msg to kreig



Aye who cares, just another dead mid.

Simply if your in a rvr zone what do you expect.

Ive been ganked lots of times in df, just accept it. There is risk involved in going there... You take those risks for the rewards of higher xp there. Nuff said!

Brannor McThife

Yeah, Cabo single handedly killed more on your side tonight than the two of you put together. He took a group of 6 in one go. Obviously he has something you don't. Skill? :flame:



he has two things they don't

skill and balls

Generic Poster

Saying a group of 6 is soo ambiguous.

Were they in combat, with half their numbers dying to mobs?
Were they grey cons?
Were they recovering from a hard fought battle?


Originally posted by Generic Poster
Saying a group of 6 is soo ambiguous.

Were they in combat, with half their numbers dying to mobs?
Were they grey cons?
Were they recovering from a hard fought battle?

Does it matter?

Would he have waited?

Though not.


The Problem with Albs is, they call everyone killing them while exping a 'Grey-Con-Ganker'. Therefor the not-grey-cons have a false feeling of safety. It is possible to kill a full-yellow-con group of Albs that are not in mid-combat with mobs.
Been there, done that ;)

And Kreig is definitly the easiest to kill Infil around :p
No skill, no tactic ... and prolly no RPs


Originally posted by old.Hellskor
The Problem with Albs is, they call everyone killing them while exping a 'Grey-Con-Ganker'. Therefor the not-grey-cons have a false feeling of safety. It is possible to kill a full-yellow-con group of Albs that are not in mid-combat with mobs.
Been there, done that ;)

And Kreig is definitly the easiest to kill Infil around :p
No skill, no tactic ... and prolly no RPs

Hafta agree with you there.

He camped Yggdra gate almost everyday for a week, every day I went out there on my Runie looking for him, he fell for the 'Sit on RunieBomb and wait trick' countless times and never once managed to get a Crit off on me. Sook!


LOL ppl make up so much crud on BW.

For 1 ive only very been to yaggy once ever ( and it was only 1 day). Personnaly i see the 10 - 15 min run pointless waste of time, and 2ndly there is far more kills to be had in DF.

Haha and that pussy runie trap yes well u didnt kill me, and it took 2 hunters truesighting and a grp to kill me off there.

So Dook spare the rubish plz.

Will ppl just cut these lame flame threads out, the ppl who post them are just bitter and sad attention seeks who have nothing better to do than crying about getting ganked while xping in a RvR zone. Deal with it!

LOL and cylain we have met on 3 occasions 1st time i killed you and i wasnt even 50 at the time 48 i beleave. The 2nd time i thought i'd have a go at ya never rated you so what the hell it was worth a shot.

And 3rdly you had to be a pussy bailer and w8 till was ganking a blue troll, tried to pa me missed and killed me in the end LOL

What more do you expect as well your a slasher vs my leather & thrust, df doesnt really make up for that! So its no suprise when a slasher kills me.

Cabo isnt hard at all i killed him at lvl 46, evaded all his attacks (Ask Mattshanes who was watch from the ground :D )

I know my capabilities and where i can be beaten, and as such i play to my strengths, obviously Cylian you think you is Gods gift cut the crap and play the game without these petty whines!


Originally posted by kreig
LOL ppl make up so much crud on BW.

For 1 ive only very been to yaggy once ever ( and it was only 1 day). Personnaly i see the 10 - 15 min run pointless waste of time, and 2ndly there is far more kills to be had in DF.

Haha and that pussy runie trap yes well u didnt kill me, and it took 2 hunters truesighting and a grp to kill me off there.

So Dook spare the rubish plz.

Will ppl just cut these lame flame threads out, the ppl who post them are just bitter and sad attention seeks who have nothing better to do than crying about getting ganked while xping in a RvR zone. Deal with it!

LOL and cylain we have met on 3 occasions 1st time i killed you and i wasnt even 50 at the time 48 i beleave. The 2nd time i thought i'd have a go at ya never rated you so what the hell it was worth a shot.

And 3rdly you had to be a pussy bailer and w8 till was ganking a blue troll, tried to pa me missed and killed me in the end LOL

What more do you expect as well your a slasher vs my leather & thrust, df doesnt really make up for that! So its no suprise when a slasher kills me.

Cabo isnt hard at all i killed him at lvl 46, evaded all his attacks (Ask Mattshanes who was watch from the ground :D )

I know my capabilities and where i can be beaten, and as such i play to my strengths, obviously Cylian you think you is Gods gift cut the crap and play the game without these petty whines!


Once? You've only been to Yggdra once?! I bet half of Midgard remember you camping Yggdra continuously for atleast a week a lttle while back. Cut the BS.

But then again, it's not like you'll admit to it. Admitting to it would just go even further in proving the obvious lack of anything that would even remotely resemble skill on your part. P lvl'd to 50? Or do you just have absolutely no clue how to play your class? Seems half of Midgard consider you to be a joke, not just the people here mate.

