Kagato proudly presents...


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
In response

Well, not the reaction I had hoped for, but perhaps the one I should of expected.

First a few replies:

I make no excuses for the Queen music, they are the greatest band there has ever been.

Renna - Of cause you'd be in it, I can't step on the bridge without you jumping me !

Resists, whilst the heal proc is very nice, how many times exactly do you honestly think the spirit, energy or body resist helped me there? There were 2 stealth fights where the Body resist might of helped me vs the poison and then maybe the mezz duration, but they would not of changed the out come of the fight. And any stealther with any brain would be attacking me with Cold legendary weapons, not Spirit. And to the best of my knowledge the resists were useless in any of the other fights featured.

Airwalker - I have no idea about the resist rate, but from my point of view I was just running at you with sprint speed and possibly hastner speed if it was near a keep or tower. I don't have access to Charge, sadly.

Elitestoner - The failed styles is because if im fighting an enemy tank i'll often use my Rage style as primary and my Parry style as back-up rather then my any time.
The reason for this is simple, if they hit me, I respond with my best style, if I parry them I get a decent style back instead. The risk of this is of cause that if they hit me un-styled then I don't land either. The chances of an enemy tank hitting me unstyled with so many endurance pots and stones etc availible is quite unlikely but it does happen. That is the risk but for the sake of a better style its often worth it.

Urizen - I used battler on the hunter because its my immediate reaction out of habit to being FZ'd, soon as I did it I realised it was unnecessary but it was early stages of the fight still and its a habitual response to being FZ'd because theres fuck-all else I can do whilst flying through the air. But a criticism I often get for having no shield spec is that 'surely archers must own you'. That clip is my response.

Bonehead- Yes I do use the mouse, its not clear but I use it to activate anything on the 2nd and 3rd quickbars, reason being I can do that with my right hand without interupting my style setting with the left hand.

Popa- Yes thats the puppy whistle on my quickbar, what can I say? since getting invigoration barrels I had spare space on my quickbar and everyone loves a puppy !

Fuaip - originally I had the fight with your champion in the video too, before the zoia fight but sadly I had to cut it out to make it fit onto my hosting, sorry.

Right now thats the replies out of the way, heres what I have to say.

I make no apologies for the resist buffs, all fights in this video were natural fights that happend in normal rvr with the exception of the Fuaip fight which in the end I cut out. That means I go out into RvR with the intention of killing as many people as possible and continueing on with the hunt, I have to be prepared for the worse and 99% of the time that means getting out numbered and ganked.

Yes the odd solo fight happens as seen, and sometimes if given time I could possibly cut the resists off but what happens after ? I get jumped by a stealth zerg that I might of possibly beat with heal proc up. Im not playing to lose. I love fair fights but im out to win as much as anyone else. And as far as im concerned if theres a zerg waiting for me on my doorstep then im going to face them with every advantage I can muster, wether that be EB's, hastes, absorb buffs or resists.

And i'll tell you something else, 2 months from now at least half of you stealthers whining about resists will be running around with Champion Ability 10% resists to all yourself too. Will you be dropping them before you attack me? If you don't like it, move away from my bridge and i'll come to you. I'd love nothing more then to make it past agramon crossing alive and hunt.

Now Warguard. Its a lovely ability, 25% melee absorb for 40 seconds. And i'll hit it early in a fight if im expecting a good one.
Why? because its on a 10 minute reuse timer and only good against tanks.
Ignore Pain is a 15 minute reuse timer and the only chance I have of killing a Warlock or any other spellcaster.

Nearly every single fight I had in that movie where I used warguard, I did not use IP even though the enemy did. Which one is worse? Why should I waste IP and be screwed for fighting any spellcasters when I can use warguard which will probably be up for the next melee fight, and if its not, theres still IP availible.
Its common sense, not ability dumping, thats 5 minute reuse differance is a big issue.

Battler? everytime I used that it was against either being FZ'd or against an oponent using a Artifact ability against me. Im a reactionary fighter, thats my style, I work in response to what the enemy does. Everytime I hit battler its because they either have SOM up or are taking away all my style damage with Harp or WH or they use it against me or a combination of all of them. If im fighting someone like a champ with som and WH taking away all my style damage, battler is the only way i'll dent them. Should I ignore my artifacts when facing 2 effects myself?

Now in my last video, there were certain flaws I tried to amend here. 1 was that most of the fights were against vampiirs or shades etc.
This time I tried to add more variety, theres probably 3 times as many classes this time. And ironically no vampiirs as they tend to run away now lol.

