Level 25 Stingay Vs Unbuffed 24 Thugs Gimped Kob


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Play with your sis? How old are you? - 10?

Watch it though m8y. You getting all steamed up and you know I can keep the finger on your weak spots so you get even more worked up. You gonna get banned if yah don't watch it :twak: . Me I is fully in control :) .
even if i were 10 im sure my social life would rock more than yours.
hehe yes, please go on thinking you hit my weak spot


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 4, 2004
Thugs said:
M8y you have always been a whiner - a major one - from day one. Never mind this particular post. Even when I have attempted to be sensible you have still whined.
this dear Mr. Thugs is wrong, if you flip back through the posting history you'll find that the few times it has happened that you have posted something that isn't "i rawk" non-sense, I have actually commmended you for making a sensible post, but imho it happens with such rarity that i almost forgot having ever done it myself.

Cave Troll

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2005

Quote Thug’s

Cave Troll you mindless idiot.
Meet you first time and kicked your arse infront of all your Alb friends that kindly let us fight. Now you gotta own up I fought really well and took you out no problem. No heal pot taken either.

2nd time I paused to pop a pot and nothing happens and you kill me.

3rd time you were waiting for me at apk and guess wot I killed you again with no run-through at all.
Even so Cave Troll I beat you whilst unbuffed 2x to your one. Still amazing and just goes to prove how good I am again

So what's it like to be killed by a mindless idiot/Chicken shit alb/shit inf ?

Why not widen the picture for boy's and girl's so they can apreciate just how good you are ?

True, thugs 2 Boraca 1, no arguments, but you forgot to tell everyone on all 3
encounters you got the jump on me (2/3/4 hits for free) it happens.

I think most peeps will agree that if you get the jump on someone chances are your going to win, unlucky if you dont (stealther vs Stealther) combined with Snare/BS/poison game over, also your stealth plays a big part in getting in 1st or you could be facing in the wrong direction so many reasons to take into account.

It doesent make you the most amazing thing since sliced bread, and certainly nothing to Brag about ?

When i killed you (after you jumped me) i bowed to you its called respect
silly me and what is your response,

mindless idiot/Chicken shit alb/shit inf ? i think this about sums you up.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Jobil said:
this dear Mr. Thugs is wrong, if you flip back through the posting history you'll find that the few times it has happened that you have posted something that isn't "i rawk" non-sense, I have actually commmended you for making a sensible post, but imho it happens with such rarity that i almost forgot having ever done it myself.

Flesh > Thugs IMO... :D hahahaha!!!

seriously thugs - you take this game far too seriously, and have an overinflated view of your own mediocre talent (i use the word "mediocre" for two reasons; 1. I guess it's gonna be one that you'll have to look up, so at least it might slow down your "i-sit-on-my-arse-and-do-jack-sh!t-of-any-use-to-anyone-cept-the-people-making-cash-from-my-weak-arse-forum-trolling", and 2. it really is mediocre! You are proud of being good at the lowest form of this game - Thats like me being overjoyed that I won a fight at nursery school)

Yeah, you made some kills, your on a lucky streak, but the well known and often used "run-through-bug" has been used by all levels since dirt was invented. If i met any of your alts in Thid, when i was back as an alb, i'd not have even bothered fighting you after reading all this hilarious bullshit you wheel out on here.

Please, just to ease my mind - what do you do in an average day? Cos from where i, and many many others on here (actually, everyone who isnt another of your FH alts) are kinda split on whether to insult you for being such a night light, or feel sorry for you for having such a counter-productive life, staring friendless, pale skinned and red-eyed (but not a GOOD red-i :D) at that monitor.

Please, go to the plug, turn this box off and go out and discover what living is, instead of existing in a pretend world made of pixels and dots - believe me, the sky and tree textures outside are WAAAAAY more l333t than the ones in Thid...


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004
Cave Troll

When i killed you (after you jumped me) i bowed to you its called respect
silly me and what is your response,

mindless idiot/Chicken shit alb/shit inf ? i think this about sums you up.

Respect? I was incredibly pissed at you for trying to kill me for the 3rd time and yet you didn't drop your buffs once? First time I can accept cos you never knew I was there. 2nd time? ok maybe you should have them then but you were still looking for me. 3rd bloody time you STILL had buffs on yet you knew I was gonna show each and every time unbuffed. I really find that appalling. You could see how much you outdamaged me when buffed up but still you kept them on? Dreadful. You got no idea how hard it is to kill a buffed up inf with sc gear on when unbuffed as an sb and I had to fight you 3x in a bloody row!

