

Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Kawaii said:
well i dont see any postcount, but i do see join date displayed.. so how you think they'd assign titles ;o

pfft im such a newbie :/ could have avoided making all these stupid replies


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 10, 2004
Just watched that avi, its pretty bad tbh, no justification to lag strafe like that, imo.


Loyal Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
snoz said:
This would be the biggest and fastest growing thread ever seen in pyrdwen history surely ? and all cause PE lost 1 fight ROFL

Actually. This thread started because Jarakin and Latino gave some random dood an out of range message. Please don't steal their moment of glory.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Slayn said:
Actually. This thread started because Jarakin and Latino gave some random dood an out of range message. Please don't steal their moment of glory.

hehe come on man reason thread is so big is clearly cause of flame war between pe and maelstrom :(


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
snoz said:
hehe come on man reason thread is so big is clearly cause of flame war between pe and maelstrom :(

No, Its me flaming lag tricks users. And you defending it.

I sudgest you try play vs remish to see yourself snoz. Because his 10 times worse then arid in that video. Cant even be compared. (And arid wont do it again)

And dont talk about your crap talk that i say this because we lost a fight. I have lost to you and other midgard guilds hundreds of times. I say this because im selfish and want to have the same fun as i had before in the game. Maybe thats to much to ask. I dont need to win always. I dont need to win at all. Beat me on fair rules and i wouldnt dream on argueing.

I will try get it recorded. But i cant record on my computer at the moment. I tr get someone else to do it. Grizlas said to me yesterday. People just think you saying this because you lost. People need hard proof before they can beleive you. I will try get it recorded. I hope you will be quiet after you see it snoz.


Loyal Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
Fadeh said:
No, Its me flaming lag tricks users. And you defending it.

I sudgest you try play vs remish to see yourself snoz. Because his 10 times worse then arid in that video. Cant even be compared. (And arid wont do it again)

And dont talk about your crap talk that i say this because we lost a fight. I have lost to you and other midgard guilds hundreds of times. I say this because im selfish and want to have the same fun as i had before in the game. Maybe thats to much to ask. I dont need to win always. I dont need to win at all. Beat me on fair rules and i wouldnt dream on argueing.

I will try get it recorded. But i cant record on my computer at the moment. I tr get someone else to do it. Grizlas said to me yesterday. People just think you saying this because you lost. People need hard proof before they can beleive you. I will try get it recorded. I hope you will be quiet after you see it snoz.

Sure go for it


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
He wont do it again, lol.
So he is guilty and is a lame ass cheater, as is everyone else caught on tape abusing. I say ban for cheaters.


Part of the furniture
Dec 22, 2003
Slayn said:
Actually. This thread started because Jarakin and Latino gave some random dood an out of range message. Please don't steal their moment of glory.

5 out of range messages from 2 pbaoe nukers

so had random dude sycho and random dude ilum

and btw: :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 26, 2004
...Arid here

1. very brave to talk behind someones back without him being able to defend himself.. strong etc

2. If u look at the video u can See VERY clearly I DON'T port...thats because I don't (LAG) strafe
all I do is run in circles + press strafe at the same time nothing fucking else
so if its even to hard to lose /stick as a tank well ...

any decent tank can hit me, maybe says enough ask peeps like osriig etc who use /Face on me and almost never miss a hit or all the hib tanks who close to never miss

just try it ok /FACE :clap:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
agree with arid, any decent tank can hit me aswell :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Ard said:
2. If u look at the video u can See VERY clearly I DON'T port...thats because I don't (LAG) strafe
all I do is run in circles + press strafe at the same time nothing fucking else
so if its even to hard to lose /stick as a tank well ...

Lag or no lag, you're doing it deliberatly to avoid getting hit and that's what this is about: Is it fair ot use flaws in the game engine to increase your chance of survival in battle?

Well... in my opinion it's a bit lame (but playing a savage I probably should be quiet since I'm toatlly dependant on bugged quad rates to kill anything ;p)
I can't see how this thread is going to change anything so we might as well accept it as the norm for surviving /assist-trains, at least until mythic fixes this (which I doubt they will/can).


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Dreami said:
Your tactic to use slash resist shout vs sorc and spam one style only vs us too? Sh0k t4kt1x m8! :clap:

The savage only has access to one line of styles, Hand-to-hand. and there's really only 2 that are any use in RvR, back (stun) and side (stun as followup). The back-style has a followup that potentially can hit multiple targets which isn't something you wanna do in RvR normally. The only anytimer available is Wild Call which has no to-hit bonus and a defensive penalty. Personally I mostly use back-style and side-style as followup with no anytimer on qb. Landing the back-stun is very important since savages has no snare-style(ok, evade chain) or access to prevent flight(givf!). My own qb consists of: side,back,sidefollowup,haste,dmgadd,evade,slash,thrust,ip,purge or something similar. If you go head on with someone you switch to another qb with evade/parry chain. But as a savage your primary weapon is the quad hit, and even an unstyled quad hits harder than a styled single, so styling isn't as important as savage in my opinion.

Oh, and while fighting at mg's I always try to have melee resist buffs up in case of the inevitable infil/scout add.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 9, 2004
nick said:
Haha. Don't go using my vid as evidence for anything. I've said it before and I'll say it again. What does loch gain from lagging through a milegate where the enemies are actually on the otherside of it - ie. the side he's lagging through to?
Mabye he's retarded!? ;)

edit: How the hell did I miss the 21 last pages of this post? :p
Im never ever gonna read all that :)


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 24, 2003
Appendix said:
The savage only has access to one line of styles, Hand-to-hand.

