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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah said:
I love hypocrisy more, but I guess I am funny like that.

I'm funnier though. Demonstrating your hypocrisy is far superior to spotting a spelling mistake :D


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
ebenezer said:
people are mostly generalizing i guess:)
I might be totally wrong, but used it a bit back in the old days with eel, and it didnt attract me at all since it seemed a lot of people just wanted to get a cross something whaveter it was if they were killed. I have no intention of getting to know everyone in game. i have so many friends in hib allready and im not intrested in hearing people fret over my playstyle of how easy i was to kill:p But im glad people that do want to chat with their enemies have a forum, since you cant do it in game. 80% from FH in hib seems more friendly with the other realms then their it seems a good way of getting friends also:p
Fair enough, each to his own ofc. Just tired of people looking down on you for using it. :)
But yeah, guess most are just generalizations, same as the 'leetkids' call people 'randoms/roleplayers' etc.


Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
I'm funnier though. Demonstrating your hypocrisy is far superior to spotting a spelling mistake :D

Well you took it out of context, and I can't be arsed to defend myself. I could because the situation is completly different, I was replying to one point of your post and the only reason I stated I hadn't read the last 5 pages was because I may be repeating someone. It is not like you were gonna say I will zerg you, oh I was wrong no I won't I respect 8v8 now is it?

But if you win your little battle by taking a quote out of context have fun.


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Eregion said:
I don't really understand why ppl have so much against using irc, personally i think it's a big part of the daoc-community, being able to 'get to know' your 'enemies' as persons instead of just the pixels you face ingame. :p It's a part of what's fun with mmorpg's, being able to interact with the other people playing.
Ofc there are idiots there, but FH attracts more of the vocal ones tbh. And there's always that little button called ignore. :p
Just my view on things ofc, but getting called 'irc leetboy wanker' just because you use a different form of chatting is ridicoulous.

when u put it that way, I do apologise for the leetboy comment was a bit over the top but I think in general you know what I mean. don't know about you but the numerous pms from people who are on irc and then send a pmingame saying soandso is a adding<insert expletive> kinda made me think different. have also lead raids that have been ruined or defended in advance due to irc etc (quite a long time ago tho)

However, I see your point and wasn't intended to be directed at everyone :)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Arumos said:
IF you noticed the quotation marks i was quoting Gamah. I don't think of myself as a good player just have fun on the class I play. Isn't hard to kill people on my WL but its nice to achieve 16k/hour solo etc, regardless. I like gaining rps and achievieng RR like you like arranged 8v8 fights etc.

I did notice the quotation marks, but to quote him you would actully have to have a atleast small clue, im sure you do have one but a verry screwed one..

and please dont talk about solo, when you add like a mfer..:puke:


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Pirkel said:
I think someone got orlywarlockepwned one to many times :(.

We all know how underpowered and difficult to play chanters are.

"Don't worry about the Spiritmaster I'm dps debuffing him"

not at all, I dont mind dying to warlocks.. its the hypocrit WL's I dont like, /points at Arumi :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah said:
Well you took it out of context, and I can't be arsed to defend myself. I could because the situation is completly different, I was replying to one point of your post and the only reason I stated I hadn't read the last 5 pages was because I may be repeating someone. It is not like you were gonna say I will zerg you, oh I was wrong no I won't I respect 8v8 now is it?

But if you win your little battle by taking a quote out of context have fun.

Well actually it was just the same. If you'd read that thread all the way through you would have seen how out of touch you were and that I had changed my stance on it (not to mention you completely missing the point from start to finish). But anyways it's really irrelevant, I was just having a little fun here at your expense to pass the last half hour at work...though it's amusing how you can never just say "Yep, you got me" ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Arumos said:
don't know about you but the numerous pms from people who are on irc and then send a pmingame saying soandso is a adding<insert expletive> kinda made me think different.

