How?Loxleyhood said:A true stealther is always going to be the superior of any group player.
Because we don't rely on other people for success.Jaapi said:How?
Don't worry, you managed to read the first part of the sentance.Loxleyhood said:A true stealther is always going to be the superior of any group player, for we rely on nobody but ourselves.
Why does that only apply to stealthers? Other classes solo too you know.Loxleyhood said:Because we don't rely on other people for success.
And your statements is as false as the day is long, all stealthers have buffbots/buffs which means that you can't even kill anyone without a help from another char.Don't worry, you managed to read the first part of the sentance.
But you don't. Such an independent class.Loxleyhood said:We could kill without buffbots, if other people weren't buffed.
Yes. You see your argument is flawed. If everyone didn't use buffbots then there wouldn't be a problem and stealthers would be able to RvR without buffers. That would be in an ideal world but in reality one stealther would get a buffer to have an advantage, then more, until eventually you would have the current situation where everyone has a buffer.Jaapi said:But you don't. Such an independent class.
You still think you don't rely on others?
All good arguments start with an if...Loxleyhood said:You see your argument is flawed. If...
Now i can see your superiority compared to others. \o/Loxleyhood said:In any case a buffer is not another player.
See what you did wrong there? Stealther in itself doesn't mean solo when a lot of stealthers are grouped, you are talking about any class that goes out there solo and that has nothing to do with "stealthers are the cream of the earth and only solo class" bullshit you're shoveling.Loxleyhood said:Fact is if a group char makes a mistake and is getting himself killed then he doesn't need to worry because he will be healed. A soloer does not have that luxury. For a true soloer there is little room for error.
Indeed, cos stealthers never group.Loxleyhood said:I said true stealthers, and I describe what I believe true stealthers are in the original post, which your clearly labouriously studied. Stealthers have to work harder than a grouper for success.
I never said anything about grouping either way. Please actually read my post before embarrassing yourself again.Jaapi said:Indeed, cos stealthers never group.
If i solo with my enchanter, am i a True Enchanter?
Did some studying on it and here's the result. Notice that the word stealther is replaced by "solo enchanter" and you might notice what makes your rant funny.Loxleyhood said:I never said anything about grouping either way. Please actually read my post before embarrassing yourself again.
Now do you realize that you are not talking about stealthers, but solo characters all together? Stealther is not the divine class you're trying to make it to be, all those go for ANY class that plays solo out there.Group players aren't worthy to kiss a true solo enchanter's boots. I mean real solo enchanters, who started the game playing their enchanter or have played it for a very long time. Players that play an enchanter because they are an enchanter, and not for the sheer success of it.
A true solo enchanter is always going to be the superior of any group player, for we rely on nobody but ourselves. Got yourself targetted when you leeched on a full group fight? Better do something pretty fantastic buddy, because you're going to die. We don't have no precious healers saving us while we stand there dribbling.
A solo enchanter is always at the risk of being steamrolled and he must always have a sharp mind and a cruel skill. You attack, you win, you get the fuck away. There is no room for a mistake, every second you spend in the open is a second where a full group can come and shaft you or a dozen alt stealthers, /spit, to come and kill you, and then laugh at you.
The next time a true solo enchanter adds on your healers, the first thing you do is say, "Thank you sir, may I have another?!"
A good and very well constructed argument. You trying to be Glottis II?Loxleyhood said:A stealther who solos is a good and honourable player. A chanter who solos is an idiot.
Indeed, fun is important to me.Jaond said:Sure it can be fun to solo with my thane but my sb is better
Sure my sb can do good in a fg but my healer is better
Jaapi said:So when i kill a solo stealther as a chanter, i'm not being effective?
There are other soloers out there too, just because it's hard doesn't mean you should choose the honourable and easy way.
Jaapi said:Indeed, fun is important to me.![]()
Thats bullshit. Plenty of solo skalds about doing very well for themselves.Loxleyhood said:You cannot effectively solo without a stealth key. Since I mistakenly believed everyone in the world had enough braincells to realise this, I naturally assumed this topic was about stealthers.