You should be damn well ashamed of yourself Cave Troll.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
Thugs said:
Respect? I was incredibly pissed at you for trying to kill me for the 3rd time and yet you didn't drop your buffs once? First time I can accept cos you never knew I was there. 2nd time? ok maybe you should have them then but you were still looking for me. 3rd bloody time you STILL had buffs on yet you knew I was gonna show each and every time unbuffed. I really find that appalling. You could see how much you outdamaged me when buffed up but still you kept them on? Dreadful. You got no idea how hard it is to kill a buffed up inf with sc gear on when unbuffed as an sb and I had to fight you 3x in a bloody row!

You should be damn well ashamed of yourself Cave Troll.

Q to the Q


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Typical Thugs .. Rediknigth complety totally and utterly pwns Thugs .. points out to him how sad he is ... and he completely ignores the entire post and in stead replies to someone he killed in game because that matters more to him.

Sad :(

Oh and don't dare say something bad about Job's sister. She rules fyi.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Hi Thugs! If you intend to keep posting on these boards, could you please read my short-list of things to try NOT to do in future please?

1) Stop saying 'pop' a potion, vary your vocabulary! Maybe say 'drink' a potion? Or perhaps 'down' a potion?

2) Please dont feel the need to post a thread/reply everytime you kill someone in the playground.

3) Stop claiming you're the best and most skilled player ingame (Even if you feel you are, and that you need to share it with us multiple times a day.)

4) Please dont tell us about your personal hygeine habbits, as frankly I dont really think anybody wants to know.

5) Stop using insults which apply to yourself more than the person you're directing them at.

6) Please stop telling the board that you're bored with DAoC and going to take a break for a few days, or perhaps quit the game altogether.. and then come back a few hours later with another: "Thugs vs RandomStealther#362" thread.

..and last but not least:


Thanks! Take Care!


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 11, 2004
CstasY said:
Hi Thugs! If you intend to keep posting on these boards, could you please read my short-list of things to try NOT to do in future please?

1) Stop saying 'pop' a potion, vary your vocabulary! Maybe say 'drink' a potion? Or perhaps 'down' a potion?

2) Please dont feel the need to post a thread/reply everytime you kill someone in the playground.

3) Stop claiming you're the best and most skilled player ingame (Even if you feel you are, and that you need to share it with us multiple times a day.)

4) Please dont tell us about your personal hygeine habbits, as frankly I dont really think anybody wants to know.

5) Stop using insults which apply to yourself more than the person you're directing them at.

6) Please stop telling the board that you're bored with DAoC and going to take a break for a few days, or perhaps quit the game altogether.. and then come back a few hours later with another: "Thugs vs RandomStealther#362" thread.

..and last but not least:


Thanks! Take Care!

:worthy: nicely put Shame he wont listen :mad:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Hehe after all this time no-one has managed to put me in my place Cstasy. I bet that REALLY REALLY pisses u off eh!

1. 'Pop' a potion makes more sense to me cos you have practically no-time left to do it. Tis a life or death situation a lot of the time and 'pop' abouts sums it up for me cos it gotta be done really quickly.
2. I only posts the fights worth reading about. You think I post each and every fight? Nope only the ones I know peeps are interested in.
3. 'Best player' Well I rubs your noses innit don't I. You lot think you are good if you manage to kill someone buffed up and they ain't? I do it the other way around = very good in my opinion and a lotta others do too.
4. Personal Hygiene - eh you do know when I pulling your legs - right?
5. Am bored with the game and only play forra very short time now to keep my hand in. Ain't easy playing my sbs and I lose the edge quite quickly.
6. My webpage? :) Hadda warning off the moderators infact so I ain't putting a link to it on any of my replies now am I.

You got anything else for me to reply to?

Cstasy = very jealous guy!

Cave Troll

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2005

Quote Thug’s

Respect? I was incredibly pissed at you for trying to kill me for the 3rd time and yet you didn't drop your buffs once? First time I can accept cos you never knew I was there. 2nd time? ok maybe you should have them then but you were still looking for me. 3rd bloody time you STILL had buffs on yet you knew I was gonna show each and every time unbuffed. I really find that appalling. You could see how much you outdamaged me when buffed up but still you kept them on? Dreadful. You got no idea how hard it is to kill a buffed up inf with sc gear on when unbuffed as an sb and I had to fight you 3x in a bloody row!

