Latest server info!!


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 30, 2004
I'm sorry the servers aren't up. Just like all of you I wanted to come home from work and try out all the new stuff on my characters, play with my friends, and relax. All of us did and if it had been possible to get the servers up and working before we went home then I guarantee it would have been done. As it is, we'll get it working as quickly as we can and then give you free subs time to make up for the time you couldn't play, there really isn't a lot more to be done about it.

Im not going to QQ Whine but thats a very well put reply, answer, deffo a customer support answer, and thank you for posting and keeping us informed, but that tells us not alot :(

What is the ETA on the Fix ? Any idea at all, people must know what the problem is and have a ETA on fixing it

If you dont know what the problem is, as I fear is the case at least have the balls to say we are working on the problem but at the moment we dont know what it is.

I understand we will get compensated for lost play time etc etc, thats all well and good and to be expected to be honest, but some answers as to time scale would be good

after all Time is Money and Money makes the World Go Round


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 27, 2005
Esselinithia said:
Tilda: It is amazing how one of the mods who should stop flame on board start one in some topics. If the test server uses the same configuration, you copy the same databases, etc. to it for the purposes of the tests, there should be only a few problems. But we have lots of problems.

Why we have more propblems? Because people who should be responsible for preventing these problems (yes, the selected testers) fail to prevent certain problems, while the testers of other games can prevent similar problems.

So instead of bragging, flaming, and claiming how much IQ you think you have, think about how to prevent such problems next time. Maybe, if you fail to think: "I shouldn't start flaming, when I am a mod and my responsibility to stop flames", you also fail to think what should you do as tester when you should test the servers?

its obvious.... they use testing time to flame ppl here instead :cheers:


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 14, 2005
Ah well if we are getting our subscriptions extended for the downtime no biggie. Take your time and get it sorted. There are other things to do in life in the meantime.

If the missing zones are all of Mid can't the game just come up though? RVR would be more fun without em :)

Requiel I love you!!!!!!!!!!


It's my birthday today!
Dec 24, 2003
Neill1983 said:
Requiel any clue about how this will react on the 1 month free trial I got by buying the game today (29/03)

pretty sure you'll get a free day added on.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 26, 2004
patch knacked by a french student on work experience imo ;)


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
mmm, Ys up again, 66 on atm.

Probably more testing mind you...


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
ys population going up by the min, maybe this time all will be good???

ah who the fuck am i kidding


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
[GOA]Erivoss said:
sorry, testing with mythic devs - servers definately not up tonight :(

Thanks dude, thats all most wanted clarification on. The news on the homepage was about as specific as most political speeches.

As stupid as it sounds coming from someone who yells a lot at requiel, i understand how much shit you have to take from customers so you deserve some praise imo :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
aye its a good point. Simple updates which are to the point, are very much appreciated

Adlatus Hellbringer

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 10, 2005
Guys imo just chill out surely u can go 1 or 2 nights without daoc... reading through these boards is like reading about a load of smokers qqing about not having ne fags lol

Potato Junkie

Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2005
while this is obviously a shite circumstance, and fingers crossed we don't lose anything like happened with the pryd palaver ... gives us all more time to try out/ post the weird sexual preferences, tbh, most interesting thread for months :drink:

but seriously, at least they're keepin us informed!


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 18, 2004
adlatues mate im not addicted to daoc lol, but i reopened my account a couple of days ago in the knowledge the patch would be up and running.

yes shit happens and i can deal with it no worries, but surely i have the right to be a bit annoyed about the matter? its not like ive been whining on here or anywhere else, its just that i paid my subs, and wanted to know when i could actually play. i appreciate there is nothing that can be done, but still its frustrating


Fledgling Freddie
Jun 26, 2004
Tilda said:
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is, used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

:p I think most people wouldnt really go on to test so we wouldnt lose the live population to any significant degree, Why would we demand technical support when like any other server this is listed with (TEST) seems pretty explanatory that your looking for things that seems wrong.

As for network fair point if it was not designed to handle any significant traffic but to flame for not being able to have access to a test server pfft Personally i would love access to it just so i could see any changes that affect my class and ask a friend to log on maybe for 15 mins to test out any improvements to see if i want to respec and generally just try things out.

Instead we have the live environment where we have to generally go searching boards to try pull out details we want and make generally educated guesses instead of testing out how any ideas a new patch may bring to the eu servers would pan out.

Givf access to a public test server (yeah yeah not possible due to network not designed to) :) but its nice to think over.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Hellsvip said:
Why would we demand technical support when like any other server this is listed with (TEST) seems pretty explanatory that your looking for things that seems wrong.

You've never worked with the general public have you? They do anything to whine, believe me.


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Tilda said:
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

(Yes, i'm about to flame you good, yes i'm a mod, no i'm not posting as one right now. Bite me.)

There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes.
If you bothered to exercise your obviously patheticly small brain for even a nanosecond, you'd realise that test servers aren't flawless.
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is, used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.

Nice, so you high IQ E&E testers that are obviosuly so much better than the rest of us.... cant test a simple moving a character to a new zone. I test and migrate applications and systems to live environments all the time, I know that problems slip through but saying that this happens during the transition from test to live quite frankly is bollocks (or extreamly bad planning).

The users post was simply asking for a test server like they have in the US, the chance to find problems then would be grately increased, there is no need to treat him like a pre-school idiot. Quite frankly I couldnt care if the servers are down for a few more days, I dont give a hoot that they werent up last night - I have other things to do :) but you're high and mighty speech was pathetic especialy for someone in your situation.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 23, 2003
Tears said:
Nice, so you high IQ E&E testers that are obviosuly so much better than the rest of us.... (snip)


my IQ is 147

so sue me :)


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
Takhasis said:

my IQ is 147

so sue me :)

I demand an online challenge of something that uses brain power rather than reaction speed :) set it up !!


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
Tears said:
I demand an online challenge of something that uses brain power rather than reaction speed :) set it up !!

define "brain power", as ofc reaction speed is a test of motor control which can be attributed to brain power.


One of Freddy's beloved
Oct 4, 2004
Mine is 143 but that doesnt mean didly squat!
Tears is right in what he has said.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 26, 2005
so, so far on this 1 thread on this one forum we have 2 people who are in the top 5% of the worlds pop and are considered genius.. anyone else? :D

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