Kagato said:Resists, whilst the heal proc is very nice, how many times exactly do you honestly think the spirit, energy or body resist helped me there? There were 2 stealth fights where the Body resist might of helped me vs the poison and then maybe the mezz duration, but they would not of changed the out come of the fight.
Nearly every single fight I had in that movie where I used warguard, I did not use IP even though the enemy did. Which one is worse? Why should I waste IP and be screwed for fighting any spellcasters when I can use warguard which will probably be up for the next melee fight, and if its not, theres still IP availible
Its common sense, not ability dumping, thats 5 minute reuse differance is a big issue.
Battler? everytime I used that it was against either being FZ'd or against an oponent using a Artifact ability against me.
CstasY said:Thats funny, I've just had a fight with you near Beno bridge where you pushed ml9 on inc, and then just kept running for the entire fight, was quite entertaining.
Talivar said:So many bitter jealous hypocrits, one day they tell u the game is about fun challenging fights where u optiomise and utilise every ability u have...next they flame a armsman for using all his abilities.
so someone should be whined at for showing what thier class is capable of, if effort is put into it? lol ok..and kagato maybe one of the best, hardly unbeatable though.theslayeruk said:Would you enjoy watching a pre-nerf warlock movie insta killing casters? because thats the chance Kagato's oppenents had against him.
Raven said:so someone should be whined at for showing what thier class is capable of, if effort is put into it? lol ok..and kagato maybe one of the best, hardly unbeatable though.
Comos said:How do you discuss with a guy like this anyone? He clearly hasn't played pet classes before.
I'm not waiting for a pet kill cuz when I put a normal pet on you and run I turn around and root, I turn around and dissease till I can get enough range to lifetap you to death.
And lol at the 'Like fooking look into your opponents eyes as you push in the dagger and twist it.'
Was funny.
Kanim said:going by your movie you never use root, just kite around waiting for the balanced pet to stun then lt ftw. Quite amusing that you deny playing in a certain way then showing a vid in your sig which totally contradicts what you posted.
Also interesting that you tried to belittle someone for having a warlock earlier in the thread, when in effect you did the same as most warlocks and upgraded to a better class ^^
Comos said:Oh ye I never use root lol, maybe rewatch the movie. I use the things I have to use at the time, when I still have the end I sprint if pet stuns before I have to root then why not nuke straight away. That vid contradicts nothing at all. And yet again, especially for someone who probably has never played a cabalist: who is to tell me how to play my chars?
Oh and lets compare cabalists to warlocks... lol.
theslayeruk said:How many times did you use disease in your movie?
How many times did you use nearsight?
You don't use the things that you have to use at the time, because anyone with a single brain cell would nearsight an enchanter instead of spamming lifetap and getting "target is too far away".
Comos said:chanter mocced and was almost in melee range when he attacked, at that time I could either run or get stunned and killed. And NS isnt very useful vs someone who has purge ready now is it, especially someone with a stun. My pet was on him and does about 100 dmg on a caster when not ML9, enough to kill him obviously all I needed was to heal him.
Dissease wasn't even needed in any fight. And the other fights was vs NS and SBs, NS would be SO useful on them lol.
Comos said:And NS isnt very useful vs someone who has purge ready now is it.
Kanim said:good advice m8, i'll remember next time i'm playing a class with nearsight not to use it since it might get purged![]()
Vodkafairy said:the fight included in this vid you deserved to dieand a champ should win every time against most melee classes without problems
The censimilia fight was absolutely pathetic. If you use your 'honourable' resist buffs to fight stealthzergs, make a movie out of it instead of killing people with dual spirit weapons when you have platemail spec af warguard and 50% spirit.
censi said:For me killing that way is the gheyest method you could kill anything (might as well play a fucking necro).
koxi said:In some scenes where ppl's try to run from you it looks like you're running and shooting a crossbow at the same time.. ?? .. kind'a ruins my plans of keeping distance next time =)
Danamyr said:You haven't got the character to play a Necro in RVR you cock - you QQ enough on your easy mode Ranger FFS!![]()
luribeauty said:I don't see u much moaning but when i do u r like the doorstep rvr noobs that censi mentions so often, like yesterday i didnt really care if i died but i found it funny when dwarf used ml9 pet on me when he had allready won and was really no need, it would have been like a sorc moccing on a lvl 5 tbh thats how stupid i saw it.
theslayeruk said:blah
Comos said:lol did you not see loulia come over the hill there mate?He came along when I rooted you and ran back a bit. I ML9'ed as soon as I saw him (or her not sure) At first I thought he finished you with a chamber, but realised I got the killing blow in the end when he blew 2 chambers on me before I could get underwater and 1 other to finish me off underwater.
well its new year's eye so i didnt really care but plz do go somewhere if not its up to u how u play the game,just don't end up like them on vn one asked for soi+moc back made me laugh hard.I didnt see the lock as i was looking to die with nocare and loulia is believe it or not the only caster that has never added on me.
P.S. Happy new Year and im drunk.
Comos said:Oh yeah cuz the druid was a real danger! Who are you anyways?