Nerf Sorc mezz

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Can't get enough of FH
Jan 20, 2004
Last SM I tried to kill, I shoot 4 brittleguards, then pet intercepted 6 arrows, then sm work up from afk, mezzed and 2 hit me with pbae, and I still didn't take out the damn things BT... and you whine about sorcs? :/


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 24, 2003
Xandax said:
But while on that topic - I do think that the hib. baseline stun is overpowered, because it is located on classes that can dish out massive damage a number of times before the (delved) timer runs its course.
Healer stun might be just as powerfull, but still requiers more then one person to do the same damage in the alotted time.

A mid said.........


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 19, 2004
Why so much QQ about bolt-range mezz?

It's Albion's only counter to insta-mezz. If you drop it to 1500 range then insta-mezz would have to be removed or a sorc is *never* gonna win mezz war, either that or sorc would have to be given 1500 range insta too.


FH is my second home
Jan 25, 2004
Arnor said:

what? or did you miss the part that sm has a litetap with higher delve, higher % life leeched and faster casttime and also spec = more damage


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
If you nerf any aspect of sorcs it basicly nerfs alb as a whole as sorcs are so important to them. Why are you whineing about pom? what possiable difference does that make when your talking about realm balence? This discussion is about solo sorcs basicaly because in groups sorcs do buggerall dmg neway due to resist buffs, and yes they are a strong class solo they are the only primary mezzing class that gets nukes but many other classes can walk all over sorcs, ie anything with instant interupts/base stun/nearsight. Tanks have a hard time soloing any pet caster atm but with all other casters it basicly comes down to who gets the jump.

If you cant solo sorcs with your sm then spend some points on moc, if your suppression then dont worry u can q/c mez back (if you have decent resists then you wont die before u can land q/c unlike SMs sorcs dont nuke hard enough to kill u that fast unless they get lucky crits/you have shit equipment) when they nuke you demez your pet (if their pet is on you w8 for your pet 2 proc STUN on it and mez that 2 or just cast while your pets intercepting for you) pet them and nuke them. If your clueless think of ways to kill them in the time you would otherwise spent whineing on these boards ~~

Shrye said:
Nearsight, body debuff, single target debuffs (str+dex), pet, lifetap and root is what constitutes 1-trick ponies these days?

you forgot disease :D


Dec 26, 2003
Generation said:
Why so much QQ about bolt-range mezz?

It's Albion's only counter to insta-mezz. If you drop it to 1500 range then insta-mezz would have to be removed or a sorc is *never* gonna win mezz war, either that or sorc would have to be given 1500 range insta too.
what the fuck, someone thinking logic .


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Gordonax said:
So, where exactly were you then?

At the frontline. I saw the sorc when he threw his mezz, no monsters in the way that he used target on.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
Arkian said:
ALL Lifetap's hit harder per delve point than DDs, so if you want to nerf the Sorc's LT you have to nerf any Lifetap caster:
Sorc, Cabby, Spiritmaster, Bonedancer, Animist, Valewalker...... maybe missing some. Are you positive you want to do that?

How much do you think the LT hits for without debuff against decent resists? It's certainly not the 500 bullcrap that gets touted around on VN.

Go high mind for the 400 radius AOE mezz, and watch just how quickly you can burn your power bar casting LT.

It's so easy for people to moan about a class without playing it themselves. Sorcs are, a solid class: definately, one of albions best all round classes: certainly, target number one: absolutely, overpowered: situationally, but so are quite a few classes.

Why nerf SMs Lifetap when you have to spec Darkness to get it. Spec lifetaps and baseline lifetaps are 2 things u cant compare in that case imo.

Sorcs use their baseline lifetap as main damage, and their specs points are plain benefits gain.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I would be happy aswell if i got the best PBAoE at Supp 44 and spec the rest in darkness and get mezz duration damp, pom and speed. If i waste 7 delve points on my lifetap and get it in baseline.


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Every fucking time you hibs/mids cant win there must be something nerfed!
Why don't u make a different setup once maybe it helps?

1st it was Smite cleric
then it was this and then it was that, then it came to dragonfang
and now even the sorc?

WHY DONT U FUCKING NERF YOUR SELF!:kissit: :kissit: :kissit:


Loyal Freddie
Mar 4, 2004
AngelHeal said:
Every fucking time you hibs/mids cant win there must be something nerfed!
Why don't u make a different setup once maybe it helps?

1st it was Smite cleric
then it was this and then it was that, then it came to dragonfang
and now even the sorc?

WHY DONT U FUCKING NERF YOUR SELF!:kissit: :kissit: :kissit:

Oh the irony of that post is almost to much to bare. :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
Namefake said:
I would be happy aswell if i got the best PBAoE at Supp 44 and spec the rest in darkness and get mezz duration damp, pom and speed. If i waste 7 delve points on my lifetap and get it in baseline.

Albs would be glad too if we had a class like a Healer ! - lets swap then you get sorc and we get Healer class ? :p


Part of the furniture
Apr 18, 2004
Xandax said:
Oh the irony of that post is almost to much to bare. :clap:
getting a bit tired of ppl making 5 times the same thread :X
and then people who make exactly the same reply's on it.

If u wanne go whine, do it on IGN not here, they dont even look here:x


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Didn't you read the rulebook?

