Rant Motorway drivers

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
A car without a working speedometer is not considered roadworthy.

Actually you're bang on wrong. It is the drivers responsibility to know their speed limit. So intheroy your car doesn't need to have a speedometer, and IIRC it isn't checked during your MOT.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
google says: Road Vehicles (Con and Use) Regs 1986



Regulation 35 Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 states that every motor vehicle shall be fitted with a speedometer except:

a vehicle having a maximum speed not exceeding 25 m.p.h.,
a vehicle which, at all times, is unlawful to drive at more than 25 m.p.h.,
an agricultural motor vehicle driven at not more than 20 m.p.h.,
a motor cycle not exceeding 100cc first used before 1st April 1984,
an invalid carriage first used before 1st April 1984,
a works truck first used before 1st April 1984,
any vehicle first used before 1st October 1937,
a vehicle fitted with an approved tachograph which is required or not.

Vehicles first used on or after 1st April 1984 the speedometer should be capable of indicating the speed in miles per hour and kilometres per hour. Vehicles may instead comply with EC Regulation (Community Directive) 97/39 or ECE Reg 39.
These directives stipulate the markings, graduations of the speedometer and refer to 75/443/EEC which specifies the tolerances.

The indicated speed must never be less than the true speed (it must read exact or high) and between 40km/h and 120km/h the error must not exceed 10% + 2.5 m.p.h. high (true speed/10 + 4kph).
This means at a true speed of 25mph or 40km/h the speedometer may read 40/10+4 = 8km/h or 5mph high = 30mph indicated.


Regulation 36 Road Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations 1986 states that the speedometer fitted to a vehicle must be kept free from any obstruction which may prevent it from being easily read and shall at all times it is used on a road be maintained in good working order except if:

the speedometer became defective during the journey being undertaken, or
steps have been taken to have the defect remedied by replacement or repair with all reasonable expedition, or
the vehicle is fitted with an approved tachograph which is required to be fitted under the Community Recording Equipment Regulation (offence is under that regulation).


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
Actually you're bang on wrong. It is the drivers responsibility to know their speed limit. So intheroy your car doesn't need to have a speedometer, and IIRC it isn't checked during your MOT.

You're confusing two different things, speed limits and the equipment a car is required to have fitted to be roadworthy.

A car is required by law to have a working speedometer, and there are strict guidelines as to its accuracy. For instance, it cannot under-estimate the vehicle's speed, but it can over-estimate it. Construction and use guidelines are very clear.


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
The other thing that fucks me right off occurred today. Driving home from a shit day in London, had a lorry on my side of the road, oncoming car, I pull in, wait till they pass and then they go. No fucking thanks from the other driver. Fucking cunt.

- English -

Resident Freddy
Apr 7, 2004
The other thing that fucks me right off occurred today. Driving home from a shit day in London, had a lorry on my side of the road, oncoming car, I pull in, wait till they pass and then they go. No fucking thanks from the other driver. Fucking cunt.

Happens all the time in Europe, especially Denmark


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
ye that fucks me off, when you let someone out or you pull up and give way even if it's your right of way and they just trundle past as if you should have done that anyway.


I aer teh win!!
Dec 22, 2003
I always flash my headlights or raise my hand in thanks. It comes down to basic manners, and a lot of people are lacking in those these days - too many drivers who think they own the road.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 15, 2004
for the motorway thing i tend to sit in the middle lane, but i do tend to be pushing 70-80, simple reason being i think its fucking stupid moving in and out of 1st lane to get past slow moving lorries. granted if theres no lorries in front of me and traffic in first lane is moving at speed limit im happy to move in, that just isnt generally the case,

my main motorway gripe is lorries overtaking takes the piss tbh shouldnt be allowed unless passing special loads etc


Resident Freddy
Dec 29, 2003
One thing I always see on the M5 is 3 lorries trying to overtake each other, taking up all 3 lanes going about 65, takes ages for them to pass each other.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
The other thing that fucks me right off occurred today. Driving home from a shit day in London, had a lorry on my side of the road, oncoming car, I pull in, wait till they pass and then they go. No fucking thanks from the other driver. Fucking cunt.

But they had priority. I'm not sure why you'd expect thanks for doing what you should always do. If you're waiting to pull out of a T-junction, do you expect every driver who passes to wave thanks?


Chief Arsewipe
Staff member
FH Subscriber
Dec 11, 1997
It doesn't cost much to show a little curtesy.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
But the law of the land says that you should always defer to those who have priority. I reserve courtesy for moments when those who have priority defer to those who don't.


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Here's a few of mine.

1:pedestrians have right of way, if a pedestrian is staring to cross, you have to stop for him, no beep your horn or give him a bad look for not breaking into a 100m dash to get out of YOUR way This includes turning into a side street where most drivers expect the pedestrian to jump back on to the pavement.

2:Letting people out of side roads or flashing right turning drivers so the can cut across. In this country we have a perverse culture of road entitlement, people on the main roads feel they have 'earned' that position and drivers in side roads must wait their turn, so they just roll past at not one of them will let a car out, even when they are just backing up at traffic lights, you often see the last car who can't actually stop in front of you reluctantly waving out 'ONE' car when there's 10 in the side road. I let people out all the time, but they are so used to not being let out, they shit themselves and sit there like melons.
In fact if when you have a right turner holding 40 cars behind him as your lane strolls past the other way, it's always without fail ME who let's them across

3:The mother of them all, when two lanes are going into one because of road works, there is a certain personality type who will zoom past and sit there at the front pushing their bonnet into the car at the front until some weakling let's them in..


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
You can literally visually pick up on the IQ level of the people on the hard shoulder.