Keep killing greys, leave the real RvR to the people who actually KNOW how to play their classes.



Kreig ... no PA at all ... simple Doublefrost continously

and you died more than once to me, don't forget your gimpy Infil/Scout traps you tried to set up for me ... rofl

... and you never killed me 1o1 :p

For that blue con Troll don't get RPs for targets that are damaged by mobs ;)


LOL soundz like u've lost the plot there :p

If its this grey killen buisness who cares, i kill greys if its because there isnt anything else to kill or that i can kill ie group of 6 yellow cons etc

Its not like mids or hibs spare greys, all this grey killen is blag. There the enemy thats it! Does it mater what lvl they are? No!

Well thats kinda funny cos apart from that one time i dont go 2 yaggy as ive already stated, i do however like 2 hunt in df, better than the zerg crap which runs around in elame or sorry emain.

And to tell you the truth i couldnt careless what any realm thinks especially midgard, many of whom i have killed and less coman been kiled by.

Next time you use your pethetic ra go lie about some one else.


LOL oh yes wise and masterful Cylain....

Oh no i atually did get rps for that blue troll, whether u think i didnt i DID.

We have met 3 time of which 1 time i have killed u Fact! 1 time u soloed me Fact. The last time i was engaged prior, and u killed me. Fact!

If i wanted to hunt sbs i wouldnt be thrust as i am, as u have a major advantage.

As regards to these traps you speak of i couldnt careless if you gank ppl my side, and as a result i have never heard or taken part in any so called trap or hunt or what ever. Finatium!


Do you think anyone cares about what you think ? :p



Originally posted by old.Hellskor
And Kreig is definitly the easiest to kill Infil around :p

i think you meant me :rolleyes:

and why is it such a big deal if one stealther kills another, gah i mean casters they laugh about fighting each other, they do staff melees for fun. most tanks no matter what realm are always up for a good fight and they respect other peeps that they have killed or got killed by, at least thats what ive seen so far...but with stealthers its sooo touchy when youre killed by another one...
whats that tough guy line again :rolleyes: dont get mad get even? :p


owww, c'mon ... we just luv to make fun of wannabe-Infils ;)

and Kreig is a perfect victim for it :clap:


i think we've gone off topic here, for those who missed it - kreigs a dick.

Brannor McThife

Kreig, dude...go back to Infil school. How the Fook can you miss your PA on a SITTING TROLL??? Don't tell me THAT was actually a PA??? :clap:

Have to go shopping, but if you come back later, we can play again. ;)



Originally posted by Brannor McThife
Kreig, dude...go back to Infil school. How the Fook can you miss your PA on a SITTING TROLL??? Don't tell me THAT was actually a PA??? :clap:

Have to go shopping, but if you come back later, we can play again. ;)


I believe he approached, saw that you are naked and closed eyes in disgust. No wonder he missed :)

Brannor McThife

:clap: :clap: :clap:

Log back in, kill a rocot, and watch as Kreig comes running out a side room with Faravid and Seemenot chasing him.

Fara stops, shoot him with an arrow, and I nuke Kreig with my DF shield.

You attempt to use the Accursed Avernal Bladeblocker.
You use the Accursed Avernal Bladblocker.
You hit Kreig for 62 Damage.
You just killed Kreig!
PS. That's a DoT shield. ;)



Indeed you did, i will be back for more. But it all comes back to buff bots again, hrrrm perhaps i should use one like Faravid who i would have killed if it wasnt for his bot healing him. Where by i decided to run. At which point lucky for you, galthrong and some gimpy skald came running in.

Buff bots - mute subject these days as even the mighty azal uses one.


Originally posted by kreig
Indeed you did, i will be back for more. But it all comes back to buff bots again, hrrrm perhaps i should use one like Faravid who i would have killed if it wasnt for his bot healing him. Where by i decided to run. At which point lucky for you, galthrong and some gimpy skald came running in.

Buff bots - mute subject these days as even the might azal uses 1.

Sorry to burst your bubble but Azal doesn't use a buffbot. I've grouped with him countless times and he never has buffs other than those that the groups Seer hands out.

I'll be in DF a bit more farming for my alts so I hope to see you there. Oh, and yes, I know you're a stealther and I'm not supposed to see you, although I have done on more than one occasion. I could recognise the sight of you running away anywhere :p


I look forward to our next encounter Dook, and yes u might have seen me running away after some deaths perhaps cos i dont want to get killed by some ppl hunting me. And the combat timer b4 stealth is rather anoying :)


P.s. If i see them i'll give them "special" treatment :)

Brannor McThife

Originally posted by kreig
Cabo isnt hard at all...
Um...ya... ahaha... :clap:

Cya in the morning Kreig. ;)

PS. as I was writing this Wendela ganked you. That means, everyone in my group has killed you at least once...well, except Twiz, but he's a healer... :m00:


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