msg to kreig




LoL Gaulthrong, i was fully away of some mids pressence on alb side at the time cabo 1st got me.

Didnt really mater as we held DF at the time, secondly i new there was a grp of albs on route 2 kick all your asses, which they did with ease. And i only died twice then out of a grp of 5 or so so yet again more bw blag by mids which the death was to Wendela, who i didnt even try and fight. Indeed you have killed me before fare enough.

And well cabo.... LoL didnt pa for much only 600 odd and thats a 2hander, pethetic.

So again i state he is a pune. 2 fights so far 1 apeice atm, but the 1st fight is where i draw my conclusion he is weak as i had him at 46 when he was 50. Good show cabo, earnt me one of my highest single rps to date :D


Oh yea gaulthrong wasnt like i was a hard target or something, you make out like u hunted me down while stealthed and killed me twice.

So unstealthed u had me well i applude..

<passes Gaulthrong a Tissue>


Umm... do i hear all this brags exactly from the same person whos character could not straight ourmelee gimped infi ?

Hint: we all have our bad days when we make stupid mistakes.


Originally posted by kreig
Aye who cares, just another dead mid.

Simply if your in a rvr zone what do you expect.

Ive been ganked lots of times in df, just accept it. There is risk involved in going there... You take those risks for the rewards of higher xp there. Nuff said!


for someone who dont care you write a lot of crud.

yes it is an RvR zone and we expect to fight for the right but you seem to deliberatley kill people who are grey and in combat with mobs thus making a lot of people in all realms think...

you are a dick


Alot of crud ehh, half the threads here are crud.

Beside that point i dont deliberatly try to exp death ppl but i dont care if it happens, i know lots of ppl including myself that have been exp deathed - yea frustrating. Oh well. Didnt relise there was a rvr conduct code. And if so the mids surely dont know it :p

As it happens more often than not there is many soloing greys in df, on the other hand there is less green blue and yellow con solos. On that point i will take the opertunity to go for a yellow blue green if the opertunity is there, if it isnt and there is a grey that i can gank gr8 another 100 rps in a mater of seconds.



Kreig sir,
Due to your arrogance in this post, my action of this afternoon where this. After ensuring all alb infs in the midgard section of df we're dead, I then proceeded to the albion section of said dungeon and killed no fewer than 53 of you realm mates. In the processes aquiring 37,000 realm points. I will continue to not only travel to darkness falls (entry permitting) every single time I hear of your presence in midgardian section of the dungeon, to exterminate you, as I do every infiltrator who dares to enter that part of the dungeon, but I shall take note of every midgardian you killed, and in direct retaliation proceed to your realms area and kill 4 for every midgardian you kill. So be warned sir, as in the pyshical universe as noted by Sir Isaac Newton, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. which basically for such laymen as youself means what goes around comes around. Should you wish to start a mud slinging match with me sir, about oh I kill you hear, you killed me xx times do not waste your breathe, for should I ever encounter you, you will die simple as that.

As to the members of albions armies who suffered my wrath this day, I extend my apologises for the necessity of such actions, and if I did accidently xp kill anyone you have my sincerist apologises, as I try to avoid such matters at all costs. sadly however it cannot always be helped. And to the paladin Magen if my memory recalls me, sir I could not idly stand by and see you xp die to the number of beasts that were attacking you and extend my thanks to you for acknowledging my assistance to you in the manner it was intended, speaks volumes of your character sir. Also to the Secret Order of the Lake, level 50 Paladin Pheonix Knight Torean... sir paladin why would you run so valiantly from an encouter with but one lone shadowblade, sir you skilled defences were admireable, but the extent at which you would turn tail and seek refuge from my skilled and tactical onslaught was not. To Boss and his little minstrel friend, I apologise for being so illusive tis a habit of mine. ;) Maybe one day noble armsmen when the odds are more even we can cross swords so to speak, and you can test out your polearm against my skills.

Back to Kreig... remember sir. enter the midgard section and the blood of many shall be on your hands.

Durgi Shadowstalker,
First Assassin of the Shadows of Death.

Brannor McThife


Gawd it was amusing to watch the DM's while killing Umbrood Warriors.

Nice going Durgi. Will always offer a safety trip for you to get across if I'm able to. ;)



Durgi shame you didn't fight me 1vs1 earlier,you hit me and ran:( wanted to fight you dammit!:D



It was not i who started these actions, and forgive me if i have come across argogant that was not /will never be my intention.

I will carry on killing for my realm in said "cave" as long as it permits me - Yellow blue green or grey.

Perhaps you my have more admirable intentions, many of your feel compainions do not.



