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Dec 22, 2003
Arumos said:
Was funny as hell beating your gg with a random pug a few weeks back, N of eras i think it was if my memory serves me correct. I hardly ever 8v8 but that was fookin hilarious. 'so maybe you should play better before claiming you know shit about rvr'. O no wait someone added? wind blew the druid over? rofl!

spoke to coldbeard after when he logged mid, Iwas polite etc, he used to be a nice guy, boy has he changed now, couldn't of been a bigger prick when i spoke to him. He did also seem pretty embarrassed :)

Yes, we havn't been out of agramon for 3 weeks but OK, you owned us good! Also is there a reason you and your warlock crew spam laugh me everytime you chamber to victory or? I get the last laugh though seen as your class is gonna be nerfed to shit :) .
If you did beat us (I don't remeber it) it was with no doubt a skillgard caster setup, ohhh yes such hardmode


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I think this game is about choices and you can play how you want, as long as it is not bug abusing or breaking rules.

People that have decided not to instakill each other, and who are having "fun" fighting 1on1's and 2on2's etc in their own little world are causing no harm to anyone else.

If they get added on or killed, also fair enough.

But late at night, the mentality of people seems to improve, and you can get nice little fights against different types of enemy, and they might kill you, they might not. It's not just about kill and be killed, sometimes it is about how you kill.

The spirit of the game is to kill the enemy, but you have a choice at the end of the day, especially when it is late at night, less people on, and you are amongst people that you have played with for a long time. You are friends, as good friends as you can be, but still enemies.

As long as people kill eachother in the end, (the bit about having rezz bots there is a little disturbing), and they don't farm kill after kill after kill on the same person, then I can't see any harm being done.

Some of you guys take this stuff far too seriously. I think Flim had the right attitude, and Gamah - take a chill pill or something, you just launch into every reply like someone has taken a piss on your family!

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
Arumos said:
its a shame that all the leetkids that wank over irc don't get banned, third party program being used in conjuction with the game isn't it?.. just a thought

leetkids? I wonder...

or am I misstaken that you are the one wanking ingame 8~ h/day on such a challenging class :m00:

ps! and not to forget, arent you the one asking for fair fights with yr warrior, failing horribly -> just to instatly log WL and perma add :confused: :D :D


Dec 22, 2003
illu said:
Some of you guys take this stuff far too seriously. I think Flim had the right attitude, and Gamah - take a chill pill or something, you just launch into every reply like someone has taken a piss on your family!

Thats the way I type, my posts always come across harsh even if its not my intention, I couldn't care less about people dueling I just thought it was amusing someone would post evidence of breaking the rules. Then me and film had a debate about if I was right or not..hardly flame fest of the century and infact what forums are supposed to be used for?


Fledgling Freddie
May 26, 2004
Stallion said:
heh, is that why you play a warlock?

IF you noticed the quotation marks i was quoting Gamah. I don't think of myself as a good player just have fun on the class I play. Isn't hard to kill people on my WL but its nice to achieve 16k/hour solo etc, regardless. I like gaining rps and achievieng RR like you like arranged 8v8 fights etc.


Fledgling Freddie
May 23, 2005
illu said:
People that have decided not to instakill each other, and who are having "fun" fighting 1on1's and 2on2's etc in their own little world are causing no harm to anyone else.

Oli - Illu
another one wich does not understand that organized fights infront of a keep kills the game, and the fun of a lot of people wich dont want to roam around 30min to find an enemy.:(


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 13, 2005
Stallion said:
thanks for proving my point, now p*** off :m00:

I think someone got orlywarlockepwned one to many times :(.

We all know how underpowered and difficult to play chanters are.

"Don't worry about the Spiritmaster I'm dps debuffing him"


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
illu said:
Some of you guys take this stuff far too seriously. I think Flim had the right attitude,

Oli - Illu
What flim says "is ok" is against the CoC, as quoted by him from a gm

The rest of the stuff from about page 3 is muppets not reading what has been said and flame for the sake of it


Dec 22, 2003
Pirkel said:
I think someone got orlywarlockepwned one to many times :(.

We all know how underpowered and difficult to play chanters are.

"Don't worry about the Spiritmaster I'm dps debuffing him"

Because Midgard is awash of underpowered classes? Lets break down a midgard full group shall we?