It said midtard must always win, therefore anything that could possibly give a realm a fighting chance against midtard must be continually be whined about.

I mean - they are so much more skilled than everyone else.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
AngelHeal said:
Every fucking time you hibs/mids cant win there must be something nerfed!
Why don't u make a different setup once maybe it helps?

1st it was Smite cleric
then it was this and then it was that, then it came to dragonfang
and now even the sorc?

WHY DONT U FUCKING NERF YOUR SELF!:kissit: :kissit: :kissit:

Why even bother to reply on this silly post made by an Albtard.

Smilewhenyousaythat said:
Didn't you read the rulebook?

It said midtard must always win, therefore anything that could possibly give a realm a fighting chance against midtard must be continually be whined about.

I mean - they are so much more skilled than everyone else.

Cuz THAT CLASS IS OVERPOWERED. Give the mezz to the clerics or whatever, nerf the mezz, the mezz damper, pom and speed. Then we can compare it to other classes.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Namefake said:
At the frontline. I saw the sorc when he threw his mezz, no monsters in the way that he used target on.

I would bet that you were within 1500, rather than between 1500-1750, in which case... why on earth are you complaining?

If I'm reading your original post right, you got mezzed by the sorc - but the sorc didn't kill you, just just got zerged while mezzed. If that's right, I don't see how that makes sorcs over powered. You just got unlucky.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 29, 2004
AngelHeal said:
Every fucking time you hibs/mids cant win there must be something nerfed!
Why don't u make a different setup once maybe it helps?

1st it was Smite cleric
then it was this and then it was that, then it came to dragonfang
and now even the sorc?

WHY DONT U FUCKING NERF YOUR SELF!:kissit: :kissit: :kissit:

Does nerf healers, nerf zerkers, nerf savages, nerf shadowblades ring any bells? There will always be strong classes, and people crying for nerfs. But people saying "sm pet intercept, so what" should really consider what they say, cause the intercept rate IS to high, I can have a blademaster or two meleeing me, and nuke them down without using moc, as soon as they are out of ML-stuff to interupt me with. An unmezzed pet next to me = meleeimmunity, or as close to it as you can get.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Lethul said:
what? or did you miss the part that sm has a litetap with higher delve, higher % life leeched and faster casttime and also spec = more damage

by highest delve spell(or wtf you said) i assumed you ment the pbaoe, to which the answer would be ""


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 4, 2004
Up all Full Tanks and Light Tanks to be first line fighting machines and not cannon fodder to whatever caster from what ever realm with whatever con and gimp spec that kill Tanks ^^ then casters dont need to be nerfed :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 20, 2004
soon tanks get charge so the only counter casters will have will be moc, and thats taking a nerf......


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Roadie said:
soon tanks get charge so the only counter casters will have will be moc, and thats taking a nerf......




Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Arnor said:
by highest delve spell(or wtf you said) i assumed you ment the pbaoe, to which the answer would be ""
Eh, go back to doing your homework, Arnor, this simply won't do:

Spiritmaster Darkness specline:
47 Extinguish Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 183 d/90% (Cold) 30 power

Sorcerer Body baseline:
50 Essence Devourer Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 179 d/60% (Body) 33 power

So, yes, the Spiritmaster spec lifetap is higher delve (183d vs 179d) and has higher returned life percentage (90% vs 60%) than the Sorcerer base lifetap.


Fledgling Freddie
Jul 10, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh, go back to doing your homework, Arnor, this simply won't do:

Spiritmaster Darkness specline:
47 Extinguish Lifeforce Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 183 d/90% (Cold) 30 power

Sorcerer Body baseline:
50 Essence Devourer Enemy 2.5s/0s/0s Rng: 1500 179 d/60% (Body) 33 power

So, yes, the Spiritmaster spec lifetap is higher delve (183d vs 179d) and has higher returned life percentage (90% vs 60%) than the Sorcerer base lifetap.

looks like you missed the pbaoe part of my statement mate.

that (as i said earlier) was what i was assuming lethul ment when he said sm's have highest delve spell in the game.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Namefake said:
Cuz THAT CLASS IS OVERPOWERED. Give the mezz to the clerics or whatever, nerf the mezz, the mezz damper, pom and speed. Then we can compare it to other classes.

and then sorcs would do what? have a specline with eh.. charm!


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Danya said:
Not like chanters are bursting at a seems with utility either really. :p

Well, there is a few subtle differences but lets not go there :)


Grumpy old fecker
Dec 23, 2003
Shrye said:
Nearsight, body debuff, single target debuffs (str+dex), pet, lifetap and root is what constitutes 1-trick ponies these days?
Feel free to run with one in emain anytime you want.

Now as I stated, in the fotm sorc/cabi debuff grp they rock they really do, but you know that already.

Take the debuffs away and your not left with much, Nearsight is pretty limited for anything other than long range encounters like NF or AMG fights I spose.

So we have root, LT left....nice

evial bloodstone

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 25, 2004
I have been in a few battels where the range on the sorc mezz has been the winning factor. A few times in df where there has been stand off, where sorc has used his uber range to mezz us, and the rest of the albs run in and finish the job. When we get NF this gone happen alot more, as range is every thing on that patch. I think that all cc should be nerfed, so who gets the first mezz in, dont just win. Whod be nice to make it more like beta, where a grp just did not run in and pawned but there was more stand offs and fighting.
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