Fledgling Freddie
- Joined
- Jan 23, 2004
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Sobek said:Nobody likes losing, now thats a fact you cant run from eh?
Seems like you are losing .....now that's a fact you can't run from eh ?
Sobek said:Nobody likes losing, now thats a fact you cant run from eh?
Hamro said:Fucks Sake Ive Been Trying To Get In For 2 Hrs To Clicking Each 3rd Second And Motherfaggets With Buffbots
Dorin said:well arent you cute :> retards like you shouldnt name anyone, just fuck off to a dark corner and stfu forever :> oh and dunno how cant you see the logical connection between blocking 2 places for 1 hour than blocking one place for 5+ hours. As i already mentioned, i didnt log on a bb at all, just sad to see some "smart" ppl like you coming to the boards and whining cuz couldnt access the beta test at launch (if its not the case, then you got some mental problems which are beyond me) Dunno whats your problem pal, but you are seriously a dumbass :<
Lothandar said:As an outsider I see it is 1500 players.
Hamro said:Fucks Sake Ive Been Trying To Get In For 2 Hrs To Clicking Each 3rd Second And Motherfaggets With Buffbots
Obviously about 9 pages of people do. Some people on here actually try to be fair and give everyone a chance to get on instead of hogging an extra slot with /clientsleep for there buffbot.Tay said:As for taking up 1-2 slots for x time who honestly give a flying toss.
get reqal numbnuts.... bb's on test server SUCK....... i will repaet that bb's on a TEST server suck....Chesnox said:Seriously silly whine. Buffbots are just part of the game, accept it. I personally don't have a bb, but heres how I think about it....
The guy trying to log his bb account faces the same struggle to get access to Gorre as anyone else. Basically, even if bbs didn't exist Gorre would still be full anyway (in peak hours).
Buffbots are just part of the game, any argument about taking up server space etc.. is invalid unless you apply it to all servers, not just Gorre. (Yeah I know that the English servers are never full, but the point is still valid.)
Arguments about "yeah but the bb is taking up a slot that some1 could be using to actually beta test!!!11" is BS (imho). Like anyone but a tiny minority are doing any meaningful testing. Most are just rampaging through NF having a jolly good time. Don't try to kid us that you object to bbs on Gorre just because you think its unfair in principle. I suspect most of you object just because you had a hard time logging in. Well, so did I, so did the guy with the bb. Tough break innit..
Exactly how are Goa, GMs, or anyone else supposed to identify BBs without making mistakes and nailing legit clerics/shammys/druids or shafting LANs etc..? (can't do it via IP, can't nail Clerics/Shammys/Druids idling at tks...Ideas welcome)
Basically, you are assuming that your fellow players will have some decency and not take up 2 slots on a in-demand test server just so they can run a bb. Get real, this is daoc 2004, not daoc 2001. Moaning about it isn't going to change a thing, and you aren't likely to make any player with a bb go "oh yeah, I am being a bit unfair!", just becase you create a plethora of qq whines on fh.
Bottom line, buffbots are here to stay. On Excal, on Pyrd, on Gorre and on every other server, live with it. Only Mythic can do anything about that, and that just ain't gonna happen.
Jpeg[LOD] said:get reqal numbnuts.... bb's on test server SUCK....... i will repaet that bb's on a TEST server suck....
what kind of testing do you think BB's ae doing sat at border keep watching the grass grow and paint dry ? where people who do want to test and play nf TEST server will be able to find more bugs than a mug who's loaded a BB
Not when he's logged one in first thing in the morning and either has a nice little turn macro going or is just running streight into the wall so he doesn't go ld.Chesnox said:Seriously silly whine. Buffbots are just part of the game, accept it. I personally don't have a bb, but heres how I think about it....
The guy trying to log his bb account faces the same struggle to get access to Gorre as anyone else. Basically, even if bbs didn't exist Gorre would still be full anyway (in peak hours).
Easy, GOA will have logs on how long people have been logged on for which account/alt and what they're doing keypress wise. Someone standing at the TK just hitting a few keys every hour is hardly someone going to be playing a legit buff alt.Chesnox said:Exactly how are Goa, GMs, or anyone else supposed to identify BBs without making mistakes and nailing legit clerics/shammys/druids or shafting LANs etc..? (can't do it via IP, can't nail Clerics/Shammys/Druids idling at tks...Ideas welcome)
Skaven said:Easy, GOA will have logs on how long people have been logged on for which account/alt and what they're doing keypress wise. Someone standing at the TK just hitting a few keys every hour is hardly someone going to be playing a legit buff alt.
This doesn't matter though, GOA are not there to enforce who should be there and who isn't. It just a matter of morality. If you think its all fine then /shrug. Just say's alot about the person that is defending the use on Gorre.
Go re-read my post. Your missing the point entirely.Chesnox said:Easy...you have no idea. You really want GOA to employ someone to trawl logs looking for ppl who have BBs just to satisfy your 'morality'? Do you have any idea how hard and time consuming that would be? And do you realise that the only outcome, other than to satisfy your personal anti-BB morality is to antagonise a customer who pays exactly the same subscription fee for his right to access the server as you or I.
Its not about morality, its about money. As I've said in previous posts, BBs are here to stay, Mythic benefits, GOA benefits, arguably we all benefit (since there are possibly x0.5 as many subs paying for continued development of this game than there would be in BBs didn't exist). The downside is logging onto the test server takes a little bit longer. Cry me a river.
Gorrion said:The biggest looser's, are those who have accepted buffbots, WHY accept it?!!, i will never accept that a game have to be played on two accounts to be a "playable game". I have a hard time in rvr yes, and the only reson for this is i play the game with what the class/classes provide, and what items that i can get my hand's on, not by a Noobbot.
If im in a group with a bufferclass i ofc accept the buffs as that is what beeing in a group 2 - 8 players provide.
it is correct that as long players have accepted the noobbot's and willingly pay for 1 or 2 more accounts then mythic will never change the buff system as it would cost them money, althoug good moral would have told them a long time ago that somthing needed to be changed.
I will never accept Noobbot's!
Shanaia said:2. It's easy to not accept buffbots when you play a class with (self)buffs.
Just jump with the char now and then, and since you die now and then you have to rebuff and thus the bot dont go inactive.Indio said:I always thought that if your char remained 'inactive' (no buttons pressed for a certain length of time) they were kicked from the server? So BB's standing around would fall into that category?