The other thing I did not like was the realm ranks, I wanted to get higher people, this time most of the enemy were equal or higher realm rank then me.

Resists? there were just as many in my last video, and I had haste and eb up alot more then too.

Music, well thats the same ;)

The only major change from the last video is a) I have battler now and cyclops for fighting vanishers. b) I have a better template. c) the fights were less close but in my opinion not any easier when you compare the classes and RR's faced between the too.

Perhaps it would of made you feel better if I died tragically at the end like in the first one?

Now i'd love nothing more then to face other heavy tanks like myself, I thought fighting the 2nd highest warrior on prydwen with som up would be as close as I could possibly get to this. But the fact is they either don't play or don't solo or don't challenge me. What can I do about that? Heck I dream of such fights but I can't force them.

Stealth zergs? they either wont fight me, emote me to move on or whine if I uncover them with cyclops or wont fight me with less then 5 or just run away.

I like fights that challenge me, but I cannot control the enemy and I wont make myself weaker for them.

Im sorry if you don't enjoy the video, but theres no point in me changing it with DR round the corner anyway, perhaps i'll try again after but im not so sure its worth it anymore.


Part of the furniture
Dec 24, 2003
Kagato said:
Resists, whilst the heal proc is very nice, how many times exactly do you honestly think the spirit, energy or body resist helped me there? There were 2 stealth fights where the Body resist might of helped me vs the poison and then maybe the mezz duration, but they would not of changed the out come of the fight.

Against the skald (Zoia?) it reduced a great deal of his DD-damage, and because the mezz was so short duration, he was unable to use First Aid. Perhaps it didnt change the outcome, as you had Ignore Pain up, but perhaps he did have IP up but decided not to 'waste' it because he knew you with resist-buffs + most likely IP up he would still die.

Nearly every single fight I had in that movie where I used warguard, I did not use IP even though the enemy did. Which one is worse? Why should I waste IP and be screwed for fighting any spellcasters when I can use warguard which will probably be up for the next melee fight, and if its not, theres still IP availible
Its common sense, not ability dumping, thats 5 minute reuse differance is a big issue.

Battler? everytime I used that it was against either being FZ'd or against an oponent using a Artifact ability against me.

Hmmm, perhaps Im a ****, but when I watch your movie, it starts with a RR9 Pierce Blademaster (who's using Broodmother Fang mainhand and Croc-tooth dagger offhand). You're resistant to his damage, he's neutral to yours, wearing 2 tiers armour lower (and most likely not spec-AF, but hasted), he is not using an artifact against you, and the fight can go both ways (despite the distinct disadvantage the BM is facing with the armour-tables), the fight is going equally and then.... dump WG + Battler... and you're actually gaining HP after that (due to the ML-shout for 5% hp/end/mana).. As said again, it is very effective, and you got every right to do it... it just makes the movie abit boring.

Also for the record, SoM-proc is hardly gamebreaking for a 2H-tank, it doesnt proc all that much compared to a dualwielder. The 2nd fight against the warrior, he's using SoM, you got healproc (which is prolly more effective on avg. in such a fights)... still Battler :/

I liked the music and the chasing with x-bow and RR5-RA alot tho :)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
CstasY said:
Thats funny, I've just had a fight with you near Beno bridge where you pushed ml9 on inc, and then just kept running for the entire fight, was quite entertaining.

I run for as long as I need to get enough space so I can root and if that gets purged dissease. If I did keep running it was probably cuz you werent the only <whatever class you play> there.
I also think I can play my cabby however I want, like it or not.


Nov 29, 2005
The censimilia fight was absolutely pathetic. If you use your 'honourable' resist buffs to fight stealthzergs, make a movie out of it instead of killing people with dual spirit weapons when you have platemail spec af warguard and 50% spirit.


Part of the furniture
Jan 27, 2004
So many bitter jealous hypocrits, one day they tell u the game is about fun challenging fights where u optiomise and utilise every ability u have...next they flame a armsman for using all his abilities.


Fledgling Freddie
Apr 3, 2004
i really really loved the part when you showed that jamiescocklicus a lesson about the tank power of albion. always nice to see unfair lamer zergers eat grass. (whenever i met him he was running around with at least a bard who was FZing soloers.. idiots.)


Nov 29, 2005
Talivar said:
So many bitter jealous hypocrits, one day they tell u the game is about fun challenging fights where u optiomise and utilise every ability u have...next they flame a armsman for using all his abilities.

Would you enjoy watching a pre-nerf warlock movie insta killing casters? because thats the chance Kagato's oppenents had against him.


