New legion raid format



But if you do tag along your not entitled to the legion specific drops.
Which is the main reason most ppl go on the raids.


Well Censi..imo you are a great leader and a great chap. I really liked fighting legion the worm or the princes alongside you. But tbh I do not like this new "attack "guild" group", legiondropstothem-plan you just made up.
As you definately IS elitist and I don't think I wanna be part in one of these raids.

But are the one who organizes the raids, so you have got a god damn right to set the rules.


with all the greatest respect, the guilds there aren't necessarily 'uber' so i dont see why people are offended by censi listed them. i mean for example hib doesn't have relics at the moment- imo the most uber guilds guide the realm, not themselves. emain rvr farming isn't exactly an art. claim a keep, make a balanced FG of people you play regular with, and play lots of hours- voila RRs roll in. they are currently the most active level 50s who know each other in hib, so of course they'd be the most effective on any raid.


If I had some more time I'd try to organise a raid but I don't. Can't be too hard, just study some maps, get macro's ready and know people in the game willing to join. And come up with a fair lotto system which can't be too hard either.

Select some people you trust and let them make a chatgroup for each item of which the stats have been listed at the start and people can join in for one item only. They can win it with /random 100 if they're lucky. Can't take too long can it? Four hours seems a bit insane to lotto 15 to 20 items (I think?).


I think the thing that sticks in the back of the majority of peoples throats is the idea that the attack groups get the uber items.

Theres a lot of people who play this game who arent necessarily in the most active RvR guilds, but still RvR regulary (in pick-up groups at DL). Why should the 4 attack groups pre-claim items from legion, when without the other people turning up Legion would probably not get killed. Just because their guild as a whole earns a lot more rp's doesnt mean that other players dont RvR on a regular basis (some guilds have a few lvl 50's who are basically just friends with each other and wouldnt dream of leaving their mates just to join a RvR guild). I'm all for making the legion killing a hell of a lot faster, as spending 4 hours killing it and sharing loot can be a utter pain in the arse. But to state that only the 4 main attack guild groups can claim the "uber" legion items is just sad imo.


Originally posted by ilaya
One thing that has me wondering.. so called rvr guilds vs mobs? How does that work? You not gonna bother with shrouded isles either? or spellcrafting? you gonna order in-guild? get stuff repaired in guild? where's the money gonna come from? trees?

Well I can only speak for us, guess most of us are going SI and we are saving up cash to boost a spellcrafter/alchemist. The money comes from DF :D


Originally posted by ilaya
Ok just so you know, HoF alliance have preclaimed Legion (and everything he drops) next week.. anyone wanting to come along who are not lvl 50/rr5 are welcome as well as people who are pissed off right now. WE are prepared to sort this.

I only hope that once we open df, our raid isn't hijacked by the guilds mentioned above. If it is, i will let you know. Or, isn't it our right anymore to hunt legion?

One thing that has me wondering.. so called rvr guilds vs mobs?
How does that work? You not gonna bother with shrouded isles either? or spellcrafting? you gonna order in-guild? get stuff repaired in guild? where's the money gonna come from? trees?

I know some great people in these guilds and i am not getting at them (those people know who i am talking about) but, tbh, i dont recognise the Censi talking here as opposed to what I heard before. Have you had pressure put on you by certain people? Let us all know.

Btw, have you ever thought how much a "balanced" group (but of mixed guilds) may fight over a drop if preclaimed?.
HoF as an alliance could put in 2 fg's every time to these raids, np, but do we count as a mixed group? Would we have the right to a preclaimed drop? (even though we are more of 1 large guild than an alliance)

Btw, has it ever occurred to any of the aforemention guillds that the reason other guilds cant put out a fg of lvl 50's every day is that everytime someone hits 50 in their guild it seems they are fucking poached? (you know who you are)

If you people dont take us seriously anymore (and it seems like you are trying to shit on us from a great height), then u will all be screwed in the long run.

If Terra Dominicus want they drops, then fine, earnt the rights in my book, the others.. level someone from lvl 1 to 50 then have them preclaim for you. NOT BEFORE!