Part of the furniture
Dec 23, 2003
Here's a few of mine.

1:pedestrians have right of way, if a pedestrian is staring to cross, you have to stop for him, no beep your horn or give him a bad look for not breaking into a 100m dash to get out of YOUR way This includes turning into a side street where most drivers expect the pedestrian to jump back on to the pavement.

2:Letting people out of side roads or flashing right turning drivers so the can cut across. In this country we have a perverse culture of road entitlement, people on the main roads feel they have 'earned' that position and drivers in side roads must wait their turn, so they just roll past at not one of them will let a car out, even when they are just backing up at traffic lights, you often see the last car who can't actually stop in front of you reluctantly waving out 'ONE' car when there's 10 in the side road. I let people out all the time, but they are so used to not being let out, they shit themselves and sit there like melons.
In fact if when you have a right turner holding 40 cars behind him as your lane strolls past the other way, it's always without fail ME who let's them across

3:The mother of them all, when two lanes are going into one because of road works, there is a certain personality type who will zoom past and sit there at the front pushing their bonnet into the car at the front until some weakling let's them in..

What country are you in?

1) Pedestrians - they only have right of way on a road at a zebra crossing (unless there are lights)... and really they only gain right of way once stepped on the crossing. That said if someone is at a zebra crossing I will let them across.
If they are already in the road when you are turning, then of course they have to be allowed to continue... if they step out in the road without looking then they should not be shocked if someone gives them a fright!

2) Cars on a main road DO have right of way. They do not have to let anyone out, and they certainly dont have to let out everyone at a side road. I will let one person out if there is a queue, but i will not let everyone out because there is no reason to. What should happen is that every other car should let someone out and movement would keep flowing. The amount of people that dive down side roads, speed along them and try to get back out infront of traffic means Im not willing to let lots of people out.

3) Never let these people in, infact if it is roadworks and alot of people do this and cause traffic hold ups due to forcing way in I often end up going halfway into the lane that is closing 100yrds up ahead and block their attempts to dive down the lane to get infront of people. If these people filtered in at a decent time instead of forcing in right where it closes then there wouldnt be such large queues. As such I happily hold them up.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
What country are you in?

1) Pedestrians - they only have right of way on a road at a zebra crossing (unless there are lights)... and really they only gain right of way once stepped on the crossing. That said if someone is at a zebra crossing I will let them across.
If they are already in the road when you are turning, then of course they have to be allowed to continue... if they step out in the road without looking then they should not be shocked if someone gives them a fright!

2) Cars on a main road DO have right of way. They do not have to let anyone out, and they certainly dont have to let out everyone at a side road. I will let one person out if there is a queue, but i will not let everyone out because there is no reason to. What should happen is that every other car should let someone out and movement would keep flowing. The amount of people that dive down side roads, speed along them and try to get back out infront of traffic means Im not willing to let lots of people out.

3) Never let these people in, infact if it is roadworks and alot of people do this and cause traffic hold ups due to forcing way in I often end up going halfway into the lane that is closing 100yrds up ahead and block their attempts to dive down the lane to get infront of people. If these people filtered in at a decent time instead of forcing in right where it closes then there wouldnt be such large queues. As such I happily hold them up.

Agree mostly but point 1 (having done my tests just 10 months ago) If a pedestrain steps out into a SIDE road BEFORE you have started to turn into it then they do have right of way, if it's a main road or you're already turning into said side road then they're a fucking dipshit and you should speed up to cleanse the gene pool.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
Really though, pedestrians have right of way no matter what. If some tool steps out you're going to stop no matter what rather than hitting them.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
Really though, pedestrians have right of way no matter what. If some tool steps out you're going to stop no matter what rather than hitting them.

That's like saying at a roundabout whoever decides to pull out has right of way, as you're not going to hit them if you can avoid it.


I am a FH squatter
Oct 29, 2007
I'm not saying I agree with it, but you're obviously going to stop rather than hitting them just cause you had right of way.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
I'm not saying I agree with it, but you're obviously going to stop rather than hitting them just cause you had right of way.

Ye but if they have right of way you have to let them go with a smile, if they don't you can beep flash and swear at them till you feel better :)


The Carl Pilkington of Freddyshouse
Dec 22, 2003
Pedestrians have the right of way on the road FULLSTOP.

All though jaywalking is an offence (that's the American term) if a pedestrian is on the road you slow down or stop, that's the law.

Of course people run along to keep the traffic flowing, but car drivers now see it as a right and bad mouth people who don't scoot out of their way.


You may see this in European cities, where people still matter.


I am a FH squatter
Jul 24, 2004
ye you slow down or stop so you don't kill them, doesn't mean they have right of way.

Again if someone cuts you up on a roundabout you slow down to aviod a crash, doesn't mean they have right of way.

Also are cars driven by dogs and robots?

what a fucking retarded comment, EU cities where people still matter....


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
3:The mother of them all, when two lanes are going into one because of road works, there is a certain personality type who will zoom past and sit there at the front pushing their bonnet into the car at the front until some weakling let's them in..

Completely wrong and the cause of much confusion and anger. I suggest you research "merge in turn".


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
3) Never let these people in, infact if it is roadworks and alot of people do this and cause traffic hold ups due to forcing way in I often end up going halfway into the lane that is closing 100yrds up ahead and block their attempts to dive down the lane to get infront of people. If these people filtered in at a decent time instead of forcing in right where it closes then there wouldnt be such large queues. As such I happily hold them up.

Great, you've just extended the length of the queue unnecessarily, it now extends to the previous junction and is blocking traffic from using that junction. Vigilante gimps like you are the cause of traffic jams, not the solution. MERGE IN TURN.

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