msg to kreig



Originally posted by agraucred

this just had to be replied too, it may already have, but ill do it again if thats the case. the only group of six that that wussy SB can solo is grey cons. if DF is taken over by mids from albs you can bet your life on him being straight up to the alb merchants killing lvl 20's. i once just followed his trail of dead grey cons, found him, and had him running like a little girl in one hit, straight to the portal like your average chicken. SBs are all the same, they cant solo jackshit unless they have a spare set of poisoned axes to flick too to stack there DOT's/diseases, or have some friends with them.

Wanna come play we me Ag old chum I don't fook about like a girl.. I don't gank in groups like an unskilled apprentice, I leave bodies everywhere, mostly yellows ;)

Your Old Chum Durgi.

Death Or Glory... oh look were dead again... it's all Torq's fault ;)



Yes you solo a lot and yes you put a good fight,i never said you if i did it must of been a mistake.:p


Also hope you sbs know none of you can be as good as death,durgi carry on soloing any classes and you may get there but others no,why because most other sbs use buffbots death didn't i beleive?correct me if i am wrong but i am sure he didn't,yeah ok infs do too but oh well.

Anyway durgi you are a worthy foe.:D

I remember logging on at mmg a few days ago in emain after beating the crap out of a buffed to shit sb and thinking i was going to kill her 2 more of the gimps come buffed to shit and join in,heh is there anywhere in emain without stealthers i wonder:p


Originally posted by old.mattshanes
Also hope you sbs know none of you can be as good as death,durgi carry on soloing any classes and you may get there but others no,why because most other sbs use buffbots death didn't i beleive?correct me if i am wrong but i am sure he didn't,yeah ok infs do too but oh well.

What Alb Class is out there I didn't kill unbuffed ? :p
Or not at lvl50 and aware of me being around (had to add this before those poor sods like Minnie jump in again) ?


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

What Alb Class is out there I didn't kill unbuffed ? :p
Or not at lvl50 and aware of me being around (had to add this before those poor sods like Minnie jump in again) ?

Higher or lower level than you?

And do you mean after they pulled a monster or before?


Originally posted by Gabrial

Higher or lower level than you?

And do you mean after they pulled a monster or before?

Mind to actually READ ?
In that case you could answer your question yourself easily.


You haven't killed me at lv50 yet and never ever will:cool:Also still haven't seen you kill any lv50 mercs in df so please don't say every class:rolleyes:


always thought Maxgirth was a Mercenary.
And if that armor wasn't epic ...


Maxgirth would kill you 1vs1 cylian now trust me:D if he isn't drunk that is...


Doesn't change anything about it. He gives quite good RPs.


Hah well his resists aren't as good as mine you give good rps too have gave me 5k so far so i am not complaining:p


can't complain either ... close to 600k RPs from them DF Albs nearly :p



I dont bother going to yaggy so someones at the bullshit again. Been there once or twice not recently (last time 1 month or so ago) , and to be honest cant say i like the walk there when i can stay logged at DF no comparison really.

Grats Cylain mighty impressive 600k


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

What Alb Class is out there I didn't kill unbuffed ?
Or not at lvl50 and aware of me being around (had to add this before those poor sods like Minnie jump in again) ?

Ok - from re-reading it i get the following:

What Alb Class is out there I did'nt kill unbuffed?

From this I assume you are asking Albion in general which class is there that you havent killed a member from. So, I asked you to clarify the question : Would it be a fair fight (i.e. they are not already fighting a monster) and at what level should the character be?

The second part of your questioning begins 'Or' so I assume this is now a seperate query but the whole question seems a little unstructured - maybe this is why im having trouble reading it?

No offense intended - just asked a question was all...


maybe you don't want to understand it ? Just a guess.


Cant you just tell me?

Im being serious!

/edit I know you dont just target low levels Cylian and I gather you are talking about it being a 'Fair Fight' (at least from a stealthers point of view:) which means they dont know you are there). All I wanted to know was what level chars are you talking about? Your sig doesnt show your level


oh well, since I'm only posting for that 'Talks too much' anyway ...