Fuck the Tories!
FH Subscriber
Dec 27, 2003
theslayeruk said:
Would you enjoy watching a pre-nerf warlock movie insta killing casters? because thats the chance Kagato's oppenents had against him.
so someone should be whined at for showing what thier class is capable of, if effort is put into it? lol ok..and kagato maybe one of the best, hardly unbeatable though.


Nov 29, 2005
Raven said:
so someone should be whined at for showing what thier class is capable of, if effort is put into it? lol ok..and kagato maybe one of the best, hardly unbeatable though.

Against the majority of the enemies in his video he is quite unkillable, thats my point. It's a video of showing he can kill things in straight melee when he has the advantage over them. The entire video consists of you watching him parry people and use warguard, its hardly entertainment.


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
Almost everything fight you seem to fire every Warlord ability and also IP against everyone who was remotely tough :( Can't really blame you for using your abilitys during a fight, i'd do the same etc.


Jun 9, 2005
Comos said:
How do you discuss with a guy like this anyone? He clearly hasn't played pet classes before.
I'm not waiting for a pet kill cuz when I put a normal pet on you and run I turn around and root, I turn around and dissease till I can get enough range to lifetap you to death.
And lol at the 'Like fooking look into your opponents eyes as you push in the dagger and twist it.'
Was funny.

going by your movie you never use root, just kite around waiting for the balanced pet to stun then lt ftw. Quite amusing that you deny playing in a certain way then showing a vid in your sig which totally contradicts what you posted.

Also interesting that you tried to belittle someone for having a warlock earlier in the thread, when in effect you did the same as most warlocks and upgraded to a better class ^^


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Kanim said:
going by your movie you never use root, just kite around waiting for the balanced pet to stun then lt ftw. Quite amusing that you deny playing in a certain way then showing a vid in your sig which totally contradicts what you posted.

Also interesting that you tried to belittle someone for having a warlock earlier in the thread, when in effect you did the same as most warlocks and upgraded to a better class ^^

Oh ye I never use root lol, maybe rewatch the movie. I use the things I have to use at the time, when I still have the end I sprint if pet stuns before I have to root then why not nuke straight away. That vid contradicts nothing at all. And yet again, especially for someone who probably has never played a cabalist: who is to tell me how to play my chars?

Oh and lets compare cabalists to warlocks... lol.


Nov 29, 2005
Comos said:
Oh ye I never use root lol, maybe rewatch the movie. I use the things I have to use at the time, when I still have the end I sprint if pet stuns before I have to root then why not nuke straight away. That vid contradicts nothing at all. And yet again, especially for someone who probably has never played a cabalist: who is to tell me how to play my chars?

Oh and lets compare cabalists to warlocks... lol.

How many times did you use disease in your movie?
How many times did you use nearsight?

You don't use the things that you have to use at the time, because anyone with a single brain cell would nearsight an enchanter instead of spamming lifetap and getting "target is too far away".


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
theslayeruk said:
How many times did you use disease in your movie?
How many times did you use nearsight?

You don't use the things that you have to use at the time, because anyone with a single brain cell would nearsight an enchanter instead of spamming lifetap and getting "target is too far away".

chanter mocced and was almost in melee range when he attacked, at that time I could either run or get stunned and killed. And NS isnt very useful vs someone who has purge ready now is it, especially someone with a stun. My pet was on him and does about 100 dmg on a caster when not ML9, enough to kill him obviously all I needed was to heal him.
Dissease wasn't even needed in any fight. And the other fights was vs NS and SBs, NS would be SO useful on them lol.


Nov 29, 2005
Comos said:
chanter mocced and was almost in melee range when he attacked, at that time I could either run or get stunned and killed. And NS isnt very useful vs someone who has purge ready now is it, especially someone with a stun. My pet was on him and does about 100 dmg on a caster when not ML9, enough to kill him obviously all I needed was to heal him.
Dissease wasn't even needed in any fight. And the other fights was vs NS and SBs, NS would be SO useful on them lol.

So when you were fighting the druid you didn't think to disease him? Or at least root his pet that stopped you from doing anything? Owait I forgot you fucked up the panning so much you didn't even see him cast the d/q shear.


Jun 9, 2005
Comos said:
And NS isnt very useful vs someone who has purge ready now is it.

good advice m8, i'll remember next time i'm playing a class with nearsight not to use it since it might get purged:)


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
Kanim said:
good advice m8, i'll remember next time i'm playing a class with nearsight not to use it since it might get purged:)

Casting NS when a mocced chanter is swimming to you with purge ready gives him enough time to stun you... but how would you know right. Especially when it got resisted very often at the time I recorded that because I didn't have MoF and NS is lvl 25. So casting it at least twice before it stuck was not unusual.


