J. O. T. D.



Originally posted by cjravey
If what you suggested was right, mank, half of the general forum would disappear:)

That's what I'm asking. Is that what you're asking us to do?

'Behave' is a bit vague, just confused as to whether or not the barrier is being moved down even further


What is unacceptable is having music threads in the general forum!


Originally posted by dysfunction
What is unacceptable is having music threads in the general forum!





Originally posted by mank!
That's what I'm asking. Is that what you're asking us to do?

'Behave' is a bit vague, just confused as to whether or not the barrier is being moved down even further

Fair enough. I'm just suggesting that a little care be used to make Biff's life a little easier and pointing out that self control is better than tighter moderation:)

General advice, not policy - take it or leave it:)


This is a joke thread (mostly); if you're going to be all serious, take it outside...


A man goes to the doctors in Bolton, says he doesn't feel too grand.... He has a pain in his bum that just won't go away.

The doctor puts his hand up there (after donning a rubber glove first!) and can feel some paper...

'That's bloomin' odd', he says, pulling out a fifty quid note. 'Hang on lad, there's more...'

After pulling out several notes, the Doctor is amazed. He reaches for more and soon there's a large pile; he counts it...

'Eeee, lad,' he says. 'No wonder you weren't feeling too well, there was one thousand, nine hundred and fifty pounds inserted in your anus.'

'Well,' replies the patient... 'I told you I didn't feel two grand.'


Hmmm, doesn't really work writtten down, does it? Ah well...


Originally posted by cjravey
This is more of a pub / landlord situation if any.

In that case I'll have a pint of Guinness and a packet of Mini Cheddars. Who's up for a game of pool?

/pssst! Ask Mal for ID :)


Welcome to bw, now rated pg-13 for your viewing pleasure

on a more serious note, while I agree that racism is out, same with homophobism/sexism I dont think deleting/banning ppl should be "what the mods at bw do"

If someone posts something offensive I have NO problem with you editing his post etc, but please dont become like the vn-nazis and mod without atleast the common decency to explain. ( We are the mods, we dont answer to ANYONE!! <-that kind of attitude)

Like some moron in the daoc general forums, he posted gay porn. I reported it, damini edited it and posted that if he posted porn again he'd be banned. Which in my opinion was an excellent way of handling it.

Over to the case here, my friend posted a thread explaining about an experience he had with a racist person. He does driving tasks for the firm we work in and was driving this customer to some place. they start talking and it shows that this customer is insanely racist. Since one of our best friends is from Iran we dont think very much of racists (that and the fact that they are simple minded retards)
Tension builds and my friend is seriously contemplating to just stop somewhere remote, kick the customer off and drive home. The reason he didnt was because said racist is a very big customer in the firm we work and we are just working there in the summers.

That thread got deleted, and on basis of what my friend told me he posted it shouldnt have been. No warning, no reason given no NOTHING, just deleted (which is fucking weakly done imo, atleast tell him why)
Its fair enough that racism has no place here, but that doesnt mean we cant talk about it. That kind of childish attitude does more harm then good.

Then my friend posts a very racist joke here in the jotd thread, he told me afterwards and I said it was out of line. This resulted in a ban, a tad too harsh imo, when a mod couldve just edited it and given him a warning. Its ok that racism is out, but it doesnt mean seek&destroy against first time perps.

Its arite that it shouldnt be anarchy and chaos with ppl screaming insults and curses left&right, and in my experience you have done a great job so far, I've had NO problems with any mods earlier, but I do think it's out of line and disrespectful to start deleting/banning things without even bothering to say why.
Whats next, we can only say frikkin, darn, blasted and heck?
Most ppl here are not 7year old fundamentalist christians who's heads will explode if they hear an explitive. Its after all the forums for games like q3 and so on (where the goal/means are killing ppl in a splash of blood etc) whats so damn wrong with a good "fuck" now and then?

thats my 2cp, think i've ranted enough now, wonder if I get hit by the banstick w/o notice too :rolleyes:


I think it needed a stronger punchline, and it seemed to sag in the middle....


Originally posted by Arnor

1. Your friend in his efforts to complain about racism entitled his first thread "Farking Faggot". Replacing racism with homophobia - woopee do!

2. After complaining about racism he then proceeds to tell racist jokes. Not the brightest of sparks and I can't understand why he did after his rant about the racist guy in previous thread. You agree this is out of line.