You should be damn well ashamed of yourself Cave Troll

Why ?

I think you got wrong end of the stick, i was NOT looking for you in particular
repeat NOT, we met ok 3 times in a row luck/unlucky so what it happens, i dont have a crystal ball to tell me who/when i'm going to meet peeps just run into each other, was getting late and not many on line to boot, so why should i remove my buff's ? ohh in case i do run into you, RIGHT, get real

I dont spend all my time in Thid looking for you ff's I dont mind who i run into
its a game thug's a game try and enjoy it, hit and run, pa/bs whatever turns you on do it and enjoy it. We met 3 times and had 3 good fights no add's no zerg's whats wrong with that, your always complaining you dont get enough clean fights ? Right

Also you seem to of forgotten on all 3 accounts it was you who jumped me !

I cant believe your compaining about us meeting 3 times in thid and i was buffed and stalking you, if i read you right, try and stalk any stealther in thid let me know how you get on.

As for my buff's well get used to it, like most peeps who have a bb. use it.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
1. 'Pop' a potion makes more sense to me cos you have practically no-time left to do it. Tis a life or death situation a lot of the time and 'pop' abouts sums it up for me cos it gotta be done really quickly.

don't care

2. I only posts the fights worth reading about. You think I post each and every fight? Nope only the ones I know peeps are interested in.

don't care

3. 'Best player' Well I rubs your noses innit don't I. You lot think you are good if you manage to kill someone buffed up and they ain't? I do it the other way around = very good in my opinion and a lotta others do too.

don't care

4. Personal Hygiene - eh you do know when I pulling your legs - right?

don't care

5. Am bored with the game and only play forra very short time now to keep my hand in my pants. Ain't easy playing with myself and I lose the edge quite quickly.


6. My webpage? :) Hadda warning off the moderators infact so I ain't putting a link to it on any of my replies now am I.

good - keep it that way.

You got anything else for me to reply to?

<zooms forward 50 years>

"I rule i am the l337!! i kick all your arse in thid and... hello? hellooo? anyone here? Hell, im even the best at being a lonely, sad-sack, bedridden, alcoholic with bed sores from sitting playing games for so long... Who's that at the door? Bayliffs? what do you mean you've come to reposess my house cos i paid no rent? Ill PWN YOU BOTH WITH MY UN-BUFFED, UN-TWEAKED SB, COS I AM THE DAMN BEST!!!!"

<thugs is still monologuing as they cart the last of his ZX Spectrum games from his house...>

its amazing what my imagination manages whilst its meant to be working :D


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Shanaia said:
Yep fine thanks. And how are you?

not bad - new job, which doesnt seem to mind me sitting here refreshing this every hour or so. Thought i'd spend the time trying to help our Thugs here salvage something from the wreck of a life (and reputation) he's earning himself, but seems he's determined to be lowered into a big-fat hole in the ground, with a stone above him which says "I PWN!!!" :wanker: haha!

you still stalk?


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

M8y your posts are too long. If yah don't get to the point in just a sentence or 2 me is gone - and so are all the rest I bet. Keep it short and sweet m8 or you gonna be 'passed over' and never getta reply off me.

Oh and Cave Troll. You knew it was gonna be just you and me on that last fight. I died - 1.30 am and bout the only mid left on! Wot you do - rush over to mpk and wait for me to show. Well I ain't dull like Stingah and bloody well knew you would be there so I end up jumping you again. Tis all these things that make me good you see - insight!

Eh - 1.30am - me only Thid on - wot she do? - keeps her buffs on after just managing to kill me too!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rediknight said:
not bad - new job, which doesnt seem to mind me sitting here refreshing this every hour or so. Thought i'd spend the time trying to help our Thugs here salvage something from the wreck of a life (and reputation) he's earning himself, but seems he's determined to be lowered into a big-fat hole in the ground, with a stone above him which says "I PWN!!!" :wanker: haha!

you still stalk?

Good to hear about your new job! I got a new job as well and also quite a lot of time to read these boards which is nice.

And don't try to help Thugs ... I've been trying it for like half a year and all it got me is that Thugs is now afraid of me ... I make his skin crawl even ... that's how his brain reacts to reading the cold hard truth I'm afraid.

And I don't stalk enough anymore ... especially since I'm now all of a sudden fotm etc. So been mainly playing Paladin and Icewizard in RvR. And finding it a lot of fun still.