Can't get enough of FH
Feb 26, 2005
Vodkafairy said:
the fight included in this vid you deserved to die :p and a champ should win every time against most melee classes without problems ;)

hmm.. not every time.

Its kinda impossible to kill good if the oppont resist the debuffs.. :)


Can't get enough of FH
Dec 22, 2003
I was kinda suprised Jamie lost too.
Was a bit weird how he delayed attacking you for so long loads of times, Jamies IP/Banelord abilitys looked down anyway, looked like he was lagging like hell.


Can't get enough of FH
Jan 18, 2004
The censimilia fight was absolutely pathetic. If you use your 'honourable' resist buffs to fight stealthzergs, make a movie out of it instead of killing people with dual spirit weapons when you have platemail spec af warguard and 50% spirit.

I dont think that clip of me was like meant as wtfpwn thing. I had some real nice tear ups with kagato over the years ( i usually get spanked to be fair).. this time though I was out killing xpers with like duel energy weapons and random artis no real template, down at renaris... the last person I expected to turn up was kagato.. was in no position to give him a fight so just tried to get the fuck out of there... thats a nice rr5'er though tbh. fuck knows how you escape from armsman with that.

as for buffing resists, everyone does it... its only lame if you rvr near your bot and keep going back for top ups.


Fledgling Freddie
Jan 28, 2004
censi said:
For me killing that way is the gheyest method you could kill anything (might as well play a fucking necro).

You haven't got the character to play a Necro in RVR you cock - you QQ enough on your easy mode Ranger FFS! :twak:


One of Freddy's beloved
Dec 30, 2003
In some scenes where ppl's try to run from you it looks like you're running and shooting a crossbow at the same time.. ?? .. kind'a ruins my plans of keeping distance next time =)


Part of the furniture
Jan 23, 2004
koxi said:
In some scenes where ppl's try to run from you it looks like you're running and shooting a crossbow at the same time.. ?? .. kind'a ruins my plans of keeping distance next time =)

snapshot ftw, bloody armsmen are op!

Keep bvtwatting them kagato, at some p;oint when im not onb this shit app;lke ill dl ya new vid


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
I don't know if u was aiming it at me but i was useing a cold wep on you, i only switch to reapply the dot on u then switch back to my cold wep.


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Danamyr said:
You haven't got the character to play a Necro in RVR you cock - you QQ enough on your easy mode Ranger FFS! :twak:

I don't see u much moaning but when i do u r like the doorstep rvr noobs that censi mentions so often, like yesterday i didnt really care if i died but i found it funny when dwarf used ml9 pet on me when he had allready won and was really no need, it would have been like a sorc moccing on a lvl 5 tbh thats how stupid i saw it.


Fledgling Freddie
Nov 28, 2005
i dunno mates , you all QQ about him using Warguard and stuff ,i think if he doesn't use it , and you don't use it (if you have it) can you win ? ...that's what i thought :p:m00: :clap:


Loyal Freddie
May 4, 2004
luribeauty said:
I don't see u much moaning but when i do u r like the doorstep rvr noobs that censi mentions so often, like yesterday i didnt really care if i died but i found it funny when dwarf used ml9 pet on me when he had allready won and was really no need, it would have been like a sorc moccing on a lvl 5 tbh thats how stupid i saw it.

lol did you not see loulia come over the hill there mate?He came along when I rooted you and ran back a bit. I ML9'ed as soon as I saw him (or her not sure:p) At first I thought he finished you with a chamber, but realised I got the killing blow in the end when he blew 2 chambers on me before I could get underwater and 1 other to finish me off underwater.

theslayeruk said:

Oh yeah cuz the druid was a real danger! Who are you anyways?


Fledgling Freddie
Dec 22, 2003
Comos said:
lol did you not see loulia come over the hill there mate?He came along when I rooted you and ran back a bit. I ML9'ed as soon as I saw him (or her not sure:p) At first I thought he finished you with a chamber, but realised I got the killing blow in the end when he blew 2 chambers on me before I could get underwater and 1 other to finish me off underwater.

well its new year's eye so i didnt really care but plz do go somewhere if not its up to u how u play the game,just don't end up like them on vn one asked for soi+moc back made me laugh hard.I didnt see the lock as i was looking to die with nocare and loulia is believe it or not the only caster that has never added on me.:p

P.S. Happy new Year and im drunk.

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