I dont think you would get such PM's if it wasent for a fact that you talk about your 'holy quest for the solo rp' so much but act totally against it... its called bullshit... maybe im wrong ;)


Dec 22, 2003
Bracken said:
Well actually it was just the same. If you'd read that thread all the way through you would have seen how out of touch you were and that I had changed my stance on it (not to mention you completely missing the point from start to finish). But anyways it's really irrelevant, I was just having a little fun here at your expense to pass the last half hour at work...though it's amusing how you can never just say "Yep, you got me" ;)

I have said it quite a few times in the past, guess you don't have those posts handy to quote.:cheers:

Well its a shame my fun in this thread has to end, always amusing how many people I can bait at once. However I need to go into the real world now! Have fun!


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Stallion said:
I dont think you would get such PM's if it wasent for a fact that you talk about your 'holy quest for the solo rp' so much but act totally against it... its called bullshit... maybe im wrong ;)

? you mean i act against it with you ya mean? I'll leech/zerg/add your ass down the gutter at every opertunity, really nice rps actually:D As for pming someone ingame to whine about an action in game which is in theory what the game is about.

As for other people who have shown respect to me, they get the same in return. e.g Sacre/Theodon are 2 people I won't ever add on :) (if i can help it)

me the hypocrit? wake up son, fuk off to tetris if you want 1v1, I like the odd 1v1 doesn't mean i don't want everyone to leave me fight, people can do as they wish
Dec 31, 2003
Forfid said:
not a arranged duel??? aye right!!!

10 albs and 10 hibs mixing, not attacking each other, and watch each other on duels... OH NOES ITS NOT FIXED!!1111 ITS COMPLETLY RANDOM...

Stop breaking CoC, you guys whine so much about the CoC and then you only show your real stuf.

You want to do that go play in PvP server, there u can or not do those stuff not in a REALM vs REALM server!!!

It's not etic, its just bullshit... its the same has radar users or speed hackers.

RVR servers are based on REALM vs REALM war its not for dueling or showing your epeen size.

And seeing a FH moderator defending that situation its just so cool!!! (/sarcasm off)

I'd like you to provide us with a qoute where a mythic official states that thier view on RvR is to be only 100 vs 100 and not 1v1.
If not, then I'll kindly ask you to stfu.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I'd like you to provide us with a qoute where a mythic official states that thier view on RvR is to be only 100 vs 100 and not 1v1.
If not, then I'll kindly ask you to stfu.
its not about 1v1 or 100v100 they had buffbots with them and were repeatedly rezing then rebuffing themselves to fight again.
Regardless of your view it IS against the CoC to do that

Anyway off to uni
happy flaming


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I'd like you to provide us with a qoute where a mythic official states that thier view on RvR is to be only 100 vs 100 and not 1v1.
If not, then I'll kindly ask you to stfu.

i dont think forfid is referring that mythic sees anything wrong with 1 vs 1:p


Nov 28, 2004
Gamah said:
I love people that don't read whole threads but then make posts. I may indeed have a "said" life..that however you will never know.

What I do know however is that you seem to have lost the ability to read, maybe it was all that wanking over "Big Jugs Weekly" that did it or maybe your just plan stupid..either way tell me why would I right now something I have said I support?

Answer me that queston smart guy.
Think you find <plan>=plain :)


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Matriarch|Sneakers said:
I'd like you to provide us with a qoute where a mythic official states that thier view on RvR is to be only 100 vs 100 and not 1v1.
If not, then I'll kindly ask you to stfu.

You must be clueless of what hapened so i tell you to stfu.

That was arranged fights that breaks CoC. If it is fun or not i wont judge that, but it still against CoC to do it.

I would like that people who break CoC have equal judjement and equal penalty, no exception can be made!

The argument "It dosent hurt anyone" its not valid, same has speeding in a highway 10+ Km over the speed limit. a Rule is broken must be punished.

Or else all credibility for the GM's and GOA is lost.