Ilaya Dasquirrelslayer - 50 lurichamp (GM Hearts of Fire)

Again, it doesnt seem to be the 'elite' rvr guilds that are hellbent on seperating the realm.

A lot of you are coming over with the impression you will not provide any services for these guilds, simply because you feel it is that way already.

As I said, this has never been the case.

We prefer to group own guild members over people who are not in guild.. wouldn't your guild do that if it could?

This is the only real difference between the 'elite' guilds, and the 'nice' guilds, as Nova said, making RP is not difficult, it does require time and a good group only.

But again, what makes us so bad? We are active and prefer to group with each other a lot? Some of you say some members are cunts or whatever, have you ever tried to inform a GM that this person is a fuckwit for whatever reason?

I'd think if someone was unneccassarily rude or said something akin to 'hahaha stfu n00b im in an uber guild, ur not, eat shit', the GMs of LA would like to know.

Stop making vague assumptions when you have no evidence or valid complaints please.


wow, this is a very interesting read.
I read the whole thread in it's intirety.
As for Censi's previous free for all raid all I can say is : ffs man were you born mad or did it come with practise? That is one hell of a job to take on!!!
As for Censi's new approch at the raids: Well, it does sound a tad elietists, but nothing wrong with being elite. People in DAoC use the word Elitle to descirbe (basically) any guild that works well togeather and enjoys playing with their guild mates. Now, shoot me if I'm wrong but I thought that was why people joined guilds, to play with like minded people and grow as a team into a well oiled machine.

As for comming legion raids: If you can't find anyone to organise your raids then I'll do it. I'm in my 30's now as far as lvl goes, but I've organized many a raid in albion, including a dragon raid (failed but hey, who's counting) I sure as hell won't do a free for all raid tho!
IF (and that's a big if) you people want me to do some legion raiods open to all guilds then it will have to be FULL grps of lvl 45+ people (excluding me cuz if I have to organize a raid I want to at least come with) the drops will be lottoed, to all who participate in the raid. No pre claiming what so ever. I don't care how many raids you've been on and haven't gotten a drop ect, no pre cliaming, including me.
But like I said, that's just IF.



I fit none of the profiles, I am not 50, I am not uber and my guild is not uber. I have been on censi's raids, they were great, but so were all the others I have been on.

Censi is entitled to raid how he wants, it just means that I will raid with the other 200 people who this raid format does not cover. I don't see what the problem is? Chances are that the "left overs" raid pull will have far more opportunity to raid, as they have a much bigger pool.



ONE things you all have to remember we are HIBS we are here for each other NOT to bicker and fight who gets what who goes where....
WE are all in this game to have fun NOT to ridicule and jump on.. HAVE fun....Be yourself...
Remember People...We built this realm to where it is NOW....Let us not be the ones that DESTROY it...over something so senseless as a legion raid....
We have a Relic to return home ...why not concentrate on that??
Or to clear Koalith Caves?
Everyone Please Stop...
Let us Be a Great Realm of Hibernia that WE ARE :)



I'd like to point out, that is what is happening here is NOT anything to do with Censi

We have all been on raids organised by Censi and have all had great fun and not had to suffer the nightmare that is a badly organised drop lotto.

What is happening here is a debate about the so called "UBER" guilds, read what Censi said about why the guilds that were mentioned in the first post were mentioned.

We have all been hurt (in the guilds that remain) by the advent of the "RvR guild". However to vent that frustration on Censi is completly unfair.

Censi run your raids as you want to run em, to do it in any other way (that means you aren't having fun) just because a whole realm can't be arse to do it for themselves is truely rediculous


In repsonse to what makes a good guild vs an elite guild?.. xp vs rp.. that's all you need to know. LOTS harder for xp. If you were prepared to put in the hard work of doing that for guildies then no longer would there be any "elite" guilds. No-one ever says celtic fist arean elite guild do they? they have xx number of lvl 50's who group together in rvr.. but hib knows they have worked to get there. Lots of other guilds in hibernia are following this example, and like right!

When u start talking about GUILD groups, THINK!!! What does the word GUILD mean to you?!!