What Alb(ion) Class is out there (in the Realm versus Realm Zones, which) I (Cylian Shade - level50 Shadowblade of Midgard) didn't kill (,while not having any Buffs by another Player/Bot myself, therefor being) unbuffed ?
(<insert the above mentioned parameters since this is an addition> wasn't) at lvl50 (with the best currently available Armor to that class, ) and aware of me being around (as of they did know that a level50 Shadowblade was close to them and that they are likely to get attacked within the next 5 minutes)

(had to add this before those poor sods like Minnie jump in again) ?
But I guess it was the last part they made you post right ? The poor Sods (people starting whine posts about being ganked in a RvR Zone) just had to make themselfs heard (again).

Or would it burst your bubble of confidence if that extremly-uber-unskilled-grey-con-ganker turns out to be a player who actually can (and btw does) win against another player of same Level in (relative) even fights ?

Just curious. But hmm, maybe this only made it even harder to understand for you ... poor Alb(ion Player with a tendancy to whine)


Let people kill what ever they want, who cares about con ? but let them finish the mob then kill them b4 they can pick up loot.
And look who is out big talking again just because he has a class that can go 1v1 with blades mattshanes.
Always thought this was a group game and each class had some class they own 1 v 1 and some they would loose.
Fine lets all go run around alone make mattshanes happy, to bad we dont have more that do it. How fare would a healer get from mpk alone ?
Let krieg kill what ever he wants if it makes him happy

Thx Durgi I just love when u call me pathetic :)
mature runing out of pk telling all i will now contact goa get you all baned for dueling , when u 4 hours b4 where testing new styles with some infil friends ?


Some of that made sense. But yes, inserting all sorts of superfluous text did make some of it heavy going.

Im not sure why you took offense though - I certainly had'nt. I was asking a genuine question.

This is part of what I wrote:
"I know you dont just target low levels Cylian"

I've seen you in DF fighting purple con Albs (to me) so assume they are at least similar level to yourself.

I just read the rest of what you posted! WFT! See below the last post I made in a thread about you:

Originally posted by Gabrial

Anyway, Im over it now:) If I see some message abuot xx was killed by cylian, I do a /who before I resume my hunts. Thats why Gabrial was standing around yesterday waiting - I saw the message about you killing those level 17 chars so knew you must be knocking around near the entrance taking out low chars.

Im over it now:) I wasnt trying to talk about getting ganked in an RvR zone - I havent been to DF in about 1 month now. All I asked was what level of char were you talking about? I would find it hard to imagine you have killed a level 50 char of each class if you are level 42 (this is speculation, I have no idea of your level - this is part of my question I suppose) for example but i could be wrong?

Summary: I know you dont JUST gank low level chars, I wondered if you were including level 15 people in your statistics, that was all. I reckon I have killed one of each character class in thid by now:)


Originally posted by zapzap
Let people kill what ever they want, who cares about con ? but let them finish the mob then kill them b4 they can pick up loot.

For the record I dont mind people killing greys - I probably would if I was in the situation, I dont know. This wasnt what I was trying to talk about, regardless of what Cylian might think!:)


Originally posted by Gabrial
Summary: I know you dont JUST gank low level chars, I wondered if you were including level 15 people in your statistics, that was all. I reckon I have killed one of each character class in thid by now:)

<points at the "Last edited by Gabrial on 04-12-02 at 14:01">

that wasn't there when I wrote the reply.
For my 'statistics' ... everything without Epic Armor is just another RP Cow (more or less) and get's left out in the 'bragging'.

Wonder if Kreig goes mad when we keep hijacking -his- thread :p
(that's afterall the ultimate goal for all of us Assassins ... ;) )


Originally posted by nemesisgm

Wanna come play we me Ag old chum I don't fook about like a girl.. I don't gank in groups like an unskilled apprentice, I leave bodies everywhere, mostly yellows ;)

Your Old Chum Durgi.

