mk , lol.censi said:(day1?)
mk , lol.censi said:(day1?)
censi said:sure i accept what you say here...
but you said playing the class isnt easy... tbh like erm its vely easy.. it just suxs...
but also like u dont have much idea about what its like figthing a necro as a ranger...
censi said:like I would go so far to say it... this class is unkillable... Even if I FZ you, even if I batter debuff you... you are unkillable... I cannot kill you, I will loose, I cannot win, game over man, lights out, and I cant escape once its locked on... whats fun about that??? but its ok because your necro is balanced on mass RVR where it totally pwns (it doesnt ofc)! so yes necro needs complete overhaul to make it playable for you versus all classes in all environments, and likewise killable to all classes as well...
censi said:The necro is the most stupid thing mythic have ever implemented tbh... either totally fucking useless (in group and mass scale rvr, or figthing mages) or just totally fucking insanely fucked up (figthing melee classes)... most people realise this and leave necros where they belong locked up for pve... you are not gonna get any joy playing the class (you cant do, because winning or loosing is purly based on whether its mage or melee opponent, and either way you do the same button grind)
censi said:so whatever your frustrations are with the class, imagine my take on it. oh and you do add like a man possessed. which doesnt help.
censi said:but yes i like you too moaning, you one of the funny guys...
Infanity said:Aww cockboi dont get upset
Aye tis only when you die, But your lagging all over tesco ;x