Fuck all it seems


Did 2 legion raids today, and i had a great time on both of them.
Thanks censi for an unforgetable afternoon again ! :clap:

The first one was with
the new legion format where we all got ganked by legion and too many adds while every healer/nuker was totally oom. Just bad luck and not enough ppl/mentalists around.

The second one was closer to primetime and run likethe good old "everyone welcome" approach. We killed the legion and a lot of prince's succesfully, everyone ported out safely and satisfied.

Everyone can organize raids their own way but Legionraids shouldn't be held for the items, but mainly for the fun of it.

Let us prove Hibernia is the realm of friendship and peace by stopping this nonsense....

/y Censimilia for president !

Joske Warden <Red Dragons of Wrath> - alive
Musly Bard <Red Dragons of Wrath> - inactive


So why post all this elitest crap then do a free 4 all raid ?

Doesnt make sense.


raids is good


Just wanted to say.....

1) I have never been in any guild. I know many folk in many guilds (lots from beta), even the "leet" ones, and I count many of them friends. These folk treat me well, and try to lend a hand when they are able. I have even been invited on several occasion to join in RvR and DF raids with these folk. On the occasions I have been a member of these guild groups, I was offered a fair share of any spoils, and treated just like everyone else. An attitude I deeply appreciate and respect.

2) I have never been turned away from a raid for not being in a guild or for not being lvl 50. In fact, I relied heavily on these raids to get my XP from 45 on. My wife, Treeanna and I are known well enough to most folk that our reputation as honest and competent players is the primary concern that folks have when dealing with us.

3) I have never complained about not getting an item, and often I have stated I was only along for the only complaints have been about those folk who try and make others miserable, or who try and cheat. Even when I was 49.5+ and RR5+ (been that way for a couple/few weeks), I never felt it was unfair not to be able to lotto for lvl 51 items just because those are the rules...and there is always going to be more! ;)

In short, I would be sad if things were to change to the point folk didnt get together and have fun...I dont think speed of the raid is a big deal (I agree that some ideas to speed the lotto might be worth examining..takes longer for that then anything else it seems!)...I think rampaging about the dungeon and killing everything for fun and profit is.

All that being said, I would like to thank Censi for organizing his raids. He does a good job of it to be sure. Reminds me of EQ almost. He is also inspiring a new crop of promising raid leaders!

Thanks to tonight's raid, I got to level 49.97. Looks like I will get to lotto for the legion drops next time ;)

See you there.


This post has rasied many points.
Firstly i would add that censimilia i find to be a nice guy as i do most people in the game.
However ilaya did raise an interesting point, which does move away from the initial subject in someways but not in others.

I started the game after seeing my bro (angrysquirrel/bard) being ganked in 1 hit by alpha while xping off ants in the gorge, very exciting :) you never know when it strikes but it may.....this being the edge a game needs and best of all!! the edge came from other players.
Its a multiplayer game, i rarely play others because the social aspect can be the best part of it.

Moving back to the guild points ilaya raised. On starting the game i joined Hearts of Fire a guild formed by ilaya and many other great guys still about as my bro introduced them to me. Created after the break up of another guild (minas tirith i think, before my time). By lvl 20 i liked chatting to them, by lvl 40 i had xpd with all of them, by lvl 50 i really liked them and enjoyed thier company and was made an officer around lvl 45, great for me........ not an auto biography so bare with me :)

I never have the time to play much. In my final year of uni, time is hard to find. However when i do play i know when i log on ill be greeted by the same names ive grown to love playing with :) why would i change this?

some do, some change guilds for an rvr guild (called rvr guilds but they need cash and drops as much as the next person) but after around 6+months i like the same guys i met on day 1, this isnt to say i dont have friends out of guild but... i will stay where i am.

Because of this do i miss out on oppurtunities?
Do i get less rps than i would elsewhere?
Will i never see a drop i would appreciate?

Maybe so, but im happy... between rl, planning a marriage, studying for exams, completing a honours project, finding beer money i know when i log on, my main sleet will find someone to start an rvr group with or xp others or xp an alt, either way i have fun.

I rely on those i have known for a long time to get fun going, we have rarely made use of guild groups in DF. We do muire CM TC EZ CF epic mob trips etc, and we have fun.

