lost NASA images found...


Fledgling Freddie
May 18, 2004
I'm pretty sure you cant have vain and vanity in the same sentence since they are from the same word but a big improvement over your mono-syllabic phase :)

I'm pretty sure you can have them both in the same sentence. Grammatically, the sentence makes perfect sense since Tom is calling on a different definition for vain than he is for vanity.

It reads fine - that's for sure.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
How can it be evidence? Evidence supports something - it cannot support itself?

Missing the point. I was saying that photos from the moon are evidence that dust haze will not show up on photos from the moon. That's supporting a theory not itself.

You are the one who refered it all back to 'if it's a hoax the all the evidence must be hoax.'

Anyway - I used a smiley to show I wasn't getting worked up. Even though you were talking arse.


Part of the furniture
Jan 30, 2004
Its an interesting question - to those who doubt it could be faked well actually its at least a hundred times easier to send a recording to the moon then transmit it back than to send actual humans and have all the cameras function perfectly.

I know we all want to think it happened but it really is extremely unlikely given the low level of tech we had then - we find it hard to conceive exactly how unlikely because we were all raised to believe it.

Even now many sattelites and probes are destroyed or key components fail - the chances of everything going as well as it did on the first attempt are incredibly small - that doesnt mean it couldnt happen but if we look at it objectively a few doubts are not misplaced.

It also happened on a very tight schedule and seemed to be a large jump forward in their capabilities compared to the bunch of astronauts who fried in the test lander a few years earlier.

I had a 67' vw splitty campervan for years. No electric windows, no power stearing, no heating, nothing. Less to go wrong you see, same applies to this. Take away the apparently now needed 100 million safety features & its probably rather easy, like that kid who built an atomic bomb in this shed :)


FH is my second home
Dec 23, 2003
hey rynnor. if you believe its all a hoax then you can probably explain why china and russia + every other nation with sufficient tech never even hinted that this was faked. half the world probably tried to prove that.

they would have found out pretty damn soon after they landed. and i dont believe for a second that USA managed to bribe every country with the tech available to shut up, especially not russia that were the main competitor.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Lets settle this once and for all - Rynnor does not believe it was a hoax. At all.

He was playing devils advocate and that's all.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I concur. He definitely didn't believe that there was anything suspicious about the Apollo missions.

Not a thing.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Well he can answer for himself, but I didn't get the impression that he doubted the moon landings at all.


Dec 26, 2003
I attempted to put a case for the hoax believers but tbh it was damn hard which does really reinforce the fact that it happened - if anyone comes up with a great arguement to prove it was a hoax I'd listen tho :)

On the plus side I learned a lot I didnt know about the moon landing but I'm even more sure than ever that I wouldnt want to be an astronaut - those guys are certifiable!

One thing I did question was the premise that many of the counter-hoax guys raise about the 'thousands' that would need to be in on it though.

As long as you actually sent something to the moon 99.9% of people wouldnt need to be in on it (even in the command centre) - neither would the russians since a signal sent by a person and by a machine are identical so they'd never know the difference.

The rest of the supporting evidence is just too credible and numerous and even the anomolies others identified can be explained so it did happen.

Ofc now that computer effects are so good youd probably have no chance detecting it if they choose to fake a Mars landing :)


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
fucking hell, you can imagine a vein popping on Tom's forehead. Series anger issues.

Everyone here is going by second hand info so nobody can claim to be an expert on it or prove 100% that people have landed there. I am not denying that people landed there but people who take what they are told as fact and go all crazy when someone questions it are no better than god botherers


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 27, 2003
This thread is so funny, so people need to seriously chill the fuck out :p


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
fucking hell, you can imagine a vein popping on Tom's forehead. Series anger issues.

Everyone here is going by second hand info so nobody can claim to be an expert on it or prove 100% that people have landed there. I am not denying that people landed there but people who take what they are told as fact and go all crazy when someone questions it are no better than god botherers

Don't include me in that rather stupid summary.


No longer scrounging, still a bastard.
Dec 22, 2003

Chill, Tom.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
I don't take what I'm told as fact, but what I object to is people not having the intelligence to discover the facts for themselves.

