Latest server info!!


Dec 22, 2003
Kaod said:

Out of interest though, what data is used on the test server?
Phew, calmed down a bit now. :p
It really (;)) pisses me off when people say omg no testing, when in reality the E&E have been testing since the first day we could to try and squash the bugs out.
The data isn't copied from a server as such, its a clean one, although once you create a charachter there it persists through the patches.
I think thats what you meant regarding data?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 7, 2004
Tilda said:
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

(Yes, i'm about to flame you good, yes i'm a mod, no i'm not posting as one right now. Bite me.)

There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes.
If you bothered to exercise your obviously patheticly small brain for even a nanosecond, you'd realise that test servers aren't flawless.
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is also used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.
Don't say things to people on this forum that you wouldn't say to their face, and that's not a challenge to the macho arseholes out their to prove themselves. Sin and be banned probably for good. If you're nasty and unpleasant, you are not wanted

# Respect your fellow forum users. If you want to take issue with what they say then do so by sticking to the point, not by using your well honed skills in 1337 5p34k.
# Personal attacks will not be tolerated, if you use the forums to wage virtual war you aren't just a very sad individual who probably likes to bash the bishop to streaming goat pr0n but you will also not be welcome here.


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
Esselinithia said:
Dervish: You say, that was a big and unusual feat, that would be a signal of excellent work, I wouldn't say that: Online licencing option doesn't change the difficulty of patching.

Adding an expansion and the corresponding patch isn't an unusual feat.
Applying an extra patch: you know how much time it should take, and if you don't the stuff it isn't much extra either. And we ignored the possibility of combined patches that would eliminate even this little extra work.

So that patch wasn't an amazing feat, but of course you can ask: if we had full funcitinality quickly (accurate XML, etc) or not? What happened with the prydwen crash, with several other patches, etc. was a big problem, so the balance of things? If GOA manages to do their usual job without BIG problems, you call that an amazing performance? Maybe for them...

I didn't say it was unusual or amazing but I was very glad that it went smoothly.

Unless I'm mistaken the XML structure in EU is different to the US server XML so needs working on after the patch goes live. Any mods able to confirm that? I would rather be laughing it up with my guildies with no XML than have perfect XML output for a game that wasn't working...

Any of those events I listed are challenging enough I suspect but when added all together I bet it just gets more and more tricky. No company does this perfectly.

Nothing translates directly from a test server to a live server - things you couldn't possibly foresee smack you in the crown jewels and you can bet techies at GOA were going crazy trying to fix it and have reluctantly given up after a hard day. I bet they didn't want to admit defeat but after a days patching and then trying to sort this mess out I bet they are knackered. I would rather they go home to their families and friends, get a good nights sleep and fix it in the morning. Or would anyone rather some half asleep techie pushed the wrong button and... well... exactly.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Tilda said:
The data isn't copied from a server as such, its a clean one, although once you create a charachter there it persists through the patches.
I think thats what you meant regarding data?

So, in reality then, it's completely artifical data and versions of the live data from one whole server aren't copied across to test????

Oh my... :(


Can't get enough of FH
Nov 25, 2004
Dervish said:
Nothing translates directly from a test server to a live server - things you couldn't possibly foresee smack you in the crown jewels and you can bet techies at GOA were going crazy trying to fix it and have reluctantly given up after a hard day. I bet they didn't want to admit defeat but after a days patching and then trying to sort this mess out I bet they are knackered. I would rather they go home to their families and friends, get a good nights sleep and fix it in the morning. Or would anyone rather some half asleep techie pushed the wrong button and... well... exactly.

Thats why any server based companies I know of have shift engineers, but nevermind.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
DocWolfe said:
He's stating facts not waging a war...

Shame really though, felt like the PvP server in this thread for a few moments there!


Can't get enough of FH
May 7, 2004
Its strange how this problem never occured on the test environment... - tilda out of interest does the test environment mirror the live environment (ie number of server/ operating systems etc).

From the resultant delays in opening the servers I can only assume that the test environment that GOA use is totally inadequate to provide any 'proper' testing. yes they do a very good job in language translation but they arnt doing very well in the server configurations.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2006
I guess most people are upset cause there is nothing ... and I mean NOTHING, we as consumers, can do about this ... well nothing but wait ...

for a fact I'm a bit disapointed too cause I just went to the store and buy the game today ... but as I have about 6 years of MMORPG xp i know these things happen ... just hope they won't happen to often.

that was my 2cp


One of Freddy's beloved
Apr 22, 2005
Neill1983 said:
I guess most people are upset cause there is nothing ... and I mean NOTHING, we as consumers, can do about this ... well nothing but wait ...

for a fact I'm a bit disapointed too cause I just went to the store and buy the game today ... but as I have about 6 years of MMORPG xp i know these things happen ... just hope they won't happen to often.

that was my 2cp

Welcome to Daoc :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Oct 31, 2004
Naffets said:
Thats why any server based companies I know of have shift engineers, but nevermind.

