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Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Neffneff said:
who exactly in this thread said it was _okay_ to get rezzed and duel again? we're not discussing that at all.

some like this fair fight/duel thing some don´t some defend it and some don´t
don´t take every word like it is typed


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Kaelimar said:
some like this fair fight/duel thing some don´t some defend it and some don´t
don´t take every word like it is typed

say wha?


Part of the furniture
Mar 18, 2004
I think people will have to agree to disagree on this one.

The rules are not all black and white, in this instance there is a grey area where common sense has to come into play.

Equating a randomly occurring duelling fightfest with afk-macroing/radaring/bug abusing doesn't make sense.

People will always have these little fights. People will sometimes add sometimes not. People will steamroll, and sometimes give mercy.

We are not robots, people do what they want to do, and as long as they are in the boundaries of the rules, then there can be no complaints.

Oli - Illu


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Neffneff said:

you like fair fights/duels?
you don´t like fair fights/duels?

some defend it
some don´t defend it

like in these 11 pages


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Kaelimar said:
you like fair fights/duels?
you don´t like fair fights/duels?

some defend it
some don´t defend it

like in these 11 pages

yea i got that, just wasnt sure how you jumped to that reasonable conclusion from you previous statement that everyone in the thread was ressing with BBs. but hey...i like your change in direction ^^


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Goblin, I'm not defending that. All i want is EQUAL treatment for all players, nothing more noting less.

I guess my point of view is clearly diferent from the majority of people that are posting here, so you guys won... im tired of defending my point if view and i wont reply any more (im at work and can´t constatly come here and reply).

But i say this again... CoC is that boring stuff text that appers when u log (or change acc), and you all press yes to enter game and you accept its rules.

I didnt say i was against 1 vs 1 or 8 vs 8 or adding or not adding or whatever action in RVR IF it isnt arranged fights... If it is people should go ride the ban wagon Like everyone else.

(i need a break after these posts)


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 18, 2004
Sadly, and with deepest of regret I actually have to agree with Gamah on this point. Dueling in its form as shown here is illegal. There's a difference between whats been posted here and that which used to take place outside apk/mpke way back when in the wee hours. that being those of us who tested ourselves against an enemy never fought to the death. Even in the closest of fights combat would be stopped before someone died. If there was an unfortunate death, they released and returned. No would be ressed.. well not in the incodents i encountered anyways.

As for the "Against the spirit of the game stuff" I don't see how testing oneselves against a respected foeman and not slaying them is against the "spirt" of the game. I have upmost respect for number of midgards enemies, for various reasons their dedication to defence of their realm, their solo lifestyle and out of respect for them when i see them i rarely attack them. Xrystopher for example though from time to time we do have a whack at each other, i rarely attack him when he's wandering round solo. mainly cause a rr10ish reaver is a slight over match for a blade :D when in a group and defending each others realms the gloves are off, and we both respect each other for it. Thats the spirit of the game. However, the powers that be see it differently, and they are in charge.

Dueling to the death is considered rp farming plain and simple enjoy it but do it at your peril. Attacking a solo foeman, and leaving him alive when he's out matched is not.


P.S. And for the record Gamah 1 v 1 you were always shite, and probably still are. Couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag, without the inf you kept stuffed in your back packet to insta-stun and perf it for you. Alone you were one of the easiest minstrels in the game to kill. Coren and Carp (Steveirwin) were infinately superior to you both grouped and solo.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 22, 2004
Durgi said:
P.S. And for the record Gamah 1 v 1 you were always shite, and probably still are. Couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag, without the inf you kept stuffed in your back packet to insta-stun and perf it for you. Alone you were one of the easiest minstrels in the game to kill. Coren and Carp (Steveirwin) were infinately superior to you both grouped and solo.

regretably for the record, i have to say i have only fought gamah a few times, and he has always been a worthy opponant, and i think, most if not all times we have fought, he has forced me to eat dirt. respect for him on that matter tbh.


Can't get enough of FH
Mar 12, 2004
Fantastic thread...good read and glad it hasnt been closed ..

And whether you agree with gamah or not ..rep point for a strong defence that had me laughing rl .. that belomar and DI pool comment .. 2 drops of pee came out I laughed so hard ...wait 3 no after another shake 4 .. mmmm...nm.:clap:


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Durgi said:
you were one of the easiest minstrels in the game to kill. Coren and Carp (Steveirwin) were infinately superior to you both grouped and solo.
That was more than likely me playing his mincer :p
yes i suck at it ;-)


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Gamah said:
Because Midgard is awash of underpowered classes? Lets break down a midgard full group shall we?

