Midgard, the realm without moral.



Originally posted by Madkobold
And all the talk about "now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" what does that tell you ?

You did it 1'st so now we don't have to behave proud and honorable ?

That's a very false statement, not that it matters regarding this raid but it was mids who started with alarmclocks.


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
i agree, but i dont think taht going to such lenghts as logging in at 7am to raid us is really 'good form'

i try to get an 'edge' on my enemy, but that is only in as much as using the better items, praticing, learning tactics, not logging on at stupid times so my enemy cant defend.

and btw, just beacuse its a game doesnt mean u cant take pride in it.

But what is there to be proud of ? Do you seriously take pride in your character ?


Originally posted by telaron
That's a very false statement, not that it matters regarding this raid but it was mids who started with alarmclocks.

so ?


Originally posted by Madkobold
And all the talk about "now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" what does that tell you ?

You did it 1'st so now we don't have to behave proud and honorable ?

Give me a break...

who said that?

i for one wont be participating in any pathetic alarmclock raids.

and i doubt most ppl i know would participate either


Originally posted by Madkobold
This is getting out of hand, I play the game for relaxing and having fun.

If some people do this and that and it casues a welcome change to the pace of the game I'm all for it....whether it's relic raids prime time, alarmclock raids, killing greycons in df etc.

And all the talk about "now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" what does that tell you ?

You did it 1'st so now we don't have to behave proud and honorable ?

Give me a break...

That's not true, as stated above Mids started both logins and alarm clocks, and no one is forcing pride upon you at all, but those who do have pride "Even tho its just a game" will still always wonder why you(some of the mids) dont seem to have any.

And no, we havnt been saying that we are going to do it to, we are saying the exact opposite, well, with we I mean the people I'v been talking to. That we WONT stoop to mid lvl and Alarm our way into easy mode. =)


Originally posted by Madkobold
But what is there to be proud of ? Do you seriously take pride in your character ?

No, some of us take pride in our actions.
I guess that'd be the same people that dont gank a lonely grey in DF, that rather fight every bloody night and maybe never get the relics back, but still wont do an alarm clock raid.

Why? Because there's imply no challenge or fun in it, its IMO also the cowards way =)


Originally posted by telaron
So, why lie?

This is how you should read and understand the post:

The everyday alb says to himself...."now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" cause mids started it and now it's ok to use them....


Originally posted by filofax
No, some of us take pride in our actions.
I guess that'd be the same people that dont gank a lonely grey in DF, that rather fight every bloody night and maybe never get the relics back, but still wont do an alarm clock raid.

Why? Because there's imply no challenge or fun in it, its IMO also the cowards way =)

Ok then, I'm having fun and I'm a coward :)


its quite funny all this... but a serious post if i may:

albs out number mids by a significant amount on excal. in zerg warfare, which is what relic raids generally are, numbers count.

noone blames albs for having more players, thats just how it is. on pryd its the mids who have more. of course, a population imballance like this will obviously lead to disproportionate numbers of players turning up to events like a relic raid.

the bigger the total number of people on the battlefield is, the more the difference is going to be noticed. a relic raid is going to bring a LOT of people, and with so many players, the ratio of albs:mids is going to really matter.

what am i saying? well we all know albs have a reputation for zerging on exc, as do the mids on pryd (which is just a natural result of the population situation). there's nothing really to be done about it- you're not going to ask players not to participate because you'll outnumber the enemy, of course not.. but there are some situations where such numbers become almost undefeatable, thus we have alarm clock raids and the like.

its just a natural result of the situation on excalibur. its got nothing to do with honour, or mids being 'wankers'... (people who throw such insults should be ignored imo)... its just how it is.

if you cannot match an enemy's numbers, then you work around it. if you only have 5 groups, and the enemy has 12 groups, you are very likely to lose (assuming a reasonable level of skill, and an average group setup for all). in zerg warfare, there are only so many tangible ways you can implement tactics, thus ... yes.. the general will devise a work around.

the game is about killing the enemy and taking their forts and their relics. the relics are supposed to change hands- woundn't it be boring if they didn't?

mid hasn't had the relics for a while now, correct me if i'm wrong but didn't a large number of people log, group by group outside the mid relic keep, then all log on together and attack in a fashion that basically made mustering a defence nion impossible? fair enough, thats one way of doing it. the albs did not march through odins together in columns, banners held high for all to see did they? the raid may have technically taken place at 'prime time', but it was certainly organised in a such a way that it circumvented the midgardian defence rather than directly confronting it. tactics.

instead of flaming on here, in irc, and wherever else; calling mids honourless wankers etc, why not just concentrate on getting the relics back.. the fulcrum of the end game.. and remember it is a game and does not really, as someone pointed out, warrent being taken on a personal level.

do as the hibs do, sit back, relax and smoke a joint of sweet hibernian leaf.