One of Freddy's beloved
May 14, 2004
If Thugs doesn't quote this it means I am on his ignore list xD

Thugs, you are the greatest player alive!


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Thugs said:
M8y your posts are too long. If yah don't get to the point in just a sentence or 2 me is gone - and so are all the rest I bet. Keep it short and sweet m8 or you gonna be 'passed over' and never getta reply off me.

i quote the punk band "Fizzy Bangers":
"Why can't people understand, i got a short attention span, short attention spaaaaaan..."

The fact that you cant manage to read (period?) a few sentances just shows that you have no chance of ever being anything more than a nerdy kid who plays computer games 24/7, and has no mates. At least im a nerdy adult who likes to play computer games in my spare time :p

No-one cares if you kill every single 'puter game character - Bomberman, Sonic, Mario (both of em if you want), even Psycho Fox - kill em all!! it doesnt make your cock any larger, and it wont make them pesky hairs grown down there, either...

I kinda think your only here to make all of us realise that there is ALWAYS gonna be someone more despairing than us - and Flesh Pwned you at trolling this place too, so your not even the best at that :p


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Rediknight said:

R to the O to the F to the L

I thought I was pretty good in telling Thugs how it is but you just took the cake mate...

I don't care what galaxy you're from but THAT'S GOTTA HURT! (Copyright G. Lucas sorry mr Lucas)


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Wot gotta hurt? where - wot etc. Yah all knows I gotta selective memory and also a selective reading method. I just ignore most of wot you lot write totally. Water offa duck's back.

Who is 'Flesh' by the way?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Youse are an annoying lot but me is past being a legend now. Me is bloody well immortalised in game player terms as far as DAOC is concerned. No-one has killed more higher powered players consistantly than me. No-one has bragged and bragged and remained unbeaten for so long. Only time I have lost fights is when I bloody well miss over and over or my poison hasn't taken. Not many of them either.

Youse all think you can step into my shoes? Bah no-one has come even close to it. Yah don't realize how good I am until I attack you. Tis then you find out that skill is all over me. From the top of my ed to the tips of my toes. I know so many different ways to kill youse you just gotta prey your buffs etc can help u last long enough. Any other stealther unbuffed I kills like I stomping on a bug.

Ise the kiddy for so long now tis fooking unbelievable and remarkable. Wot you lot ever managed eh?

immortalised? yes.. like that sad sad guy cybering with someone he barely knows (is a man irl) then goes all crazy when they post the SS's... Cecil something. People will remember you as the pathetic guy who used multiple accounts to praise himself.

Now, knocking Thugs might be alittle Fotm ;) and tbh i dont think he will ever get the point. It's like kicking a puppy.. a retarded puppy with delusions of grandeur, buuuut a puppy none the less.

i have watched a couple of your vids and i have to say i'm not that impressed by your "skillz" you nearly loose to an unbuffed merc, even though you abuse the game mechanics like a 2$ whore and switch weapons every 2 secs to get all the poisons off.

Thugs said:
Ise the kiddy for so long now tis fooking unbelievable and remarkable. Wot you lot ever managed eh?

Well, killed a fg of hibs as a sorc. killed a bard and 4 NS adds with a merc and. kill 3+ people all the time as a tank. and i do so without abusing anything. Yes i do once in a while post on the BG forums. But what you have to remember is not all take Thid so seriously. I do meet people 1on1 who can give me a run for my money. But even if i beat them i dont get the delusion that im the king of anything. next time i meet them they could have a horseshoe up their ass an evade/parry/block 9 out of 10 times.

You say that you could be the best DAoC player period. i think the lack of daylight might have effected your brain abit there. the diffrence between BG and 50 RvR is huge. almost everyone there knows their class and can eliminate your abuse and beat you into the ground VERY fast.

you might argue that SB's are gimped and you therefor are more skilled.
well i have a BG SB too. Killed 3 scouts, one of them a buffed level 25 while a keep guard was shooting at me. Am i the king now? no, i killed 3 people matched badly against my SB. You need to take a step back.. and maybe rethink your whole aproach to this.

You keep saying noone has ever played like you and never will. You are right, Noone ever want's to play like you. It's silly.

Hmm haven't been so fotm since i rolled a BD :p

You are NOT the best DAoC player; there has been, is and will be many far better than you.
You are NOT the best Thid player; there has been, is and will be many far better than you.
You are NOT the best flame baiter/troller on FH; People mention Flesh, but then again you don't know who that is. People just replies to your post since you never ever have anything logical/fun to defend yourself with so it's free shot's.. kinda like the clown on the pole shouting retarded insults at people at the fair. People line up and grabs shit to throw at you since you can't do anything to get even. Other than act like a braindead monkey with a keyboard.