The Spiritmaster - The amazing spirit master with the permanent Bodyguarding pet, oh wait..its not enough he intercepts 80% of hits. So now I press this and BAM hes level 75 as well! It's ok my pet hits for 700 a swing becuase midgard has thanes!
Midgard - Where skill is an option™

If you are saying that the sm is generally overpowered, I disagree.

The sm is said by some to have a 74% intercept rate, however I have not seen anywhere that this has been proven. Personally I feel like it sometimes intercepts a lot and sometimes not at all. When you use ml9 the sm pet becomes lvl 64, not 75 - And this ability does not belong to the sm alone.

If you are suggesting that they should remove/nerf the intercept ability on the pet, the dark sm would be nothing but a completely nerfed sorc. Supp sms would get it worse though.

Yes, the sm has an edge over pure meleers, but it has its disadvantages as well ( Hint: Other casters ).

Sorry for being off-topic


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Durgi said:
Dueling to the death is considered rp farming plain and simple enjoy it but do it at your peril. Attacking a solo foeman, and leaving him alive when he's out matched is not.

Dueling to the death is fine - dueling to the death repeatedly is not.

Bit daft if you weren't allowed to kill a solo enemy ;)


Dec 22, 2003
Vilje said:
If you are saying that the sm is generally overpowered, I disagree.

The sm is said by some to have a 74% intercept rate, however I have not seen anywhere that this has been proven. Personally I feel like it sometimes intercepts a lot and sometimes not at all. When you use ml9 the sm pet becomes lvl 64, not 75 - And this ability does not belong to the sm alone.

If you are suggesting that they should remove/nerf the intercept ability on the pet, the dark sm would be nothing but a completely nerfed sorc. Supp sms would get it worse though.

Yes, the sm has an edge over pure meleers, but it has its disadvantages as well ( Hint: Other casters ).

Sorry for being off-topic

Yeah those 2 dex debuffs + interupting pet which casts spells though bg = sux vs other casters


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 12, 2004
The reason SM is of r0x for mid caster groups is not just for the pet.

They have red dex/qui+dex debuff, wich will greatly eff up anything that casts spells, it has the highest lifedrain spell in the game, with 90% life return (by alot more than the ones coming close to it, apart from warlock ofcourse) wich makes it a great damage dealer, aswell as healing itself with the nukes, making it less of a pain for the healers to heal it.
The intercept pet is a good bonus, but apart from intercepting it also: procs 2-3 different effects on a target, making the pet a great interrupt one aswell.
And the sm can easily peel off lowbie pets/theurg pets with the 176 delve blue pbae he will get from leftover in supp.

Im not saying its the best class in the game, im just saying that its easily whine material :)


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
Forfid said:
Yes, you are right for me a rule is a rule, everytime! Specially in a Video game!

For me its the same thing. What hapened and using third party programs, or even use bugs from game is in the same bag=cheat=ban.

No exceptions can be made, never.

This is a game and EVERYONE must follow the rules.

What i don't like to see is people bending the rules in self profit.

This incident is more serious than u imagine.
It opens a precedent and will ruin the game.

Lol sry too say but u sound just like your avetar... Steven Hawkins with a dildo up his rectum...


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 12, 2004
rure said:
I was thinking the other day (no really, I was actually thinking), might be a bit out of topic. If a person is cheating (using a 3rd party program) in daoc and get caught they recieve a perma-ban. If you use a performance enhancing drug in any random sport you usually get banned from competition for a couple of years and not for the rest of the life.

On 3rd party programs, isnt ventrillo or TS a 3rd party programm?


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
Chronictank said:
new to rvr, dont actually know whats going on
people can duel all they like, if you arent quick enough to add/zerg on them then its tough shit, us solo'ers will still have our duels and our gatherings (not pre-aranged ofc), if you dont like it then who cares. there is such bitterness over the fact that we still have respect for each other and dont just see each other as cheap RPs, unlike you retard FG they say "if you cant win fg v fg go find some solo'ers to outskill"


FH is my second home
Jan 21, 2004
Raven said:
people can duel all they like, if you arent quick enough to add/zerg on them then its tough shit, us solo'ers will still have our duels and our gatherings (not pre-aranged ofc), if you dont like it then who cares. there is such bitterness over the fact that we still have respect for each other and dont just see each other as cheap RPs, unlike you retard FG they say "if you cant win fg v fg go find some solo'ers to outskill"
lol you really have no clue whatsoever so i wont waste my breath


Dec 22, 2003
Durgi said:
P.S. And for the record Gamah 1 v 1 you were always shite, and probably still are. Couldn't fight your way out of a paper bag, without the inf you kept stuffed in your back packet to insta-stun and perf it for you. Alone you were one of the easiest minstrels in the game to kill. Coren and Carp (Steveirwin) were infinately superior to you both grouped and solo.