The Spiritmaster - The amazing spirit master with the permanent Bodyguarding pet, oh wait..its not enough he intercepts 80% of hits. So now I press this and BAM hes level 75 as well! It's ok my pet hits for 700 a swing becuase midgard has thanes!

The Shaman - Oh whats that, stupidly fast shears, ae disease and perma end in a conc based buff, Please don't interupt my conc based end buff mister bainshee.

The Warlock - Oh shit, I insta killed a bard again..but its ok mates even though I insta kill people after that I can only cast 6/7 mocs for 100% damage, after that though my dps is 0..I can only powerless cast for ever but it takes like 5 seconds so :<

The Healers - We suck, what with insta mez and stun, chain armour and ae stun.

The Bonedancer - To quote brite "I have tanks on me I can't do shit" Whilst running around tapping 2 instas on a 4 second timer, using banelord abilitys with 1000 radius, having 2 dedicated healers, and another pet for interupts..Oh yes mistar BD I feel your pain.

Midgard - Where skill is an option™


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 23, 2003
Pirkel said:
Funny to see how people are quite happy to "bend" the official rules.

Yet when someone breaks their completely unofficial "don't add megameights" rule they all cry.



Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
i dont particularely love warlocs either. But one of the reason for the most whine here is peoples obsession with beating someone mano a mano. And like people designed the game you cant compare classes against eachother like that. Its not designed for every character to be able to face any other kinda character 1 vs 1...but in all the epeen messuring that kinda disapear:p
If you gonna compare you gotta put two heavy tanks against eachother perhaps...or s similar caster 1 vs 1.....not a heavy tank against a stealther for example. or a warloc against a tank. Part of the comunity here though seems obsessed with comparing how their little character would fair against everything else in 1 vs 1...and if i doesnt fair good it must be something OP or wrong...ohh goodness...little me got beaten!! can i live with myself:p
No i would say most classes fits in as good(notice i say most) as it can get in different kinds of group setups. Not sure were the warloc fits in though....but i never played one:)


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Alexandrinus said:
another one wich does not understand that organized fights infront of a keep kills the game, and the fun of a lot of people wich dont want to roam around 30min to find an enemy.:(

I think you'll find most of this happens late at night, and most fights occur around an enemies main keep on the bridge or near docks.
The fights aren't "organised", they just happen......
And late at night, if you go to an enemy land and no one is there -> keep guards /sit, release, go to the other enemy land. Shouldn't take you 30 mins to find someone to kill, unless you are playing between 4-8am when even most hardcore players need some sleep (except the 24/7 come off nightshift alb crew :>).

I don't understand why you say it kills the game too - it is part of the game. If you find people doing this stuff, feel free to attack them, you will probably be instakilled. If you go along, /bow, /hug, /beckon someone close to your RealmRank or a class that you fancy fighting, have your 1on1 and people will /clap and cheer you on.

It's something that happens usually late at night, people having fun usually on a bridge or outside a keep.

This sort of stuff doesn't "kill the game" - warlocks/bainshees, stealthzergs, FGs steamrolling soloers, Soloers adding on FG v FG fights - that kills/hurts the game more.

Put it into perspective.

Oli - Illu


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
Chronictank said:
What flim says "is ok" is against the CoC, as quoted by him from a gm

The rest of the stuff from about page 3 is muppets not reading what has been said and flame for the sake of it

I think it is open to personal interpretation. The spirit of the game is fundementally for people to have fun. If late at night, people decide to suddenly fight each other in a little battle tournament, a stealther tries his luck against a tough tank, a light tank tries a caster, whatever, if people are having fun, surely that is the spirit of the game.

Everyone gets killed at the end anyway, and then everyone goes to sleep to fight another day.

Oli - Illu


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Gamah said:
I've been in more of those situations than you have had hot dinners, and I am sure someone would be on irc, pm me the time/date and i'll check just to prove my thorey. However on second thoughts I won't right now
1. I have better things to do
2. I like some of those people in that picture.

I don't mind that someone liek you doesn't subscribe to my "sad little warping" If you add, its just an extra 250rpts in the pot ;)

Indeed you have a said life if you call ranting on FH "better things to do". Why dont you just RightNow it and stay away from this thread? I am sure it would make alot of people happy.


Dec 22, 2003
cemi0 said:
Indeed you have a said life if you call ranting on FH "better things to do". Why dont you just RightNow it and stay away from this thread? I am sure it would make alot of people happy.