And you know for a fact it's server related and not Mythic software.. or both? And is it server hardware or server software.. or both? Is it the server farm interactions...?

Not a poke at you mate but they could have people of some sort there all day every day and it may not help. GOA aren't a simple webhosting server company operation they operate and support an online game so wear many hats. My point being without the RIGHT people being there it doesn't matter.

My bet is it's the Mythic software and that needs input from Mythic. Some of their techs were online I bet to help with any minor stuff but this ain't minor it would seem and so they will regroup with the right people and sort it as soon as possible.

Anyway, gives me time to add the new /use listbox templates and associated adapters into my own little mod.. :)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Tilda: It is amazing how one of the mods who should stop flame on board start one in some topics. If the test server uses the same configuration, you copy the same databases, etc. to it for the purposes of the tests, there should be only a few problems. But we have lots of problems.

Why we have more propblems? Because people who should be responsible for preventing these problems (yes, the selected testers) fail to prevent certain problems, while the testers of other games can prevent similar problems.

So instead of bragging, flaming, and claiming how much IQ you think you have, think about how to prevent such problems next time. Maybe, if you fail to think: "I shouldn't start flaming, when I am a mod and my responsibility to stop flames", you also fail to think what should you do as tester when you should test the servers?


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 22, 2003
i can w8 a day or two .. hell ive waited 6 months for one of my charaters to be restored and STILL waiting ..

im sure im not the only one either ..

wont rant about how good/bad GOA are ,, track record speaks for itself imo


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2005
Tilda said:
Why don't you get a fucking clue?

(Yes, i'm about to flame you good, yes i'm a mod, no i'm not posting as one right now. Bite me.)

There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes.
If you bothered to exercise your obviously patheticly small brain for even a nanosecond, you'd realise that test servers aren't flawless.
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is, used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.

Can u tell me then what is the point of testing it on this server. That is like trying a test engine in a van which is then going to be put in a car, only to find it will not fit. ps as a mod do u not lead by example


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
Tilda said:
This patch has been on the test servers for the last month or so, it has been fucking tested you numbskull. However, in moving a test version to a live server, its pretty obvious that some things can appear that were not apparent before.
If you wern't so near sighted or damn stupid to realise that somethings only become apparent when they appear on line, you'd see there acctually wasn't much a test server could do.
If that's true why you tested in the first place?
Tilda said:
The test server is open to E&E, rather than clueless whiners like yourself who no doubt would then demand full technical support for it, and whine when the test server went down. The test server is, used, opening it to the masses would acchieve very little other than to fuck up the population on all the live servers and generate a strain on the network that wasnt planned for when it was constructed.

Thank you for reading.
Get a clue.

Poor excuses, mythic does it all the time.


Fledgling Freddie
Feb 3, 2004
our test server should be just like pendragon imo.. open to everyone
more ppl on it. more bugs found.

but then again.. they are french :( :fluffle:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
I also wonder how many people "play" on the test server rather than try unusual actions to actually screw it up and find bugs.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 9, 2005
probably only 3

1 plays alb, other plays mid and the third plays Hib...

then they cross-realm

and voilá
patch tested "ok good to go"...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Ravencroft said:
Can u tell me then what is the point of testing it on this server. That is like trying a test engine in a van which is then going to be put in a car, only to find it will not fit. ps as a mod do u not lead by example
And why they didn't have a database backup less than a week old, when prydwen crash happened? Why they was unable to copy records from a such backup to fix some broken characters and then check in the logs what they have earned/lost in the last week and adjust their data for it?

Why they aren't prepared with XML? Why their credit card tracking site doesn't validate any information but store it (and you can't change it again without their help)? About the only one you can find with this flaw...

Why the returning claim that only OT is available in france, when you can check routing for other servers, and find sprintlink routers in Paris and their network in france (with international connections of course)?

Because some think, flameboys are cheaper that providing a good service.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2006
can we atleast know what the estimated time is for the servers to come back up?


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Neill1983 said:
can we atleast know what the estimated time is for the servers to come back up?