Originally posted by filofax
No, some of us take pride in our actions.
I guess that'd be the same people that dont gank a lonely grey in DF, that rather fight every bloody night and maybe never get the relics back, but still wont do an alarm clock raid.

Why? Because there's imply no challenge or fun in it, its IMO also the cowards way =)

i agree, good way to describe it.


Originally posted by Madkobold
This is how you should read and understand the post:

The everyday alb says to himself...."now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" cause mids started it and now it's ok to use them....

Once again, you are wrong.


Originally posted by Madkobold
This is how you should read and understand the post:

The everyday alb says to himself...."now we are too gonna do alarm clock raids" cause mids started it and now it's ok to use them....



Originally posted by filofax
We only have fun.

ha ha ha this is so weird...having a conversation regarding these things.

But now we started it, so here we go.....

1, Do you ever fight 2 or more against 1 ?

2, Do you ever attack some1 who sitting down, is wounded or some1 in a similar situation that can't defend himself properly ?

and so on and so on....


Originally posted by Madkobold
ha ha ha this is so weird...having a conversation regarding these things.

But now we started it, so here we go.....

1, Do you ever fight 2 or more against 1 ?

2, Do you ever attack some1 who sitting down, is wounded or some1 in a similar situation that can't defend himself properly ?

and so on and so on....

obviosly albs dont take the idea of 'honour' to such as high degree, but if someone is 20 lvls lower and trying to run away, usually i (and most ppl i know) would leave him/her alone.

but if someone goes to emain solo they cant exactly bitch when they bump into 2fga, in exactly the same way i cant bitch when it happens to me.


Originally posted by dukat_lionheart
obviosly albs dont take the idea of 'honour' to such as high degree, but if someone is 20 lvls lower and trying to run away, usually i (and most ppl i know) would leave him/her alone.

but if someone goes to emain solo they cant exactly bitch when they bump into 2fga, in exactly the same way i cant bitch when it happens to me.

Sooo, where do you stuff the pride and honour at those situations?


Originally posted by Madkobold
ha ha ha this is so weird...having a conversation regarding these things.

But now we started it, so here we go.....

1, Do you ever fight 2 or more against 1 ?

2, Do you ever attack some1 who sitting down, is wounded or some1 in a similar situation that can't defend himself properly ?

and so on and so on....

What Dukat said tbh, dont think anyone would take something to such lenghts.


Originally posted by Madkobold
1, Do you ever fight 2 or more against 1 ?

2, Do you ever attack some1 who sitting down, is wounded or some1 in a similar situation that can't defend himself properly ?
Neither of these examples removes the fun, and even with your examples they can defend themselves it just gives you as the attacker a advantage...

Your RR was IMPOSSIBLE to defend against and gave not even the slightest chance of defense, your examples are flawed.


Originally posted by Madkobold
Sooo, where do you stuff the pride and honour at those situations?

as i have already said too many times today, S.T.F.U.

im not in teh mood.


Blimey, I go off to San Francisco for a week and all hell breaks loose...

My argument against alarm clock raids was always that once they started everyone's enjoyment of the game, whether Mid, Hib or Alb, would suffer. I'm not going to go over those arguments again, do a search.

However, half of me welcomes the fact that Mids have done an alarmclock raid, because in a month's time, when every realm has done half a dozen of them and owning the relics has become meaningless, perhaps the newer players who weren't around during the last alarmclock wars will understand why they're A Bad Idea, and how the unofficial bar on them came about.


well midgard allways been some bunch of patethic ppl, just a minor ppl are good and nice there and with moral :)


Originally posted by Madkobold
Sooo, where do you stuff the pride and honour at those situations?

I dont recall ever claiming that Albion players are saints, and I dont think that you actually think I did either, now please just read through my replies with the intention of understanding what it is I mean, wich I ofc thought you wanted to know when you questioned it, and not for the reason to try and make little loopholes to "win" and argument where no one is actually competing with you.

I was hoping that you would simply maybe get a bit of understanding as to where I and some more people I know where coming from, when we spoke of honor and pride, since you actually seemed to not understand =)


Originally posted by filofax
What Dukat said tbh, dont think anyone would take something to such lenghts.

Well, do you see my point ?

People do things the way they wanna do them so don't talk about pride and honour.....there is no place for pride and honour in a game.

It's after all only a game were people do what they do cause they enjoy doing it.

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