I love people that don't read whole threads but then make posts. I may indeed have a "said" life..that however you will never know.

What I do know however is that you seem to have lost the ability to read, maybe it was all that wanking over "Big Jugs Weekly" that did it or maybe your just plan stupid..either way tell me why would I right now something I have said I support?

Answer me that queston smart guy.


Part of the furniture
Dec 30, 2003
Heh. Such convenient reasoning: when your Hib group is winning, you're skilled; when you lose, it's "Skillgard yada yada yada". :rolleyes:

As for our group, we are doing well enough for ourselves for me to be happy about it. At our best, we used to be able to take on the best groups out there; these days, we play a lot less and our performance is accordingly spotty. I'm sorry, but a dig at my RvR knowledge is not going to work. ;)

Just face it, Gamah: you are an idiot. Arrogant, hypocritical, totally unsympathetic, downright lowbrow, with a long history of bans, and to boot down with a bad case of forum Tourette syndrome. I know it, we all know it, you even know it yourself.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 31, 2003
Gamah said:
I love people that don't read whole threads but then make posts. I may indeed have a "said" life..that however you will never know.

What I do know however is that you seem to have lost the ability to read, maybe it was all that wanking over "Big Jugs Weekly" that did it or maybe your just plan stupid..either way tell me why would I right now something I have said I support?

Answer me that queston smart guy.

First of all, let me get this straight. You are an arrogant prick.
We all know your type. You have to constantly rant and pick on other people for being idiots, when you are really just trying to hide the fact that you, yourself, is a big jerk.

Secondly, you both said that you are against duelling and for duelling. So what to believe?
Gamah said:
Dueling is against the rules, and people I know have been perma banned for it, but go ahead advertise the fact your doing it. But ofc, I am against dueling because I said its against the rules, or are you just
I found this other statement hidden among all your bullshit.
Gamah said:
Idd, I am truly shocked, as I said before and i'll say again..

I am not against dueling, I am for it, however I know when I comit such an act I am liable to punishment so the last thing I would do is post a screenshot of it on the forums.

But lets just assume that you actually ment that you wasnt against duelling. Why would you RightNow it? I cant tell you how exactly your brain work. I can only see the results.

Gamah said:
But yeah as chronic said give me the time/date/location it happened and I will happly right now it to prove my point.
And ofc the original quoted post, that shows you would RightNow it, just that you had "better things" to do.
Gamah said:
I've been in more of those situations than you have had hot dinners, and I am sure someone would be on irc, pm me the time/date and i'll check just to prove my thorey. However on second thoughts I won't right now
1. I have better things to do
2. I like some of those people in that picture.

Be my guest to rant me etc cause I know you will anyway. But honestly, I dont give a shit what people like you says. I already spend 10 minutes too much of my time on you.


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Heh. Such convenient reasoning: when your Hib group is winning, you're skilled; when you lose, it's "Skillgard yada yada yada". :rolleyes:

As for our group, we are doing well enough for ourselves for me to be happy about it. At our best, we used to be able to take on the best groups out there; these days, we play a lot less and our performance is accordingly spotty. I'm sorry, but a dig at my RvR knowledge is not going to work. ;)

Just face it, Gamah: you are an idiot. Arrogant, hypocritical, totally unsympathetic, downright lowbrow, with a long history of bans, and to boot down with a bad case of forum Tourette syndrome. I know it, we all know it, you even know it yourself.
least he can read a whole thread before posting in it:rolleyes:
which is elegantly illustrated with this post


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Arumos said:
its a shame that all the leetkids that wank over irc don't get banned, third party program being used in conjuction with the game isn't it?.. just a thought
I don't really understand why ppl have so much against using irc, personally i think it's a big part of the daoc-community, being able to 'get to know' your 'enemies' as persons instead of just the pixels you face ingame. :p It's a part of what's fun with mmorpg's, being able to interact with the other people playing.
Ofc there are idiots there, but FH attracts more of the vocal ones tbh. And there's always that little button called ignore. :p
Just my view on things ofc, but getting called 'irc leetboy wanker' just because you use a different form of chatting is ridicoulous.