3. After then being banned he makes another account where he says lovely things like "I am an out and proud racist" and talks about beating women. Ironic or actually a bit fking stupid? Go figure.

I love how people who churn out racist and homophobic crap have the balls to tell anyone who it offends that they dont have a sense of humour.

Do you really think people who post crap like that actually need to be told WHY they got banned? Surely they aren't that dense. Oh...wait..


Oh please arnon. Start a new thread about it...just don't carry it on in here. It's quite plain what cjravey's saying don't try and be all smart and hurt and try and justify.

At the end of the day if the mods wanted to they can kick you with ZERO reason, just like a pub landlord can kick you out with zero reason.

Your mate was called up on the fact that in the same post/thread he was ranting about how racist someone was and at the same time calling him a faggot, an unmistakably homophobic term. Then he goes and posts a racist joke in here.

Let's just keep this thread on topic, eh? It's lasted this long without going to far astray.


King Arthur was in Merlin's laboratory where the great wizard was showing him his latest creation. It was a chastity belt, except it had a rather large hole in the most obvious place which made it basically useless. "This is no good, Merlin!" the King exclaimed, "Look at this opening. How is this supposed to protect my lady, the Queen, when I'm on a long quest?" "Ah, sire, just observe," said Merlin. He then picked up a small stick. He inserted it in the gaping aperture of the chastity belt whereupon a small guillotine blade came down and cut it neatly in two. "Merlin, you are a genius!" said the grateful monarch. "Now I can leave, knowing that my Queen is fully protected." After putting Guinevere in the device, King Arthur then set out upon a lengthy Quest. Several years passed until he returned to Camelot. Immediately he assembled all of his knights in the courtyard and had them drop their trousers for an informal 'short arm' inspection. Sure enough, each and every one of them was either amputated or damaged in some way. All of them, except Sir Galahad. "Sir Galahad," exclaimed King Arthur. "You are my one and only true knight! Only you among all the nobles have been true to me. What is it in my power to grant you? Name it and it is yours." But, alas, Sir Galahad was speechless

Big G

like 'the shaggable babes thread, nudity allowed'. Allowed by who, I wonder?

"Allowed", probably, by the quite obvious clique that exists on the BW forums who have nothing better to do except kiss one another on the ass, post smart arse replies to genuine questions/posts and generally think rules don't apply to them.

I don't post often, but it's an observation i've made.

my 2p's worth ;)



Originally posted by Big G
"Allowed", probably, by the quite obvious clique that exists on the BW forums who have nothing better to do except kiss one another on the ass, post smart arse replies to genuine questions/posts and generally think rules don't apply to them.

I don't post often, but it's an observation i've made.

my 2p's worth ;)





Originally posted by Arnor
Most ppl here are not 7year old fundamentalist christians who's heads will explode if they hear an explitive.



multiple question marks, the true sign of a diseased mind :p

A woman went to a pet shop and immediately spotted a large, beautiful parrot. There was a sign on the cage that read $50.
"Why so little?" she asked the pet store owner.
The owner looked at her and said, "Look, I should tell you first ... that this bird used to live in a house of prostitution, and sometimes he says some pretty vulgar stuff."
The woman thought about this, but decided she had to have the bird anyway. She took it home and hung the bird's cage up in her living room, and waited for it to say something. The bird carefully looked around the room, then it looked at her and said, "New house ... new madam."
The woman was a bit shocked at the implication, but then thought, "That's not so bad."
When her two teenage daughters returned from school the parrot looked at both of them, and said, "New house ... new madam ... new hookers."
The girls were at first a bit offended, but then began to laugh about the whole situation.
She then began to think about how to explain this to Keith, her husband. Moments later, the woman's husband came home from work. Before he had time to close the door, the bird took one look at him and said, "Hi Keith."


This one's for all you ass kissers out there.

Q: What's a hindu?

A: It lays eggs.

Hey when you hear it at 3am after Stella Artois, its gr8 m8 as Clowneh would say.



btw, i use gr8 m8 much the same way i use 1337 and tbh. to act like a dickhead :p

knock knock..


keke cry more n00b, sum1 got pwned, gifv buffs, nerf dis and dat, zergs ruining Emain, suxor.


Funny radio show :)

Lets all be nice to each other!


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