If everyone insists dont kill greys then fine, i will role a level 1, bring him to emain and scout for Albion because hey, you aint gonna kill a little grey con are you?


hey durgi

so..if i would happen to accidently drop a dose of lifebane on a greycon at the midgard section of df, you would come and play with me all day? :clap:


Krieg you are just all mouth (apart from being a dick)!

Durgi you are all action!

/Otho the Dwarf
Lvl 46 healer (RR3)


Hiki Baby!!!!!

Originally posted by ignore
so..if i would happen to accidently drop a dose of lifebane on a greycon at the midgard section of df, you would come and play with me all day? :clap:

Hik baby my old bossom bud, ahhhh the good old days us pretending not to notice Colk and promptly hiding behind Silverfish when he charges us, you getting chewed up in the first 5 seconds as usual ;) Hows life me old bud, had some good scraps over the months, but please have enough honour to stay out of Df, I know you to well to consider you the child kill as Kreig is, but feel free to come play tag when you know I'm exacting vengeance upon you albs ;)

Your Old chum..



Re: Hiki Baby!!!!!

Originally posted by nemesisgm
but feel free to come play tag when you know I'm exacting vengeance upon you albs ;)

Consider it a date ;)


I would add that mid df is an extremly nice place with you Durgi.
I was getting reports that many albs in df were getting like 100 rps upon your death. (strange bug, but anyway nice for those albs ;) ).


Have a story about Kreig myself...

I just logged my lvl 34 healer into DF when I got about 6 death messages. All where below lvl 30 and kill by Kreig. I decided to see how fast I get killed by him and went full buffs (34 aug). Down at the plated fiends I found a bunch of graves and some names matched with the kill messages. Exp killing grey cons? Kinda lame. Then I saw his shade behind me (Wtf how low is his stealth???) so I moved a bit casted celerity and turned. He either thought a grey con wasn't worth a PA or missed it since his inital hit did only around 200 damage to me. I took him down to 70-80% with 4 hits of my hammer before I died.
Would really have pissed me when a grey con had hurt me that much with 4 blows while I needed like 10+ to kill him.

I couldn't stop laughing for 10 minutes about that.


LOL how low is my stealth pah its 50 if u must know, and besideds grey cons now can do and hit more often because of the patch (1.52). And jenriraa only time ive come close to death by greys is the other day when i attacked a grp of em and i was getting nuked left right and center. Even so they all died.

Oh well im off to try and beat my 4 simitanious kills.


Yeah, kreig is uber. He ganks loads of people. All mids respect his amazing skills, his 1337 ability to kill loads of people, and the uncanny ability to think that people actually give a f*ck about him being able to do "4 simitanious kills."



yea u got 4 kills at once

I was there I saw you do that, I talked to them after. they were all newbies coming to see what this DF was all about.
lvl 10, 12, 14 and 15
ooh you scare me so much Kreig

what you fail to mention is that there were 2 more lvl 14 there that managed to get away

Silent Shadow

Ok couldn't be bothered with reading all the replys but basicly he ganked some greys in DF?

Well why are you whining?
When you target a mid as an alb it says "blabla is a member of an enemy realm", doesn't say He's a lowbie so please spare him.
I mean he could spare you and he could not, when you enter a RvR zone you're doing it on your own risk. So I see no reason with this thread, might have got it wrong (as I said couldn't be arsed with reading 2 pages of whine and bullshit)

Silent Shadow

btw if it's a msg to kreig pm him so we don't have to read this crap


Blahblahblah Silent... :sleeping:
If you don't bother reading it - why complain about the post in the first place?

As for Kreig, had I seen your name popping up for killing loads of mids closer to your level...
I don't see the point in whining about grey ganking - but you do seem to base your playtime on only those grey-cons.
To each their own fun I guess...:rolleyes:


Thats not at all true, i dont go out of my way to kill greys, but if there isnt a yellow blue or green that can be killed ie because ther grped then why not kill greys ? There the enemy just the same!


Umm, when killing in df, please make sure that rezzer is available to the said person, otherwise its kinda sad for them to be killed
The said above doesn`t apply to kobolds ofcause.

And MrBurns :clap: :clap: :clap: first SM i see that specced for rez !

Silent Shadow

Kreig just ignore em, if they can't take getting ganked they shouldn't visit RvR areas, it's simple really.


We had to put up with sbs and you have to put up with infs,seems fair to me.


Also with the amount of sbs midgard have you surely can deal with infs i should imagine quite easily:p


All the SBs run around on Alb Side of DF now after all those whine-posts :rolleyes:

And the Hibs in DF are so desperate that they can't come back after getting killed, that they run or log when you only drop some Emerald seals around them <sigh>


Good i hope the sbs keep coming they give good rps:rolleyes:

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