Dec 22, 2003
Belomar said:
Heh. Such convenient reasoning: when your Hib group is winning, you're skilled; when you lose, it's "Skillgard yada yada yada". :rolleyes:
Exactly, we can't believe we walk over a group that plays in skillgard so easy, honestly if you played alb or hib you would make what 2k/night? :S

Belomar said:
As for our group, we are doing well enough for ourselves for me to be happy about it. At our best, we used to be able to take on the best groups out there; these days, we play a lot less and our performance is accordingly spotty. I'm sorry, but a dig at my RvR knowledge is not going to work. ;)

I wasn't "digging" at your rvr knowlegde mate, I was calling you shit..pure and simple, no added sweetners, no are crap!

Belomar said:
Just face it, Gamah: you are an idiot. Arrogant, hypocritical, totally unsympathetic, downright lowbrow, with a long history of bans, and to boot down with a bad case of forum Tourette syndrome. I know it, we all know it, you even know it yourself.
Well it seems someone picked up the dictionary and just went wild! I have a long history of forum bans, because I speak my mind, I say things plain and simple and some people can't stand it. Unlike you I don't get down on my knees for mods.

Oh yes, I swear sooo much in my posts I must have Tourettes!

Well lets do a Belomar (read Twat) style post for fun.

You Belomar are a self righteous, egotistical, idiotic, boastful, dogmatic, narcissistic moron. You think you always know better, when in fact you know about as much as the average parsnip.

Oh goodie, I can put out loads of good words on a forum to try and get my point across, can I be accepted into the amazing Belomar camp?

Now a Gamah Style ending

Your a twat, you know it, I know it, Freddyshouse knows it..



FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Belomar said:
Eh? I've read the thread.
sigh '..
Belomar said:
He shoots he scores! Raven - Gamah, 1 - 0. :D

Now fuck off, Gamah.
based on

Raven said:
you must attack every enemy you see for if you dont they will rape your wives and eat your children!

fucking roleplayer :(
Gamah said:
I think people are misunderstanding me, I said dueling is against the rules, not I am against dueling..I love 1v1's so chill the fuck out.

Belomar said:
(EDIT: LOL @ the pathetic digs about Flim "defending ruining fair fights", what are you, a kindergarten pupil? :rolleyes: )

Flimgoblin said:
Stop talking out your arse Gamah.

Unarranged duels are fine - as long as yer not cross realm communicating or farming your best friends buffbot in the bottom of the north sea it's perfectly within the CoC.
Looks to me flim asked to be flamed by doing his own share, when in fact he was wrong

All of this before your post, so you havent even read the dicussion prior to your post.

Belomar said:
Heh. Such convenient reasoning: when your Hib group is winning, you're skilled; when you lose, it's "Skillgard yada yada yada". :rolleyes:
was started by
pip said:
lol only thing you can beat is your meat

(i have far too much time at work:p)

Edit : Nerf gamah posting first : (


One of Freddy's beloved
Jan 21, 2004
Gamah said:
Well it seems someone picked up the dictionary and just went wild! I have a long history of forum bans, because I speak my mind, I say things plain and simple and some people can'r stand it. Unlike you I don't get down on my knees for mods. keep things plain and simple, just like your mind.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Gamah said:
I love people that don't read whole threads but then make posts.

Yeah me too...

Gamah said:
As for brackus (I havn't read the thread in 5 days so this reply is 5 days old)... (followed by crap that was way behind)

But I love hypocrasy more :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 5, 2004
Eregion said:
I don't really understand why ppl have so much against using irc, personally i think it's a big part of the daoc-community, being able to 'get to know' your 'enemies' as persons instead of just the pixels you face ingame. :p It's a part of what's fun with mmorpg's, being able to interact with the other people playing.
Ofc there are idiots there, but FH attracts more of the vocal ones tbh. And there's always that little button called ignore. :p
Just my view on things ofc, but getting called 'irc leetboy wanker' just because you use a different form of chatting is ridicoulous.

people are mostly generalizing i guess:)
I might be totally wrong, but used it a bit back in the old days with eel, and it didnt attract me at all since it seemed a lot of people just wanted to get a cross something whaveter it was if they were killed. I have no intention of getting to know everyone in game. i have so many friends in hib allready and im not intrested in hearing people fret over my playstyle of how easy i was to kill:p But im glad people that do want to chat with their enemies have a forum, since you cant do it in game. 80% from FH in hib seems more friendly with the other realms then their it seems a good way of getting friends also:p
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