Latest server info!!


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
rampant said:
what i would do is to block the traffic going into their server farms, then bring all the servers up and only then allow access to the servers (once they have tested them)

instead they bring up one server- everyone goes 'whopp' and presses the logon button and BAM - no server...
Ys was brought up for testing and was shut down again by us as it was not supposed to be publically accessible. It didn't crash due to load. In general excessive load will not cause the entire server to crash, just the busy zones.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 5, 2004
rampant said:
what i would do is to block the traffic going into their server farms, then bring all the servers up and only then allow access to the servers (once they have tested them)

instead they bring up one server- everyone goes 'whopp' and presses the logon button and BAM - no server...

Guess we just wait then...................


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 13, 2004
Damn it Requiel, i want my drugs.....errr... daoc....

Stop posting on FH and get back to work :)


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 4, 2004
Look on the bright side

When it does come back up all those FOTM Warlocks will have been nerfed.

What a shame :cheers:

And TOA will be less painful


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 16, 2004
WoW hade patch day also...but the took server down 4 in the morning and hade it down 12 hours...up and running now with no problems...and they dont bring servers up until they have fully tested the patch


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Imho if he is on FH, that means he had time to post here. If it is the technical staff who should check the source of a problem and GMs can't do much... it is nice to see a GM making a post here.

3 things makes me worried:
No ETA on the fix yet. (if it would look good GMs would be more busy with fixing things imho)
Last time they had to work at night and servers were down was a bad incident. (most simple issues can be solved quickly using documented methods tried before...)
And what Requiel have posted haven't told us much about the real problem.

About other companies have problems too: Blizzard had a problem with a WoW patch today, but their servers are running now.

Mythic has problems as well, but XML, etc tends to be up, most problems are solved quickly (none of the problems were as big as the prydwen crash was). And most of the time problems don't get out of hand, even if noone used (and tested) the code before them, they deal with lots of new problems without documented quick fixes, etc.


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Elitestoner said:
nice to see u are working the night shift requiel ;)

If its anything like most small businesses he'll have been made to stay i imagine. So out of all of us its least fun for him and the team hes working with.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Since the issue we are confronted with since this afternoon cannot be solved immediately, we have decided to postpone the server opening in order to allow our technicians and those of Mythic to work in the best conditions.
Just as you are, we deeply regret this situation and we are extremely disappointed that we had to take this decision. Unfortunately there is no other alternative for the moment. Considering this exceptional event, we will of course compensate for the exceptional downtime of the servers in the form of subscription extensions.
We thank you for your understanding.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
time to make some plans for the weekend then, decorating or gardening.. hmm the choices :)


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
Actually I can remember a company who put in an amazing patch day performance that included a speedy turn around on ALL servers, included two patches, coincided with a new commercial expansion release that was simultaneously available to license online for the first time and who, overall, did a bloody good job imho...

The patches were: 1.79 and 1.80

The expansion was: Darkness Rising

The company was: GOA

How short some memories are.

Now stfu whinging.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 21, 2004
Dervish said:
Actually I can remember a company who put in an amazing patch day performance that included a speedy turn around on ALL servers, included two patches, coincided with a new commercial expansion release that was simultaneously available to license online for the first time and who, overall, did a bloody good job imho...

The patches were: 1.79 and 1.80

The expansion was: Darkness Rising

The company was: GOA

How short some memories are.

Now stfu whinging.



Fledgling Freddie
Aug 4, 2005
Chill m8s pubs still open, go down there for an hour or sommit and forget about it :drink:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
And with those news come no news...its not like we didnt realize that 4 hours after "afternoon" has passed the opening is delayed. Makes everyone happier that there is still no news on a estimated opening time nor progress either. :mad:


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
you get a "free" day for the day you couldn't play!


Fledgling Freddie
Aug 3, 2004
[29-03-2006] Servers opening delayed

Since the issue we are confronted with since this afternoon cannot be solved immediately, we have decided to postpone the server opening in order to allow our technicians and those of Mythic to work in the best conditions.
Just as you are, we deeply regret this situation and we are extremely disappointed that we had to take this decision. Unfortunately there is no other alternative for the moment. Considering this exceptional event, we will of course compensate for the exceptional downtime of the servers in the form of subscription extensions.
We thank you for your understanding.

Is it just me or does that read like it was written in a rush as someone was picking up their coat to go home :)


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Dervish said:
Actually I can remember a company who put in an amazing patch day performance that included a speedy turn around on ALL servers, included two patches, coincided with a new commercial expansion release that was simultaneously available to license online for the first time and who, overall, did a bloody good job imho...

The patches were: 1.79 and 1.80

The expansion was: Darkness Rising

The company was: GOA

How short some memories are.

Now stfu whinging.

Yes, GOA managed to release Darkness Rising with very few problems on patchday.

Now they go and ruin their reputation yet again.


Fledgling Freddie
Sep 8, 2004
A good reason why we should have a test server open to all in Europe - if they had done it on test first would have discovered all the glitches b4 trying it on all the other servers, then atleast we would 1.80 still to play on.

We do have a test server no idea why - even if not open all the time cannot open it for these occassions to test new patch 1st - oh well hope it is not all week - not to bothered working all over weekend so best week for me for it to be messed up.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Sad thing is that GoA is too cheep, to have a public testserver running. That would make patching more reliable.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Dervish: You say, that was a big and unusual feat, that would be a signal of excellent work, I wouldn't say that: Online licencing option doesn't change the difficulty of patching.

Adding an expansion and the corresponding patch isn't an unusual feat.
Applying an extra patch: you know how much time it should take, and if you don't the stuff it isn't much extra either. And we ignored the possibility of combined patches that would eliminate even this little extra work.

So that patch wasn't an amazing feat, but of course you can ask: if we had full funcitinality quickly (accurate XML, etc) or not? What happened with the prydwen crash, with several other patches, etc. was a big problem, so the balance of things? If GOA manages to do their usual job without BIG problems, you call that an amazing performance? Maybe for them...


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
...we have decided to postpone the server opening in order to allow our technicians and those of Mythic to work in the best conditions.

Best conditions meaning... daylight?

I'll have to use the "best conditions" bit the next time our network goes down and I don't want to stay and have to fix it. :p


Dec 22, 2003
LawBringer said:
A good reason why we should have a test server open to all in Europe - if they had done it on test first would have discovered all the glitches b4 trying it on all the other servers, then atleast we would 1.80 still to play on.

We do have a test server no idea why - even if not open all the time cannot open it for these occassions to test new patch 1st - oh well hope it is not all week - not to bothered working all over weekend so best week for me for it to be messed up.
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

(Yes, i'm about to flame you good, yes i'm a mod, no i'm not posting as one right now. Bite me.)

There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes.
If you bothered to exercise your obviously patheticly small brain for even a nanosecond, you'd realise that test servers aren't flawless.
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is, used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tilda said:
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

(Yes, i'm about to flame you good, yes i'm a mod, no i'm not posting as one right now. Bite me.)

There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes.
If you bothered to exercise your obviously patheticly small brain for even a nanosecond, you'd realise that test servers aren't flawless.
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is also used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.


Out of interest though, what data is used on the test server?

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