It's usually a case of "it'll be fixed when it's fixed", chances are they dont know where the problem lies at the moment, it's always hard to put a timescale on these kind of things.

What would be good would be some idea of how long the downtime has to get before a server roll-back to 1.80 and some more testing to try to recreate the problem and fix it without impacting the player base.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Devilseye said:
our test server should be just like pendragon imo.. open to everyone
more ppl on it. more bugs found.

but then again.. they are french :( :fluffle:
Remember: We are months behind Mythic, so the patches are tested, first on pendargon, then as live version on mythic servers, then on the test server of GOA. The question is: Why the problems happen?

Because the network, the added software (for XML) and several game files (for GOA only content, translations) are different, and there you can find many problems. Some of these problems are hard to find on their current test server. Some problems would be easier to detect with a public test server (compatibility problems, GOA content interfering with some high level content, etc), but the rest would need a more fundamental change:

Making sure, you can fully reproduce servers / clusters for test environment, including components responsible for creating XML, etc.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Esselinithia said:
Making sure, you can fully reproduce servers / clusters for test environment, including components responsible for creating XML, etc.

This probably would have been on GOA's radar, but then they banned the guy who used it. ;)


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kaod said:
It's usually a case of "it'll be fixed when it's fixed", chances are they dont know where the problem lies at the moment, it's always hard to put a timescale on these kind of things.

What would be good would be some idea of how long the downtime has to get before a server roll-back to 1.80 and some more testing to try to recreate the problem and fix it without impacting the player base.
Kaod: If the problem is exclusive to their live servers, don't happen on their test servers, mythic live servers, mythic test servers, etc. then we have a problem: They can't test fixes on servers where the problem doesn't happen, and they would have to test the fix both on clusters and on normal servers. If the infrastcture used for PVP server is different and it is affected as well: They would need to test on it too.

Without a proper test environment they have to use the live servers to test such fixes.


English WAR Community Manager
Apr 21, 2004
Oh my.
In no particular order:
We don't have a public test server(s) because our test servers aren't used for the same purpose as Pendragon. Mythic don't test code stability on Pendragon, they test patch balance. We only test for stability, properly working code and correct translation. When Mythic test those things, they also test them on internal test servers with limited access before putting stable versions of them on Pendragon. We also thoroughly test each version on every live server with complete datasets befores opening them to the public

We actually have five test servers including a test cluster. This problem appeared on none of them Do you really think that entire zones being missing would go unnoticed in 2 months or so of testing? It also didn't appear on the initial start up in test mode on live servers which points at something more than normally complex in the code.

We do have 24/7 shift based support at the platform. They can't do a lot with Mythic code however. Mythic developers can and we didn't go home until they did. The server techs are still at work as they are every night, looking after the rest of the platform.

I'm sorry the servers aren't up. Just like all of you I wanted to come home from work and try out all the new stuff on my characters, play with my friends, and relax. All of us did and if it had been possible to get the servers up and working before we went home then I guarantee it would have been done. As it is, we'll get it working as quickly as we can and then give you free subs time to make up for the time you couldn't play, there really isn't a lot more to be done about it.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 4, 2005
There is a fucking test server on eu you dumb scrote. It is used, by people generally with far more of a clue than you, we have IQ's bigger than our shoe sizes

So you say ;)) I take it you have had your own tested if so i hope it was not on the test server ? ;)) might not be the same in rl


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Esselinithia said:
Kaod: If the problem is exclusive to their live servers, don't happen on their test servers, mythic live servers, mythic test servers, etc. then we have a problem: They can't test fixes on servers where the problem doesn't happen, and they would have to test the fix both on clusters and on normal servers. If the infrastcture used for PVP server is different and it is affected as well: They would need to test on it too.

Without a proper test environment they have to use the live servers to test such fixes.

I totally agree, however logic dictates that you need to sort out your priorities when in this kind of business, when you have pretty much exhausted day or two of "live" server fixing without resolution.

#1. Get your customers up and running asap. (Probable rollback to 1.80)
#2. Try to recreate the issue in a test environment to resolve the issue.

Then, and only then, if you can't recreate it because it's found to be something that is only an issue when the live servers are running the patch, then you take the drastic step of downing those servers and spening the time to fix it there.
Why? Because then there's no real choice, and you've isolated the problem to the environment.


Fledgling Freddie
Mar 29, 2006
Requiel any clue about how this will react on the 1 month free trial I got by buying the game today (29/03)

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