So u dont have access to Hammer and Swords then for 2hd useage... The fact its you just want to be fotm so u can leet, so dont say u dont have any other choices. I know lots of ppl that play fotm classes in alb but choose to spec away from the fotm so they can be different and not like sheep.

Fadeh said:
I will try get it recorded. But i cant record on my computer at the moment. I tr get someone else to do it. Grizlas said to me yesterday. People just think you saying this because you lost. People need hard proof before they can beleive you. I will try get it recorded. I hope you will be quiet after you see it snoz.

:( Is this what the game has come to where every person has to scrutinise everyone else, is a very sorry day when we all have to run around with fraps in the background so we can catch lamers lag haxxoring. Getting as bad as CS used to be.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 2, 2004
Kreig said:
So u dont have access to Hammer and Swords then for 2hd useage... The fact its you just want to be fotm so u can leet, so dont say u dont have any other choices. I know lots of ppl that play fotm classes in alb but choose to spec away from the fotm so they can be different and not like sheep.

The point I was trying to make was that as savage you don't have access to more than one weapon specline at a time, while other tanks have at least 2 lines (shield+weapon or DW/CD/LA+weapon). Yes, a savage can spec for 2h, and in fact this was the fotm spec on Prydwen last year. At the moment though, I don't know of any savage that isn't H2H speced. 2-handed weapons have one big weakness, they are slow. That means you will have a hard time hitting through pbt and guard and although 2h savages work well in PvE they are inferior to h2h savages in most other areas.

My personal belief is that Mythic never intended for savages to be able to use anything but h2h. And thats why they gave them the ability wield both slash and thrust weapons.

It seems many people think that just because savages are (too) powerful they are a one-button class. I don't think having to use up to 7 buffshouts, taunt shout, end buff and 2-3 melee styles could be called one-button class. Not saying its hard, but certainly not easier than what any other tank would have to worry about.

Well... the nerf is just around the corner and I have a feeling it will be even fewer buttons to press after that.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 24, 2004
Appendix said:
Well... the nerf is just around the corner and I have a feeling it will be even fewer buttons to press after that.

yeah but pressing styles at capped speed and keeping buffs up on 15 sec timer will make it alot more annoying.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 23, 2003
I'm sorry but I watched that Video or Arid and he wasn't lag jumping or suddenly disappearing and reappearing elsewhere he was just moving around to avoid getting hit.

Would it make it easier for you tanks if the support classes and casters just sat down at the beginning of a fight?


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Polkadot said:
I'm sorry but I watched that Video or Arid and he wasn't lag jumping or suddenly disappearing and reappearing elsewhere he was just moving around to avoid getting hit.

Would it make it easier for you tanks if the support classes and casters just sat down at the beginning of a fight?

That's nothing to what remish/aldrick did xE

But i am not bothered anymore.To all the idiots thinking i do not know how to hit a strafing target, yeah is that why i have played a merc for nearly 2 years and have had no problems before these 2 incidents?or i would of whined before but i didn't because i could clearly hit them.

When you even unstick and run to hit them and it says target out of view then you really can't find any other way but i have actually xDDDDD

And FO remish i know you going to reply here! :p


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
I doubt many think playing Savage is easy. Im sure most people realise to play a savage well you need to be alot more alert then playing a merc well for instance. While playing my merc, all i have to think of is 6 styles, end pots, picking targets, sprint until pf, ip, purge, flurry, rain of heat and dirty tricks. Thats pretty much it. Savage have all their self buffs to use at the same time. So it cant be that easy to play a savage to its full potensial.


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 28, 2003
tbh i seriously hope he stops doing it, i seem to get attacked a lot more now :(
and while i agree arid does not appear to lag when strafing i've had trouble landing shouts at times when facing him, point of this is while what remi/ald are meant to be doing may appear to have a worse effect, its probably pretty much the same effect due to the gimpy game, unstyled meleeing doesn't show the full picture

and yeah savages probably are very hard to play well (anyone can play em as an okay tank i'd imagine, same as any other ma bot), 4 styles you need to use, plus loads of self buffs, plus ras, glad i don't play one tbh


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 23, 2004
Not been out with my savage in rvr yet, but savage anytimer is pooooo.
Iam gonna try agro any mob around to get evade style of.

Dreaming about cliff beetles in my ass with 360 evade spaming evade chain styles :kissit:


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 22, 2004
Fadeh said:
I doubt many think playing Savage is easy. Im sure most people realise to play a savage well you need to be alot more alert then playing a merc well for instance. While playing my merc, all i have to think of is 6 styles, end pots, picking targets, sprint until pf, ip, purge, flurry, rain of heat and dirty tricks. Thats pretty much it. Savage have all their self buffs to use at the same time. So it cant be that easy to play a savage to its full potensial.
Ye much easier to play merc then savage, on my savage i need to think about using 8 styles,picking targets,keep sprint all the time,6 selfbuffs to choose from depending on how fight go, ip, purge, endshout and tauntshout.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 14, 2004
Aldrick said:
Ye much easier to play merc then savage, on my savage i need to think about using 8 styles,picking targets,keep sprint all the time,6 selfbuffs to choose from depending on how fight go, ip, purge, endshout and tauntshout.

You using 8 styles? which?

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