Censi i have always looked to as the man to msg for cg invite when df opens, this chance may not arise again as he has said, but i will still log on, still have fun and still love the game.

Dont let something like this spoil your fun... you all know of someone i bet who can organise a raid as well as censi ( i wont say better as censi always did a great job). He raised fair points on feelings which i can easily understand. If i never see legion again.. i couldnt care, if i do great fun :)

However as far as picking out guilds for it i got the impression legion has been preclaimed by 'these people' which i do not appreciated. This is excluding others in the game. Say the guilds listed do as mentioned open df or another guild do....
Censis group forms as does another..... Will one be leaching? and say if another gets in 1st? i would bet my account, barrysworld forums will be spamed with complaints over who should have got drops.

There are tossers...makes lottos hell i appreciated, dont try and take an upper role on others sparetime when what they want is ultimately what you want. Comprimise will never happen, not in a game like this.

what it comes down to? do not tell all of hibernia that the 'new legion raid format' excludes everyone you will not list. pop is slow as you all know...... this isnt the way to go ( i love you censi and have grouped my alt with your alt but.......) Its a multiplayer game and multiplaying is the way to go. Its the way the game was built.

Stay with your friends and they will stay by you....leave them for others and you will end up all alone in the end.

HoF is a growing alliance !!!!!!! join while its hot no assholes tolerared spam all you want make friends, make xp groups come rvr to take a keep even if your lvl 15!! its a multiplayer game afterall

4215 check on letters at this point, ill get the max someday soon :p



i have quit td just for that reason whit this new df riad rules

many time i have help out in df riad and i never got SHIT
for it

helping this guilds like black donkeys,td etc. . .

just for the are preclaimed drop for them NO WAY suck my firby nerft as bm balls
whit your NAZI rule



Originally posted by Tyka

The dumbest thing censi could write in this post was the name of the guilds he invited to this "new" legion raid. Everyone is welcmoe, you just have to work for it to get a drop, not show up and yell "LFG". Help the raid, and you get rewarded, simple as that, forget the guilds.

Damn you Tyka, started reading through this and thought i had a good point to make then i get about half way through and you've already made it. :p
But anyway, yeah i agree. Perhaps Censi naming guilds was a bad idea as any guilds not mentioned are now feeling put out as their ego's have been dented.

Anyways people, you need to take a step back and see that this is only a game. Some people seem to take it too seriously imo.


when teh big boys come for their lion share slice of cake it's normal for havoc to break out amongst the rest.

either be more independant and go look somewhere else or be content with what u got ^^

censi won't be here forever to hold ur hand u know :rolleyes:


i think censi is just doing this to have more of a chance to get the uber drops really like that hammer she wanted for her hero what else does she want?


Erm Censi Already has that hammer (and everything else I need from legion now)

Listen guys, Ill mix it up a bit more to try and keep everyone happy... Attack grp raids are gr8 and fast.... but It wont hurt to throw the odd free for all to let everyone get a crack at those all so sweet drops...

This is getting dull now, MOD pls close of this post....


this is not dull, it shows alot about people and how they really are, scary !


People pay their money to play this game and entitled to play how they like...

Edit: dreama hun you sure you know the way from hib? We aint going from alb side you know hun ;)


Originally posted by old.Xanthian
Not you personally Wuren, but some of your guild members are fuckwits. I wont say names but i'll leave it at that, then again most guilds have the fuckwit.

So you dont think its kinda wrong to judge the whole guild and make such statements on BW based on your experience with 'some' of our members, or are you gonna keep this attitude towards us?


Originally posted by ilaya
In repsonse to what makes a good guild vs an elite guild?.. xp vs rp.. that's all you need to know. LOTS harder for xp. If you were prepared to put in the hard work of doing that for guildies then no longer would there be any "elite" guilds. No-one ever says celtic fist arean elite guild do they? they have xx number of lvl 50's who group together in rvr.. but hib knows they have worked to get there. Lots of other guilds in hibernia are following this example, and like right!

When u start talking about GUILD groups, THINK!!! What does the word GUILD mean to you?!!