Death Or Glory... oh look were dead again... it's all Torq's fault ;)

believe me durgi, if i had know about you leaving for Midgard i most probably would have followed you there. ive had about enough of albion. i just dont like the thought of deleting Terilith to start completely from scratch again, other wise id swap realms right now...


Originally posted by old.Hellskor

<points at the "Last edited by Gabrial on 04-12-02 at 14:01">

<points at the 04-12-02 14:07 post date for Hellskors last reply> :)

Like I said before - Im not trying to have a pop - I had an honest question:)

Hell, if I was a stealther in the same situation I would be the same I imagine (in some ways).

/em wonders if Cylian has considered starting a protection racket in DF yet:)


Zapsis yes it is a group game but if you played a caster in emain now every dam area has a group of stealthers,soon some people have said casters may even quit because of this that is why the game is becoming so unbalanced,nothing wrong with groups i guess but having them every square metre in a rvr zone can be annoying to most classes even i am sure the mid casters agree the same about our infs.Oh and zapsis cylian isn't talking all big?jeez please read all cylian's recent posts before saying such crap

There anything else?:p:rolleyes:


Originally posted by zapzap
Let people kill what ever they want, who cares about con ? but let them finish the mob then kill them b4 they can pick up loot.
And look who is out big talking again just because he has a class that can go 1v1 with blades mattshanes.
Always thought this was a group game and each class had some class they own 1 v 1 and some they would loose.
Fine lets all go run around alone make mattshanes happy, to bad we dont have more that do it. How fare would a healer get from mpk alone ?
Let krieg kill what ever he wants if it makes him happy

Thx Durgi I just love when u call me pathetic :)
mature runing out of pk telling all i will now contact goa get you all baned for dueling , when u 4 hours b4 where testing new styles with some infil friends ?

Well thats the most mature and decent thing ive seen in a long time.

Originally posted by old.Hellskor

<points at the "Last edited by Gabrial on 04-12-02 at 14:01">

Wonder if Kreig goes mad when we keep hijacking -his- thread :p
(that's afterall the ultimate goal for all of us Assassins ... ;) )

Not bothered Cylain poach the thread all you like, its a thread thats all. If ppl out there do really get upset about ppl getin in on there threads i pity them.

Its funney anyway listening to you and mattshanes verbally dual :)


Reading through all these posts, two things came to my mind : why are people always biggereing about stealthers ? Yes, ofc sb's/infils/ns's have a little advantage of actually being stealthers, and so what ? Other classes has some other advantages, but they don't get a whole flame post like this, wich reminds me of the other day when i saw a nice deathspam message from Yussef in DF, killing about all our greys -where is his flamepost ? ;)
The other thing is, why are stealthers always so mean to each other ? I don't think, i've ever gotten laughed at so much, since i rolled my sb. I might be a bad one, and i might get killed alot, but at least i'm trying to do what my class is supposed to do : kill the enemy. And when i fail, getting laughed at isn't that great, so tnx alot, and tnx to Kreig for laughing at me too ;D

Originally posted by nemesisgm
Oi Matt,
Since when have I ever been killed and had a shit loads of buffs vanish. Since When have I ever been found in party of the pathetic sb gank squad, Zapsis, Avonlaeh, Ayvia etc etc etc.. I resent such comments. I am probably one of the VERY VERY few sb who hunt 99% of our time solo. I don't care where I go I go solo. Sauvage, Pennines, DF and am ALMOST always alone and unbuffed.


Err, did you ever wonder why, you are always alone ? I don't even remember having talked with you even once, "mate", and at least, you could've got my name right, Dulgi ;)

Regards Avonleah/Avonlyah


I spoke to durgi last night on irc some of things he said were funny and quite true:D

/cheers at durgi!:)

Avonlyah little advantage???????????????????????they can take every friggin class and having a buffbot they are invincible,you name another class that can take out any i would like to know :p

I wonder what people who play archer classes think of the "little advantage"....:rolleyes:


msg to kreig
you're a dick


Now then, could this be a Mid complaining about our Krieg doing what the mid Cylian does ?

Oh dear, life's a bitch :)

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