But, but i is speshul! you might say.

i have really really tried to stay out of the hole Thug's thing. But really, you just keep going on and on with "i am teh king!" making small videos showing very little of the skill you are talking about.
People might have recognized you as a decent player if you didn't act like you were dropped on your head at birth and stopped raping the game mechanics, but thats all too late now.

There we go, made my post long enough to eliminate any interest at this point. If you actually read it down to here... have a cookie :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

Wot a load of ballocks.

M8y go fight Cave Troll with that 'uber' sb you got. Infact try it buffed and see how you get on. And that is just one in an extremely long line of deaded buffed peeps I have killed one on one whilst totally unbuffed. If you can't find that one try Stingah. He might only be level 24 now as opposed to level 25 when I took him out. Eh all when unbuffed m8.

You think you are good as an sb eh - prove it mister or shut the hell up. All you gotta do is brag openly and then tell peeps to post any picture they have of killing you then last for nearly 900 rps before retiring unbeaten. Like to see you even manage a tiny amount of that m8.

Go kick Cave Trolls (Boracca inf) or Stingah's (ns) arse why don't you - stay buffed cos you gonna need em badly!


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
It's just a game. Being good (or bad) at daoc means very little you know. :p


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 8, 2004

So everyone spends months and months levelling their alts and yet the game means nothing?

The game reflects who you are. I am competitive - intelligent - ruthless. Same I have been in my sport - running. Takes effort but you getta reward if you work hard. Play this game all this time yet it means 'little'? You mean every sod playing this game is wasting their time? Rubbish and you know it. You for one are also highly competitve and must be in life too. The way you conduct yourself in this game and on these boards is you or me. Not hard to see at all.

Edit: I also gotta very odd sense of humour too ;) .


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I played the game for fun. It was entertainment. I don't use it to validate my lifestyle or prove myself. If people thought I was good, then great, if not, I really don't care. As for months levelling alts, huh? Mine took a matter of hours to make by and large, hardly a huge commitment.

If I want reward for hard work etc. I have my job for that - it pays a lot better, is more rewarding and is more fun than DAoC.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2004
Thugs said:
Wot a load of ballocks.

M8y go fight Cave Troll with that 'uber' sb you got. Infact try it buffed and see how you get on. And that is just one in an extremely long line of deaded buffed peeps I have killed one on one whilst totally unbuffed. If you can't find that one try Stingah. He might only be level 24 now as opposed to level 25 when I took him out. Eh all when unbuffed m8.

You think you are good as an sb eh - prove it mister or shut the hell up. All you gotta do is brag openly and then tell peeps to post any picture they have of killing you then last for nearly 900 rps before retiring unbeaten. Like to see you even manage a tiny amount of that m8.

Go kick Cave Trolls (Boracca inf) or Stingah's (ns) arse why don't you - stay buffed cos you gonna need em badly!

tadaa you illustrate my point excatly, you sir are a puppet ^^.
No where did i say i had a SB better than anyones else, i simply pointed out what i did with the SB and said it's nothing special. Judging from your post you haven't read a word i said. Is your screen getting too sticky, from wacking your tiny prepubesent peen to your own FH post, all over the little world that is your room? try to find the word "uber" in my post, since you are so sure i called my SB by that word

why would i brag openly and ask people to post SS as proof of killing me? 'till now people have posted on the boards if they have something to say about me, good or bad. I dont need put my self on a pedistal of retarded comments and self praise just so i can put another inch on my e-peen.
retired unbeaten? horseshit :) i remember you getting your ass kicked by a friar. unbeaten means that no one, not a single person beat you. not that you win 99% of the times.

Thugs said:
Go kick Cave Trolls (Boracca inf) or Stingah's (ns) arse why don't you - stay buffed cos you gonna need em badly!
well, if a brag is what you are looking for with me.. i guess i can humour the readers alittle.

/trashtalk on
You boast about beating buffed mercs all the time. I can promise you. Go make a SB on excal, buff him, abuse the game mechanics, switch weapons every 2 secs. i'll play my merc, i'll rip your head off and piss down your neck 'till you are nothing more than HO urincup.
/trashtalk off

see it's easy being silly and talk trash.
But then again, i doubt the excal people want your retarted pressence anywhere near their boards.

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