Fuck all it seems

ilaya im really quite dissapointed in your whole attitude towards this. When I first met you I thought you were a nice person who didn't judge.

Such views have changed and I get the feeling that your out to judge people just by what guild there in and there style of playing. So say you call BD an elitest guild, am I a total fuckwit? is tlaivar? is miril? is fearmast? is anyone else I group with? Not that ive noticed. As far as LA goes its a similar situation, some of you have dissed Darkexec in the past but in my opinion hes a top guy, same goes for wuren, saadyst, tankster, laralyn etc. Stop getting on your high an mighty Im in a small guild who respects its lower members crap and give us all a break. I was in terra dominus for 9 months and helped out all I could, and I still do help others when I can.

We are in these guilds becuase we enjoy RvR and want to group with like minded people, not because we hate the rest of you. We take keeps to open DF, we help keep the realm safe. We do dragon raids etc, we're not just total rp pharmers. I think you should perhaps grow up a little and stop being so judgemental. That goes for everyone with this wrong view of so called elitest guilds.

By having such views its you splitting the realm, not us.


Originally posted by Wuren

So you dont think its kinda wrong to judge the whole guild and make such statements on BW based on your experience with 'some' of our members, or are you gonna keep this attitude towards us?

Ok so I phrased my post wrong.
Some of LA have done/said some things in-game that have been "leetist" and very ignorant.
Maybe I shouldnt have judged the whole guild from these individuals, and I apologise.


Originally posted by old.Icebreaker
i did organize Legion Raids, Relic attempts.And i do them again when i get more time.Still working on my Masterplan for Excalibur Relics. :D

And i do this for all Hibs, not only for some Guilds or Groups.

Dunno why Censi post this on BW.She should just gather her Legion Guilds and raid him.Done

But never ask me for help or something on these raids cuz i don't want to join em.Even if i get the chance to get Items quicker.

One Realm One Future :D

Icebreaker <Celtic Fist>

Thankyou Icebreaker, Get her legion guilds to do a raid for him.

Of course they wont do this as they just as greedy as him. And she needs the other people as much as we need someone to make a raid in the first place.

Censi takes all the unclaimed drops remember, and bought a wormskin wrap with these drops. FACT

I think its a sad state of affairs when somebody wants a drop in a game so bad as to palm it off as doing something for 4 guilds.. when in effect its just so he can get a drop for himself.

And Censimilia is not the only person who can do raids.

Simple pm all lvl 50s into a cg to go to DF, you all been on raids you know what happens pull your thumb out.

My quote of the week: " Greedy greedy greedy"

Llaw also has alot to answer for.. but im sure you all getting pretty bored of my rants by now!



Just one comment on last post...

If a drop is "unclaimed" why the hell shouldn't it go to the bin and be used as the person acting as the bin sees fit?

At the lottos, Censi starts by asking the appropriate level peeps if they want an item....if no, then ANYONE present is offered the item...if no again, what should be done? Destroy it??

Makes great sense to me to salvage em or whatever, and that is even MORE work!


Originally posted by karlophin
ilaya im really quite dissapointed in your whole attitude towards this. When I first met you I thought you were a nice person who didn't judge.

Such views have changed and I get the feeling that your out to judge people just by what guild there in and there style of playing. So say you call BD an elitest guild, am I a total fuckwit? is tlaivar? is miril? is fearmast? is anyone else I group with? Not that ive noticed. As far as LA goes its a similar situation, some of you have dissed Darkexec in the past but in my opinion hes a top guy, same goes for wuren, saadyst, tankster, laralyn etc. Stop getting on your high an mighty Im in a small guild who respects its lower members crap and give us all a break. I was in terra dominus for 9 months and helped out all I could, and I still do help others when I can.

We are in these guilds becuase we enjoy RvR and want to group with like minded people, not because we hate the rest of you. We take keeps to open DF, we help keep the realm safe. We do dragon raids etc, we're not just total rp pharmers. I think you should perhaps grow up a little and stop being so judgemental. That goes for everyone with this wrong view of so called elitest guilds.

By having such views its you splitting the realm, not us.
Totally agree on this one.

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