Funny how self-proclaimed 'sceptics' almost never criticise the opposing view, isn't it?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
There is a massive difference between the nuts that still believe the earth is flat and those that don't believe we have been on the moon. You can fly around the earth, you can see the curvature. Only a very select few have been to space though, even fewer have been to the moon.

All I am saying is all information and established fact we have about the moon or pretty much anything scientific is second hand from experts. To use an example, people were told the earth was flat by the experts in the field hundred of years ago, it was established fact that the earth was flat. As it turns out it isnt, the experts were full of shit or in the least misinformed.

I am not saying we did not land on the moon all I am saying is there is motive for the whole thing to be faked. America had to beat Russia to it at all costs. Going spittle frothing crazy because someone puts across theories that it was a hoax just makes you look like a fool, no better than people who blindly follow any idea or movement.

A few Wikipedia quick facts does not equal undeniable proof.

Edit: that website is pretty bloody funny.


I am a massive cock who isn't firing atm!
Dec 22, 2003
I mentioned these new photo's to a female colleague of mine, she's in her 50's and she would not even look at them, she said she did not believe it happened at all. I asked her why and her response was that the majority of people didn't even have hairdryers back then.

Anyway she spat her dummy out when I said I was suprised that she thought it was a lie.


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
There is a massive difference between the nuts that still believe the earth is flat and those that don't believe we have been on the moon. You can fly around the earth, you can see the curvature. Only a very select few have been to space though, even fewer have been to the moon.

All I am saying is all information and established fact we have about the moon or pretty much anything scientific is second hand from experts. To use an example, people were told the earth was flat by the experts in the field hundred of years ago, it was established fact that the earth was flat. As it turns out it isnt, the experts were full of shit or in the least misinformed.

I am not saying we did not land on the moon all I am saying is there is motive for the whole thing to be faked. America had to beat Russia to it at all costs. Going spittle frothing crazy because someone puts across theories that it was a hoax just makes you look like a fool, no better than people who blindly follow any idea or movement.

A few Wikipedia quick facts does not equal undeniable proof.

Edit: that website is pretty bloody funny.

QI said that most people didn't think the Earth was flat. Ergo, argument sux.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
Such an argument filled, lovely wonderful thread and...i don't have anything to add :(


Artist formerly known as Ignus
Jan 1, 2004
QI said that most people didn't think the Earth was flat. Ergo, argument sux.

I was about to say that. Actually I believe in ancient Greece some of those clever blokes in togas tried to calculate the circumference of the earth and got it within a few hundred miles I think. No the only people who believed the world was flat it seems, were Americans trying to ridicule the rest of the world, and the absolute retards on that site I linked.


FH is my second home
Jan 23, 2004
No the only people who believed the world was flat it seems, were Americans trying to ridicule the rest of the world, and the absolute retards on that site I linked.

You mean now or then?

'cause i doubt the native americans cared one way or the other :D


I am a FH squatter
Dec 23, 2003
I was about to say that. Actually I believe in ancient Greece some of those clever blokes in togas tried to calculate the circumference of the earth and got it within a few hundred miles I think. No the only people who believed the world was flat it seems, were Americans trying to ridicule the rest of the world, and the absolute retards on that site I linked.

Yes, and Aristarchus got there before Copernicus. We just made up a history of what everyone thought before us :)


I am a FH squatter
Dec 22, 2003
All I am saying is all information and established fact we have about the moon or pretty much anything scientific is second hand from experts. To use an example, people were told the earth was flat by the experts in the field hundred of years ago, it was established fact that the earth was flat. As it turns out it isnt, the experts were full of shit or in the least misinformed.

I am not saying we did not land on the moon all I am saying is there is motive for the whole thing to be faked. America had to beat Russia to it at all costs. Going spittle frothing crazy because someone puts across theories that it was a hoax just makes you look like a fool, no better than people who blindly follow any idea or movement.

A few Wikipedia quick facts does not equal undeniable proof.

Edit: that website is pretty bloody funny.

Oh look, more genius prose. Established fact that the world was flat? Really Raven, you should wear mittens for a few days before you embarrass yourself further. They'd go well with the clown pants.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Er yes, it was generally believed that the world was flat, only until proven otherwise was it generally considered to be a sphere. You did go to school, right?

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