normal servers most people are buffed, would learn far more on an equal playing field, but i guess to some its not about testing its about wtfpwningmaijts!!!


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
As a solo caster in DF stuff you dont have strength enough to carry around all them juicy Siege-stuff so I need a BB to test properly :(


Resident Freddy
Mar 29, 2004
Sad sad sad sad, youre there to beta test not wtfpwn if you cant get that into youre head you need to find an doctor.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
but, but, they have to test full RvR ocnditions and just how well the server copes with 100+ buffers running headlong into a wall for hours on end.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 29, 2003
yaruar said:
but, but, they have to test full RvR ocnditions and just how well the server copes with 100+ buffers running headlong into a wall for hours on end.

I agree, its all part of the 'simulated' RvR experience, 75% buffbot - 20% l33t wtfpwn d00d 5% people unbuffed trying to do more than extend their Epenis.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
fookin get them bb's off, such lamers hogging all the space, most annoying, trying to login, and have been for like an hour now, just no joy at all.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
damn server is a joke tbh, should open another 1, i swear they had 2 test servers some time ago


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 1, 2004
Belomar said:
Heath vs Dorin 1 - 0. Actually, I'd say Heath won the match.

hmmm Good man heath is all i can say =)

so if Heath >Dorin then Angry Bwca > Dorin too ;P


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Invisibul said:
fookin get them bb's off, such lamers hogging all the space, most annoying, trying to login, and have been for like an hour now, just no joy at all.

thats funny... seem to recall someone asking people to log buffbots off at the CS portal stone, then you going off on one about he was a n00b and should QQ and make a buffbot of his own?

nice change of tune when the shoes on the other foot i guess :m00:


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
HitManDan said:
thats funny... seem to recall someone asking people to log buffbots off at the CS portal stone, then you going off on one about he was a n00b and should QQ and make a buffbot of his own?
Haha, classic! Another braino pwned. :D

Oh, and all note now how the people who were embarrassed here (Dorin and Invisibul) are slinking off with their tails between their legs, never to be seen in this thread again. :cool:


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 25, 2003
Shame I can't get onto Gorre. I cancelled one of my accounts last week and the other expires in a couple of weeks. I was looking forward to messing about on Gorre for the two weeks or so and play some 50s I haven't tried before etc. Ah well I suppose I could go back to the others servers but frankly I can't be bothered :(


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 2, 2004
Heath said:
But, i thought "why bother". The people using them dont give a rats ass anyway. Plus, they must know it will piss people off. If not, why name your BB something like GHJKLKJHGHJK

maybe because asdasdadasdasdasd is much faster to type than think 'hmmm, i think ill name my bb buttercup! oh wait dandylion!' and then finding out the names are taken etc. people just use names like that to get their bbs done FAST.

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