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Arumos said:
spoke to coldbeard after when he logged mid, Iwas polite etc, he used to be a nice guy, boy has he changed now, couldn't of been a bigger prick when i spoke to him. He did also seem pretty embarrasse

Eh? Of what relevance is this? You spoke to me and I told you to fuck off because I think you are the shit and didnt want to talk to you. It is not rocket science now is it? You talk about change? You warlock combined with your pathetic playstyle is a big fucking change from what you used to be. Embarassed? Over what if I may ask? Did I get 'outskilled' by your warlock or something? I would be embarassed if I had to play a retarded class the way you do it.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
pip said:
Gamah said:
I love people that don't read whole threads but then make posts. I may indeed have a "said" life..that however you will never know.

What I do know however is that you seem to have lost the ability to read, maybe it was all that wanking over "Big Jugs Weekly" that did it or maybe your just plan stupid..either way tell me why would I right now something I have said I support?

Answer me that queston smart guy.
Think you find <plan>=plain :)

corrected by Pip, the shame!


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Coldbeard said:
Eh? Of what relevance is this? You spoke to me and I told you to fuck off because I think you are the shit and didnt want to talk to you. It is not rocket science now is it? You talk about change? You warlock combined with your pathetic playstyle is a big fucking change from what you used to be. Embarassed? Over what if I may ask? Did I get 'outskilled' by your warlock or something? I would be embarassed if I had to play a retarded class the way you do it.

see what i mean people?

from what does the message 'hey cold how ya doing bud? :)' deserve a fuk off? grow up.

last of me in this thread anyway, not my scene.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Arumos said:
see what i mean people?

from what does the message 'hey cold how ya doing bud? :)' deserve a fuk off? grow up.

last of me in this thread anyway, not my scene.

look look, he told me to f*** off!! look people! mommy mommy... loook... :(


Part of the furniture
Jun 14, 2004
Arumos said:
see what i mean people?

from what does the message 'hey cold how ya doing bud? :)' deserve a fuk off? grow up.

last of me in this thread anyway, not my scene.

From the fact that you seem to have huge problems understanding that I dont want to talk to you perhaps? Put it in a simple context.


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Chronictank said:
What flim says "is ok" is against the CoC, as quoted by him from a gm

The rest of the stuff from about page 3 is muppets not reading what has been said and flame for the sake of it

actually what I said was ok is OK - just not if you do it for an extended period of time or repeatedly
(so I was half right)
bit like emoting I guess.

Some clarifications:
Chronictank: didn't see any alb buffbots when I was there - might have been mid ones but again I only saw one shaman and he was being played ;) I don't think the firbolg was a bot but you never know.. maybe some of those shadowblades were being used for CL buffbotting (there was a cleric - me, and if I'm a buffbot Gamah's the author of "how to make friends and influence people")

Now I don't know if someone arranged something over IRC, it's possible, seems a bit of a stupid place to arrange a duel for given you get guards and lots of people wandering by :p but you never know :p

I know I just stopped to join in, having not heard anything about it - since the odd occasional duel you find is fine. If it's a regular occurance that at X hour at X keep there's duels then that would indeed be against the CoC, or if someone was repeatedly killing the same fellow and ressing, or if it went on for too long (I don't know how long they went on for - I released when I died and went to do something else) or if the people dueling were hurling abuse at anyone who came to disrupt it.

Incidentally - dunno what some people are whining about it being in front of a keep for - if anywhere it's easiest to disrupt there, pull them into the guards and kill them, there was at most 5 albs there at any time - ungrouped, unlikely to pose that much of a thread. I'd have probably /applauded someone who'd done that (the hunter/sb that tried were doing well ;) just needed a bit more range I think)

I was going to lock this thread because some people are being tits however it's an interesting discussion so I'm leaving it open for now - less of the personal attacks or it gets closed and people get in trouble.


Nov 28, 2004
Mirt said:
Serious question: who is this gamah person?
He is a nice person that plays banshee/mincer:p

farther to the good lord:)
and a kick ass dude:eek7:
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