I laugh everytime how its the guys with no chars listed to claim to have "owned" me, so with no clue who/what you are, you drop in a few famous minstrel names and wallah you think you have proved your point, well holy retardedforumtroll Batman you havn't :(. Also interesting that out of what the 4 million rpts I made in non fg rvr I duo'd with an infil for what 30k of them xD?

Sounds to me like your bitter because I rolled you one of the few times I was with an inf and your e-peen was damaged. You have a lot to learn about baiting.


Dec 22, 2003
Well it appears I have found out who the mystery man is

Sojik Dangersmurf <Slayers Brotherhood>, Level 50 Shadowblade: 640,338 RP (RR5L3, Last Week: 34,592), required for RR5L4: 685,850 (45,512 to go), required for RR6: 1,010,625 (370,287 to go) Class Rank: 94 overall, 9 last week

Oh yes Durgi, I run in fear of your rr5 shadowblade!


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 17, 2004
Glacier said:
The reason SM is of r0x for mid caster groups is not just for the pet.

They have red dex/qui+dex debuff, wich will greatly eff up anything that casts spells, it has the highest lifedrain spell in the game, with 90% life return (by alot more than the ones coming close to it, apart from warlock ofcourse) wich makes it a great damage dealer, aswell as healing itself with the nukes, making it less of a pain for the healers to heal it.
The intercept pet is a good bonus, but apart from intercepting it also: procs 2-3 different effects on a target, making the pet a great interrupt one aswell.
And the sm can easily peel off lowbie pets/theurg pets with the 176 delve blue pbae he will get from leftover in supp.

Im not saying its the best class in the game, im just saying that its easily
whine material :)

Good post =)

Gamah said:
Yeah those 2 dex debuffs + interupting pet which casts spells though bg = sux vs other casters

I did not mean that the sm sucks vs other casters. What I ment was that what really makes the sm special is the pets ability to intercept, and like Glacier says, its 90% return on the lifetap in the darkness line. This does not give the dark sm any paticular advantage 1 on 1 vs another caster, but it will help him in groups - Just like other casters will have other abilities which makes em stick out. Such things being; Long range mezz, nearsight, aoe root, theurg pets, stun, debuff for own damage type, pure-caster pets, bolts ..The list goes on and on.

Just like intercept can be a killer for a tank vs a dark sm, the nearsight can be a real killer vs a sm. Of course nearsight could be a killer versus any caster.

The double dex debuffs does of course help a lot against other casters, but the sm is not alone about having the ability to do this. If we are talking groups, both the sorc, and the light elder - which i'd say is pretty common in both alb and hib groups have this, and more.

Im not saying that the sm is in any way "underpowered", I just feel like its wrong to call it overpowered - Which I feel like many do.

I'll shut up now, sorry :p


FH is my second home
Nov 7, 2004
Gamah said:
Well it appears I have found out who the mystery man is

Sojik Dangersmurf <Slayers Brotherhood>, Level 50 Shadowblade: 640,338 RP (RR5L3, Last Week: 34,592), required for RR5L4: 685,850 (45,512 to go), required for RR6: 1,010,625 (370,287 to go) Class Rank: 94 overall, 9 last week

Oh yes Durgi, I run in fear of your rr5 shadowblade!

i would to, spammed PA on me when he wasnt stealthed :x


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Phooka said:
Lol sry too say but u sound just like your avetar... Steven Hawkins with a dildo up his rectum...

Don't mess with the Kitt, your avatar is very mature too.

Faril said:
Forfid just stfu

Well, your IQ's is just as high as George Bush :worthy:

If you dont have a point or can't debate keep your mouth shut.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 12, 2005
keep arguing guys very funny to read this whole thread :p

but please separate WLs from the realm mid when u QQ, there are people playing thanes, SBs etc too :p and dont tell me skills are optional for thanes! :p
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